Generator Tarasenko based on the model of the planet Earth

  • С гелием M2U00579
    На следующем фильме будет огонь на выходе реактора

    С гелием M2U00570
    Интересное пламя.

    Огонь хорошо видно возле реактора, откуда он взялся, если я закидывал только гелий. Скрипы были в самом реакторе.

    Нефть - это кровь планеты, надо сделать модель планеты и мы получим генератор Тарасенко, эта энергия покорит вселенную! :lenr:

  • Гелий M2U00581
    Прокачивали гелий, вначале горел гелий или остатки пропана, не понятно.

    Электрические работы M2U00582
    Дуга сильная появилась, не отключил трансформатор.

    Закачал гелий M2U00583
    гелий закачал, надо было его закрутить, но ни чего не получилосью

    I pumped helium until I could not turn the zipper.I went to Astana for a visa, I have an appointment on July 1, so we will wait for a good thing, it's time to go to the Selikon Valley.

    Закачал гелий, пока закрутить молнию не смог.Поехал я в Астану за визой, 1 июля у меня прием, так что будем ждать хорошее дело, пора ехать в Селиконовую долину.

    Нефть - это кровь планеты, надо сделать модель планеты и мы получим генератор Тарасенко, эта энергия покорит вселенную! :lenr:

  • Закачали гелий M2U00584
    Был закачан гелий, во втором фильме он выстрелил, посмотрите хорошо, там все видно.

    Был закачан гелий M2U00585
    Пробило реактор гелием, интересный фильм получился. Если бы гелий не пробил реактор, могло закрутиться шаровая молния.

    Закачал гелий M2U00586
    Гелий рабил мой реактор, начал пропускать газ, до этого был хлопок, посмотрите фильм, очень интересно.

    В этих фильмах хорошо видно как пробился реактор, он стал пропускать гелий, видно взрывы и выпуск пара через затрубье, видно было туман, посмотрите.

    Нефть - это кровь планеты, надо сделать модель планеты и мы получим генератор Тарасенко, эта энергия покорит вселенную! :lenr:

  • Закачали гелий M2U00587
    Гелий оказывает на меня воздействие , сплю много. Так что надо меньше глатать гелий.

    Закачали гелий M2U00588
    Поставил новый реактор с гелием. В реакторе закоротили разрядники, идет слабый выброс энергии и и это хорошо видно на самом фильме, когда делаем замыкание на...

    Закачали гелий M2U00589
    Появилась синяя плазма, при выключении напряжения работали 8 секунд, это уже хорошо. Гелий оьладает космическими действиями, которые испытывали на мышах . Br...

    Появилась синяя плазма, работал 6 секунд без напряжения. Уже повтор получился...

    Нефть - это кровь планеты, надо сделать модель планеты и мы получим генератор Тарасенко, эта энергия покорит вселенную! :lenr:

  • Review of Gennadiy's paper in a more readable (perhaps) format. (Alan)

    The main object of the proposed project is to develop a technology for the transformation of reservoir fluids in the Earth's crust with the formation of plasmoids (ball lightning), as well as the production of ball nodules and areas with unique geological properties and the development of an alternative methods of energy production for the Republic of Kazakhstan. The scientific novelty of the proposed project is to create new methods of energy production based on electrical and plasma data on the structure of the planet earth and to reduce the intensity of hydrocarbon production. In the given project some of the items are not clear how to accomplish this. From the point view of industrial production, some of the items needs additional explanations. From this point of view, it is not easy to say that object of the project and the approaches explains the novelty and importance of the proposed project. On the other hand, the literature proposed in the project is partially new and relevant This project is vey highly novel and prepresents a fully new approach to address to characterise the Earth´s deep core. Beyond the simple idea there is basically very little literature on this subject and it would be considered a excessively unconventional idea to describe the Earth´s interior. This is "thinking outside the box" carried to the extreme. The proposal contains a number of unproven statements concerning the earth's structure, the physical processes to be study, the formation of mineral nodules, the production of plasma at low temperature, etc. Scientifically, the foundation of the project are weak to say the least.

