The Playground

  • Алан, я нашел куда уходит вода Каспийского моря и это подтверждение моей гипотезы, которую я открыл в 1998 году при защите диссертации в Саратове…zonosnost-zapadnoy-chasti -туранской-плиты-с-позиций-мобилизма

    , прочтите и успокойтесь. А деньги мне нужны, иначе вы их снова потратите в никуда... Я узнал, что на Каспии есть воронки, воронки поглощают воду в зоны субдукции и даже ниже, как в Турции...

    Закир Акберов

    Геннадий Тарасенко, в Лянкяранской впадине есть кратеры! Там огромная глубина 1095 метров!

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  • "Ben" agrees with "Sergio", improving solar panels is a game changer. New direction?

    Just direct the projector which was shining into the reflector of the last streaming demo, into a solar panel gaffer-taped to an empty tuna tin and 'Roberto is your Paternal Sibling'!

    Gie me ae spark o' nature's fire, That's a' the learning I desire

    R. Burns

  • SKLep and solar is the new Ecat.

    So this will be the inverse SKLED testing.

    The SKLED claims were that with the same electrical power, more light was emitted.

    This of course was proven false by Rossi's own buddy Levi.

    Now the claim will be with the same light, the electrical output will be higher.

    Will Levi be brought back again?

  • "Ben" agrees with "Sergio", improving solar panels is a game changer. New direction?

    I do have some sympathy for ECW. Frank bet on only one horse (Rossi), and is suffering for it. Obviously frustrated, this is his latest:

    "So now we learn that apparently the next version of the E-Cat is being designed to somehow work with solar power systems to increase their efficiency. It is difficult to understand what Rossi means here, hopefully further details will be forthcoming."

  • I note that Bob Greenyer, Bruno and some others have become much more negative in their commenting on E-Cat World and Frank does not seem to be blocking negative comments as much. Could this be the beginning of the end?

    I was on Ecat-World for a while, years ago, before I woke up, but if you said anything too critical there was a barrage of blowback, or the comment got deleted.

    I am not too sympathetic to Frank, he cannot say that he was not warned, and over the years he has been an enabler for Rossi, giving him valuable visibility on the Internet and sucking in more suckers.

  • I do have some sympathy for ECW. Frank bet on only one horse (Rossi), and is suffering for it.


    Frank covers all kinds of different


    Comment from Edwin.
    Edwin 19 hours ago

    Has now the time come to consider changing the name of this forum into something else then or something, suggestions?

    I like it here but it feels like waiting on something that never arrives and i don't like that idea..

  • For me the e-cat story ended in 2014, everything after has been a sociological experiment. It was amusing for a while, but hasn’t been for years now. I hope this is the end of it.

    I certainly Hope to see LENR helping humans to blossom, and I'm here to help it happen.

  • A.R last update on his E.V technology.

    2023-10-24 12:06 Frank Acland 

    Dear Andrea,

    In your reply to Christen below you confirm that you have been able to reproduce the recent fault.

    Have you yet been able to maintain an effective defense against the conditions that caused the fault, so that it does not reoccur?

    Many thanks,

    Frank Acland

    2023-10-24 13:48 Andrea Rossi 

    Frank Acland:

    That’s the issue we are dealing with and working for,

    Warm Regards,


    2023-10-24 04:36 Andrea Rossi 

    Gavino Mamia,

    Believe me, I really sympathize you and all our Readers sharing with you the same feeling.

    We are doing our best to be as fast as possible. I think that within this year we will resolve the problem with the non EV connected Ecats, and will restart the streaming. With the EV more time will be necessary and, honestly, presently I am not able to have a guess about when we will be able to fix a date.

    Warm Regards,


  • Bit of sun heads up

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