Shanahan is repeating his hypothesis of systematisk errors.
He also calls me a "CF grupie". Haha, that was a first timer! And he calls arguments against his view from the CF community for pure "silliness" . Sounds like a serious scientist? So I Wonder why he bother spending his time on a "silly forum" like this one ?
Anyhow, back to science: to further point out why his hypothesis is not possible:
1. Catching all the heat: My point here is that with closed cells all H2 & O2 is recombined and the heat from this part is also captured in the calorimetry. Which means excess heat is measured against total input power= V*I
And If you by this still have excess heat Events, then it indicates that also the open F&P cells had an unexplained phenomenon other than recombination. As simple as it sounds.
This is what Mckubre did, excess for power and total energy.
Note how the cell including recombination chamber is immersed in the calorimeter at SRI, Ref Mckubre paper:
Did they miss some systematic calibration errors in their hundreds of experiments during the 90's and later? Of course they could be completely incompetent like all the other CF researchers, but I doubt That's a likely explanation.
2. Systematisk errors vs power levels: My point here is that F&P research proved powerfull heat bursts occuring in their cells. It is an ongoing myth that the power gain was down in the few percent range, but that is a major misunderstanding. The power and energy density during these heat bursts where order of magnitude larger than any possible chemical explanation.
In the F&P paper from 1990 they proved 20x power gain (COP 20 !) during heat bursts. No possible recombination could explain this level of power gain.
And no "systematic calibration error" could possibly appear and dissapear and produce the graph as shown in the heat bursts.
Ref. Pages 11 -15:…gelstein-Talk-09-2015.pdf
Ref. Also the referred F&P paper:
M. Fleischmann, S. Pons, M.W. Anderson, L.J. Li and M. Hawkins,``Calorimetry of the palladium-deuterium-heavy water system,'' J. Electroanal. Chem., 287, p. 293-348 (1990).