Are there any examples in nature of elements combining together in a specific environment found in nature to give a third element which is a combination of the others?

Examples of Cold Fusion in nature.
Yep. I'm not talking about anything fancy. The cold fusion could take place in your room for example.
Cold fusion events in your living room would not be conducive to your survival...
neutrons and transmutations of atoms such as C to N might be as damaging as radiation to your DNA..
however lightning is one of those 'acts of God' that might make 'cold' fusion common outside of your living room
Cold fusion events in your living room would not be conducive to your survival...
neutrons and transmutations of atoms such as C to N might be as damaging as radiation to your DNA..
however lightning is one of those 'acts of God' that might make 'cold' fusion common outside of your living room
There are many researchers who have claimed that elements can be transmuted inside living systems, most notably workers in Russia, Germany and France. This link will lead you to a readable 1-page account of some of their findings.
Leonid Urutskoev looked into the question of why chernobyl exploded. He found that it should not have exploded. He then looked into finding what factor might have contributed to the meltdown. He found that a electric explosion in water produced enrichment of U235 in uranium sufficient to put the chernobyl reactor into a supercritical state.
TITLE: Study of the Electric Explosion of Titanium Foils in Uranium Salts
AUTHORS: Leonid I. Urutskoev, Dmitry V. Filippov
KEYWORDS: Electric Explosion, Nuclear Decay
JOURNAL NAME: Journal of Modern Physics DOI: 10.4236/jmp.2010.14034 Sep 05, 2014
ABSTRACT: The results of experiments on electroexplosion titanic foil in water solutions of salts of uranium are presented in this paper. It is shown, that as a result of electroexplosion occurs appreciable (to 20%) distortion of an initial isotope parity of uranium. In the most solution parts, observable isotope distortion occurs in favour of enrichment by 235U. At the moment of electroexplosion it was not observed an appreciable stream of the neutrons. By means of Cs label and by methods by α, β, γ-spectrometry and mass-spectrometry it have been shown, that isotope distortion occurs at the expense of non-uniform “disappearance” of both isotopes from a solution. The isotope distortion leads to infringement of the 234Th secular equilibrium in the uranyl solution. The equilibrium infringement between the 234Th and 234mPa, i.e. within the proper thorium decay chain, was observed also. The assumption about that the effects are caused of low-energy nuclear reactions at the moment of electroexplosion is suggested.From
Thanks for your helpful reply, Robert.
I've sent you an email.
I'm never too sure whether I've pressed all the right buttons when I use a new forum so I'd be grateful if you can let me know when it's arrived.
Thanks very much for that info. I had vague recollections of reading something like that.
I suppose that would count as Cold Fusion if confirmed.
Planting evidence - by Richard Milton
I found that article fascinating. Thanks.
I think I may even understand what's going on.
It arrived. Silently... without sulphur.. unlike a bolt from Zeus
More than ten years ago, I predicted in the french scientific journal «
FUSION » that the main discovery of the NEW HORIZONS probe will be a
tectonic activity of Pluto. (My paper was unfortunately scissored )I theorized as a source of internal heat will be the classical tidal
internal friction. Pluto and Charo are gravity locked and stabilized
around their center of mass. But there is other small satellites.I
speculated that the expected old cratered surface would be in fact
the face of a planet rejuvenated by tectonics. Indeed, the movement
of the couple Pluto / Charon and his seven main satellites around
their common center of mass creates tidal forces, who wear the deep
ocean at a very high temperature. (Relatively ...) Thermophilic
organisms should develop in the deep warm lakes. I wrote this
hypothesis in a paper about Eris in the 109 issue of the french
journal “FUSION”, but the paper was unfortunately shortened by
the editor.OK,
Pluto and Charon are gravitylocked but satellites that rotate faster
than the couple Pluto / Charon accelerate the rotation of the god of
the underworld and his ferryman of the deads, and thus loose energy.
They end up crashing or be ejected.On
the contrary, those satellites who are running slower than the
rotation of Charon around Pluto get energy and move away from the
barycenter. This is the case of Nyx, Styx, Hydra and Cerberus. In
the same time the couple Pluto/Charon decelerate, and there is a
dephasage between the speed of rotation of the two dwarf planets, and
thus tidal creation of heat.But
this explaination don't match with the observations on Ceres: to this
day, there is no satellites around this dwarf planet. We must found
another explaination. Why not LENR in the rocky core? This same
explanation will be useful in order to explain the hight thermal
production of Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. The more seedest wind of
the solar system are found in Neptune (2000 km/h). There is no
classical explaination for this heat production. It is temptating to
explain the thermal production in Neptune by LENR in the rocky core
of the center of the planet. This rocky core weight probably around
4 time the weight of the earth. -
Like so much in science, a wild assumpsion first becomes fact and then dogma.
Here is some heresy for you.
The Sun is a liquid(metallic hydrogen) through and through and is powered by LENR just like happens in the centers of all the planets.
