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  • Alan Smith: Making a Difference and Clean Energy Optimism - Solid State Fusion Discovery

    Alan Smith, a leading figure in the International Society for Condensed Matter Nuclear Science, embodies the spirit of innovation and the relentless pursuit of knowledge. His journey into the field of Low Energy Nuclear Reactions (LENR), commonly known as cold fusion, is as unconventional as it is inspiring. Smith's path into science is marked by curiosity, self-taught expertise, and a profound desire to contribute to a sustainable future.

    An Unconventional Path

    Born and raised in the East End of London, Alan Smith's early exposure to science was through practical, hands-on experiences facilitated by his family. The youngest of five, his siblings' experiments and his father's obsession with cars laid the groundwork for his enduring fascination with technology and mechanics. "I left school at sixteen and got a job as a trainee bacteriology technician in Harley Street, which was fascinating. I mean, the lab itself was run on very Edwardian lines. There was a technician there, Wilfred Whittle, who I will never forget because he was a phenomenal mentor." This sparked his lifelong commitment to science.

    Smith recalls this foundational experience, "Everything was done from first principles," a philosophy that would guide his entire career. His knack for improvisation and learning from every opportunity propelled him from one interesting job to the next across various fields, from biotech to industrial chemistry. His work at WR Grace further solidified his expertise in process chemistry, particularly in synthesizing rubber, tying his early experiences with biotechnology to his later interests in energy and materials science.

    "I left school at sixteen and got a job as a trainee bacteriology technician...which was fascinating. There was a technician there, Wilfred Whittle, who I will never forget because he was a phenomenal mentor."

    A Maverick in Cold Fusion

    Smith's entry into the LENR field was driven by his persistent interest in the anomalies and controversies surrounding cold fusion. Despite the skepticism from mainstream science, Smith, fueled by the potential of LENR to transform the energy landscape, established his own laboratory. His experiments have ventured into novel territories, from testing different fuel types like lanthanides and micron-sized powders to pioneering ways to generate electricity directly from LENR cells.

    His most notable experiment involved a setup where a combination of micron-sized powders of cerium and other metals like nickel and cobalt were subjected to high temperatures in the presence of deuterium gas. This setup led to an unexpected and dramatic increase in temperature, suggesting an anomalous heat effect, a hallmark of LENR phenomena.

    Discussing his experimental journey, Smith shared a moment of unexpected discovery, "the temperature alarm on the thermal system went off... and the temperature ended up at 1700 degrees." Such phenomena, elusive and challenging to replicate, exemplify the “Cold Fusion fairy”—his term for the unpredictable nature of LENR. "This is not simple science... In terms of replicating occasionally remarkable phenomena, that's not easy to do."

    However, Smith's work doesn't stop at experimentation; he envisions practical applications that could revolutionize energy consumption globally. His research aims to develop LENR-based heat sources that could one day replace conventional heating elements in household appliances, drastically reducing the electricity consumption and carbon footprint of everyday living. This not only underscores the versatility of LENR technology but also its potential to contribute to sustainable development goals by providing cleaner and more efficient energy solutions.

    Smith's entry into the LENR field was driven by his persistent interest in the anomalies and controversies surrounding cold fusion. His most notable experiment led to an unexpected and dramatic anomalous heat effect, a hallmark of LENR phenomena.

    Vision for the Future of Energy

    Looking forward, Smith is deeply committed to the practical applications of LENR, aiming to make clean, sustainable energy accessible worldwide. He envisions a future where compact and efficient LENR devices could provide essential power to billions without access to electricity. "If you haven’t got any electricity at all, two or three watts is life-transforming," he explains, highlighting the profound social impact potential of LENR technology.

    His current projects include collaborating with Frank Gordon and Harper Whitehouse on the Lattice Energy Converter, a device that aims to harness the direct production of electricity from LENR. Getting this to work commercially is key to achieving Smith’s goal of democratizing energy access and reducing global reliance on fossil fuels.

    This hope for a cleaner, more sustainable world has propelled Smith to push the boundaries of what's possible in condensed matter nuclear science. His story encourages others to rethink conventional energy paradigms–an inspiring model for a new generation hoping to explore the uncharted territories of science. As such, Smith tells me that newcomers need to join the field and revitalize it. "We are vampires. We are the cold fusion vampires. We're looking for fresh blood."

    But, as Smith explained, the field needs another sort of boost - better funding and better public relations. “The biggest challenge that we are facing currently, I think, is the influx of money into hot fusion... and we’re terrible at PR.” Despite these challenges, Smith is optimistic about the future. In his own words, reflecting on the impact of his work, "If there was a heaven... I could say, well, at least I made a difference." His work, he explains, is future-oriented, driven by "the desire to make a difference... for my grandchildren and everything else, to leave the world a better place than it could be." Through his efforts, Alan Smith not only challenges the scientific status quo but also contributes to a legacy that could one day power the world in ways we can barely imagine.