    Since the constant use of organic fuels leads to global climate change and environmental pollution, it is necessary to constantly look for new sources and methods of energy production. One of the types of alternative energy is plasma energy, which can serve as the basis for the creation of a new type of generators. To perform such a new research modern laboratory facility is required. At the same time, spectral and chemical analyses are required. From this point of view and it can be concluded that the project corresponds to the global trends but to accomplish the projects new research facilities, equipment’s and special experiments are required. On the other hand, hypotheses, ideas and expected results of the research seems promising. In the project, it is proposed to publish at least two articles or reviews in peer-reviewed scientific journals that are indexed in the Web of Science (WoS), as well as 1 article or review in a peer-reviewed foreign or domestic journals. It is extremely unlikely that the declared research goals are of any relevance for the interior of the Earth. The case is made insufficiently that there is any evidence to suggest the contrary. The scientific problems that the projct claims to be able to solve are potentially interesting, and they follow global trends in terms of energy and environment interactions. However, the hypotheses, ideas and expected results of the research are totally unproven, and based on personal speculations, that do not find any evidence in internationally recognised publications. In this respect, the publication plan of the project is also over-ambitious, also compared to the very poor publication record of the proponent.

    2 Качество и реализуемость исследовательского плана 2 In general, the proposed research program is well substantiated from the point view of formulating the aims and objectives of the project. In the proposed project, the methods and approaches correspond to the objectives and expected result. But to accomplish the projects new research facilities, equipment’s and special experiments are required, which is not rational with the required budget. Given the likely irrelevance to the Earth´s interior the research problem is not well substantiated. The quality of the research plan is definitely poor. There is no clear description of the intended experiments, and only vague statements are provided. The research problem is not substantiated, if not in very general terms. The applicant is extremely confusing in formulating the aims, objectives and hypotheses of the research plan. The hypotheses made are largely unrealistic.

    For the successful implementation of the project, advanced technologies for calculating, designing and manufacturing is required. The proposed project involves the development of electrical technology for modeling processes in the earth's crust that lead to the formation of hydrocarbons and nodules. If they follow the above-mentioned approaches and sequence, it can be concluded that there may be a consistency between research questions and data collection methods. The project will comply with the principles of scientific ethics, in particular, high standards of intellectual honesty and will not allow falsification and fabrication of scientific data, plagiarism, false co-authorship, use by individual participants of collective research, data and conclusions obtained in research, without the consent of other participants. During the research, the participation of animals and humans is not planned. Given the likely irrelevance to the Earth´s interior the research methodology is also irrelevant. The methods proposed in the study are not fully described, to the point that is is impossible to judge whether the methods and approaches used correspond to the goals, objectives, hypotheses and expected results, which in turn remain totally undefined. Initial data are not well described. No clear consistency exists between research questions and data collection methods. The experiments are not planned at all, just sketched as mere statements. No issue of prevention of plagiarism, falsification, and fabrication of data, false co-authorship, and the assignment of results is mentioned in the proposal. No issue exists in terms of experimental studies on animals and humans.

    The project owners expect to receive results will be disseminated to potential consumers both in the Republic of Kazakhstan. The applicability of the expected results lies in the use for predicting the results of the process. The research plan is competitive and there seems financial risk to accomplish the project successfully. In the project, it is thought that the scientific results will be presented in the form of scientific publications. Given the likely irrelevance to the Earth´s interior the achievability of results is irrelevant. The project is very unlikely to achieve the expected results, particularly as the results themselves are very vague and over-ambitious. The research results, if any, are likely not to be accepted for publication in the journals indicated in the application.

    3 Ожидаемые результаты и их значимость 2 In the proposed project, the project budget is distributed by the project supervisor in accordance with the work plan and cannot be directed to other items of expenditure not related to this project. In order to effectively used the budget; salaries, purchase of materials, equipment and/or software, operating costs of equipment and machinery, scientific and organizational support cost, business trips and labor remuneration are the main estimated costs which is consolidated and justified for expected project results. Business trips shows all expenses related to business trips within and outside the Republic of Kazakhstan. Every year, business trips are planned to Almaty and Nur-Sultan to participate in conferences, seminars, symposiums, as significant conferences are held in these cities. There may also be business trips related to conducting research and buying the necessary material for research. Given the likely irrelevance to the Earth´s interior the costs are not justified. The expected results, that are only given in extremely general terms, are totally unlikely to be achieved, no matter what the funding request might be.

