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  • Lewis Larsen is another LENR worker that has recently passed. Larson came up with the polariton causation of LENR which I also beleive. He had a great influence on NASA and might have inspired the decades long NASA's belief in the polariton as a primary cause of the LENR reaction. Now that Larsen is gone, the polariton theory has been discarded by NASA. This theory is now forgotten LENR history and is in danger of loss.

  • Well, but you could highlight it once again here, thank you.

    Lewis Larsen est un autre travailleur du LENR récemment décédé. Larson a proposé la causalité polaritonique de LENR que je crois également. Il a eu une grande influence sur la NASA et a peut-être inspiré pendant des décennies la croyance de la NASA dans le polariton comme cause principale de la réaction LENR. Maintenant que Larsen est parti, la théorie du polariton a été rejetée par la NASA. Cette théorie est maintenant oubliée de l'histoire de la LENR et est en danger de perte.

  • Michael Staker Temperature changes crystal structure ,, stops LENR


    ConclusionsThe sudden forced temperature change during electrolysis ofPd (0.5 M LiOD in heavy water) from ~82.5 C to ~ 0 C whileproducing 240 W/cm3 excess power and continuous excessheat of 150 MJ/cm3 (14 000 eV/atom of Pd) resulted in a totalloss of excess power; and indicates the regions of the micro-structure of ordered superabundant vacancy (SAV) phasetransformed from d to ordered superabundant vacancy d0. Thed phase is responsible for producing excess heat and powerwhile the d0 phase produces no excess heat or power. Deute-rium in the d phase occupies the octahedral sites, but it oc-cupies tetrahedral sites in the d0 phase. Delta and delta primeare minor (from a volume fraction perspective) SAV phaseswith previously estimated [14] volume fractions in the two-phase microstructure of approximately 0.03 and 5.0 percentfor d and d0, respectively. This evidence of termination ofexcess power supports indications in the literature of such atransformation.

    (19) (PDF) The role of superabundant vacancy delta to delta prime transformation in stopping Fleischmann-Pons heat effect in palladium-deuterium. Available from:…ct_in_palladium-deuterium [accessed May 18 2023].

  • Uranium Market Update

    Bank Of America Sees Uranium Price Surge: Analysts at Bank of America estimated that the price of uranium would hit $75/lb by the third quarter of 2024, up from around $53-$54/lb today. In a report BoA said both uranium and nuclear power have a role to play in solving the problems of decarbonisation and energy security. BoA mining analyst Michael Widmer said 60 new reactors are under construction and 100 more approved, and uranium supply will lag demand. Widmer said subsequent shortages will push the uranium price higher by between 20% and 40% in the “relatively near future”. China's drive to increase its nuclear power capacity is a key element of BoA’s optimistic outlook with the bank saying Beijing is looking to build 150 new reactors by 2035 Another factor has been Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, which underscored European nations’ dependence on Russian natural gas and increased the need for national energy security.

    But we will not be able to make the most of the fantastic potential of nuclear energy with steampunk steam turbines. This is why we are working on new methods of energy conversion.

  • An essay from a researcher affiliated with an MIT team that was awarded some of the ARPA funding. Gives his view of CF history. In his opinion, excess heat is not the most compelling evidence for CF. Instead, he says focus on observations that indicate nuclear reactions and pins his hopes on an "irrefutable reference experiment".

    Fusion Runs Hot and Cold
    The Breakthrough Institute is an environmental research center based in Berkeley, California. Our research focuses on identifying and promoting technological…

    Discussed here RE: ARPA-E LENR funded projects news and updates

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    This one has been around for a while, discussed here at LENR-Forum around 2017

    I certainly Hope to see LENR helping humans to blossom, and I'm here to help it happen.

  • Kishida appointed to Clean Planet Japan as advisor

    Kishida Laboratory Toppage

    Kishida has been 'onboard ''for a few years

    Chemical engineering, catalysis expertise Fukuoka

    The CP loose network appears to be spread over Japan.

    Tohoku,Nagoya Kyushu

    latest relevant publication

    A Study of Sustained Heat Generation from Pd-Ni-Zr Alloys in Hydrogen from the Viewpoint of Hydrogen Absorption, Y. Sato, M. Uchimura, K. Oshima, T. Yamamoto and M. Kishida, J. Condens. Matter. Nuclear Sci., in press.

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    This new presentation of Bob Greenyer finally reveals who was the person known as LION, who passed away past April 4th, and many things about him that I was completely oblivious to. Perhaps the most shocking to me at least is that LION was an acquaintance of Brian Josephson and they had been discussing plans to perform an experiment based on the LION reactor at Cavendish Labs.

    I certainly Hope to see LENR helping humans to blossom, and I'm here to help it happen.

  • Low Energy Nuclear Reactions (LENR) -

    Exploring the Potential of Low Energy Nuclear Reactions (LENR) in Modern Energy Production

    Low Energy Nuclear Reactions (LENR) have been a subject of significant interest and debate within the scientific community for several decades. This emerging field of research has the potential to revolutionize the way we produce and consume energy, offering a cleaner, safer, and more sustainable alternative to conventional nuclear power. As the global demand for energy continues to grow, the development of innovative and efficient energy production methods is more important than ever. In this context, LENR represents a promising avenue for further exploration and investment.

    The concept of LENR is rooted in the phenomenon of cold fusion, which was first proposed in the late 1980s by electrochemists Martin Fleischmann and Stanley Pons. They claimed to have observed the production of excess heat and nuclear byproducts during an electrochemical experiment, suggesting that nuclear reactions could occur at room temperature. This idea challenged the prevailing understanding of nuclear fusion, which typically requires extremely high temperatures and pressures to overcome the electrostatic repulsion between atomic nuclei. However, their findings were met with skepticism and controversy, as many researchers struggled to reproduce the results.

