Generator Tarasenko based on the model of the planet Earth

  • It is possible to tell that water in a cloak and a kernel turns into plasma of cold nuclear synthesis at the expense of high voltage! Plasma possesses high density as well as iron, here seismologists and made a kernel iron!!! And there in a kernel plasma of cold nuclear synthesis like a fireball! so it is time to receive a fireball in sheeted, deep conditions. In a subsoil of the earth there is no high temperature and pressure and it is constant as in a live organism, and water serves for radiator effect - heat removal from friction and HYaS!…ing-of-earths-mantle.html

  • Сегодня делал опыты.

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  • My theses as well as where it is possible to take the collection of theses!!!

    Review of G. V. Tarasenko and E.A.Demichevoy's work "Geological aspects

    cold nuclear synthesis and electrocategories in crust".

    This work certainly shouldn't be printed in UFN as scope of this work to treat, generally geology, but not physics. The physics in it contains only in a type of chaotic statements for "cold nuclear synthesis". Transformation "lead in gold and nickel in silver" is mentioned as that. Even if to believe that similar transformations of elements and it was observed in some experiments, these transformations have nothing in common neither with cold nor with a hot thermonuclear reaction.

    Отзыв о работе Г.В.Тарасенко и Е.А.Демичевой « Геологические аспекты

    холодного ядерного синтеза и электроразрядов в земной коре».

    Эту работу безусловно не следует печатать в УФН, поскольку тематика данной работы относиться, в основном к геологии, а не к физике. Физика в ней содержится лишь в виде сумбурных заявлений о «холодном ядерном синтезе». В качестве такового упоминается превращение “свинца в золото и никеля в серебро”. Если даже поверить, что подобные превращения элементов и наблюдалось в каких-то экспериментах, то эти превращения не имеют ничего общего ни с холодным ни с горячим термоядом.

    • Official Post…mation.aspx?PaperID=85836

    A new LENR (Cold Nuclear Fusion) theory that has some resemblance to Gennadiy. A. Simakov is Russian, and is well studied. The paper is in layman terms, so easy to read. Conclusion:

    "The suggested assumption that the electron orbits of atoms are created by the probabilistic process of electron emission by the neutrons of the nucleus leads to the possibility of the absence at some times of the Coulomb barriers of the atom, the critical approach of the nucleus and the passage of cold nuclear reactions. A look at a proton as a neutron with an electron vacancy (a “hole”) leads to the hypothesis of the existence of a neutron ether (dark matter). The “special” neutrons make it do not emit the orbital electrons and therefore do not participate in the physical interactions that are customary for our world. Periodic perturbations of the dark ether lead to the creation of “normal” neutrons clusters of our world, which emit electrons, create atoms and nuclear reactions in the composition of stars and other cosmic objects. The evolution of the planets of the solar system was determined by the dominance of physical, chemical and geological conditions, and if nuclear reactions predominated at the initial stage, then the era of inorganic and organic chemistry came. Linking cosmology to the modern problem of LENR, I would like to note that these are already pathetic remnants of those old processes that “create planets iron” while it was hot. And, by the way, the observed neutron fluxes in high-power lightning discharges can be related to the high-voltage perturbation of the neutron ether.

    Additionally, how can one not remember the genius Nikola Tesla, who with his high-voltage experiments looked into the abyss of the ether, was horrified by the possible consequences of his awakening, and ... ... and fell silent.

    This publication is provocative and built on exotic assumptions; but it is primarily aimed at continuing discussions on the controversial issues of the existence of both LENR and the space ether."

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    Electrocategories in formation fluids, pressure in 15 days fell to 5 atmospheres, the reactor holds 150 atmospheres. It is necessary of course more, these are 200-250 atm., such pressure on a face of a field of Zhetybay in the conditions of whom the spherical concretions which came to a surface near Karatau, Mangistau were formed. On the left rated sportsman there was a luminescence minute somewhere, it is necessary today to try to remove still this a plasma luminescence. I got mice as categories will influence mice, but the tree small near an entrance to a shed dried... can from a heat.

    Who will prompt where to get such cylindrical condensers on the power of 50 kJ., I want to make the geophysical device on an intensification of inflow to a well, pulse and plasma influence, on the basis of cold nuclear synthesis. In wells it will be possible to create processes of cold nuclear synthesis! foto.

  • I continue to do experiences, I increased a gap on air rated sportsmen...

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    Pressure rises quickly, the reactor doesn't maintain pressure. It is necessary to untwist and pressurize, in the reactor there is a clean oil, very interesting impact on oil electric discharges. Unfortunately there are no conditions to make analyses, what to check there is a transmutation or not???

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    Наш университет назван в честь Ш. Есенова. Этот фильм посвящен 91 году Ш.Есенову. Мы продолжаем традиции геолога Ш.Есенова. Меня тоже показали на лекции по геологии.18 минута.

  • Our local press worked well, even traffic jams showed in the city, here the people and should demand that new energy would look for, my generator of Tarasenko helped to create, and that all show off, so much money spent, the central roads more or less good anew asphalted, and in residential districts of a hole and remained... Well it is already good, in residential districts in general to stop by it is necessary to forbid, only according to the reference or by bicycle, tell them put there and in Astana stand, itself saw... But bicycle paths unfortunately aren't present!!!! But the advantage of the summit of course is, the world heard about our city of Aktau-sea of a collar of Kazakhstan! But on it only tankers with oil float, them it is well visible on the horizon.... These are blood-suckers floating!!! But my city without oil will become empty at once, will eat not that and black caviar together with belugas poisoned hydrogen sulfide!!!! And say that poachers blocked all sea networks and they are guilty of everything!…sammit.-kak-eto-bylo.html

  • Переустановил мазилу, спасибо Максу!

    Вот закончился отпуск, поправил здоровье, поставил два стенда на коронарные сосуды в Астане. Побывал опять на ЭКСПО 17, людей совсем мало уже приходит... Потом уехал в Киргизию на озеро Иссык-Куль, в санатории прошел реабилитацию, вроде все нормально.

  • Нашел старый фильм по ICCF 16 в Индии, Ченай

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    Mother Earth, rotation of geospheres is also arranged and charges the natural electrocondenser! The sphere in the sphere!

    Так же устроена планета Земля, вращение геосфер и заряжает природный электроконденсатор! Сфера в сфере!

  • Сообщаем Вам, что с 1 по 8 октября 2018 года в Пансионате "Адлеркурорт Коралл"

    (Краснодарский край, город-курорт Сочи, Адлерский район, ул. Ленина, 219.) состоится

    25-я юбилейная Российская Конференция по Холодной Трансмутации Ядер и Шаровой

    Молнии (РКХТЯиШМ-25), посвященная памяти Ю.Н.Бажутова.

  • Good result in a search engine of my subject planet model searching. It is necessary импакт to accept a factor on the Internet, but not in a skopus and other programs. Here all is visible and transparent who that costs!

    Хороший результат в поисковой системе по моей теме модель планеты в поиске. Надо импакт фактор принимать по интернету , а не в скопусе и других программ. Здесь все видно и прозрачно, кто чего стоит!

  • I have not heard about this conference, please give me a link or whatever will be there ..

    Я не слышал об этой конференции, дайте пожалуйста ссылку или что там будет..

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    РКХТЯ и ШМ 25, Soshi

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