    The project is dedicated to the research and development of electrical technology for modeling processes in the earth's crust that lead to the formation of hydrocarbons and nodules. A study of the effect of high-voltage electrical discharges on the physicochemical characteristics of the fluids and rocks under study will be conducted, and a technology for modifying fluids and rocks using electrical discharges in a special reactor will be developed. In the reactor for the implementation of EMF, liquid waste is rotated and a high-voltage electrical voltage is obtained on the stator. In the course of the research, the physicochemical characteristics of the studied fluids and rocks will be studied in order to determine their electrical properties and obtain plasmoids (artificial ball lightning) in the reactor. The results obtained will be used to create new methods of energy production based on electrical and plasma data on the structure of the planet Earth and to reduce the intensity of hydrocarbon production. The composition of the research group is selected from among young scientists (doctoral students, undergraduates and bachelors) with one research direction and interests. At the same time, it is planned that the results of the work will be disseminated among potential users, the community of scientists and the general public with advertising booklets, publications of articles, patents and appeals to the media. Given the likely irrelevance to the Earth´s interior the results will have no significance. The results sketched in the proposal are over-ambitious as they address general needs of mankind (such as need for energy sources). It is impossible to judge whether results might be competitive against existing technologies, as the hypotheses at the basis of the proposal are unsubstantiated.

    4 Компетентность и научный задел исследовательской группы 2.67 The scientific supervisor / advisor has experience working with modern equipment and conducting research in the field of geo-electricity. At the same time, the scientific supervisor will cover the implementation of project management, work planning, signing contracts, making report and writing scientific articles. His h-index is zero, published articles in leading international peer-reviewed scientific journals including in the topic area of the project. The track record of the project manager is weak. The PI has no publication record (H index = 0). This is an indication of a lack of solid scientific background.

    In general, the composition of research group is well defined and description of the research environments allow to evaluate its compliance with the research plan in a right way. The direct executors of the project are university employees who have experience in managing and conducting research and have close ties with production. Scientific composition of the research group for conducting the proposed research and the role and responsibilities (collection of literature, analysis and generalization of data, conducting experiments, industrial tests etc.…) of each member is well defined in the project in order to follow and accomplish the goal, objectives, expected results. To perform such research project, they need modern physicochemical methods will be used: IR spectroscopy, CHSN-element analysis, X-ray diffraction and microscopic analysis, etc. V. Bychkov, PhD, has extensive experience in independently planning and conducting theoretical work in the field of plasma, plasma aerodynamics, plasma chemical modeling and research of heterogeneous reactions; as well as analyzing the data obtained in experiments will participate the project as a foreign scientist Given likely irrelevance to the Earth´s interior the quality of the research team is also irrelevant. The only member of the research team who has an acceptable publication record (albeit not exciting given the area of research) is Dr. Bychkov, who is by the way a foreign co-investigator from Moscow. The team overall is not well balanced, and even the place of work of the team is not clearly stated.

    The material and technical base of the research group for conducting research on this project is quite satisfactory. Specialized laboratories equipped with basic laboratory equipment, computers and peripheral. Laboratories are equipped with basic and principal equipment’s such as; centrifuge, viscometer, hydrometer, evaporator, pycnometer Each member of the research team has the skills to use confidently all the available equipment needed to carry out the research project. On the other hand, foreign business trips are planned for consultation and analysis, industrial tests, monitoring of test results, etc.. Given likely irrelevance to the Earth´s interior the availability of resources and access to infrastructure is irrelevant. The research plan indicates that the work is mainly experimental, and shall be conducted at the Caspian University of Technology and Engineering. However the request for very basic pieces of equipment indicates that the existing local infrastrucure is very poor for the project at hand.

    5 Междисциплинарность проекта 1 The project is interdisciplinary in terms of ensuring cooperation between broad scientific fields, an interdisciplinary approach is fully justified in the application and is necessary to achieve the goal of the project. Given likely irrelevance to the Earth´s interior the multidisciplinarity of the project is irrelevant. the project is interdisciplinary, but the approach presented in the application is not sufficiently substantiated or does not fully meet the project objectives, or the interdisciplinary approach is assumed in terms of the interaction between narrow scientific fields.

    Итоговый балл 10.66 Сумма общих баллов по всем вышеуказанным критериям оценки.

    Обоснованность запрашиваемого финансирования Based on the main quantitative parameters of the application amount of funding requested by the applicant corresponds to the significance of the project and the actual amount of funds needed to achieve its goal and expected results. Given the likely irrelevance to the Earth´s interior the requested funding is not justified. The funding requested in adequate in terms of the number of researchers to be employed, but is totally inedequate for the apparently very ambitious nature of the project itself.

