Media/News/Video Library-No discussions please

    • Official Post

    I caught this proposal by Dr. Dimiter Alexandrov…pment-of-an-lenr-reactor/

    to "The Canadian Association for the Club of Rome (CACOR)"

    IT proposes the developement of a LENR reactor, based on Dr Alexandrov's research.


    Proposed LENR reactor

    The design of the LENR reactor will be based on the apparatus (set up) used to date to obtain the results reported above. In particular:

    1. The reactor will be designed base on the experimental scheme (apparatus) already used for this research;
    2. The operational procedures of the reactor will be based on those developed to date.

    The LENR reactor will be made of several units connected in a way to provide constant output power. Each LENR unit contains an anode and a cathode, in the chamber. The cathode can be made by either metals or metal alloys as indicated previously, or by other solids satisfying the requirements for effective LENR.


  • Article: Google Corporation LENR Energy Patents: History and Skill-Set of the Inventors


    Article begins:


    On February 7th 2019 two LENR technology patents assigned to Google Inc. became exposed/published. They were each filed on the same day a year and a half ago, August 3rd 2017. It’s hard to tell how long Google has had these inventors working on developing this LENR energy technology. At least a few years before the filing date of the patent, let’s say 2014 or earlier.

    Carl Page, brother of the co-founder of Google, has been invested for many years in the LENR company Brillouin Energy, Berkeley CA. Both an investor and active agent, he serves on the Technical Advisory Board and is supportive of their ongoing growth during this important phase, as ‘Brillouin Energy prepares to enter the commercial marketplace’ (press release). . . .

    Smack in the middle of this are several paragraphs from a paper by Schwinger. The rest of the paper is here:

    I have heard rumors that Google is doing more in cold fusion than this article describes.

    Discussed here New USPTO Patent Applications

    Discussed here Google LENR investment 

    • Official Post

    2019 LANR/CF Colloquium at MIT - [Update March 13]

    March 23-24, 2019 Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge MA, USA

    From JET Energy, Mitsubishi, Nanortech, Brillouin, + more

    From America, Poland, Kazakhstan, Estonia, Japan, Canada, and more

    Tentative Speakers/Topics:

    Mitchell Swartz - Welcome, Brief Introduction

    Yasuhiro Iwamura - Recent Advances in Heat Generation Experiments using Nano-sized Metal Composite and Hydrogen Gas

    Francesco Celani - Advanced version of the "Capuchin knot" geometry

    Florian Meltzer - Update on MIT phonon-nuclear coupling experiments

    Mitchell Swartz - Two States Characterize and Control Active CF/LANR Systems

    Brian Ahern - Anharmonic Motion and Magnetic in LANR

    Anthony Zuppero - Applications of the model to experimental data

    Dimiter Alexandrov - Cold Fusion Synthesis of Helium Isotopes in Interaction of Deuterium and of Hydrogen Nuclei with Metals

    Mel Miles - Production of Helium in Cold Fusion Experiments [NAWCWD, China Lake, California]

    Francis Tanzella - Update from Brillouin Energy

    Konrad Czerski - Crystal Lattice Defects and Threshold Resonance of the Deuteron-Deuteron Fusion Reactions at Room Temperature

    Gennadiy Tarassenko - Cold Fusion on the Basis of the Model of the Planet Earth

    Mitchell Swartz - D-Line Emission from Acive CF/LANR Systems

    Vladimir Plekhanov - Experimental study of the strong nuclear interaction via re-normalization

    Peter Hagelstein - Phonon-nuclear coupling, excitation transfer, and applications

    Thomas Dolan - Heavy electron catalysis model.

    John Wallace - Baryon Charge Density

    T.W. Ciarlariello - The Earliest muon catalyzed fusion

    Hideki Yoshino, Tadahiko Mizuno - Clean Planet Updates

    Thomas Grimshaw - LENR Research Documentation Initiative

    Robert Smith, Jr. - Impacts on the Rate of Knowledge in LANR

    Carl Page - Athropocene Institute, Clean Energy and Cold Fusion

    David Nagel, Steven Katinsky - Status of the LENRIA Experiment and Analysis Program (LEAP)

    Ruby Carat - Update from Cold Fusion Now!

