Media/News/Video Library-No discussions please

  • This is his paper on exploding wires -

    Abstract: Experimental results of linear and curved conducting thin wires’ disintegration under high power but low energy electrical discharges are reported. Microscopic origin of the anomalous energy release is traced into the lattice interaction with the strong transient radiation field causing the appearance of a strong Stark effect out of the polarization of the metallic surface. The possible role of the wire curvature is also explored with the resonant transmission line numerical method for the Schrödinger equation.


  • Advanced Propulsion and Energy 2022
    Advanced Propulsion and Energy 2022 January 18 through January 22, 2022 10:00 to ~5:00 Eastern Time Zoom open starting at 9:30 (links below) Agenda Link We…

    Advanced Propulsion and Energy 2022 ; January 18 through January 22, 2022 10:00 to ~5:00 Eastern Time

    Zoom open starting at 9:30 (links below)

    Agenda Link

    We need to take strong action now. The planet is on a rapid course to be less habitable for us and the current biome. We believe there are ideas, technologies and new science that can change the course. Our premise is that there are unexplored, undiscovered, and probably unexpected ways of generating forces and energy. This is based on the fact that there are many fundamental questions yet to be solved in physics, observational data we do not understand, and phenomena we observe and experience that we cannot explain. Given the right conditions, the concerted efforts of a few can change everything.

    We are completely virtual again this year. Perhaps in 2023 we can meet back in Boston and at MIT. We like to think of an environment like an old-fashioned salon where people come and go as they can, and the discussions are real and varied with freedom to speculate and be an explorer. Discussing disparate fields can bring about breakthroughs in understanding, and most importantly refine our questions. We wish to further the work by forming collaborations needed to answer these key questions.

    Tuesday 1/18/2022 Time for action, the power of coherence

    Join our Cloud HD Video Meeting
    Zoom is the leader in modern enterprise video communications, with an easy, reliable cloud platform for video and audio conferencing, chat, and webinars across…

    Wednesday 1/19/2022 Fundamental nature of light

    Join our Cloud HD Video Meeting
    Zoom is the leader in modern enterprise video communications, with an easy, reliable cloud platform for video and audio conferencing, chat, and webinars across…

    Thursday 1/20/2022 “Vacuum” fluctuation forces and energy

    Join our Cloud HD Video Meeting
    Zoom is the leader in modern enterprise video communications, with an easy, reliable cloud platform for video and audio conferencing, chat, and webinars across…

    Friday 1/21/2022 Gravitational forces and transduction

    Join our Cloud HD Video Meeting
    Zoom is the leader in modern enterprise video communications, with an easy, reliable cloud platform for video and audio conferencing, chat, and webinars across…

    Saturday 1/22/2022 Advanced Energy Concepts Challenging the 2nd Law

    Join our Cloud HD Video Meeting
    Zoom is the leader in modern enterprise video communications, with an easy, reliable cloud platform for video and audio conferencing, chat, and webinars across…

    The Saturday session is a Society for Scientific Exploration (SSE) Symposium, hosted by Professor Garret Moddel (UC Boulder) and Professor Dan Sheehan (UC San Diego). In conjunction with the SSE, papers based on all the talks given during the week will be considered for a special issue of the peer-reviewed Journal of Scientific Exploration.

