Antonio LaGatta and John T Vaughn have incorporated HMRI R&D Inc in North Carolina

    • Official Post

    On Cobraf the report of the incorporation of HMRI R&D inc have been published
    This document report incorporation in august 2015 of HMRI R&D Inc, with 2 directors:

    As usual on cobraf there is no source, but anyway on linkedin Antonio LaGatta claims he works for that company
    and this company is registered in north carolina

    In an interview, Antonio LaGatta's sister reports his plan to move in North carolina and manage a R&D center.…sity-and-industrial-heat/…na-manager-a-tutto-tondo/


    Soon the excellent captain who is my brother Antonio will move to the US to direct the new US operating units in North Carolina, in collaboration with MIT, Texas Tech University, [lexicon]Industrial heat[/lexicon].

    This seems to confirm that claim.

    • Official Post

    That is interesting Alain. Aclands comments at the time about the "rumor" sums it up well, but this document Cobraf found makes it official. Not a rumor anymore; TSEM and [lexicon]IH[/lexicon] are married. Looks like some vehicle to monetize their investments too.

    Of course, the one thing that comes to mind is that this was all taking place well after the 1 year test was hard to believe they would be doing so without some confidence of the results. Maybe Brian Ahern is jumping the gun with his recent public denunciation of Rossi? Wouldn't have hurt to wait until the report was out...just in case. :)

    There is so much happening out of the public view. It is a wonder no more leaks out than the occasional tidbit like this.

    • Official Post

    Now we need to dig deeper! It is valued to over 1bn dollars?


    This is not my field so please help. For you who are good at counting, do these tasks!
    23M shares * $ 45 = weather over $ 1bn??

    Here we have 20 companies listed (59 page / 8 Jun 2015)

  • Great scoop! The info checks out, searching for the trust and trust date in the document does indeed bring up Pitt's former manager and both A and B shares went for the same price - a lot of firepower for their attack on the market. This has been in the public domain for months but nobody was thinking of checking in the UK.

    • Official Post


    That link is to Briarcliff Farms, not the Briarcliff Trust.

    Googling the Trust one doesn't get much, although it does appear Brad and Angelina use it as an avenue for their many endeavors. Even bought a house through it. May take some real digging to get more than that.

    Great find. What I particularly like is the new business was active as recently as this Jan 16, with their issuance of shares. That is one month prior to the completion of the 1 year test.

    • Official Post

    oops, I just posted an update on that story on [lexicon]IH[/lexicon]+Woodford thread

    This company have received 50M$ of cash on May 13 2015, probably from Woodford funds.
    BIG: Tom Darden interviewed in Fortune on his LENR insvestment...

    the founders keep control of the company despite money invested through various class of shares.

    • Official Post

    Here is a list of the 20 companies

    Brickhaven II, LLC (Thomas Darden)

    Atwood Partners, Ltd (John Mazzarino)

    JT Vaughn

    Hamilton Group LLC…lc-clinton-ct-06413.usbiz

    Hargett Advisers, LLC

    The 2007 Henry Rice Kaestner Living Trust

    Deep River Ventures, LLC

    The Briarcliff Trust…cliff-trust/47360735.aspx

    The 2008 Thomas R Sloan Living Trust…/xslF345X03/rrd351505.xml

    Universal Guaranty Life Insurance Company…/univguar13dex9941208.htm

    Stuart M. Franz…y/our-team/stuart-frantz/

    Griffin Family Holding Company LLC…amily-Holding-Company-Llc

    Ellison Capital II, LLC…72/Ellison-Capital-II-LLC

    Hady Haranto

    Jesse T Correll

    JPIH Holdings, LLC

    Calimus LLC

    The 2013 Haynes G. Griffin Living Trust…es-G-Griffin-Living-Trust

    AmpEnergo, Inc

    Atwood [lexicon]IH[/lexicon], LLC

    • Official Post

    29 Feb 2016 Statement of capital following an allotment of shares on 21 December 2015 USD 258,761.14

    Page 3 + 4

    This is the Company that signed the Statement:
    and Stephenson Harwood signed the statement it on his own. (Page 3)
    ...these are the Sectors they deal with...