    Patent/IP Updates - Mitchell Swartz, Richard Chan

    2019 LANR/CF Colloquium at MIT

    March 23-24, 2019 Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge MA, USA

    • Official Post

    We assumed it was kirkshanahan plugging his own blog. But maybe not. Otherwise, sceptics are welcome here if polite and not trolling, polite trolls however do pose a problem now and then. As that is a link to an external article I see no problem with it, it cites all the usual arguments and overlooks all the usual objections. Same meat, same gravy.

    • Official Post

    seen on ECW open thread, an interesting China's (English) article nor far from Iwamura, in less evolved (maybe an artifact anyway).

    The Detection of K-Ca Transmutation in the Mixture of K and Hydride Chemicals
    LU Gong-xuan REemail.gif, ZHANG Xu-qiang , ZHEN Wen-long
    Abstract: Here, we report the transmutation of K-Ca under the negative hydrogen condition (NaBH4, LiBH4 and NH3BH3) at room temperature. In all reaction systems, the amount of K+ and Ca2+ concentrations were monitored by inductive coupled plasma optical emission spectroscopy (ICP-OES) and inductive coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) techniques. The ICP-OES test results showed that K+ concentration was gradually decreasing, while the Ca2+ concentration was gradually increasing. In addition, by comparing the K and Ca concentrations and their isotopes from the ICP-MS results, we found the increase of 40Ca concentration accompanied by the increasing concentration of 41K in the presence of hydride under our "reaction" conditions, which implying 40Ca formation correlated to 41K.

    • Official Post

    Methematician and Blogger David H. Bailey takes a critical but not unkind look at LENR,…science-or-pseudoscience/

    Sample Quote below.

    A selection of LENR literature

    In an attempt to cast some light on this paradox, the present author has collected a set of 39 recent representative published papers in the field — see the Appendix at the end of this article. These papers: (a) have appeared in some credible, peer-reviewed source within the past five years (except [Levi2014]); (b) present or summarize experimental results, as opposed to purely theoretical studies; and (c) are available online in PDF form. Each entry includes a citation, a PDF link and a brief synopsis. Here are some overall observations:

    • Almost every paper mentions “excess heat” — measured output heat energy exceeding the total energy input. In most cases the excess energy is a few watts, but [Mizuno2017], for instance, reports 1 KWatt and [Parkhomov2016] reports 40 KWatt.
    • Other recorded effects include neutrons, energized particle tracks, ultraviolet emanations and nuclear transmutations, which are characteristics of nuclear rather than chemical processes — see [Mills2018], [Rajeev2017], [Roussetski2017], [Violante2016], [Valay2016], [Mills2015], [Levi2014] and others.
    • Some papers mention specific techniques, such as stimulation by lasers of a certain frequency, that enhance the measured effects — see [Letts2015] for instance.
    • Most experiments use relatively sophisticated equipment, such as mass-flow calorimetry, CR-39 energetic particle detectors and time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometers — see [Mosier-Boss2017], [Roussetski2017], [Kitamura2015], [Swartz2015b], [Aizawa2014], [Rajeev2017] and others.
    • Reproducibility appears to be significantly improved compared to earlier years. For example, [Letts2015] reports excess power in 161 of 170 experimental runs.
    • Most of these researchers appear to be well-qualified. For instance, the SRI International team, led by Francis Tanzella (see [Tanzella2018], [Mosier-Boss2015], [Godes2014], [McKubre2014]) claims 75 person-years of experience in calorimetry experimentation of the type required for these experiments — they are literally the world’s experts.
    • Most papers have multiple authors. [Celani2018] and [Kitamura2017b] each have 15 authors; [Kitamura2018], [Iwamura2017b] and [Kitamura2017a] each have 17.
    • The collection features 119 distinct authors, representing seven different nations (USA, Japan, Italy, Sweden, China, Russia and Ukraine) and 39 different institutions, ranging from universities such as MIT and Kobe University to NASA, the U.S. Navy, China’s Institute of Atomic Energy, Italy’s National Institute for Nuclear Physics and Sweden’s Royal Institute of Technology, as well as several private entities such as SRI International, Nissan Motors, Brillouin Energy and JET Energy.