  • Lettre N°29
    Pour 2022
    Jacques Ruer
    L’année 2022 est maintenant engagée. J’espère qu’il est encore temps de vous présenter mes
    meilleurs vœux. Je souhaite à toutes et à tous une excellente année, une bonne santé et
    beaucoup de succès dans tous vos projets.
    Le début d’année est aussi l’occasion de discuter des actions qui la marqueront dans notre
    domaine. On peut d’ores et déjà noter les événements suivants :
    - Conférence internationale ICCF24 du 25 au 28 juillet 2022
    La conférence se tiendra à Mountain View au Sud de San Francisco. Elle est organisée
    par Anthropocene Institute sous la présidence de Carl Page. Nous sommes au cœur de
    la Silicon Valley, non loin de grandes compagnies comme Google dont on connaît
    l’intérêt pour l’énergie LENR (Low Energy Nuclear Reactions). On verra si cette
    proximité géographique aura une influence sur la conférence. Rappelons que Google
    Research a financé des recherches universitaires sur les LENR et publié des premiers
    travaux. Carl Page est un fervent défenseur des LENR car il voit dans celles-ci une
    nouvelle forme d’énergie dont le monde a tant besoin. Ces espoirs sont repris au
    niveau de l’Administration américaine (ARPA-E) qui a organisé une réunion sur le
    sujet en Octobre dernier et s’apprête à lancer une invitation pour la réalisation d’un
    démonstrateur. ICCF24 apportera peut-être une visibilité inédite pour notre science.
    Pour toute information, voir le site de la conférence :
    - IWAHLM-15 - 25 au 29 Septembre 2022
    Ces réunions (International Workshop on Anomalies in Hydrogen Loaded Metals)
    sont organisées par la société ISCMNS (International Society for Condensed Matter
    Nuclear Science) à laquelle notre société SFSNMC est partenaire. La conférence se
    tiendra à Assisi en Italie dans le même hôtel que celui qui avait accueilli ICCF22 en
    2019 et IWAHLM-14 en août 2021. Les réunions en Italie représentent une bonne
    opportunité pour rencontrer nos confrères européens mais aussi d’ailleurs. Le site de la
    conférence est accessible. Vous y verrez le logo de notre société qui se félicite
    d’apporter son soutien :
    - RNBE 2022
    Nos colloques RNBE (réactions Nucléaires à Basse Énergie) se tiennent
    traditionnellement tous les 2 ans. Après RNBE 2020 il est donc temps de penser à un
    colloque RNBE 2022 cette année. Compte tenu du calendrier international il semble
    opportun d’organiser la réunion après les conférences mentionnées ci-dessus, donc cet
    automne. Disons en novembre 2022.
    Cette date tardive permettra de profiter des informations qui auront été collectées
    auparavant. On peut aussi espérer que d’ici-là la pandémie ne sera plus qu’un vilain
    Compte tenu de cette pandémie RNBE 2020 s’était tenu en virtuel. L’inconvénient
    évident était l’absence de contacts directs entre les participants et le manque de
    convivialité. D’un autre côté le nombre des participants n’avait jamais été aussi élevé
    avec notamment des auditeurs allant du Canada à la Russie. Le coût de la participation
    était aussi réduit puisqu’il n’y avait pas d’hébergement ni de restauration à prévoir.
    Faible impact environnemental également puisque pas de voyages. Dans le monde
    post-moderne dans lequel nous vivons désormais une réunion organisée uniquement
    par la présence physique dans un lieu unique risque d’exclure pas mal de participants
    qui apprécient la facilité d’accès et les faibles coûts des réunions par internet. Un
    compromis tentant serait de réaliser un colloque mixte avec la réunion physique des
    personnes qui le souhaitent et un accès virtuel pour les autres. La taille de la salle de
    réunion à prévoir dépendrait du nombre de participants souhaitant être présents. Nous
    avons le temps d’y réfléchir d’ici novembre, mais vos avis sont d’ores et déjà les
    bienvenus. Si vous avez une préférence faites le savoir.
    Bien à vous,
    Jacques Ruer
    Président SFSNMC
    Email : [email protected]

    And in Egnlish.

    Letter No. 29

    For 2022

    Jacques Ruer


    The year 2022 is now underway. I hope there is still time to introduce you to my

    best wishes. I wish everyone a happy new year, good health and

    much success in all your projects.

    The beginning of the year is also an opportunity to discuss the actions that will mark it in our

    domain. We can already note the following events:

    - ICCF24 international conference from 25 to 28 July 2022

    The conference will be held in Mountain View south of San Francisco. It is organized

    by Anthropocene Institute under the chairmanship of Carl Page. We are at the heart of

    Silicon Valley, not far from big companies like Google, which we know

    interest in LENR (Low Energy Nuclear Reactions) energy. We will see if this

    geographical proximity will influence the conference. Remember that Google

    Research has funded academic research on LENRs and published early

    works. Carl Page is a fervent defender of the LENRs because he sees in them a

    new form of energy that the world so badly needs. These hopes are echoed in

    level of the American Administration (ARPA-E) which organized a meeting on the

    subject last October and is about to launch an invitation for the realization of a

    demonstrator. ICCF24 will perhaps bring unprecedented visibility for our science.