    Brendan Sheehan is the Associate in charge

    "Brendan has acted for both buyers and sellers on transactions in a variety of sectors, including professional services, IT, transport and manufacturing. He has advised a diverse range of clients from owners of privately owned businesses seeking an exit to large corporates undertaking a series of strategic acquisitions.

    With an extensive experience in advising on joint ventures, Brendan recently advised a client on the divestment of its business into a joint venture in which it took a majority stake. Earlier this year, he completed a corporate structure of a group in anticipation of the group receiving investment on the basis of a US$1 billion valuation. Brendan assisted in advising incadea plc in relation to its takeover by Dealertrack Technologies for £121.6 million and has also acted for buyers and sellers on various other private M&A deals of various sizes in a range of industries in the past 12 months."

    ...any questions? ;)

    • Official Post

    Many are North Carolina based, or linked to Darden in the case of the Universal Life. Probably the word is spread via word of mouth. Someone hears of this great new investment at a party or lunch. Could offer huge returns if it pans out. No one else knows...whisper, whisper. The stuff that investment groups, connected individuals, small companies, venture capitalists, are always on the lookout for, so as to give their portfolio an edge. Make them rich, or richer. Maybe we can call them the "NC Mafia" now?. :)

    If Rossi produces, NC will be home to lots of new multi-millionaires. If not, well, the soup kitchens will have some new business.

    • Official Post

    One things I've noticed (I should propose a thesis subject) is that some ideas spread like flue, and some don't spread, refuse to spread because of the fear of ridicule, the fear of mindguard, reputation trap, ...

    Some reality can only be transmitted to people you intimately trust, without any possibility of opposable evidences.

    I'm always surprised:
    - when talking publicly that people with education can reject evidence and shut up even doubt
    - when talking privately that so many people are interested in LENR since very long, even if still afraid and doubting.

  • I'm so tickled I don't know which way is up. Does all this talk about North Carolina and the North Carolina Locomotive at the end of Zawodny's first video speak to you at all? It only shows up in last second or so.;_ylt=AwrSbDsZtqJW3CwAkQJXNyoA;_ylu=X3oDMTByNWU4cGh1BGNvbG8DZ3ExBHBvcwMxBHZ0aWQDBHNlYwNzYw--?p=Zawodny+NASA&fr=yfp-t-162#id=13&vid=28e463014354499cd41498d7a2f014d9&action=view This link is the Zawodny youtube with Locomotive
    Penny for your thoughts,
    May the Weak Force Be With Us ALL!!,

  • Hey, Is HMRI in the Railroad business, if not what's the connection between that Locomotive at the end of Zawodny's video and LENR? It seems a little vague to me. I know that General Electric is in the Locomotive industry, and they are based in North Carolina. Can you shed some more light on this for me.


  • I came across this somehow and looked up the linked company page on IH Holdings International, Ltd. There is much misunderstanding above. It looks like nobody who was "good at counting" checked. There is lot there that was overlooked, that I would think that anyone with a knowledge of the field would have seen. However, at that point, big deal! Who care? This, however, was way, way off:

    Nowhere near $1 billion.

    There are three classes of shares.
    Ordinary, with nominal value of $0.01 US per share, and that amount apparently actually paid in as capital (or as noncash equivalent).
    Class A shares, with nominal value of $45.049996 per share, actually paid in, 5/13/2015
    Class B shares, nominal value also 0.01 US per share, that amount also actually paid in, I think.
    Reviewing the share allocation documents, there is noncash investment.
    Ah, but first: The capitalization as at $0.01 per share, The current document (as of 21 April, 2016):

    The "paid up values" are
    Ordinary shares, 25,913,614 @ $0.01 per share, or $259,136.14
    Series A shares, 1,109,878 @ $45.049996 per share, or $49,999,999.50.
    Series B shares, 2057465 $ 0.01 per share, or $20,574.65.

