me356: Reactor parameters [part 1]

  • I believe that there are no emmisions, at least with this reactor.
    I am doing constant measurement with 3 detectors (measurement of alpha, beta, gamma, neutrons), including NaI 2x2" scintillator probe (extremely precise) and it is holding around the background level.

    Even that it was not intended for public, I can share one video from excess heat onset.
    The video is of very poor quality. Maybe it will be interesting for you.
    Excess heat onset from 0:15.

    Edited once, last by me356 ().

  • A quick question regarding the experiment. Is the housing made of alumina like previous "Glowstick" experiments or is it stainless steel? I read that steel has an ignition temperature of about 816degC odd. If the reactor was made of steel or had steel components, might not the high initial temperature cause them to ignite and burn?

  • Have you tried putting a fine screen connected to ground around the reactor to capture thermionic electrons coming off the hot reactor? Measure the current flow to ground.

  • GlowFish: This stainless steel chamber is able to operate at 1200°C safely. It can operate at 900°C continuously without any oxidation. I have never had a problem like this.
    Heater is cemented on the alumina tube.
    This issue can be completely excluded as I am able to get excess heat with completely different reactors (made from alumina).

    axil: Not yet. I have just verified that RF noise coming from the reactor is quite intense. Emmision can be shielded with 5mm thick aluminium block by 1/3.
    I am preparing new very sensitive pancake detector for a soft beta radiation measurement.

  • @me356
    I was wondering if the Celani mash up had been integrated with this set up.
    Good to know that the heater doesn't need to be an active nickel system to get something.
    Kanthal is much friendlier in the long term to work with.

  • To throw out question marks,
    * Chemical energy?
    * Released energy in a phase change?
    * inductive heating?

    It sure does look like generated heat in the core.


  • Tarun: Yes, for sure there are many mechanisms how you can do so.
    When you check published patents, you can see at least few ways how to trigger and turn off the excess heat.
    Changing pressure, gas, mixture, electrical stimulation, ionizing source, sonic wave, etc.

    I can say, that with any missing part of the fuel it will not work during the same condition.

    Paradigmnoia: No, no heating element inside. Each reactor type has advantages and disadvantages.

    * Chemical energy? - maybe, but at the temperature that was present everything was decomposed.
    * Released energy in a phase change? - rather no, state of the excess heat can work for long time.
    * inductive heating? - can't be. This is stainless steel, it can't be heated with AC from the heater and with the power that was present. With true induction heater (that I've also tested) it will not heat stainless steel too much at around 50 KHz. You will need much higher frequencies and higher power - but what is really missing is a coil around the area that started to glow.

  • Hi ME356, this looks quite interesting indeed! How do you turn on and off the excess heat, if you kept the temperature the same?
    EDIT: Sorry, I missed the conversation above. You did it by just changing the pressure. I thought temperature was a major trigger. Now pressure is also.

  • Hank Mills: Welcome to the forum.

    First from all I want to say, that I will share all the details, but for now I can't answer each question. I hope that it is understandable.
    Either due to lack of time.

    1. Nickel, Lithium and H2. But different combinations will work. Even trace amount of lithium can be enough.
    3. All and repeatedly.
    6. I believe that LiAlH4 can work in a few ways - you can get stable output. Aluminium is throttling the reaction, especially in a higher temperatures can be benefit. All in all lithium is very reactive and will react with the chamber sooner or later.
    7. I believe that LiH is not needed at all. It can be good to maintain reaction stable (turn it on and off when needed). But similar thing can be done also with LiAlH4 (due to fully reversible reaction).
    8. Li as vapor will work.
    10. Yes, I think so.
    11. Damage and reaction with materials you do not want.
    12. I have not tested it yet, but I am convinced that it will work at least for a few seconds. Especially after some modifications.

    I hope that it can help.

  • When does the RF begin? Does it start along with the excess heat? Are the two things connected? Is there an intense magnetic field produced as per Defkalion?

  • To answer mystery about - how temperature and power can be same at the same time, while excess heat is on and off?
    It is not that easy to simply answer, but it depends on where you measure the temperature - if temperature is measured at the spot, where the fuel is not present, the heater temperature will be virtually not affected. Thus power to the heater will be constant (maintained at the temperature)
    The heater was touching the tube only barely.

    On the other hand, if you are measuring it at the spot where the fuel is, everything will change.

    In my experiments, to make sure that there is no error, I am controlling the reactor by multiple temperature sources (IR, TC) and even by power analyser.
    This will exclude many possible errors.

    Test that was performed yesterday was started just for curiosity, I expected 40% success / 60% fail. But it was success since previously I was unable to get clear excess heat that laster for longer time with this kind of reactor.

    axil: I can't answer it yet, since the issue is more complicated and I have started measurement of RF in 1/3 of the run (when it was more interesting) and it was already present.
    With my other reactors RF is present too and is even stronger and starts to appear with temperatures around 200°C. It is so intense that even scintillator can see it as extremely low energetic gamma peak (or peaks) that are at the specific energies (each reactor has slightly different).

  • Congratulation me! I am very impressed by your skills and greatly thankful for sharing your findings. I wonder if the isotopes of your Li must have a certain amount of Li6 in it to 'bite'?

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