    For all information, see the conference website:

    - IWAHLM-15 - September 25 to 29, 2022

    These meetings (International Workshop on Anomalies in Hydrogen Loaded Metals)

    are organized by ISCMNS (International Society for Condensed Matter

    Nuclear Science) to which our company SFSNMC is a partner. The conference

    will be held in Assisi, Italy in the same hotel that hosted ICCF22 in

    2019 and IWAHLM-14 in August 2021. The meetings in Italy represent a good

    opportunity to meet our European colleagues but also from elsewhere. The website of the

    conference is accessible. You will see our company logo there which welcomes

    to support:

    International Workshop on Anomalies

    - RNBE 2022

    Our RNBE (Low Energy Nuclear Reactions) conferences are held

    traditionally every 2 years. After RNBE 2020, it is therefore time to think about a

    RNBE 2022 conference this year. Considering the international calendar it seems

    convenient to organize the meeting after the conferences mentioned above, therefore this

    fall. Let's say in November 2022.

    This late date will make it possible to take advantage of the information that will have been collected

    previously. We can also hope that by then the pandemic will be nothing more than a villain


    Given this pandemic RNBE 2020 was held virtually. Disadvantage

    obvious was the lack of direct contact between the participants and the lack of

    friendliness. On the other hand, the number of participants had never been so high.

    including listeners from Canada to Russia. The cost of participation

    was also reduced since there was no accommodation or catering to be provided.

    Low environmental impact as well since no travel. In the world

    post-modern in which we now live an organized meeting only

    by physical presence in a single place risks excluding a lot of participants

    who appreciate the ease of access and low cost of internet meetings. One

    a tempting compromise would be to hold a mixed symposium with the physical meeting of

    people who want it and virtual access for others. The size of the room

    meeting to be scheduled would depend on the number of participants wishing to attend. We

    have time to think about it by November, but your opinions are already the

    welcome. If you have a preference let us know.

    Good for you,

    Jacques Ruer

    President SFSNMC

    Email: [email protected]

  • This MIT patent is of interest. The patent citation list worth exploring in depth if interested.

    Harold Aspden works of significance cited.

    Consider these thermal management/conversion power production CONCEPTS applicable to advanced energy conversion within the lattice for LENR Electric tech entering the market.

    Apparatus, systems and methods for generating thermopower

    WO2019018093A3 - Apparatus, systems and methods for generating thermopower - Google Patents

  • Michael Clarage of SAFIRE team, Aureon Energy, published in his personal blog some interesting results of transmutation of an AlMg alloy into Iron and Carbon in “explosion domes” during electrolysis experiments. I was really surprised to see this flashback to the early 1990’s with KCl electrolyte and findings of transmutation. You don’t find what you don’t look for:

    Article can be read here:

    Making Iron in 10kV Electrolysis
    27Al + 27Al > 54Fe + 21.8426 MeV ?

    He is also the first person ever to quote Parkhomov tables besides Bob Greenyer.

    Discussed here RE: Safire eyes commercialization within 5 years, with launch of new company Aureon Energy!

    I certainly Hope to see LENR helping humans to blossom, and I'm here to help it happen.

  • These folks are of interest. The lattice/layered manufacturing processes are quite advanced. Advanced understanding of photonics/plasmonics... Metamaterial knowledge absolutely fantastic. A good angle of interface with the art of CMNS.

    My hunch is that some of these folks are watching recent cold fusion developments with deep interest.

    Perhaps talking to each other?

    Now is a good time to do so.

    Call for Papers: International Energy Workshop 2022

    December 15, 2021 LOGO-IEW-comp.jpg© IEW | International Energy Workshop

    The 40th edition of the International Energy Workshop (IEW) will take place from May 25 to 27 2022, in Freiburg, Germany and will be hosted by the Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems ISE. The IEW is a leading conference for the international energy modeling community. In a world of environmental and economic constraints, energy modeling is an increasingly important tool for addressing the complexity of energy planning and policy making. The IEW provides a venue for analysts to compare quantitative energy projections, to understand the reasons for diverging views of future energy developments, and to observe new trends in global energy production and consumption.

