Pathoskeptic banned for one month

  • Majorana, why don't you review my many posts on this forum? I had a hydrogen fusion reactor in operation and posted a protocol. I think Barty and Longview are aware of my contributions. What positive contribution to LENR have you ever made?

  • Majorana, why don't you review my many posts on this forum? I had a hydrogen fusion reactor in operation and posted a protocol. I think Barty and Longview are aware of my contributions. What positive contribution to LENR have you ever made?

    Ogfusionist. It looks like your critical of Majorana here. Majorana is critical of Tyy / Pathosceptic here. Majorana is one of the good guys, interested in practical outcomes as far as I've seen. Thanks, Longview.

    • Official Post

    Majorana, why don't you review my many posts on this forum? I had a hydrogen fusion reactor in operation and posted a protocol. I think Barty and Longview are aware of my contributions. What positive contribution to LENR have you ever made?

    Ogfusionist. It looks like your critical of Majorana here. Majorana is critical of Tyy / Pathosceptic here. Majorana is one of the good guys, interested in practical outcomes as far as I've seen. Thanks, Longview.

    og. Big misunderstanding here!

  • Longview, thanks for tossing me a lifesaver. I was beginning to tread water here. George and entourage may be somewhat formidable but amusing.

    Majorana, sorry for the misunderstanding and do appreciate your contributions. Hydrogen fusion can easily be done with the right reactor. Nothing to do with Rossi et ali. Hope to see it accepted in the economy soon.

  • Time for another ban? Tyy admits on his blog that he is here to troll. And right now, a large part of the new posts on this forum are just his snarky one-liners.

    I hate to falsely accuse anyone especially if they have a different view point than mine. But if Tyy is Timo (based on the profile pic here) and he also frequents the MFMP facebook page then he is not adding anything of value. This is one of the smaller of the web blogs what is the value to your self-esteem to troll it?

    So if this is true the old adage applies -> "As long as you are not saying anything just shut up". People are pretty tolerant of viewpoints here, just try to make a coherent one.

  • It is hard for me to imagine, what Barty and the rest of the childer hope to achieve with cowardly changing my profile without my concent. Hmm.

    Oh. Of course. They like to see me in stocks.

  • &"It is hard for me to imagine, what Barty and the rest of the childer hope to achieve with cowardly changing my profile without my concent. Hmm."

    Try harder at imagining! The achievement would be a simple sayonara.

  • I still have some FibreFrax, but it is 35 years old. It may or may not be the right type. I would suggest instead of messing with mine, try to find a glass blower or kiln repair shop or someone else with access to the product in known current formulation. A small quantity should be cheap. I'm sure you would not want to replicate your own work in a manner that others could not then duplicate.

  • You're right it would be best to use up to date material. Unifrax oel is available as a high melting point substrate and would be fine for this replication. My idea was to supply strips of the material that have been tested as reactor catalysts to anyone requesting material for a replication. This would establish control on an important variable for replication attempts. Unfortunate health problems and old age severely restrict my participation now. Protocol contribution is all that's left for me.

  • I thought about it too. I owe Tyy a "like" or two. But the content of one of his sentences, #3 ... "insane to build reactors...', was unfortunately a bit over the line...

    I like the term "grazy" in sentence #4. Isn't that something that horses get when they graze on seleniferous vegetables? No wait, that's the "blind staggers" .... wait... maybe that was Saturday night.....

    Anyway Tyy is progressing well, although the therapies may need to be adjusted a bit.

  • Ogfusionist wrote:

    You're right it would be best to use up to date material. Unifrax oel is
    available as a high melting point substrate and would be fine for this
    replication. My idea was to supply strips of the material that have been
    tested as reactor catalysts to anyone requesting material for a
    replication. This would establish control on an important variable for
    replication attempts. Unfortunate health problems and old age severely
    restrict my participation now. Protocol contribution is all that's left
    for me.

