We know that LENR is dead in the water when Tyy is jumping ship.

Pathoskeptic banned for one month
You mean the buccaneer who has been trying to sink LENR has jumped off? Could be a sign that better money became available from some other trolling enterprise on the ocean of offshore capital. Now perhaps trolling with pesticide or pharmaceutical manufacturers "headquartered" in Panama or another such haven.
If someone paid good money for that level of trolling, they deserve a refund.
&"the ocean of offshore capital"
Why can't something constructive like LENR tap into this source of funding?
Tyy may be into more than he bargained for. Did he jump ship into the Bermuda Triangle? -
Implying that offshore capital has a negative view of LENR is blasphemous and very provocative. How could anyone seriously contemplate this?
Tyy, I do not know what to say. You are obviously able to read. Since we (readers) have an international group of resources here at (Lenr-Forum) your viewpoint gets many perspectives. But time after time you only come to the table with no substance. Bring some thought for discussion or seriously consider giving the Internet a rest. Do you honestly contribute anything to a blog that you are a recognized (at all) in? I mean you are not even a good troll. For the record I am not one to believe in banning. But I do not like noise either. I don't get much time on the web and you are wasting mine.
A jester, court jester or fool was historically an entertainer who during the mediaeval and Renaissance eras was a member of the household of a nobleman employed to entertain him and his guests. A fool was also an itinerant performer who entertained common folk at fairs and markets. These fools are also modern day entertainers who resemble their historical counterparts. They ply there trade on the internet, where they are allowed to perform through the suffrage of their hosts on the digital stage in a ridiculous manner by the site administrator to show how the administrator is tolerant of opposing opinions and outrageous behavior. Fools in medieval times are often thought to have worn brightly coloured clothes and eccentric hats in a motley pattern and their modern counterparts usually mimic this costume. In medieval times fools who oftentimes were misshapen midgets interesting in the degree of their grotesquery entertained with a wide variety of skills: principal ones included songs, music, and storytelling; additional ones included acrobatics, juggling, telling jokes, and magic. Much of the entertainment was performed in a comic style and many fools made contemporary jokes in word or song about people or events well known to their audiences at the expense of their sponsors. Modern day fools entertain using a wide variety of skills drawn from the same bag of tricks involving sarcasm, irritability, rancor, rudeness, sarcasticness, vitriolicism, obnoxious criticism and ill mannered belittlement of their hosts and benefactors. The more things change, the more they are the same.
&"I thought about it too. I owe Tyy a "like" or two."
Longview, No! That's playing into a troll's hands. This one needs a bonzoing. Negative or positive recognition causes a troll to salivate excessively. Look at how far off the LENR track this troll has taken us. I can't recall a constructive post on this forum in a blue moon. I should be winding the heater on my replicate reactor instead of writing this.
&"In medieval times fools who oftentimes were misshapen midgets interesting in the degree of their grotesquery entertained with a wide variety of skills: principal ones included songs, music, and storytelling; additional ones included acrobatics, juggling, telling jokes, and magic. Much of the entertainment was performed in a comic style and many fools made contemporary jokes in word or song about people or events well known to their audiences at the expense of their sponsors. Modern day fools entertain using a wide variety of skills drawn from the same bag of tricks involving sarcasm, irritability, rancor, rudeness, sarcasticness, vitriolicism, obnoxious criticism and ill mannered belittlement of their hosts and benefactors. The more things change, the more they are the same."
At least the troll on this forum doesn't sing but otherwise fits the modern day part.
Can't cheat the reality, even if you are afraid of it.
You will see. But you will never understand it.
You are so right, now you're getting it. You can never be one of us cognoscenti. Be thankful little one, ignorance is bliss.
I would like to make complaint or two.
1. My previous nick "Pathoskeptic" is not accessible to me anymore. No matter, I well deserved the banning.
But I still receive your stupid newsletter, that I cannot cancel. Stop sending the spam.2. I am actually not complaining, but wondering: David/Barty is still deleting my posts for no apparent reason. Not to worry, just mentioning it.
Still curious: what are you afraid of? -
If you write posts that provide value for others, no one will remove the posts. I would like to see more skeptics who can write constructive comments. -
&"I would like to see more skeptics who can write constructive comments."
David, can you give an example of a constructive comment made on this Forum. The comments seem dominated by one pathoskeptic and never seem constructive.
David/Barty keep up the good work deleting the crap so the members won't be burdened have to do it personally.
It would be constructive to see a comment from someone that has actually done a nanoscale hydrogen fusion experiment. I know it's work instead of talk but hopefully someone may have actually done some experimenting.
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