A freed polariton soliton

  • Pretty graphics. Problem is with with the text. It all condenses down to the explanation that magnetism is the excuse for everything. But what is magnetism? Seems like explaining an unknown with an unknown. Same old story and now relates to LENR.

    &"even exit his lab to punch holes in the trees outside his building"
    This may be getting out of hand!
    Nanoscale hydrogen fusion was simply proton transmutation, now it's getting somewhat more complex.
    &"Action at a distance"
    Are you suggesting quantum entanglement?
    &"Ken Shoulders termed these structures produced in the plasma of an electric arc EV.(or large electrons)."
    I remember discussing Electrum Validum (EV) with Ken Shoulders and you may have generalized on his specific concept dealing with atomic film dimensions.

  • Pretty graphics. Problem is with with the text. It all condenses down to the explanation that magnetism is the excuse for everything. But what is magnetism? Seems like explaining an unknown with an unknown. Same old story and now relates to LENR.

    Simply stated, magnetism is just another form of charge as a reflection of the need to adjust the effects of charge in moving frames of reference. A magnetic field is a relativistic manifestation of charge as seen moving in the relativistic reference frame. [1,2,3] A large ensemble of moving charge carriers will produce a strong magnetic field that in turn will produce a large flux of virtual photons in the frame of reference in which the charges are moving. A magnetic field will be produced by the movement of electrons in the relativistic frame of reference where the electrons are moving in a circle or more rightly a vortex. This magnetic field which is really a stream of charge carrying virtual photons will reach into a stationary frame of reference and impart into that stationary frame (our frame) a large flux of virtual photons generated in the frame of the relativistic moving charges.

    2 - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Relativistic_electromagnetism
    3 -

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  • &"Action at a distance"
    Are you suggesting quantum entanglement?

    Action at a distance is utimatly produced by magnetism directed in a anapole asymmetic beam.

    This force of virtual photons if strong enough perturbs the vacuum to produce in a pair creation process muons or mesons which include pions. This method is indicated if fission is involved via muon catalyzed fission. Magnetism can also act is various ways based on its strength level including adding spin energy(about 400,000 ev) directly to protons to produce neutrons.

  • &"Ken Shoulders termed these structures produced in the plasma of an electric arc EV.(or large electrons)."
    I remember discussing Electrum Validum (EV) with Ken Shoulders and you may have generalized on his specific concept dealing with atomic film dimensions.

    I looked at Ken Shoulders experimental data and saw what both a "Dark mode soliton" and a "bright mode soliton" actually looked like in a micrograph of an electric arc exposition. Ken also explained experimental observations that showed the presence of a monopole magnetic field coming from the dark mode soliton, If memory serves, Ken call these structures "black EVOs.


    Black Holes as EVOs by Ken Shoulders © 2006


    Rereading Ken's thinking on black holes, he inspires me to speculate on what control of a Black Hole in the lab might mean. Please allow me this moment of wild speculation.

    We have talked at great length about the impact on our world that LENR portends: limitless carbon free energy, energy without downsides, and the unimaginable change in society and geopolitics that LENR will drive forward.

    But the many miracles that we now understand in LENR might be the briefest glimmer of LENR's true nature.

    These wonders open the possibility for a bigger and more awesome prospect that LENR might bring: black hole engineering; this ability to manipulate the vacuum: the very fabric of the universe. LENR might enable humankind to build large room sized zones of negative energy that permit the generation of wormholes in spacetime that can allow access to any point in the universe by putting together many tiny things to construct a big thing like building a sand castle from grains of sand. It will permit the control of the speed of light and the control of time itself. The prospect of a time machine might now be brought into feasibility.


    New law implies thermodynamic time runs backwards inside black holes


    If a large zone of negative vacuum energy could be fashioned filling a lage volume of space/time, the black hole engineer could open up a room sized wormhole in space/time.

    Many of the speculative questions in physics that exist today could then be made testable through experimentation. For example, our universe could be just one of a manifold of all possible universes. Perhaps the universe tunneled from nothing. Quantum tunneling allows objects to pass through barriers that are impassable according to Newton’s classical laws of physics.

    In 1962 John Wheeler discovered the Einstein-Rosen bridge, later known as wormholes.


    In 1989, Kip Thorne showed a region of space containing a negative mass-energy could stabilize wormholes.

    A LENR reactor could be build where the zone of reaction completely encloses a room size voluum. Just like Rossi's Cat and Mouse reactor method, the countless nano black holes would join together quantum mechanically in an entangled room sized global Bose Einstein condensate that covers a zone of negative vacuum energy. The LENR reactor could form the walls of the room so that the area of entanglement completely surrounds the time traveler or wormhole wonderer.This special room in space/time would act as a portal that men could either live in under a new rate of the flow of time or move through a macro black hole as a portal to a wormhole.

    It is beyond our power of imagination to predict what such control of the universe could enable humankind to do. LENR is more than heat, it mean control of the universe for humankind.

    It might allow science to test for the existence of parallel universes. We cannot control the fates of our other selves in the multiverse. But if someone dies, they can still be alive in another universe. This suggests intriguing questions about free will, reincarnation, immortality, and perhaps the supernatural.

    In another current view of the universe, space/time might be one massive holographic field of information. LENR may allow our progeny to hack into and change that information to suit their whims and fancies.

    It might be for those with a conservative and cautious bent of mind to discourage the development of LENR to its ultimate perfection. But we here of stout heart and courage must move forward with great vigor to allow humankind to explore boldly its manifest destiny.

    Our dreams of yesteryear oftentimes portend the reality of our present. It might be that our dreams of today to stride like gods among the stars, but LENR may someday make those dreams come true.

    Edited 4 times, last by axil ().

  • Thank you for your post! It will take me awhile to carefully read. I need updating on modern physics especially on what appear as mind bogglers to me.
    LENR was simply nanoscale hydrogen fusion that my NiO reactor initiated and appeared as a simple activity of low amu transmutation. Now the concept has jumped to Interdimensional proportions.
    My belief is that the individual spirit is a universal wanderer and destined to encounter other spirits on the infinite journey. These are not chance encounters.
    It seems long ago when I met Ken Shoulders and discussed his observations related to electrons. We both owned and flew gyrocopters.

  • Hard to image what complete and utter nonsense might be, until you read a single sentence written by Axil.

    (Watch for brain mallfunction though, if you dare to read more)

  • Axil, ignore "Mary/George the troll". She/he again trying for some perverted satisfaction through some form of recognition. What a sorry existence it must have. An expert on brain malfunction but completely useless for hydrogen fusion research.

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