    Longview writes,

    You know, ogfusionist, that I have paid considerable attention to your protocol. Hopefully everything is written there
    for future reference. Even though I have a bit of FiberFrax and even an outdated tank of hydrogen,
    I am far from settled enough yet to run any experiments. Hopefully you can find someone to help you
    run some experiments there.

    The latest protocol additions were your warnings about sulfur and H2S poisoning the reaction. It is an important detail.
    I believe you used silver wool of some such to scrub the hydrogen gas. I suppose today there are pre-purified 5 or 6 nines
    H2. But,from your indications even that sort of product may have a catalyst-poisoning residue of H2S.

    Anything else you can recall, I will dutifully compile.

  • I feel uneasy posting experimental details on a pathoskeptic thread. How did we manage? Yes, I'm irresponsible.
    Anyway sulfide catalyst poisoning is the killer. I don't mean H2S for Tyy.
    Anyway, it's worth the effort to set up the experiment and witness stellar fusion on a table top. Conventional fire extinguishers aren't effective for the reactor but will work on wood fires and a few should be within reach.

  • Well, I may be a wicked troll. Yes, I think I am.

    But I never lie. I am never delibertaly hishonest. My intentions are not selfish, though I always speak and write only for myself. Nor are my intentions malicious. No matter what, I have nothing to hide.

    And I truly believe fighting woo and pseudoscience is worth it. Always.

    I also truly believe cold fusion/LENR, if real, which I doubt, can never be used as source of energy.

    And that, in my eyes, makes this forum an enemy of rational thinking and honest science. The forum moderators have already demonstrated they are anything but honest, so that's that.

    I feel sorry for them, because I do not hate people. I only hate obviously false, and potentially harmfull ideas. I don't have to mention fraud separately.

  • Yes Timo, you are really a troll.

    What a lame excuse, and "only hate obviously false, and potentially harmfull idea"..... Wow.... :D

    You are not a skeptic, you are a pathological skeptic. Ohh ... that is right ... You are the illustrious manager of the truth site "". So it is self admitted.

    "Enemy of rational thinking". You know, you should take a very good look in the mirror. You are yourself the enemy of rational thinking. But you are so rational, you see the light. Right. Not. I myself have a very good scientific education, and I do not entertain vague notions or accept any unsubstantiated ideas (no doubt you will argue against that). Having been skeptical to AR and LENR from the onset, I found the vast amount of written work on this subject compelling and clearly showing that this field had been very very mistreated. I do seriously doubt that you have taken the time to open minded study the work in LENR over the last 26 years. To me it seem mandatory for a guy that so completely reject something, to have looked at what he rejects, especially if he is to be taken seriously when "fighting woo and pseudoscience".

    And about honesty and hating. You "only hate obviously false, and potentially harmful ideas" . I too hate those ideas. It is just that you are the one standing for them, as your ideas are close minded, group think based, and thus harmful. I certainly do not find you honest. A far cry from it.

    Your bs notion that you are on some mission from a higher power, or from a delusional inner being, to defend the "truth" and engage all foes, "enemies of rational thinking" is laughable. Go write at ECN where people actually may give a damn about your boxed in thinking. Here you are nothing but a nuisance and in the end you will face a permanent ban. But I guess they want to keep you here for a while, so when not even you can deny the overwhelming fact of LENR's validity, we all can laugh at you and point finger.

    @admin: Despite the potential future amusement it may be to thoroughly ridicule Tyy, I seriously recommend him being permanently banned, due to the massive, and disturbing spam of nonsense texts he is contributing, with the soul purpose of advertising his own sites, disturb the forum and offend people.

  • I don't believe you are here to fight "woo, pseudoscience and ideas":

    Quote from Tyy

    Recently, I have been trolling on LENR Forum [1]. Don’t know why, but these guys drive me crazy. Probably it is all that “not even wrong” stuff the site is all about.

    But I gotta give them credit for resilience: I had to turn real nasty until got banned.

    Would suggest you are here to troll people.

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