Cutting Through the Fog Surrounding the Rossi/IH Dispute (Josh G)

    • Official Post

    If he is allowed to continue, he'll soon be finished with you and your pals as well and off to his next escapade in Asia (you don't know about that one yet).

    Well, Dewey, we know about it now I guess. I don't suppose you could tell us a little more abut Rossi's new customers, which as you say is not in the IH contract for him to do?...probably not, as everyone in LENR land likes to do these teasers. I call it the: "I know something you don't know...hahaha" game. :)

  • Sorry Shane D - filing lawsuits and coordinating PR wars always co-travels along the double-edged sword of knowlege development, battlefield management and information sharing from concerned parties, whether intended or not. Rossi is new to this game and it's been a very productive month in that regard. Sorry that you're only getting bits and pieces - that is the way that it is for now.

  • Quote

    Of course if the technology absolutely does not work and has never worked, then I want to know that to. I don't think that is likely. If so, then I don't see much hope for the world and there would be much more important things to do than talk on forums. If I had a family, I'd focus on preparing as much as possible for a very bleak, dark future.

    There are many other carbon-free sources of energy:

    • (normal) nuclear. Got very undeservedly bad press
    • Renewables - PV in particular over equatorialparts of teh world looks very highly competitive - all those deserts...
    • Even way-out inertial fusion - there are enough weird ideas there, and high-power lasers are still developing technology. Worth a punt.

    So don't despair!

  • God bless you Hank! (I hope that is not offensive to you) - A couple of observations. Rossi signed a contract and accepted $11.5M in USD to deliver a technology that he claimed was working. So far, he has failed to deliver. Whether he can remedy that or not will be up to him. Failure to remedy will have consequences.

    Regarding whether LENR technology works to the level that it can be applied to mitigate pollution within our lifetimes, while not creating other forms of pollution (heat, gamma, toxic waste??), is your real question. I believe that some very nice solutions are beginning to manifest and more than one solution will result in useful and affordable clean energy output within the next 5 years or so.

  • Dewey

    Frankwtu - why do you imply that Sifferkoll scares me? Also, please explain your logic and the intended implications behind your question?

    To me at least Sifferkoll's views warrant attention from you, which is fair enough. but I cannot understand why you should even want to spend 'dreaming time' let alone a response here when in your own estimation you say:

    Sifferkoll - your voice is becoming as weak as your logic. Your spin, attack and misinformation tactics are tired.

    For me, if I thought that, it would be a good enough reason to ignore the post, but not you, why? You must think it has 'worth' in order to present a 'challenge'. Where is the 'chivalry' in challenging an opponent who you know is week and of no consequence. Were you to win such an encounter it would hardly count as a 'noble' act from which you could claim victory.

    No, I think you saw sifferkolls views as presenting substance and wished to devalue them. A challenger who fears his opponent has to degrade the opposition before entering into combat.

    Best regards

    Edited once, last by frankwtu ().

  • @Weaver


    Rossi signed a contract and accepted $11.5M in USD to deliver a technology that he claimed was working. So far, he has failed to deliver. Whether he can remedy that or not will be up to him. Failure to remedy will have consequences.

    Well, I see this as yet another comment strengthening my "Rossi in a tight leash" hypothesis on IH absolutely not wanting to have the license agreement invalidated. Mr Weaver is more than ever before focusing on Rossi not delivering the IP that IH wants since IH breached the contract by not paying (and probably other stuff as well). Why care if it is worthless???

    Conclusion is that IH did certainly not expect the complaint. They were expecting slow negotiation with NDAs and further delays ... No surprise really Mr Weaver going ballistic and trying to cover his tracks in FUD ...

    • Official Post


    As Sifferkoll said, that one comment of yours does make this sound more like an IP issue IH has with Rossi, rather than he rigged the 1MW test. Maybe you said it wrong, or maybe a freudian slip?

    Point is that IH can't have it both ways. If they are convinced the 1 year test was rigged, the IP shouldn't matter to them. If the IP is still important, that means they aren't so sure the ERV's conclusions are wrong. So which is it?

    You are Darden's man here, so words do have meaning...especially from you. ;)

  • Shane D - I appreciate your attempt to clarify and don't understand the confusion. IH has a paid up license to all ECat IP in the licensed territories. The IP hasn't been transferred yet which may be remedied if one of Rossi's Ecat reactors can be verifiably and successfully demonstrated/transfered to the satisfaction of IH. Rossi has a contract issue if he continues to fail to deliver on that $11.5M commitment / obligation.

    The 1MW test is a separate matter. Rossi has imagined that he has succeeded in proving that his 1MW system has sustained a certain performance level for 350 out of 400 days with a fake customer and compromised measurement and data systems. There are numerous discrepancies, errors and deceptions on record. That list actually continues to grow. Rossi has claimed there is a legitimate legal dispute there and he will soon become more educated and aware of the IH response plans.

    I expect that you'll be able to understand this. I won't get my hopes up for Frank and Sufferkoll

  • Did you guys go to the same high school?

    Frankwtu - as usual, you failed to answer my question.

    Sifferkoll - Your money is gone. I can handle the loss - how about you?

