The Playground

  • What does all the personal attacks bring to the table? How does either side of the 'advocates either for or against' think this type of discussion accomplish?
    I really want to know. I have been honest when I have been asked a question. I would respect an honest answer.

    Rigel I understand your frustrationa and been wondering the same since Matts blog explosion. It is impossible to know for sure, but you may try some scenarios and see how well it fits into pattern. Consider the following:
    1) Litigation is closing fast, so not much can be done. Darden/IH has around Jun 12 to respond on Rossis Claims…ossi_et_al_v_Darden_et_al
    2) Deawy Weaver is person who lost real dollars if IH/Rossi contract gets invalidated. His frustration is somewhat understandable. He might lose more if Rossi is entitled to additional 89m$ (by IH bankruptcy vs. continuing some viable business with Brillouin energy tech.).
    3) Since contract has big probability to get invalidated they lose huge potential to future income.
    4) Rossi (and maybe LENR) needs to get discredited to avoid 89m$ payment (I don't quite understand this logic, but maybe it is just tiny part of discrediting ERV).
    5) Sifferkoll might have invested in Swedish LENR licensee Hydrofusion (not confirmed), so he then would have something. like LENR research disappearance, to protect as well.
    6) Mr Weaver, even he is shareholder and somewhat friend of Mr Darder from IH, he is not official spokesperson as he confirmed. IH can, and IMO will decline all Mr Weaver has said here. They have said only 'could not substantiate'. Everything else here is Mr Weavers and his soul mates speculation.
    7) If someone would want to discredit Rossi and LENR, then one way to do that is to fill forums with FUD and all kind of discredit. Then it would be difficult for any newcomer or truth seeker get big picture without going through hundreds and hundreds of messages mixed with mud (That would help somewhat on F&P -89 replay.). If you scroll back, every time something crucial points were asked, campaign of laughter and all kind of non fact based mud slinging was initiated. Mr Clarkes posts are question on its own in this matter, I cannot judge, but I'm happy that Matts has asked real professionals to evaluate his pretty serious claims of band emissivity and all.
    Mr Weaver has never answered direct factual questions, but either thrown unrelated mud, or at best given indirect hint which all can be denied in court.
    9) There are few other users participating to this smudge campaign, you find them easily, since their posts typically comes in pairs with Mr Weavers posts and typically have no relevance on actual topic.
    10) More and more people today seems to remain childish very late or even throughout the adult life, and latest postings here shows also behavior typical in kindergarten and teenager age. When one person is throwing low punch, that drags others to post all kinds of dismissive and bullying texts and gifs with lots of smileys attached - with no substance on topic at all.