    Соответствие приоритетному направлению The name of the priority direction of the development of science for which the application is submitted. 3. Geology, extraction and processing of mineral and hydrocarbon raw materials, new materials, technologies, safe products and structures. The name of the specialized scientific direction for which the application is submitted, the type of research. 3.2 Research in the field of earth sciences. Given the likely irrelevance to the Earth´s interior the compliance with any priority area is irrelevant. The project could be well correspoding to the proposed priority area, but it is not justified in terms of its scientific hypotheses.

    Сильные стороны Well-prepared project. The composition of the research group, research environment and justification of the requested funding are the strengths of the proposed project. Given the likely irrelevance to the Earth´s interior this proposal has no relevant strengths. The project is only pointing at high level goals (too high) with no solid bakground.

    Слабые стороны Type of the journals that they are going to publish their research findings. I propose them to publish their research findings only in Web of Science (WoS) Q1 or Q2 journals. This proposal is likely irrelevant to the topic for which it has been written to address. The weaknesses of the project lie in its unsubstantiated scientific hypotheses.

    Нефть - это кровь планеты, надо сделать модель планеты и мы получим генератор Тарасенко, эта энергия покорит вселенную! :lenr:

  • заполнили гелием M2U00591
    Разряды интересны, надо увеличить газовые разрядники.

    С гелием M2U00590
    Хорошие разряды, но синяя плазма появляется многда.

    Интересное свечение, но синей плазмы не было...

    Нефть - это кровь планеты, надо сделать модель планеты и мы получим генератор Тарасенко, эта энергия покорит вселенную! :lenr:

  • Good job. It is true that the assumptions of Gennadiy Tarasenko are bold and not prouved, but we are facing global threat to justify to try all the ways, even the more unconventional one in order to save the planet.

  • Гелий не качал M2U00592
    Залил старый раствор, статор напряжен и дает искру на земле, я сфоткал еще в тот раз. Значит растворенный конкреции в нем дали такое напряжение, я не знаю, к...

    Залил старый раствор, статор напряжен и дает искру на земле, я сфоткал еще в тот раз. Значит растворенный конкреции в нем дали такое напряжение, я не знаю, какой там зазор в реакторе. Я думаю надо давать напряжение, что бы получить конкрецию в реакторе, но ее не хватает, надо будет поддать каким то образом, скорее разводить шаровые воздушные разрядники. завтра посмотрим.

    Tr. (Google)

    I filled in the old solution, the stator is tense and gives a spark on the ground, I took a picture at that time. So the dissolved nodules in it gave such a voltage, I don’t know what kind of gap there is in the reactor. I think it is necessary to give voltage in order to get a concretion in the reactor, but it is not enough, it will be necessary to succumb in some way, rather to breed ball air dischargers. we'll see tomorrow.

    Нефть - это кровь планеты, надо сделать модель планеты и мы получим генератор Тарасенко, эта энергия покорит вселенную! :lenr:

  • Гелий не заливал M2U00593
    Залил старый раствор, статор напряжен и дает искру на земле, я сфоткал еще в тот раз. Значит растворенный конкреции в нем дали такое напряжение, я не знаю, к...

    Гелий не заливал M2U00594
    Залил старый раствор, статор напряжен и дает искру на земле, я сфоткал еще в тот раз. Значит растворенный конкреции в нем дали такое напряжение, я не знаю, к...

    ((Continued) I filled in the old solution, the stator is tense and gives a spark on the ground, I took a picture again that time. So the dissolved nodules in it gave such a voltage, I do not know what the gap in the reactor is. I think it is necessary to give voltage in order to get competition in the reactor, but it is not enough, it will have to be applied in some way, rather to breed ball air arresters. we'll see tomorrow.

    (Прордолжение) Залил старый раствор, статор напряжен и дает искру на земле, я сфоткал еще в тот раз. Значит растворенный конкреции в нем дали такое напряжение, я не знаю, какой там зазор в реакторе. Я думаю надо давать напряжение, что бы получить конкрецию в реакторе, но ее не хватает, надо будет поддать каким то образом, скорее разводить шаровые воздушные разрядники. завтра посмотрим.

    Нефть - это кровь планеты, надо сделать модель планеты и мы получим генератор Тарасенко, эта энергия покорит вселенную! :lenr:

  • Без газа M2U00595
    Включил без газа, никаких всплесков не было, смотрим дальше...