External Content embedded from external sources will not be displayed without your consent.Through the activation of external content, you agree that personal data may be transferred to third party platforms. We have provided more information on this in our privacy policy. -
hydrogen in the sun? Seem too hot in my opinion, but there is
probably a big rocky core at the center, probably more than 20 earth
mass. (But of course, in plasma phase)And
there is no melting in the radiative sphere of the sun. -
hydrogen in the sun? Seem too hot in my opinion, but there is
probably a big rocky core at the center, probably more than 20 earth
mass. (But of course, in plasma phase)And
there is no melting in the radiative sphere of the sun.Regarding: " Seem too hot in my opinion"
You might be accepting gross speculation as dogma. The surface of the Sun is only 6000C. LENR reactions has been produced at that temperature. The speculation that the core of the Sun produces heat from hot fusion is just an "assumed" fact. The neutrino problem where the core of the Sun is underperforming by 300% has been recently supported by an assumption that neutrinos change the nature. A Nobel prize says that this new "Fact" is true, but is it?
If the surface of the Sun is a liquid, then so is the core. That must be true. Is the surface a as your eyes can plainly see. Who do you beleive, your own eyes, or science and the Nobel prize?
Axil what are your thoughts on Electric Sun from Thunderbolts?
Axil what are your thoughts on Electric Sun from Thunderbolts?
I am not up on Thunderbolt, but I am real interested in Pierre-Marie Robitaille, the boogeyman of science.
If Robitaille speaks true, then half of science needs a rework.
Pierre Robitaille was a speaker at a Thunderbolts conference. It's Electric Universe (not Electric Sun my bad).
I looked at the Sean Hartnoll duality videos. He can explain complex ideas quite well.
I still do not understand the SSP piece, that will be my next idea to tackle. I also don't see a phase change liquid superconductor cooper-pair at high temps.
*Nice read of your work on ECW BTW. -
I have come across an example of "cold fusion" in nature which doesn't seem to have been recognised, viz., the transmutation of Water Vapour and Nitrogen to Sulphur.
The are many reports of Ball Lightning being accomplished by a strong smell of sulphur.This is rather strange since the air does not contain the element sulphur.
Since in the past I have discovered several equations of state relating to water and water vapour it occurred to me that maybe the sulphur was a product of transmutation as expressed by the equation:H2O + N = S
Water is such an incredible material that its turning up in the process of transmutation should really be no surprise. For example, there are many reports of transmutations in plants.What is an essential ingredient in plants ?
Perhaps plants over the course of millennia have learned to use the myriad structural forms of water molecules as the basic component in complex refineries with one set of elements coming in and another going out
At present research has only shown what comes in at the entrance and what goes out at the exit. Since the make up of the elements differ this must logically mean that transmutation has taken place. Cold Transmutation at that.
Of course, this completely contradicts the Laws of the Medes and the Persians so the scientific establishment can' t accept it. Stones do not fall from the sky, do they.
@frank Grimer
In the near future I will post on the following as a mechanism to connect biological LENR systems, to high pressure systems, and how hexagonal crystal structures enable LENR through tunneling in a six well potential.
Water Molecule Spreads Out When Caged
This will be a shock to the people who think of particles as queue balls.
Holmlids model of metalized hydrogen might need to change.
When hydrides are subjected to extreme pressure(confinement) the waveforms of their constituent subatomic particles expand to cover the entire hydride molecule.
LeClair has seen this new form of water manifest in what he calls a water crystal produced by the extreme pressure of the collapsing cavitation bubble. This behavior of hydrides under extreme pressure is at the heart of the LENR reaction.
How the photons in the surface plasmon polariton interrelate to this new behavior of the electron and proton in a hydride will be hot subject to future LENR research.
The full science reference as follows:
Vibrational states of a water molecule in a nano-cavity of beryl crystal lattice
Low-energy excitations of a single water molecule are studied when confined within a nano-size cavity formed by the ionic crystal lattice. Optical spectra are measured of manganese doped beryl single crystal Mn:Be3Al2Si6O18, that contains water molecules individually isolated in 0.51 nm diameter voids within the crystal lattice. Two types of orientation are distinguished: water-I molecules have their dipole moments aligned perpendicular to the c axis and dipole moments of water-II molecules are parallel to the c-axis. The optical conductivity σ(ν) and permittivity ε (ν) spectra are recorded in terahertz and infrared ranges, at frequencies from several wavenumbers up to ν = 7000 cm−1, at temperatures 5–300 K and for two polarizations, when the electric vector E of the radiation is parallel and perpendicular to the c-axis. Comparative experiments on as-grown and on dehydrated samples allow to identify the spectra of σ(ν) and ε (ν) caused exclusively by water molecules. In the infrared range, well-known internal modes ν1, ν2, and ν3 of the H2O molecule are observed for both polarizations, indicating the presence of water-I and water-II molecules in the crystal. Spectra recorded below 1000 cm−1 reveal a rich set of highly anisotropic features in the low-energy response of H2O molecule in a crystalline nano-cavity. While for Ec only two absorption peaks are detected, at ∼90 cm−1 and ∼160 cm−1, several absorption bands are discovered for E⊥c, each consisting of narrower resonances. The bands are assigned to librational (400–500 cm−1) and translational (150 –200 cm−1) vibrations of water-I molecule that is weakly coupled to the nano-cavity “walls.” A model is presented that explains the “fine structure” of the bands by a splitting of the energy levels due to quantum tunneling between the minima in a six-well potential relief felt by a molecule within the cavity.
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