The Playground

  • That McKubre review was published in 2009. Have there, in your view, been significant advances since?

    Nope. Not as far as I know. McKubre retired. Nearly all the researchers I know are retired or dead. There is practically no research going on, never mind advances.

    Still, the proof that McKubre cites in the paper is as good today as it was when the experiments were done. Scientifically proven facts do not have a shelf life.

  • Nope. Not as far as I know. McKubre retired. Nearly all the researchers I know are retired or dead. There is practically no research going on, never mind advances.

    Still, the proof that McKubre cites in the paper is as good today as it was when the experiments were done. Scientifically proven facts do not have a shelf life.

    How would you go about reviving research into what could be be a very important technology, given the apparently ample evidence from reputable teams and individuals that excess heat can be obtained without irradiating everything close to the reactor? (and without the involvement of known scammers)

  • How would you go about reviving research into what could be be a very important technology, given the apparently ample evidence from reputable teams and individuals that excess heat can be obtained without irradiating everything close to the reactor?

    I wish I knew how to do that. I have been trying to accomplish that for the last 20 years, without success.

    It takes money. If we had money, we could attract good researchers. Skeptical opposition would fade away. As Stan Szpak said, scientists believe whatever you pay them to believe. At the height of the fury in 1989, some of the famous scientists who were publicly excoriating cold fusion were quietly applying to EPRI for grants to study it, according to Tom Passell, who was in charge of allocating the grants.

    There are a few projects, such as the one at Texas Tech. I can't take any credit for that, and I do not know what they are up to. Supposedly it is being financed by Bill Gates but maybe that's just a rumor.

    I had high hopes that I.H. would fund research. I think they would have, but they have been derailed by the lawsuit. They fired the technical staff. They may be funding a few studies, but I doubt they will contribute significant amounts of money. That is why I say Rossi destroyed the last, best hope for cold fusion.

  • Discovery is now over, the motions to dismiss and for sanctions were denied and the case will go to trial later in the year. Nothing has been added to the docket in a while.

    My understanding is that the trial starts June 26th, 2017 (someone please correct me if I'm wrong). That's less than three weeks away!

  • Quote


    I share your frustration, but only with the NiH side of LENR. They are the ones who promised the most and delivered the least. Of course, we all know about Rossi, but in addition to BEC you mentioned, Piantelli has also been a disappointment. His Nichenergy refreshed their website 2 years ago, almost reached a deal with MFMP, and we have not heard a peep out of them since.

    And then there are also Celani, Swartz, Dennis what-s-his-name, George Miley, Hagelstein, and probably several others I forget, who promised impressive demos or even products one or more years ago.


    Not sure how GEC fits in, but they were the only LENR based company to have almost sold a product, and since have dropped off the radar. How can that happen?

    How can that happen? Wow. I dunno. I *almost* sold my energy-producing pink invisible flying unicorns (PIFU's™) but they kept using their invisibility to elude me whenever a customer approached. That really spoils the trade. Reminds me of Rossi's ecats and his robotic factories. The operative word is *almost*. And that all too common "down to" which precedes a price in an ad.


    On the bright side, the FPs/PdD branch of the field seems solid, and looks to be on to something.

    Really?? On to what, exactly? See anyone making appreciable and measurable power with that technology (if you can call it that)?

  • Thus, IH signed a license agreement on the payment of over 100 million US dollars, without ever having approximately the sum of money available, in the dare hope that in the case of a successful test somebody else would give money. And what is a successful test determines IH alone and if they do not like the result, then the contract partner and all who were involved in the test are accused of fraud but the IP is nevertheless requested. And this should be a serious business?

    It does not seem to me to be a serious business, but it can be considered profitable. In the end, IH did not pay, claiming that they did not receive the IP, and all the people believe them because IH says they had not been able to reproduce a functioning reactor. And if it was not so? In a different scenario, IH understood perfectly how to create the E-Cat, did not pay Rossi with the expected 89 million but can help other members of their portfolio to generate working reactors. It's just an hypothesis ... but I do not exclude it at all.

  • And then there are also Celani, Swartz, Dennis what-s-his-name, George Miley, Hagelstein, and probably several others I forget, who promised impressive demos or even products one or more years ago.

    It would be quite simple to get the full list of participants so that you can insult them all,

    BTW I have heard that also Dewey Weaver is at Asti would you like to insult also him ?

    If you religiously and not scientifically think that there isn't any LENR phenomena why you are posting here ? and also is quite interesting that you have the licence of insults and your posts are not moved in the recyclable material .......

    May be they are waste to much toxic to be handled ! :)

  • It takes money. If we had money, we could attract good researchers. Skeptical opposition would fade away.

    Big money for big research normally come from Nations. And instead of express yourself in a generic way why don't you write a research program.

    Science in fact don't need pure money. Science need laboratories, apparata, people salary and a sound research program, If you have the last one you will obtain the rest.

    I had high hopes that I.H. would fund research. I think they would have, but they have been derailed by the lawsuit. They fired the technical staff. They may be funding a few studies, but I doubt they will contribute significant amounts of money. That is why I say Rossi destroyed the last, best hope for cold fusion.