    Раздвинул разрядники до 4 киловольт, стреляет нормально, без газа.

    Нефть - это кровь планеты, надо сделать модель планеты и мы получим генератор Тарасенко, эта энергия покорит вселенную! :lenr:

  • Gregory Byron Goble

    Thank you, you have done a good job in the magazines, I am very glad of such attention to me. At many conferences, participants watched my nodules on my post, and finally, with my silence, I received a good impulse from Carl Page, he understood what it was. I am very glad that I am present at this forum and many people support me. I've learned a lot here, I really liked the Pappa engine here. But I will not be able to come to ICCF 24 because I was not given a visa to the USA!!! I have a lot of ideas, but I don't have good equipment for laboratory tests, there are no good transformers and diodes, they are constantly knocking me out, I need good equipment. I met Salopek in 2016 at Mangyshlak, he looked at my laboratory, he was very glad to meet us and did not understand how I could work in such a laboratory, he is a very great fellow. I watch his desert flight on Twitter all the time. I was very happy with this article, I published it wherever possible, but only now people have understood my science. I live in Kazakhstan, I don't live in Crimea, I'm Kazakh, so to speak, I was born in Kazakhstan at the Chiganak station, now called Shiganak. I am a geologist-geophysicist myself, I defended my PhD thesis and I can clearly see how our Earth is dying. Water and oil are coolers in the ground and it cannot be extracted, and I have written and talked about it everywhere. But we live on oil in Aktau and our oil workers do not need new energy, and since 2005, with the help of the chief engineer, I have received equipment from the MAEK, with which I am working now. The equipment is already old and I'm doing everything to make it work, you can see how my films appear on YouTube, but while I can't analyze all these films, I need a team that could do it all with me. I'm not a physicist, but a geophysicist, which gave me the opportunity to deal with such high voltages, and I need even higher to get nodules. I would be glad to get a good laboratory in any country, now our geologists and oilmen do not understand this new energy, what it can give us. But I wrote about it on the Internet and many can find my articles and publications, look at the Internet, for example-lightning ball nodules-ball nodules-model of the planet…8&biw=1908&bih=895&dpr=1- and other sources of forums where I pushed my concretions. Many people thought I was a fool for writing. But all the same, the Internet helped me, I am blessed with it, only the Internet can lift us to the top so that we can tell the truth everywhere that I think. Now it is necessary to ban the extraction of oil everywhere in the world, the sooner it happens, the easier it will be for everyone. We need to look for new energy and planet Earth in a mobile theory will help us find it. I wrote about it at all ICCF 24, read it, I wrote it at all conferences.

    Нефть - это кровь планеты, надо сделать модель планеты и мы получим генератор Тарасенко, эта энергия покорит вселенную! :lenr:


    Tarassenko G.V., Tarassenko M.G.

    Caspian State university of technologies and engineering named after Sh. Yesenov, Kazakhstan

    Cold fusion is not possible in atmospheric conditions but it is possible underground. Synthesis formation is connected with electricity in the entrails of the earth. Electricity is produced with the help of friction and geospheres speed differential from the core (20-40 m/s to the surface), the speed of which according to GPS data is 2-16 cm per year. Faraday has determined planet electric capacity with 1 farad. Continent drift takes place at the expense of geospheres rotation, leading to subduction of ocean and continental plates, abduction, spreading, rifting and collision. An example of planet formation is ball concretions. Their formation in the layers-collectors is connected with ball and linear lightning, formed with the

    help of electric discharge (short circuit) that attract various rocks from layers’ fluids. In this connection concretions consist of several geospheres with different chemical composition from the core to the surface and the core is usually hollow or very soft.

  • This is a double, in Crimea I was in Alushta at a conference on coal mining, I wrote an article there, maybe someone got attached there... This article was made in Japan with my son, the rest is also all mine, maybe someone does advertising.

    Добавил гелия M2U00596
    Добавил гелия, сильные разряды пошли. Надо пробывать все газы, какие есть у нас.

    Добавил гелия, пошли разряды. Трансформатор слабый заряжает конденсатор долго до 15 минут

    Это двойник, в Крыму я был в Алуште на конференции по добыче угля, писал там статью, может кто там привязался... Эта статья была сделана в Японии с моим сыном, остальное тоже все мое, может кто рекламу делает. У меня получился хороший раствор, на статоре стоит лампочка, которую я держу для возгорания. В этот раз во время разрядов там появились разряды на массе. Вроде фоткал это место, но ни чего не было. Но я думаю, что все должно быть нормально, статор дает напряжение, это мне очень надо проверить, но слабый конденсатор.

