Rossi's missing secret or E-CatX description or both?

  • Hi all

    In the late 70s and early 80s I worked on a range experimental welding machines and indeed one of the worlds earliest welding robots. I worked on laser, electon beam and exotic plasma arc welding. In fact some of the work I did on Hydrogen Enbritlement in a range of alloys was one of the reasons for my interest in LENR. Some of this work was covered by the official secrets act that I will not speak about.

    However I can say that contrary to what Thomas wrongly said Electrons can be and regularly are accelerated in none vacuum conditions that is what you have in a gas discharge tube' It makes me seriously question Thomas's understanding of science when he makes such mistaken and blatantly false pronouncements on what is scientifically possible, this experiment was carried out by Michael Faraday back in the 1830s.

    Maybe someone should do a proper analysis of Thomas's mathematics in his argument about the Lugano report, based on the fact he has just made such a glaring error.

    In fact electrons can accelerate to very high velocities in a range of suitable plasmas.…onf/p99/PAPERS/FRA115.PDF


    Remember e=mc^2 if considering such experiments caution at all times.

    Kind Regards walker

    Edited 3 times, last by Walker ().

  • The Rossi "secret" makes very good sense. He mentions a DC source: it just means that the voltage has a fixed polarity. It could simply be a 100 kV repetitive unipolar pulse generator. A powder of Ni is a dielectric: if you insert multimeter probes into the powder, you will see an open circuit. This dielectric can have a high voltage breakdown: during the initial phase of the breakdown, electrons would indeed be accelerated to 100 keV. By repeated impact ionization, the powder dielectric can become electrically conducting in the form of a unique state of matter not so far investigated: a "dust plasma" not to be confused with a "dusty plasma" which is a sub-discipline of plasma physics being actively studied. In a dusty plasma, the plasma medium is modified by macroscopic particles floating in it and the emphasis is on what the dust does to the plasma. In a "dust plasma", the gaseous medium between the dust particles contains electrons, ions and neutrals, being maintained by a repetitive high voltage breakdown. The emphasis would be on the effect of the plasma on the dust particles. For example, it is known that the dust particles would acquire a negative charge because of the difference in velocity between electrons and ions at nearly equal average energy. This would accelerate positive hydrogen ions (protons) to the floating potential which would therefore get deeply embedded within the surface layer of the dust grain. This would be similar to electrolytic loading of metal lattices with hydrogen. This possibly triggers the Rossi effect. This may be what the patent is claiming. By the way, does the premature leakage of the patent destroy its novelty? After all, this has come into public domain.

  • Further to what Walker has posted, electron beams of few million electron volts traveling in atmospheric air are routinely used for cross-linking of polymers in a range of industries: one of them is high voltage cables. The cross-linked polymer is difficult to extrude. So the cable is extruded into a finished form and then passed in front of the electron accelerator in atmospheric air. The beam is accelerated in vacuum, and taken out into air through a rectangular slit covered with titanium foil.

  • @esskumar

    Thanks, for your detailed description. I think you present a new aspect. That the DC voltage not only may be used as a "trigger" for the reaction but also to enhance the "loading" of H into NI.

    The leakage of a granted provisional patent has no such consequences for the patent owner.

  • Alan, it should not be difficult to have a repetitive unipolar high voltage pulse generator with 100 kHz rep rate. Up to 30-40 kV, a heavy duty automobile ignition coil with an electronic timer circuit can do the job. For 100 kV, there may be off the shelf pulse generators but I do not think 100 kV is required to form a dust plasma.

    • Official Post

    Alan, it should not be difficult to have a repetitive unipolar high voltage pulse generator with 100 kHz rep rate. Up to 30-40 kV, a heavy duty automobile ignition coil with an electronic timer circuit can do the job. For 100 kV, there may be off the shelf pulse generators but I do not think 100 kV is required to form a dust plasma.

    LFH has the equipment- building it now.

  • Alan, it should not be difficult to have a repetitive unipolar high voltage pulse generator with 100 kHz rep rate. Up to 30-40 kV, a heavy duty automobile ignition coil with an electronic timer circuit can do the job. For 100 kV, there may be off the shelf pulse generators but I do not think 100 kV is required to form a dust plasma.

    Could you elaborate how this I going to work. Is the high field supposed to accelerate charged particles like an accelerator?