    “The biggest challenge that we are facing currently, I think, is the influx of money into hot fusion... and we’re terrible at PR.” Despite these challenges, Smith is optimistic about the future.

  • "An extensive multi-year experimental study was conducted to investigate the potential production of deuterium from titanium hydride (TiHx) powders subjected to specific thermal cycles. The results reveal an anomaly in the deuterium-to-hydrogen ratios. Mass spectrometry analyses show an increase in deuterium abundance, with three independent methods confirming the excess deuterium. This study was motivated by theoretical predictions suggesting the generation of slow neutrons within metal hydrides when exposed to coherent excitations. Our findings align with direct measurements of neutron emission by TiHx powders under cavitation in liquid water, as recently published by Fomitchev-Zamilov."

    An Experimental Study on Deuterium Production from Titanium Hydride Powders Subjected to Thermal Cycles

    Discussed here RE: Italian Contribution to LENR

  • Somewhat lazy - and inaccurate. But at least it's there.

    Cold Fusion Reignite Dreams Of Clean Energy Without Hot Plasma
    Does Nuclear Fusion Mean Hot Fusion Only? Nuclear fusion is the Holy Grail of energy research. It would deliver massive amounts of clean energy, producing no…

    Cold Fusion Reignite Dreams Of Clean Energy Without Hot Plasma August 8, 2024 Jonathan Schramm is committed to rigorous editorial standards. We may receive compensation when you click on links to products we review. Please view our affiliate disclosure. Trading involves risk which may result in the loss of capital

    History Of Cold Fusion

    In 1989, researchers Stanley Pons and Martin Fleischmann claimed to have achieved cold fusion. Unfortunately, years of trying to replicate the findings by the scientific community have, so far, been unsuccessful, leading to accusations of poor-quality science or even outright fraud.

    The following controversy permanently damaged the image of this concept. This also led to its strong popularity with amateurs, frauds, and un-serious “inventors” unwilling to expose their “discovery” to peer review and scientific scrutiny.

  • Tibbar Plasma Technologies Headquartered In Los Alamos Files Patent For New Type Of Fusion Device

    Tibbar Plasma Technologies Headquartered In Los Alamos Files Patent For New Type Of Fusion Device

    Submitted by Carol A. Clark

    on August 8, 2024

    - 9:42 am

    Tibbar Plasma Technologies, Inc., has filed a patent for a new type of fusion device. The team includes, from left, Illustrator Pam Paine, Dr. Dan Karmgard, Senior Experimentalist Dr. William Gibson, President/CEO Dr. Rick Nebel, Intern Paul Thibodeaux, Senior Plasma Physicist Dr. John Finn and Chief Financial Officer Anthony W. Belletete, CPA. Photo by John McHale/

    Tibbar Plasma Technologies, Inc., (TPTI) headquartered in Los Alamos has filed a patent for a new type of fusion device. TPTI President/CEO Dr. Rick Nebel explained that this is a radical departure from conventional fusion devices in that it uses cold plasmas for fusion rather than hot plasmas. Confinement is also not size dependent, so the size can be small and the physics can be proven at small scale. Experimental results are consistent with the theoretical predictions, he said, adding that a journal article on the device is almost complete and will be submitted for publication shortly. A second publication showing the experimental results is in preparation.

    “In the 47 years that I have worked on fusion, including 30 years at Los ALamos National Laboratory, (LANL, this is the most promising fusion concept that I have seen,” Dr. Nebel said. “Not only does it use cold plasmas, the theory predicts that it should work with aneutronic fuels (i.e. it doesn’t produce neutrons or radiation) which makes it suitable for space propulsion as well as terrestrial power production.”

  • Somewhat lazy - and inaccurate. But at least it's there.…nergy-without-hot-plasma/

    Cold Fusion Reignite Dreams Of Clean Energy Without Hot Plasma August 8, 2024 Jonathan Schramm is committed to rigorous editorial standards. We may receive compensation when you click on links to products we review. Please view our affiliate disclosure. Trading involves risk which may result in the loss of capital

    I added this to the News. Let me know if you think we shouldn't send this out.

  • ExaFuse

    The link describes Th232 alpha decay. being. accelerated from a 13 billion year half-life

    There is a patent application. May 2024. in the Australian 'journal of patents

    "(21) 2024901536(54) Method and Apparatus for the Catalysis of Nuclear Alpha Decay"

    Possibly based on Andras Kovacs experimental inferred result of NH4NO3 acceleration of Th232 decay

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