  • Here I found a glow on the stator, and the rotor is my reactor. It is not difficult to find such a solution, you need to be able to, I found it myself by accident.

    Вот нашел свечение на статоре, а ротором является мой реактор. Найти такой раствор не трудно, надо уметь, я сам нашел это нечаянно.

  • С гелием, хорошие разряды, но большой промежуток. M2U00597
    Большие разряды, но много надо трансформатора, большой промежуток разряда.

    Нужен хороший трансформатор для конденсатора, так долго заряжается с этим гелиевым трансформатором.

  • Реактор поставлен в статор, который после разрядов дает искру на выходе статора VID 20220827 100930
    На выходе статора вставлен реактор, после разрядов на статоре появляется напряжение. Это очень хороший опыт, который дает напряжение на статоре, что говорит ...

    На выходе статора вставлен реактор, после разрядов на статоре появляется напряжение. VID 0827 101224
    На выходе статора вставлен реактор, после разрядов на статоре появляется напряжение. Это очень хороший опыт, который дает напряжение на статоре, что говорит ...

    A reactor is inserted at the output of the stator, after the discharges, a voltage appears on the stator. This is a very good experience, which gives a voltage on the stator, which indicates a plasma discharge in the stator, this will lead us to new discoveries that we need to make to obtain new energy.

    На выходе статора вставлен реактор, после разрядов на статоре появляется напряжение. Это очень хороший опыт, который дает напряжение на статоре, что говорит о плазме разрядов в статоре, это приведет нас к новым открытиям, которые нам надо сделать для получения новой энергии.

    Нефть - это кровь планеты, надо сделать модель планеты и мы получим генератор Тарасенко, эта энергия покорит вселенную! :lenr:

  • На выходе статора вставлен реактор, после разрядов на статоре появляется напряжение. VID 0827 101224
    На выходе статора вставлен реактор, после разрядов на статоре появляется напряжение. Это очень хороший опыт, который дает напряжение на статоре, что говорит ...

    A reactor with bullet holes was shoved into the stator, which gave a voltage on the stator, look. What should I do next or do physicists have no other inventions

    В статор был засунут реактор с прострелами, которые дали напряжение на статоре, посмотрите. Что мне делать дальше или у физиков нет других измышлений

    Нефть - это кровь планеты, надо сделать модель планеты и мы получим генератор Тарасенко, эта энергия покорит вселенную! :lenr:

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    So why are physicists silent, some do not respond to letters, where is your team or you are working for yourself... The whole world needs energy to stop producing hydrocarbons or you want to get money from prizes and everything will go to the bottom. You think with your head and not with your ass, I am very sorry that you were not good. The main thing is to prohibit the extraction of oil and I always post everything here on the forum, and you break everything, I'm ashamed of you, although I did all this before the conference and I had to be supported, and you drown me, I'm ashamed of you...

    Так чего физики молчат, некоторые на письма не отвечают, где же ваша команда или вы работаете для себя... Энергия нужна всему миру, что бы прекратить добычу углеводородов или вы хотите получить деньги с призов и все уйдет на дно. Вы думайте головой а не жопой, мне очень жаль, что вы оказались не хорошими. Главное надо запретить добывать нефть и я всегда все выкладываю здесь на форуме, а вы все ломаете, стыдно мне за вас, хотя все это я сделал до конференции и меня надо было поддержать, а вы меня топите, стыдно мне за вас...

    Нефть - это кровь планеты, надо сделать модель планеты и мы получим генератор Тарасенко, эта энергия покорит вселенную! :lenr:

  • Sorry you feel ignored Gennady. It would help if you posted some data from your work. I always try to read your posts, and look at some of your videos, but I'm sure that I'm not the only one who is often puzzled by your reports. For example:-

    A reactor with bullet holes was shoved into the stator, which gave a voltage on the stator, look. What should I do next or do physicists have no other inventions

    This is poetic, and somewhat descriptive, but it is not a clear scientific explanation that would enable or encourage people to help you - for example - what do you mean by 'bullet holes' and what was the voltage and currebt produced, and for how long did it last?

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