  • "Could you elaborate how this I going to work. Is the high field supposed to accelerate charged particles like an accelerator? "

    When you apply a high voltage across two electrodes and the space between them is filled with a powder, you can imagine the powder grains and the space between them as a capacitive voltage divider. So each inter-grain space (filled with gas) is like a two electrodes separated by gaseous insulator. The local electric field in this gap is enhanced over the average electric field in the system because of sharp points (small radius of curvature 'nanoscale' features??). A stray electron from the ambient radiation background (or thermally excited free electron) would be accelerated in the local electric field and would lose energy by collisions. If the energy gained between consecutive collisions is greater than the ionization potential of the gas, the accelerated electron will precipitate an avalanche breakdown of the gas. Or, the electron may hit a dust grain and cause secondary electron to be ejected. Thus the entire space containing the powder can get immersed in an ionized medium (a gaseous plasma). The dust particles will act as electrically floating bodies being bombarded by both ions and electrons. Over time, the average energy of electrons and ions may become comparable (if not exactly equal). Then the thermal flux of electrons bombarding the dust particle will be much larger than the thermal flux of ions in view of their much smaller mass and consequent much higher velocity. So each dust particle will get negatively charged. This surrounds each grain with a high electric field region called a Langmuir sheath. The electric field in the sheath decelerates electrons and accelerates ions until their resultant flux becomes exactly equal. The hydrogen ions so accelerated will have sufficient energy to get implanted within the surface layer of the Ni powder grain creating a hydrogen loading ratio much larger than what is possible in thermodynamic equilibrium at moderate pressures and temperatures.

  • When you apply a high voltage across two electrodes and the space between them is filled with a powder, you can imagine the powder grains and the space between them as a capacitive voltage divider. So each inter-grain space (filled with gas) is like a two electrodes separated by gaseous insulator. The local electric field in this gap is enhanced over the average electric field in the system because of sharp points (small radius of curvature 'nanoscale' features??).

    Has there been any accurate characterization of the strength of the local fields in these microscopic regions as a result of changes in the macroscopic voltage? Also, has dI/dt been characterized?

  • It seems to me that when a high V is applied across a powder, quite often the result is that the particles align in the potential, creating a circuit with less overall resistance.

    I have seen a pencil align itself in a very high potential towards the shortest route to ground. It nearly killed me.

    • Official Post

    Hi Peter.

    No- this is 'suck and see' pure experimentation as far as I am concerned. Not a particle accelerator, but the HT spark will dissociate H2 into the hopefully sexier monatomic form. This particular reactor will also have some tricky magnetic field effects and more free space than most - I want to create a turbulent 'dusty plasma' - the dust being Nickel and Nano-Lithium in a highly charged Hydrogen atmosphere.

  • Eric, the local electric field enhancement by micro-structure of the surface is a very well studied phenomenon and comprises an essential element of the physics underlying Relativistic Electron Beam Generators. Spontaneous electric charge on the dust particles floating in a plasma is also a very well studied phenomenon and forms the core of the discipline of dusty plasmas. What is not studied is the effect of the PLASMA on the properties of the DUST. This may be the secret behind Rossi's idea.

    • Official Post

    Quote from esskumar: “When you apply a high voltage across two electrodes and the space between them is filled with a powder, you can imagine the powder grains and the space between them as a capacitive voltage divider. So each inter-grain space…

    @Eric Walker This is a very readable background paper on charge in dusty plasmas.…res/Goree_LANL_PPSS07.pdf

  • /* it should not be difficult to have a repetitive unipolar high voltage pulse generator with 100 kHz rep rate */

    This cheap module can be used for powering of primary winding of high power transformer. It runs at 160 - 200 kHz by default…-With-Coil-p-1015637.html

    This cheap ozonizer is ready made, it runs at lower energy but the output voltage is high enough…rifier-DIY-p-1053320.html

  • Defkalion also used sparkplug in its reactor for initiation of reaction, but I think it's better to send corona discharge directly into the sample. If nothing else, it would implant the ions beneath surface of nickel and accelerate its saturation with hydrogen. It requires to rectify the HF discharge at least partially with high voltage diode. After all, the electric field intensity ceases fast with distance from spark.…nation-nickel-factor-lenr

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