  • Reminder...

    Advanced Energy Concepts Challenging the Second Law of Thermodynamics

    An SSE Symposium in conjunction with the 4th Annual  Advanced Propulsion and Energy Workshop on Zoom

    January 22, 2022, 10am - 6pm EST

    10:00 AM – Daniel Sheehan. Beyond the thermodynamic limit: A template for second law challenges

    11:00 AM – Paul Thibado. Graphene induces current in a circuit allowing thermal energy harvesting at a single temperature

    12:00 PM – Germano D'Abramo. Theoretical analysis of thermionic emission as a way to harvest heat energy at a uniform temperature

    12:50 PM – Lunch break

    2:00 PM – James Weifu Lee. Energy renewal: isothermal utilization of environmental heat energy with asymmetric functions

    3:00 PM – George Hathaway. Fundamental issues in energy harvesting

    4:00 PM – Garret Moddel. Extracting zero-point energy: does it violate the second law?

    5:00 PM – Panel discussion: Evidence for violations of the second law

    5:50 PM – Conclusion

  • I am watching this seminar and there are my air gaps, but poor understanding prevents me from listening to everything. This report was made by Martin Taigmar, I really need to see his slides and his publications. Unfortunately they are not available on the internet...

    Нефть - это кровь планеты, надо сделать модель планеты и мы получим генератор Тарасенко, эта энергия покорит вселенную! :lenr:

  • I think Garret Model's presentation will be the most interesting.

    ETA- Tajmar slides available here...

    Experimental Study of the Machian Mass Fluctuation Effect Using a µN Thrust Balance N. Buldrini, K. Marhold, B. Seifert and M. Tajmar Space Propulsion. - ppt download
    Machian Mass Fluctuations ≈ Mass Fluctuation in a Capacitor Capacitor Volume Delivered Power

  • American Energy Innovation Council and ARPA-E DoE

    Scaling Innovation: A Proposed Framework for Scaling Energy Demonstrations and Early Deployment

    Jan 20, 2022
    COUNCIL REPORThero.jpg?auto=compress%2Cformat&q=90&ixlib=imgixjs-3.4.2

    Full Scale Prototypes

    Rapid Deployment

    External Content
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    Through the activation of external content, you agree that personal data may be transferred to third party platforms. We have provided more information on this in our privacy policy.

    Download the report

  • Advanced Energy Concepts Challenging the Second Law of ThermodynamicsAn SSE Symposium in conjunction with the 4th Annual Advanced Propulsion and Energy Workshop on Zoom

    Some of the first few days of this meeting online now- I am hoping the rest will follow...

    Advanced Propulsion and Energy 2022
    Advanced Propulsion and Energy 2022 January 18 through January 22, 2022 10:00 to ~5:00 Eastern Time Zoom open starting at 9:30 (links below) Agenda Link We…

  • Not only LENR progresses:

    Nature paper describes the target and laser designs that achieved a burning plasma at Lawrence Livermore


    A burning plasma state was achieved on November 2020 and February 2021 at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory’s National Ignition Facility (NIF), the world’s most energetic laser.

    The work, which focuses on the designs that led to these results, is featured in the Jan. 26 issue of Nature

    titled “Design of inertial fusion implosions reaching the burning plasma regime,” with LLNL physicists Annie Kritcher and Chris Young serving as lead authors.

    “In these experiments we achieved, for the first time in any fusion research facility, a burning plasma state where more fusion energy is emitted from the fuel than was required to initiate the fusion reactions, or the amount of work done on the fuel,” Kritcher said.