    However, there were noncash contributions. The stock issues:
    7 May 2015, $221,975.79 "in consideration of [this allocation of ordinary shares at nominal value of $0.01 per share] the company received membership interests in Industrial Heat, LLC."
    21 May 2015, $50 million Series A shares
    21 December 2015, $20,199.65 Series B shares.
    22 December 2015, $5,486.91 in consideration of "the issue of 5,000 ordinary shares at $1 each in the capital of IHL Holdings Limited, a private limited company incorporated under the laws of Jersey."
    1 January 2016, $365.00 Series B shares.

    There is a Resolution dated 11 May, 2015, showing what appears to be a signature space for all investors. There are 20 investors shown at this point, and names that leap off the page are, no surprise, Darden, who signs for two LLCs, JT VAughn, who signs for himself, Deep River Ventures, and, this is the surprise: Ampenergo, the former Rossi Licensee for the U.S., whose missing signature on the 2nd Amendment to the Agreement with Rossi was such a nuisance.

    The most recent return, linked above, shows, page 21, a list of 24 investors with their holdings. The largest holders of ordinary shares are JPIH Holdings, Ltd., Brickhaven II LLC, Atwood Partners, Ltd., Hamilton Group, LLC. One name that I immediately recognize is Lenuco.

    The Series A shares are owned by Nortrust Nominees Ltd., A/C WIX01 and Nortrust Nominees Ltd., A/C WIZ02. This deliberately provides no information about the actual investors who put in $50 million. However, the rumor was that Woodford put in $50 million, so this could be where it went, but where it went from this holding company, is beyond my crystal ball's capacity. It's looking like some went out, though, to other companies. There was investment in Industrial Heat itself at some level.

    None of this is good news for Rossi. The $50 million may not have gone to Industrial Heat at all, but to this holding company, in England. There, it would be steered to actual investments, which are kept secret. This is almost certainly clear: the $50 million was not invested in Rossi technology (beyond possibly some last attempt to get the IH-made devices to work). People have been making assumptions about that.

    I would have expected that with a contingent liability of $89 million, IH would have insured that new capital was protected (which is totally legitimate, by the way). IH and its assignee hold the license for Rossi technology and all new development of it, and if they actually make money with it in some way, Rossi would definitely profit. Rossi has been very confused about all this, thinking that the $50 million was money they made. No, it was capital raised, and it is not clear at all that it was raised on the strength of his 1 MW test, as he has claimed. It would have been raised on the credibility of IH, and their willingness to risk $11.5 million on Rossi's technology, to cover the possibility that it was real. If it is real, we can imagine that Rossi will prove it, and then the license will actually be worth something. If not, they are not about to allow good money to be thrown after bad.

    If IH has made any money, at this point, it would be from the sale of licenses within their territory, and we don't know about any, but they might exist. If they couldn't make devices to work, my guess would be, no. They haven't made money, they merely attracted investment.

  • Quote from "Abd"

    If IH has made any money

    IH doesn't make money, are you playing stupid again Abd? I said $1bn valuation, which roughly means Woodford bought 5% of IH with $50M.

    They raise money, they XXXXXXX laywers, not makers. Their sales pitch was to raise as much money they could by showing off Rossi tech and give the investors the idea that they own the Rossi IP. Then the money, as you say, dissappeard into a offshore company structure to whoknows where. Standard LAWYER BUSINESS procedure. There are no other investments, only issuing of toilet paper stocks to other IP holders (Lenuco is an example, who are btw XXXXXX). Darden simply pocketed the money and made it dissappear. I hop Woodford takes a closer look into this, but I guess they are played the business failure pitch by Darden at the moment.

    It is not good for Rossi, becuase the money he was suppose to have does not exist anymore. This is what he wrote in the complaint. It all makes sense.

    I beleve one scenario could have been IH, if keeping Rossi in the NDA leash delivering IP for free, and keep being unclear about ERV GPT performance, and keep delaying, and keep purchasing other LENR and merging these under the IH name, where planning the raise more money and go public on the positive uncertainties of LENR. They however where not planning on producing and selling products. Only to sell the idea of future products.

    Rossi on the other hand wants to build. That is a huge difference. Toilet paper vs. LENR.

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