The Playground

  • Rends

    How many of the other moderators agree with you, I know there is one that doesn't? Or do you 'outrank' Alan.

    So that's 50/50 at the moment so that leaves us with no clue as to the policy of this forum or the view of other moderators!

    Can you confirm this is a 'corporate' policy?

    Best regards

  • There is no matter of retribution. Rends is incorrect: I do not claim to be all those things he says, and no-one would know except that Sifferkol ferretted out what he thinks is my real e-mail and web page.

    Nor have I ever claimed to post as a professional - I've said many times I am an amateur. Of course, many here including me would consider themselves professionals but that is a different matter. The soubriqet in my avatar is not a claim from me, it is a grade from Alain's site which indicates the number of posts I have made here.

    I realise my sensibilities in this matter may be different from others. But it does not change what they are. I do not post here under my work persona and any explicit link will be rejected by me.

    Goodbye, and I can't say I'd want to stay anyway if such behaviour is countenanced.

  • @Thomas Clarke
    It is a shame that you have been put in this position. The quality of material found on this site will be lessened hereafter.
    The general state of this forum is in decay, IMO. I liken it to a civilization which after reaching it's apex, collapses to a state of barbarism far beyond that of it's simpler primitive beginnings.

  • But you post under your real name and hint at being somewhat qualified due to your RL experience: this is a way of linking your posts' contents to your RL expertise, which you do not want to show here, while showing it (you use your real name, and hint at being knowledgeable due to RL profession)

    Now everybody is confused. How do you want to post? Under the academic umbrella, next to it, away from it?
    What will be the best way to ensure everybody understands that nothing can be said due to lack of data, yet that LENR are woowoo, but if this woowoo is real then it's harmful -unlike nuclear fission ;) - ?

    I must say I'm a bit worried to witness groupthink possessing someone -who might or might not be mandated- : it really turns one into a less than sentient cog.
    That should alone be a good argument against totalitarian regimes, there's nothing good about turning Joes into robots devoid of balanced judgment

  • For what it's worth, I'm saddened by all this today. I have my views but always appreciated Thomas Clarke's counterpoint. And the divide between others I respect a lot is also sad. I hope tomorrow it's a better day.

  • Rends

    Perhaps this would be a good time to have a conference call to decide 'corporate policy'.

    I am defending the freedom of speech, not any person, or statement, because the freedom of speech is in a public discussion, where all participants came together on their own will,like here, the higher principle than good taste. No ones privacy was harmed!

    I presume you have had your conference call with the other 'moderators' and this is corporate policy, game over then Thomas. You cant say that we didn't try for you my friend.

    Best regards

  • I'm not saddened so much as outraged. Sifferkoll gleefully threatening Thomas Clarke's employment and Rends backing him up fully? Shameful.

    What good is your opinion? you're a glorified upvote/downvote machine
    I invite anyone to check your posting and likes/dislike history, it's pretty clear why you're here

    To prevent your kind from peddling their obfuscating trade, this forum should be closed to non-scientists, and to scientists who have no background to tackle LENR

    It would pre-emptively negate shill (or "mainstream" groupthink-possessed) bullshit, and I would be free to do other stuff than playing Internet Police

    Something all must understand: you honest and truth-seeking scientific types cannot comprehend how some people are driven by corruption
    In my country that drove some geniuses nearly mad -Alexandre Grothendieck, Jean-Pierre Petit-: they could not stomach their colleagues becoming liars just to further their goals, and not truth's (it often has to do with the Military-Industrial Complex, ofc)

    You hope that some of the people coming here are not as willfully lying as you dread they might be, and then you act with genuine patience: this only encourages them

    They're happy, even if under scrutiny: it makes you researchers lose time responding, also it instills doubt
    I'm a woowoo-head but I believe that reality is a consensus, and the world the product of Mind, so when doubt and ridicule abound in a field, it won't yield many results, as people entangled in experimenting have troll seeds sprouting in their unconscious and meddling with the quantum field, ether or whatever

    Information Warfare, you're knee-deep in it, and a paradigm shift looms that might solve a lot of issues (ironically, but very strategically, among people who say they care about those, some are only pretending)

  • Quote

    one of the ablest analytical minds from this forum

    I am not so sure of that. One of the loudest and most producing I agree but one of the ablest analytical?

  • It was perhaps unwise of me not to have a higher security anonymous id here - I take responsibility. It is just not my way to hide my name, but OTOH I can only post here if my work id is not posted here, for many reasons. Sifferkoll made it easy for anyone to find my work id by posting this, and perhaps from then what has happened was inevitable. I too am saddened: there are many people here whom I like (and not specifically those agreeing with me).

  • As far as i can see everybody who knows how to use google can find your university page. I dont think blaming sifferkoll is the right way to go.

  • As far as i can see everybody who knows how to use google can find your university page. I dont think blaming sifferkoll is the right way to go.

    Perhaps then it is my fault for not having a less identifiable id - I thought both Thomas and Clarke were pretty common, and I have to say I don't find it when I google Thomas Clarke (there are however a number of high profile local academics who share that name).

    Sifferkoll no doubt just precipitated what would have happened anyway.

  • Quote from "Clarke"

    Perhaps then it is my fault for not having a less identifiable id - I thought both Thomas and Clarke were pretty common

    OMG! It's pretty clear to me that you want to both eat the cake and keep it.

    One simple question though; why did you advertise your workplace email adress on MY SITE when writing comments on it, if you do not want it to be public? I find that level of ignorance almost hard to comprehend? Especially since you sort of advertise yourself as an analytical mind. BTW! I did not post the email adress, allthough it is easy to find.

    Edited 2 times, last by sifferkoll ().

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