  • 1.3+M$ to boil a gallon of water....monumental

    How much heat is required to boil a gallon of room temperature water?
    Answer: To bring to to a boil? Or to boil it away? Water requires the input of 4.2 KJ to raise each kilogram by 1 degree centigrade. A gallon of water weighs…

    National Ignition Facility experiment puts researchers at threshold of fusion ignition
    On Aug. 8, 2021, an experiment at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory’s (LLNL’s) National Ignition Facility (NIF) made a significant step toward ignition,…

    NIF 1.3 MJ F

  • CSER Public Lecture: Mark Lynas "Don't Look Up: Is Climate Change an Extinction-Level Event?"
    In the movie Don't Look Up, humanity dithers when faced with an extinction-level threat from a comet and is wiped out. Designed explicitly as an analogy for…

    "Don't Look Up: Is Climate Change an Extinction-Level Event

    Online lecture hosted by the Centre for the Study of Existential Risk, Cambridge UK.- free registration.

    In the movie Don't Look Up, humanity dithers when faced with an extinction-level threat from a comet and is wiped out. Designed explicitly as an analogy for what the moviemakers see as our collective lack of response to the existential risk of climate change, how accurate is this comparison? Mark Lynas, the climate author who has recently released an updated version of his award-winning book Six Degrees, reviews the latest evidence as to whether climate breakdown can be considered a planetary-scale extinction threat and whether human civilisation or even humanity as a species it significantly at risk this century.

    Mark Lynas is the author of several books on the environment, including High Tide, Six Degrees, The God Species, Nuclear 2.0 and Seeds of Science. His most recent publication, in June 2020, was ‘Our Final Warning: Six Degrees of Climate Emergency’. This is an entirely new update of the original 2007 Six Degrees which won the prestigious Royal Society science books prize. The original Six Degrees was translated into 22 languages and was also adapted into a documentary broadcast on the National Geographic Channel. He also received the Breakthrough Paradigm Award in 2012.He advises former Maldives president Mohamed Nasheed on climate, and works with the 48-member Climate Vulnerable Forum in this capacity. Mark is currently a visiting fellow with the Cornell Alliance for Science at Cornell University, which engages in pro-science advocacy and research around the world on issues ranging from GMOs to vaccines to climate. He has written for numerous publications, including the New York Times, the Washington Post, the Wall Street Journal, the Guardian and

  • Published: 04 January 2021

    Terahertz strong-field physics in light-emitting diodes for terahertz detection and imaging

    Terahertz strong-field physics in light-emitting diodes for terahertz detection and imaging - Communications Physics
    Interest in the exploration of non-perturbative nonlinear optical phenomena driven by intense terahertz fields has seen a leap forwards with the recent…


    Currently, there is much interest in exploring nonperturbative nonlinear optical phenomena in various types of matter driven by intense terahertz (THz) electric and magnetic fields1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10. This is fueled by the impressive advancements made during the last two decades in the development of femtosecond laser-based table-top sources for strong THz radiation11,12,13.

    These intense THz electromagnetic fields have been utilized 14,15,16,17,18 to efficiently accelerate and manipulate electrons to extreme degrees, advancing the frontiers of both the technology and science of nonlinear THz-matter interactions.

    For example, acceleration of relativistic electron bunches in free space is promising for the realization of next-generation table-top particle accelerators and compact X-ray sources.

    In solids, electrons have been excited and accelerated by strong THz fields, leading to an ultrafast phase transition19, interband tunneling and impact ionization20, exciton generation, and fluorescence21.

    These groundbreaking studies have stimulated much excitement in diverse fields of photonics, materials science, and condensed matter physics, requiring further sophistication and advancement of intense-field THz technologies.

    However, what is strikingly absent in this context is a convenient detector for intense THz radiation. Currently available detectors are bulky and/or expensive, often requiring liquid nitrogen or liquid helium, and are usually very slow in response. Fast, sensitive, small, inexpensive, and room-temperature-operating detectors and cameras for intense THz radiation are being sought.

    Here, we report that one of the most commonly available semiconductor devices around us, light-emitting diodes (LEDs), serve this purpose. That is, these inexpensive, ordinary devices work very well for detecting and imaging THz radiation. We observed a gigantic photovoltaic signal when such LED devices were illuminated by strong-field THz pulses.

    This observation presents us a rare opportunity to explore the fundamental science of the ultrafast response of electron-hole pairs in a semiconductor device induced by strong-field THz pulses.

    More importantly, this work demonstrates that these room-temperature operating, inexpensive LEDs are promising for developing next-generation THz detectors, cameras, and functional devices.

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