    With all this we can ask ourselves:
    - IH people, Mr Darden, Cherokee partners their lawyers and people in Apco must be totally aware of this Mr Weaver and his buddies 'campaign' here in forums, but have not called him to back up. If they really would be planning to continue with LENR/Rossi/Brillouin, would you accept them as business partner or home heater vendor after this kind of business behavior, or buy cheap Chinese copy from e-bay instead. If they are planning to discredit LENR totally (F&P -89 replay), then they have no reason to tone down Mr Weaver, who seems to be very bully here (implying that he knows for sure he have full freedom to continue his activities here)
    - If IH would target on keeping their contract (=and license) valid with Rossi, I think Mr Weaver and his possible associates would have been called back very quickly. Othervise you would have to think that all mentioned parties in that side would be total business tasus, and even I have lots of personal experience to that direction, I wouldn't believe them to be such dummies. (Also 'Dragons nest' tv-series gives some perspective)
    - What on earth bashing of steam dryness of Rossis 2011 demo has to do with current E-cat technology? It had poor controllability and low temperature at that time, but demo (or even scam) served purpose of scaring competition away, because Rossi seemed to be ahead of MFMP kind of low COP (pt wire) tests. So this is also part of 'Discredit Rossi' campaign instead of planning to continue with him. Interesting exception is that recently Mr Weaver hinted that this will never go into court? (So pay Rossi something, since continuing with him doesn't look very easy option. Then discredit him totally to stop him fooling other investors)
    - One indication of 'campaign' is that Playground thread has not too much been used for this smudging, but it has been important to confuse all real threads.
    - Of course there is more unrealistic scenarios, like since Mr Weaver only learned about troubles very late (my estimation around end March -16), he could have been totally pissed off to Mr Darden who has known, but kept secret, about dispute much longer. Because of that he might be lonely rider with few other disappointed investors here.
    - At least hese fits to filtered big picture of all postings I have read (and it's alot). You may ask how about IH still wanting to continue contract with Rossi and E-cats. Why on earth they let all this mudsling spin freely here then. Their reputation is highly on stake on that case.
    - Finally you may ask what if 'they could not substantiate' really means that Rossi is a scammer and one year test report is screwed by ERV (Mr Penon) and Rossi? That is possible, he could have escaped with his already received 10m$ and end of story (as IH might have predicted). Other explanation would be that Rossi thought that since wording of the contract was written in a way that it is roughly enough to run one year test with both accepted ERV proving COP > 2 or >5 for full 89m$, he would be winning in court, unless IH can prove the fraud occurring. In that case for IH it would be enough to prove fraud with evidence and this whole smudge and smear has not much meaning, and in that case supports 'Weaver being just pissed of lonely rider' -theory.

    So in summary. With patience pick your scenario and evaluate it against events occurring or seek for better ones. This flood of 'stuff' here is not going to stop any time soon, and for history-, and other books of sake I hope moderators keep at least Playground -thread wide open to all comments.
    Meanwhile we can skip reading pure smudge posts and wait for June. It is very close anyway, and soon we can watch starting of next episode in this saga.

    PS. And to your original question my quote is "People, shit and everything between should be treated with respect they deserves". It works pretty well in life in general (with few exceptions).

  • Argon (F2 -" frustrationa") - Who started the PR war? Are you admitting defeat? If yes, then the postings can slow down until Team Rossi cranks back up the volume.

    Regarding your questions, I'd be more willing to engage with you and others from P.R., with you/their "direct questions", but I'm not willing to play your circular argument machina (emphasis "a") game. Your questions contain leading fabrications or attempts to learn more about the IH case that Team Rossi deserves to wait for- its part of your modus operandi and you get to learn how professionals play the game in the very near future. Teama Rossi-a has demonstrated an ongoing legal cluelessness and is about to get a surprise on or before June 13. R professionally has learned to live with disappearing firm dates so lets just leave it at that.

  • It's really fun watching who monitors each string and who disappears then who logs on while you are reading, and possibly writing, on a string. The folks on P.R. are tightly coordinated. I've been making logs and screens shots - it is hilarious. Good morning Siffer!

  • Dewey, endless eye for an eye is way everything from gang wars to real wars can start, if there is not enough coolness or wisdom to sort things out. Hard to tell who started what, depending on what you mean or distance we look at. In big picture I think Rossi have had it running all the time (by putting up JONP in first place). Or is here someother 'war' like PR <-> PIH they should be kept individual fights, which starts and ends there, instead of continuing war.

    Admitting defeat? I'm observer and LENR sypathiser and watchdog against F&P -89 treatment replay. I'm not in Planet Rossi, I have been away fom JONP must be over 1 maybe 2 years. E-cat world does not interest me so much since there similarily thinking people shares their opinions, with not too much argumentation (what I like and partly sympathies Mr Clarke about).

    About LENR, truth has not come out, and if LENR is real I just hope it ends up in hands of good people and companies for general good. If LENR proves to be dead end, I'm pretty disappointed after following Cold Fusion with F&P -89 and now LENR since Rossis first demo.

    As you noticed I did not ask any specific questions from you, since I know beforehand that you should not reveal any true facts before court case is settled. And I pretty much lost interest on this pretrial speculation few weeks ago because June is so close. On the other hand I might have new questions after first IH public response and really appreciate true and honest direct answers also from you then. Gameplay is not in my interests.

