Strange reference to an artist, Esa J. Ruoho, funding MFMP

    • Official Post

    I just found that stanish article, that is difficult for me to understand, when an artist " Esa J. Ruoho" is said funding MFMP…n-of-goods-estilo-propio/

    Para finalizar, una mención sobre los proyectos futuros. Esa J. Ruoho dedica una parte del dinero recaudado por “Lexicon of Goods” al proyecto Martin Fleischmann Memorial Project, un equipo de investigación centrado en trabajar con reacciones nucleares a bajas energías (LENR) del cual, quizá, sepamos algo más sobre la marcha, pues la intención de Lackluster es crear melodías generadas e influenciadas por las ondas electromagnéticas que producen estos equipos. Justamente en este punto el autor del artículo se pregunta¿Dónde están los límites del género IDM? Quien teclea no lo sabe, pero parece que dentro del estilo propio y las características de un género concreto no existen fronteras; y, de existir fronteras, el Embajador del Norte está trabajando en ellas.

    Finally, a mention on future projects. J. Ruoho that dedicates a portion of the money raised by "Lexicon of Goods" to the project Martin Fleischmann Memorial Project , a research team focused on working with nuclear reactions at low energies (LENR) which, perhaps , know something more on the go therefore intended to create Lackluster is generated and influenced by electromagnetic waves produced by these melodies equipment. Precisely at this point the author of the article wonders where are the boundaries of the genre IDM? Who typed do not know, but it seems that within the style and characteristics of a particular genre there are no borders; and, if any borders, Ambassador North is working on them.

    Maybe it is more clear to a Spanish reader?

  • "pues la intención de Lackluster es crear melodías generadas e influenciadas por las ondas electromagnéticas que producen estos equipos"

    then the intention of Lackluster is to create melodies generated by the electromagnetic waves produced by this equipment.

  • Hi AlainCo:

    I dunno where you come across all of these but every once in a while I find the LENR-Forum via googling some key words :)

    Anyway, Sebastián Agulló interviewed me for the Spanish blog Culturamas, and wrote, at length, about my new album Lexicon of Goods.

    I released it in collaboration with JellyFish Frequency Records, and their whole idea of releasing records, is to divert a percentage of the record sale income towards charities of the artist's choice. My choice was that a percentage of the record sales should be diverted to the Martin Fleischmann Memorial Project (MFMP). Sebastián asked me about MFMP / Cold Fusion / LENR and there was a bit of a chat of it. I also, at the same time, spoke about my project of creating ambient/furniture music by recording the electromagnetic waves emitted by various devices such as Cold Fusion experiments, etc, using a little known Slovakian device called an Elektrosluch.

    I recently released a 25 minute sound collage for YLE (Finnish National Radio)'s Avaruusromua (Space Debris) show, which also featured the infamous Dogbone MFMP Project's sounds in it, in addition to various other alternative energy devices electromagnetic field recordings. I will probably put it up for sale on my Bandcamp eventually.


    Kuvittele musiikkia, jossa on enemmän ääniä, ympäristöjä ja mekaanisia vempaimia kuin instrumentteja. Kuvittele esimerkiksi ääniteosta, jossa on undulaatteja, Tesla-sähköauton takakontti, iPhonen sähkömagneettista kenttää, metallipurkkeja ja kikattavia magneetteja.

    Esa Ruohon Avaruusromulle tekemä Avaruusromua Special 2016 on juuri tuollainen teos.

    Tämän teoksen äänilähteiden luettelo on kaiken kaikkiaan hyvin kiinnostava. Edellä mainittujen lisäksi teoksessa kuullaan jäätyneen meren ulinoita, vuosaarelaisen autohallin ilmahormia, vuosaarelaisen kellarin metalliovea, vuosaarelaista hissiä, vuosaarelaista ovikelloa, kontulalaista 25 asteen pakkasessa jäätynyttä ovikoodilaitetta, Kampin autohallin kaikua, lasista vesipulloa, kolikoita, Martin Fleischmann Memorial Projectin Dogbone -kylmäfuusiokoelaitteen räjähdystä, Renaissance Chargen valmistaman Nikola Teslan Radiant Energyyn perustuvan akunlatauslaitteen Battery Rejuvenatorinsähkömagneettisia kenttiä, Ed Skillingin kehittämän Harmonic Pulserin LED-valon piippausten sähkömagneettikenttien nauhoituksia, SOTA Magnetic Pulser MP6:n varautumisääntä ja magneettipulsseja sähkömagneettisesti nauhoitettuina, Suzuki Swift -auton avaimia, punaista Clavia Nord Micromodular -modulaarisyntesoijaa, sähkömagneettisten kenttien nauhoitusta varten kehitettyä erittäin herkkää Elektrosluch 2 -induktiokäämimikrofonia sekä kannettavaa Zoom H1 -muistikorttitallenninta. Ja jos teitä ihmetyttää, mitä nuo kikattavat magneetit ovat, ne ovat soikeita magneetteja, jotka heitetään ilmaan ja jotka ilmalennon aikana kilahtelevat kiinni toisiinsa.

    Again, the show's host mentioned the Martin Fleischmann Memorial Project on-air, which I think is pretty cool.

    The money accumulated by JFFR (JellyFishFrequencyRecordings) selling my record has been donated to MFMP and is listed there as either John Hammond, or JellyFishFrequencyRecordings. It's not a lot, but the thought is what counts, I believe. For example, the same YLE Avaruusromua show also linked to the MFMP project - this has been spoken about at length by mhelsing on your forum.

    Recently my music has been used in a documentary about Melvin Miles. I'll link to it in a new post.

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