2. Explanatory note
1. General information
1.1. Name of the project topic: Study of the effects of high-voltage electrical discharges on reservoir fluids and nodules in laboratory conditions
1.2. The name of the priority direction of the development of science for which the application is submitted: 3. Geology, extraction and processing of mineral and hydrocarbon raw materials, new materials, technologies, safe products and structures.
1.3. Name of the specialized scientific direction in which the application is submitted, type of research: 3.5 Complex processing of hydrocarbon raw materials
1.4. Estimated start date of the project and its duration: Beginning – March 1, 2022, ending – December 31, 2024. Duration – 34 months.
1.5. The requested amount of grant funding (for the entire duration of the project and by year), in thousand tenge: 74908,791 thousand tenge for 2022-2024, including by year: 2022 – 11999,965 thousand tenge, 2023 – 32242,331 thousand tenge, 2024 – 30666,495 thousand tenge.
1.6. Keywords: cold nuclear fusion, ball lightning, plasmoids, plate tectonics, spherical and linear nodules, subduction, obduction, spreading, mid-ocean ridges, faults.
3. General concept of the project
3.1. Introductory part
The idea of the project is to research and develop an electrical technology for modeling processes in the Earth's crust that lead to the formation of hydrocarbons and nodules. In the course of the work, the physicochemical characteristics of the studied fluids and rocks will be studied in order to determine their electrical properties and obtain plasmoids (artificial ball lightning) in the reactor. The results obtained will be used to create new methods of energy production based on electrical and plasma data on the structure of the planet Earth and to reduce the intensity of hydrocarbon production.
2.2. The purpose of the project
The purpose of the research work is the research and development of technology for the modification of fluids, plasmoids and ball lightning, the production of ball nodules and areas with unique geological properties and the development of new methods of energy production for the Republic of Kazakhstan.
2.3. Project objectives
To achieve this goal, the following main tasks of the project will be solved:
− to establish how electrical discharges propagate in petroleum fluids and rocks when, with an increase in the embedded discharge power, the fluid substance is heated to a temperature above 100 ° C and specific nodules are formed in the reactor volume;
− get the values of the electrical voltage during a short-term negative voltage period;
− to establish, from a technical point of view, the capacitance values of powerful electrical capacitors necessary to create an operating electrical voltage in the reactor;
− create a database of plasma chemical and chemical processes and reaction rate constants for modeling plasma models in underground areas filled with gas;
- create a plasma model in underground areas filled with gas;
− to carry out calculations of plasma components (electrons, ions, active radicals, excited molecules and atoms) predicting optimal conditions for the creation of plasmoids and ball lightning in underground conditions in a wide range of physicochemical parameters;
− to create a model of the processes of movement and relaxation of energy in underground areas filled with gas, carrying out the necessary calculations.