В России повторили эксперимент Андреа Росси

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    В России повторили эксперимент Андреа Росси

    Российский физик Александр Пархомов повторил эксперимент с "низкоэнергетическим ядерным реактором" Росси. У подобного реактора могут быть огромные перспективы, но его коммерческие перспективы до сих пор под вопросом.

    “Only puny secrets need keeping. The biggest secrets are kept by public incredulity.” (Marshall McLuhan)
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  • is a Russian on-line publication (not sure if there is a paper version of it) that publishes articles about high-tech developments around the world. This article is a brief recap of Parkhomov replication experiment that also mentions seminar that took place in Moscow on the 27 of January this year. Couple of points to highlight:
    - according to this publication Parkhomov described his experiment as a simplified replication of the Rossi's E-Cat based on publicly available description, he also emphasizes that he did not invent anything to make this replication successful
    - Parkhomov admits that his replica reactors last up to 90 minutes maximum, unlike 32 days we learned from Lugano Paper regarding latest published E-Cat test results

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