    Despite the initial skepticism, a growing body of experimental evidence has emerged in recent years, supporting the existence of LENR and its potential applications in energy production. Researchers have reported observing various nuclear signatures, such as the production of helium, tritium, and excess heat, under low-energy conditions. These findings have led to the development of several theoretical models to explain the underlying mechanisms of LENR, including lattice-assisted nuclear reactions, Bose-Einstein condensation, and quantum tunneling.

    One of the most appealing aspects of LENR is its potential to provide a virtually limitless source of clean energy. Unlike conventional nuclear power, which relies on the fission of heavy elements like uranium and plutonium, LENR is believed to involve the fusion of lighter elements such as hydrogen and nickel. This process produces significantly less radioactive waste and poses fewer safety risks, making it a more environmentally friendly and sustainable option for energy production. Additionally, the raw materials required for LENR are abundant and inexpensive, further enhancing its appeal as a potential energy source.

    Another advantage of LENR is its potential for decentralized energy production. Conventional nuclear power plants are large, complex, and expensive to build and maintain, requiring significant investments in infrastructure and expertise. In contrast, LENR devices could be designed as small, modular units that can be easily deployed and scaled to meet local energy needs. This flexibility would allow for a more resilient and adaptable energy grid, reducing the reliance on centralized power plants and transmission lines.

    Despite the promising potential of LENR, there are still many challenges and uncertainties that must be addressed before it can become a viable energy source. The field has been plagued by inconsistent experimental results and a lack of standardized testing protocols, making it difficult to establish a clear scientific consensus on the underlying mechanisms and reproducibility of LENR phenomena. Additionally, there is a need for more rigorous peer-reviewed research and investment in the development of advanced materials and technologies to enable practical applications of LENR.

    In conclusion, Low Energy Nuclear Reactions represent a promising frontier in the quest for clean, sustainable, and decentralized energy production. While the field has faced significant challenges and skepticism, recent experimental findings and theoretical advancements have reignited interest in the potential of LENR as a transformative energy source. As the global demand for energy continues to grow, it is essential that we continue to explore and invest in innovative technologies like LENR to ensure a more sustainable and secure energy future.

  • Depressing article about ITER:


    World’s Largest Fusion Project Is in Big Trouble, New Documents Reveal

    The International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) is already billions of dollars over budget and decades behind schedule. Not even its leaders can say how much more money and time it will take to complete

    By Charles Seife on June 15, 2023

    It could be a new world record, although no one involved wants to talk about it. In the south of France, a collaboration among 35 countries has been birthing one of the largest and most ambitious scientific experiments ever conceived: the giant fusion power machine known as the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER). But the only record ITER seems certain to set doesn’t involve “burning” plasma at temperatures 10 times higher than that of the sun’s core, keeping this “artificial star” ablaze and generating net energy for seconds at a time or any of fusion energy’s other spectacular and myriad prerequisites. Instead ITER is on the verge of a record-setting disaster as accumulated schedule slips and budget overruns threaten to make it the most delayed—and most cost-inflated—science project in history. . . .

  • Sharing here an open access paper of a rather unorthodox nature, about "spin supercurrents" but nevertheless posting it here because even Preparata delved in these strange waters, and LENR is mentioned by the author as one of the manifestations. She has published about LENR before, is not an experimentalist but a theoretician.


    Background: This work aims to show that the process of transfer of angular momentum -

    spin supercurrent - may provide the fulfillment of the fundamental law of ecology: “Everything is

    connected to everything else”.

    Results: The conducted investigations are based on the following properties of spin

    supercurrent: the equalization of the characteristics of interacting objects’ spins; dissipation-free;

    inertia-free (it is not accompanied by the emergence of kinetic mass); superluminal speed (there

    is no contradiction with Special Relativity, as Special Relativity postulates the speed limit only for

    an inertial process).

    The spin supercurrent emerges between virtual photons having a spin and being created

    by quantum objects of different types: living and non-living, electrically charged and neutral,

    magnetized and non-magnetized, having non-zero rest mass and having zero rest mass (such

    as photons).

    Conclusion: It is shown in this work that the properties of spin supercurrent may determine

    the following phenomena in ecology: the mimicry of animals and plants; the contactless (without

    living pathogenic microorganisms) spread of epidemics; the influence of the terrain relief on

    the population longevity; the use of water as information matrix; the stabilization of energy in

    the Earth’s core. Since the spin supercurrent possesses such properties as dissipative-free,

    superluminal speed, the non-electric and non-magnetic nature, it may perform interaction

    (quantum teleportation) of quantum objects between the Earth and Cosmic bodies. Thus, the

    extension of the biosphere’s border to Outer Space is possible.

    I certainly Hope to see LENR helping humans to blossom, and I'm here to help it happen.

  • Groundwater loss changed Earth’s tilt

    Humans have pumped enough water from underground reservoirs to shift Earth’s geographic North Pole at a speed of 4.36 centimetres per year. The motion of atmospheric masses and water masses during seasonal changes causes the planet’s poles to naturally wobble by up to several metres every year. But to fully explain how much the axis has tilted between 1993 and 2010, human-made groundwater shifts have to be taken into account. More than 2 trillion tons of water were depleted from underground reservoirs during that time, particularly for irrigation in northwestern India and western North America.

    Nature | 4 min read

  • Another great video from Gareth (See The Pattern) on Youtube. This time we zoom in on the electron, aether and Lorentz.

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