    I'm amazed that you actually seem to believe I'm passionate about LENR from a financial point of view! Yes, I make some bets from a otm put pov, which means they are cheap with a nice upside, but might need to be rolled forward. That's part of the game. So, I can promise you that you do not need to worry about my losses (and I do not bet other peoples money, do you?) ... but since this seems important to you, and since you having a reputation of running around raising money for Darden et al, this might not be your case, eh? Maybe you have some explaination to do, covering your tracks for your fellow investors? Explaining how you so misarable misjudged Rossi by plotting to steal IP and not paying for his services... That would be interesting to hear about considering your latest posts. :rolleyes:

  • Shane D - I appreciate your attempt to clarify and don't understand the confusion. IH has a paid up license to all ECat IP in the licensed territories. The IP hasn't been transferred yet which may be remedied if one of Rossi's Ecat reactors can be…

    Again. As I said. This is starting to look very much like the battle I have been predicting from the start in numerous posts on

    Of course it is about Rossi not delivering in full before payment of the $89M. He would be stupid to do so. What did IH think? I can understand there being loads of contract issues on the IP handling during the autumn from both sides. Probably more or less exactly as stated in the complaint and Rossi simply waiting to deliver final IP until final payment was settled (no time constraint on that delivery in the contract). And when IH breached the contract, Rossi do not need to deliver and the license is invalid.

    It all comes together now. The MW test needs to be ruled COP<1.6 for IH not paying at all. You're actually saying that you want Rossi to deliver IP... If you know it is all worthless? Why?

    "Fake" customer is a new epithete. Really really strange as you stated that you did not even start to worry about the test until late autumn in earlier posts !!!!! If the ERV report sais COP 50 then of course there is a legitimate legal dispute. Even you should get that.

    Wow! Mr. Weaver. Your loud mouth really seems to be loosing it ...

  • Sifferkoll, you are part of the fog.
    But the sun is rising. :)

  • "Fake" customer is a new epithete. Really really strange as you stated that you did not even start to worry about the test until late autumn in earlier posts !!!!! If the ERV report sais COP 50 then of course there is a legitimate legal dispute. Even you should get that.

    @sifferkoll Even I'm not interested on reading you two fighting all over the places, I can hint you that all this makes more sense if you consider the following (lets call it still scenario at this point):
    - Dewey has agenda to help IH indirectly to put up more fog over Rossis claims for court case.
    - Dewey does not have any big guns backing him up. He is just lonely VC who took calculated risk and is now in road to recover. He is here mainly to minimize his losses but has some level of relation to Mr Darder though.
    - Dewey have not been in IH:s real inner wheel at that time. He wasn't even aware of problems with ERV until around time when Rossi sent their case to court..

    So for me he is here just to play for IH:s position and marketing his sympathies to LENR and environmental issues for preparing his future adventures.
    Read back all his posts here and Matts blog and notice that he has not practically answered none of the direct questions asked from him, but instead promoting his message. That's why he is not worth chasing in my opinion.

    I see even more important that @randombit0 caught @Thomas Clarke pants around his knees on Lugano report thermal analysis in other threaad. He is continuing putting up his counterclaims, but I noticed already that he stopped publicly admitting and underlining when he gets caught. That is something what he promised in before, but did it only in one posting as far as I can count. Why I see this more important is that he made so strong and theoretically grounded claims against Rossi, that it is very important to put things straight. That is what we try to do in this forum also?

  • Quote

    I see even more important that randombit0 caught @Thomas Clarke pants around his knees on Lugano report thermal analysis in other threaad. He is continuing putting up his counterclaims, but I noticed already that he stopped publicly admitting and underlining when he gets caught.

    That is false. Would you care to substantiate it with specific quotes, so I can explain any misunderstanding you have?

    As for publicly admitting: I am perhaps unusual is that the one time I have made a mistake here I publicly admitted and underlined it. That mistake did not in any way affect my comment on Lugano (it was a separate and new matter raised by Wyttenbach) nor did it in any way show that the Lugano comment was wrong. But it was a mistake. When posting here without much reflection it is easy to make mistakes. Luckily it is easy also to correct them.

    The light in which you cast this is, I believe, reprehensible. Anyone interested could read the whole thread to see.


  • Dewey

    I know you do not like doing research and would rather guess. So for the interests of clarity and 'facts' see:

    Best regards

  • Frank - you have my support of course over this ridiculous half-claim from Dewey. I only said this once because the accusation seemed so silly. I should have noticed the continued harrassment earlier.

    Frank's character, as evidenced by their respective posts, is nothing like that of Frank A. Such things cannot be hidden, and Dewey here is stepping over the mark - something I notice he does from time to time. Further, it is quite clear that Frank does not have a dishonest bone in his body so if he denies this, it is not true.

    While, broadly, I have similar ideas to Dewey over much of the IH vs Rossi stuff, ideas are one thing and the arguments you use to advocate them something quite different. We all have our own levels of tolerance and Dewey is outside my level.

    Of course - he will no doubt view me as a naive innocent. I'd rather that than be a bully...

    Best wishes, Tom

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