    From a first look at these papers there does not appear to be any easy way to dismiss them. For the most part, these experiments are meticulously documented and performed with up-to-date equipment; results are carefully recorded and analyzed; and proper attention is paid to reproducibility, all as far as the present author can determine, although he does not pretend to be an expert in this particular discipline.

    On the downside, whereas most of the publications and conference proceedings listed below are peer-reviewed, articles in top-tier journals (e.g., the Journal of the American Chemical Society and the Physical Review journals) are conspicuously missing. Many of these LENR publications are in the Journal of Condensed Matter Nuclear Science, a publication that was formed and is edited by persons in the LENR field. Researchers in the field acknowledge that their work remains stuck in what Cambridge philosopher Huw Price calls a reputation trap, because of its association with the “cold fusion” fiasco. As LENR researcher Michael KcKubre explains [McKubre2016],

  • Quote

    Did the team of researchers rediscovered ether/aether/charge field after more than a century since it was abandoned?

    They actually found nothing instead, axions in particular. There are two models of aether corresponding duality of transverse and longitudinal waves. The first model considers that aether forms sparse thin gas FILLING the space (which thus must be formed by something else or assumed ad hoc). This aether model has been disproved by Michelson-Morley experiment before years and axion field - which would correspond it - was just disproved as well.

    But I'm proponent of luminiferous aether model, which is FORMING the space - not filling it. Such an aether behaves like water surface mediating surface ripples - and this model wasn't disproved by both Michelson-Morley experiment, both by lack of axions observations. This is because dark matter in this model doesn't form any distinct particles which could be detected by peak at energy spectrum - instead of it they represents merely continuous noise background of such an observations.

  • I forgot to mention that with the latest paper by Holmlid and Sindre Zeiner-Gundersen discussed above there is an associated video:…on/332019445_CIMG00373MOV

    I took the liberty of uploading it on a streaming service for easier viewing, but since it has a very low resolution and a non-standard aspect ratio it's best viewed with a media player on a PC advancing one frame at a time (as also suggested in the paper).


    Ultradense particles moving and colliding with the chamber walls.

    From the paper:


    [...] One type of dense matter observation may however be close to continuous H(0). Under the conditions of interest, the vacuum chamber is filled with a visible mist, probably of H(l)

    Rydberg matter. Such a mist is formed after an hour or so of direct laser impact on catalyst pieces with the hydrogen gas pressure in the mbar range. This can be seen in Fig. 16 using D2 gas. Note the visible cloud that scatters the white light generated by the interaction of the IR laser with D(0). It is then also possible to observe small laser-initiated particles glowing with white light for a few seconds in the deuterium atmosphere. They move with a velocity of a few m s-1 and can collide and bounce from surfaces inside the apparatus while glowing continuously. This can be seen in a small video attached with one frame shown in Fig. 17. It is likely that these particles consist of D(0) and that the process giving the white light is the condensation of hydrogen Rydberg matter D(l) onto the particle of D(0), as discussed further below. [...]


    Fig. 16. Photo of the atmosphere in the apparatus after laser running for an hour at a few mbar D2 pressure. An aerosol is observed in the vacuum.


    Fig. 17. This is part a movie Use a program like Apple Quick Time player which makes it possible to step one frame at a time. Laser repetition time 100 ms, each frame is within 1 ms. Light emitting particles move after the laser shot with a few m s-1 during 10-20 ms and collide with the chamber walls, still radiating white. Camera Casio Exilim EX-ZR200 mode HS1000 with 224x64 pixels.

    Furthermore, a press release was also associated with the paper.…ssrelease_2019shortengpdf

    Attached also to this comment.

    Discussed here New Patent Filed by Leif Holmlid

  • "It’s like karate—you deliver a very strong force in a very, very brief moment,”"

    The Russians have good reason to get rid of nuclear waste..

    Alexandr SImakin has good research

    with simple laser technology in the last ten years.

    He uses gold nanoparticles + laser.

    a drawback.. maybe silver would suffice?

    Cesium-137 reduced significantly

    also most importantly Barium 137-m

    decays by non gamma route.

    The effects are not at a practicable level...yet

    Dilute wet solutions probably constitute

    a much higher hazard than burying in the permafrost…loidal_gold_first_results…Vaw3oh0mrUqmfTnueStLkio2t

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