Videos: LENR the promise of clean and affordable energy (University of Northern Iowa)

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    Joseph Marchesani(Asst Professor and Coordinator TV/Audio Services)
    just published 6 video about the presentation by Tom Wind
    LENR the promise of clean and affordable energy

    EDIT: the video have been moved to that channel

    I could not view them, so I'm waiting for your summary:

    Intro LENR talk

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    Part 1 Origins of LENR

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    Part 2 Rossi's LENR Technology

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    Part 3 Descriptions and Affirmations of LENR

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    Part 4 Other LENR Examples and Comparison to Hot Fusion

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    Part 5 Challenges and Future Uses of LENR

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    In Competitive intelligence there is the concept of weak signal.
    Weak signal are not clear signal like news, however not often hidden signal...
    in the french wiki it is more clearly stated that it is often "hatred, denied possibilities evidences"
    in the english version…uture_sign_and_wild_cards
    I find no such reference to "inconvenient signal"

    this one is more challenging the consensus, presenting in fact a psymptom of groupthink.…ke-sense-of-weak-signals/

    It propose some actions, but admit the limit caused by what I will interpret as the strongest groupthink cases. I agree it is hopeless in most case. You can challenge the consensus only in tiny groupthink, not on planet-wide groupthink.

    What we see with such event in Norther Iowa is that some people capture that weak signal which now I know is no less than a running T-rex on MIT campus eating few intern and retired professor every year. Only active delusion can prevent any witness to see that menace to establishment.

    I know that some CTO have seen the T-rex, and prepare the saddle to mount the T-rex.
    What we see in Northern Iowa, Missouri, NASA/NARI, IDGA, is a reason why academic should be free of international peer-opinion, and why free-market, free of financial short-term consensus should be protected.

    We should track those "weak signal" of consensus being attacked.
    On few other stories I see similar hidden tumbling of the consensus, the kind that have happened underground before the Berlin Wall get open one day by mistake, and could not. be closed since

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