  • Siffer - where'd you go? Argon welcome suddenly back - you guys are tight!

    When making logs on peoples visits, you should know that when someone reads another thread, it seems to you that she did go away. I was replying on F&P-89 thread I have not logged out since about 4 hours now (but planning to do so soon). Also logout does not update immediately like in many other social media platforms either.

    BTW It is interesting to learn how easy it is to get lost to wrong tracks, when other people tries to do scenario analysis based on few innocent posts here and there. That teaches also me not to draw final conclusions from here, but just try to weight between scenarios.

    Edited once, last by Argon ().

  • From J of NP:

    We have discussed p+7Li-->2 alpha before. The article is in Nature, so it's not completely crazy,
    and it is well written, as you would expect. It claims an alternative
    to decay to 2 alphas. It would be a new boson with a mass of 17 MeV. The
    decay would require a fifth force. It is very unlikely that it is
    correct, but it is fun anyway.

    Is it relevant to LENR? No, not really, since it is a very small effect. It was known that 8Be can decay
    by gamma and also by internal pair creation. The branching ratios
    (probabilities) are, however, very small. What the authors have seen is
    an anomaly in the distribution of e+,e-, which they interpret as the
    result of the decay of a new boson with a new fundamental interaction. The paper has
    received interest, but more data are required (and will come, LHC, Jefferson Laboratory). To add a new interaction to the standard model would, however, be a big sensation. Definitely Nobel prize class if it is confirmed.

    Here is an open access version of the paper:

  • I was lurking on E-catworld (I don't post as it is heavily moderated, but must say it is opening up a bit).
    And a user here/there had a very good link about discussions on the Internet. So I want to give credit to Argon for taking the time to post 'thanks dude'.
    It is from DISCQUS about believing anything you read.

    Thanks Rigel, I have not written the Disqus article, I just linked it to E-catworld, but yes very well worth reading for all people reading forums and blogs so I add the link once again here:…controlling-your-thoughts

  • :D a week in europe... TMI. Or is there something u want to share?! I bet not

    Edited once, last by monty ().

  • Monty - thanks for asking. I do have a mission and there is some great action / LENR progress taking place right now. I hope that you understand that nothing can be shared at present.

  • For sure I understand Dewey. Secrecy and obscurity is an integral part of your business model ;)

    Edited once, last by monty ().

  • Siffer - where'd you go? Argon welcome suddenly back - you guys are tight!

    Oh! Sorry Dewey boy! Getting lonely are we?

    I did read Argon's summary and think it is a very accurate descripiton, exactly as you do (even though you're not allowed to tell by the .... was it "overlord" you called him).

    I would like to point out once more that all this talk about ERV, steam, temperatures, Lugano etc. are only fabricated diversions according the FUD handbook. As you know Dewey, you have already explained the real mission here:


    The Rossi litigation will never get to a jury. The inbound counterstrike, however, will be an entirely different matter and will be where all the action is as long as we can figure out how to keep Rossi inn this jurisdiction.

    You want to have the FUD discussion, and you want to have the war between the pro-Lenr-pro-Rossi fraction and the pro-lenr-anti-rossi fraction, because you want to hide you real mission that from now on is total anti-rossi-anti-lenr with the help of the well funded hot fusionists using the "lenr-against-the-law" old school arguments. Because this is what you believe will work with the judge and if nescessary - the jury. There are clear indications on this happening right now. On that topic. I does not surprise me that you do not dare to touch the question about the IH overall LENR confidence ... What about Brillouin and Lenuco. You are going to kill them to as collateral damage, are you not?

  • Sifferkoll - I have to hand it to you. You work harder than anyone I know at creating and fabricating twisted tales out of thin air. I've been waiting for you to realize that you're only seeing the tip of an iceberg but I don't think that you're going to get there on your own. Par for the course for the impossible invention crew.

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