    Bla bla bla blah

    All of you here were saying that IH had rose almost no money. Still IH has promised to host the next ICCF congress. Good we will see ! And as usual in order to insult Rossi you forget that National Instruments and Nasa (just to say two US realities) were interested in financing LENR.

    In JAPAN there are also other industries doing so. IH is not alone and even if it will lose the trial Woodford & co would have sufficient amount of money to finance LENR for years.

  • If I were a believer, I would be discouraged too. The news of the last 12 months:

    Brillouin has moved the goalposts (again) to 2018

    Rossi continues in a lawsuit against the company that was supposed to make him credible

    The biggest news of 2017 (Me357) was a non-event.

    Please stick to Prozac and don't (and I repeat: DON'T) do heroin...

    The lawsuit will end in a short time and if it will be positive for Rossi, he will have enough money to finance any new product. Moreover from Asti come good news, they talk about COP 3. I would wait before filling me with pills .....

  • It is quite clear that Murray was asking questions looking for answers, and a working e-cat tested by Murray would be a very convincing answer both for IH before the test end and for the Court now. Or, if Murray would not cooperate, just the recorded fact that Rossi had offered this would count strongly in his favour.

    When Murray came into play (and especially when he tried to replicate the E-cat) the relationship between Rossi and Darden was already compromised. If you do not trust one person anymore, you begin to doubt about every gesture of him, so certainly you do not help him or a friend of him: Rossi would have never help Murray in his job.

  • When Murray came into play (and especially when he tried to replicate the E-cat) the relationship between Rossi and Darden was already compromised. If you do not trust one person anymore, you begin to doubt about every gesture of him, so certainly you do not help him or a friend of him: Rossi would have never help Murray in his job.

    The issue is whether Rossi wanted $89M and to win the Court case. He has to show that he has transferred IP and therefore that his reactors work. But, then, no doubt you will tell me Rossi behaves irrationally and I'd agree...

    • Official Post

    IH should pay, he didn't and it started with evasions, so that Rossi sued him - what is irrational about it?


    If only it were that simple! A few little matters do complicate the picture somewhat... don't you think? Like maybe the fake company Rossi misrepresented to IH, his stripping off the steam trap before the test started, rusty Big Frankies, leaking plumbing, heat cables, hidden pump, Rossi denying Murray entry to the test area, raw data corruption and deletion, mystery of the mezzazine heat exchanger, spoliation galore, Fabiani fleeing to Russia, and Penon refusing to enter the US. Probably missed a dozen or so, but I think those are the major items. :)

    All things considered, I think the better question is: would it have been rational under those circumstances for IH to pay?

  • Nigel, you wonder..? :)

    The most simple and only one logical explanation is: his stuff doesn't work nor will it be approved for sale elsewhere in the world. Instead of making money like hell and buy the entire Florida peninsula he spends endless time with BS talks to himself for his followers on JONP and wastes millions in a completely useless lawsuit. What a man!

    But here we all are.....

    We are still talking about that fellow, if someone is talking to a wall-- doesn't it look kinda funny? Some people can not only be NOT BE MOVED by logic nor science.

    Leaving that old scoundrel alone for a second. What is the point anymore that his "method" is not repeatable and not only that one of the ones we had hopes in recently pulled a boner and will not admit it. I don't think the pro-rossi crowd is stupid, but I would be if I continued to talk to a wall of unmovable ignorance.

    I was happy when this started and the first real report came out, then IH got on board so I was thinking it has to be real. But dreaming aside the reality is that it does not work. Never has and that quarkx is a quack. If it walks like a duck....

    Also Jed you are so right on this me356 debacle, but whats the point of logic now? When people attack you I take it personally . Since you give a damn about LENR and have proved it many times over. It makes me so mad sometimes. Anyway I will continue to hope in new science and technology. But this Rossi driven belief in whatever he "says" is getting bizarre. The man is a crook and is leading people astray.

  • I had high hopes that I.H. would fund research. I think they would have, but they have been derailed by the lawsuit. They fired the technical staff. They may be funding a few studies, but I doubt they will contribute significant amounts of money.

    So that R&D center they opened up near Raleigh headed by Antonio La Gatta is just a figment of our imagination?

  • The lawsuit will end in a short time and if it will be positive for Rossi, he will have enough money to finance any new product. Moreover from Asti come good news, they talk about COP 3. I would wait before filling me with pills .....

    They "talk"? Friend, if "talk" meant anything, we would have been heating our homes with Ecats since 2012...

  • @jedd. An earlier post you mentioned trying to avoid radiation for twenty years, I don't recall any of your posts that pertained to you working on anything. Are you implying that you can make it work and you just have a lot of radiation and trying to figure out how to control it or you are not working on anything and trying to figure it out by other people's comments. Sorry if I don't understand and if you are working on something can you elaborate ,mabee some pictures of your reactor? . Got to be carefull here these people have good memories

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