They were devised. I just pointed you to the paper that describes the 3 month test. You won't read it, and even you do read it, you will not understand it any more than you understand thermodynamics, boiling, and other middle-school level science, but here it is again:
Yes, I already saw that document, but it is hard to call it a paper that describes scientific tests. Even Fleischmann didn't sign it. It is little more than a press release: no references, no mathematical model, no raw data, just some badly drew diagrams, and a summary table, which also contains some errors.
In any case, the final table shows that there is no real FPE. In fact, 4 tests out of 7 gave a total energy gain around zero. Such a concentration of null results implies that the positive ones are only due to some experimental anomalies.
Such a negative outcome has been obtained by using ICARUS 9, a much improved calorimeter compared to the original ones used in 1992. This is probably the reason why the report you mentioned is, FWIK, the only document published dealing with this kind of closed cells. All the other papers on F&P experiments deal with open cells, that is the only model able to provide a fictitious excess heat, thanks to unaccounted losses of liquid water, as even implicitly confirmed in the Roulette-Pons document: "The present design incorporates better seals at all liquid/casing interfaces, and at the thermistor inlet ports. […] Foam rise in the calorimeter at the boiling temperature has been minimized."
When, in 2009, Krivit and Marwan were trying to defend the "validity of at least some of the reported experimental phenomena" (1), they talked about the F&P experiments carried out in 1992 with open cells and the only F&P document they cited was the paper they presented at ICCF3. The ICARUS 9 closed cell and the tests described in the Roulette-Pons report were completely ignored.
So, let's go back to the more famous F&P open cells and to the "major paper" of Fleischmann (2). Could you please answer my previous question (3)? Which of the equations described in his gargantuan and sophisticated calorimetric model has been used to calculate the "Output Enthalpy in Vapour" on page 16?