Well said.
The Playground
I know that you're a man of fire and steam weaned on your father's knee with tails of the iron clad sailing ships and the iron men who sailed them when the 20th century was young.
I can with my inner eye see the iron clad sailing ships wagging their tails. -
This dowsing bomb detector affair is interesting. Just by the noise and ridicule piled upon this guy by James Randi and cultist blogs (some were even created for that purpose), one can tell things are not clear-cut as they appear.
Especially since he was selling to iraqis. Don't tell me anyone in the west cares about what happens to this country (uncountable dead by embargo, depleted uranium teratologic births, western-authorized pillage of museums, destruction/reconstruction/redestruction cycles from which our weapons and concrete manufacturers profit...), neither Mary Yugo nor other skeptopaths give a damn about this part of the world. Why do they use the argument of iraqi victims? Sounds more like their agenda was putting this guy in jail.As in all spooky effects, the less you believe in it, the less it works. Maybe this Cormick dude thought the looming "techno-magic" future was closer than it is... pricing was wrong however.
Well, Keieueue, I designed and participated in the Anaheim study of Sniffex and I can assure you that Paul Johnson, president of the company, acted as if they believed in the product. Yet the device OBVIOUSLY did not detect explosives. Read the blog, watch the videos-- each is only a few minutes long but they tell a sad story of greed and stupidity on the part of those selling the deadly devices. Do you even understand the principle and purpose and power of a double blind test? And while the study was done to prevent sales to the US and UK military, I very much care about needless deaths anywhere, including Thailand where Sniffex and similar devices killed dozens (one example of three deaths and 8 injuries from an exploding motorcycle was graphically on Youtube until someone removed it). And of course the middle East -- these pieces of expensive excrement were sold in Lebanon and Iraq mainly, also in Syria.
Your failure to understand this case speaks volumes about your ignorance of science and technology. Of course the agenda was to jail this guy. But like I said, if I had my way, he would have been deposited from a helicopter into a dense mine field and given only his own device with which to extricate himself. That would have been justice. A 10 year sentence for extorting and bribing away $100 million or more and contributing to the death of hundreds of people and the maiming of hundreds more is hardly enough.
By the way, Paul Johnson and Sniffex sued James Randi and guess what? The judge selected some experts for the court and required a proper test of Sniffex done by those experts. Johnson and company refused and dropped the lawsuit, exactly as Rossi will drop his if IH and/or the judge require an additional and truly correct and objective test of the ecat or hot cat (or QuarkX, whatever the hell THAT is).
@Nigel, Thanks for your remark. Abd has defended dowsing in general and dowsing for explosives specifically as potentially having merit. He seemed to fail entirely to see the greed, deception and great danger in the dowsing devices being widely used as bomb detectors due to bribes and corruption in the Iraqi and Thai armies.
Here is what an investigator at Sandia Labs (officially) wrote about my test of Sniffex:
QuoteSandia never had to test this device because other tests of the device occurred that were more than adequate to establish the random chance performance of the device. One test was performed by an anonymous individual in a double-blind test of the SniffEx® at the Seventh Annual California Safety and Security Conference in Anaheim, CA. He managed to talk the president and vice president of the company into testing the device in the hall outside of where the conference was being held. The results of the test are well presented at the review website [11]. This test clearly shows that a rigorous double-blind test need not be complicated and the results are seldom in doubt.
Despite this, the scam continued nine long years, indirectly killing and maiming hundreds of people. At least all Rossi does is to take money under false pretenses.I bring this up because I have suggested many times that Sandia (a US government facility which specializes in testing) should have been asked to test the ecat-- the original simple and supposedly highly efficient ecat that Levi reported about in NyTeknik in February of 2011. That is, if the ecat really worked. That no objective double blind (or even "controlled and calibrated") study of the ecat has ever been properly done-- because Rossi would never allow it -- in more than five years tells volumes.
Dude, I'm not going to believe the rambling propaganda of an Internet nutjob (euphemism), especially when there has been a blatant psyops about this dowsing device, which might or might not have been invented in good faith.
Once again, spooky effects work better when you believe in them (and incredulity probaby hampers them). This Cormick dude might have been a fraud, but the idea he latched onto is old as mankind, does work, so it's only logical modern age cultists the likes of you have a meltdown about anything that is linked to it, and wish to ridicule it -so collective faith is low, see above why it's important-
In the meantime people in my area call for the services of the local dowser when they have a house built, and he nevers fails to find where to to dig for water. Stay mad?
I know that you're a man of fire and steam weaned on your father's knee with tails of the iron clad sailing ships and the iron men who sailed them when the 20th century was young.
People who don't appreciate Axil's genius overlook gems like this one. -
Is there a literature of double-blind studies strongly suggesting that dowsing doesn't work?
Here's a start. The famous Munich Experiment (no not the one that involved a lot of shouting and dressing-up).
Of course, this is an instance in which you can't prove a negative. You can prove that any particular dowser on a particular test can't locate whatever it is they are dowsing for differently from chance. Here is an example using a "renown" dowser:
External Content www.youtube.comContent embedded from external sources will not be displayed without your consent.Through the activation of external content, you agree that personal data may be transferred to third party platforms. We have provided more information on this in our privacy policy.As for the people who locate underground water, there's an easy explanation. Underground water is nearly ubiquitous if you look hard enough in developed areas. But ask these dowsers to locate a 55 gallon drum of water in a field of empty drums or flowing water in a pipe among a bunch of empty pipes and they can't do better than chance. I don't expect Keieueue to comprehend or to trust this information or to understand and grasp much of anything remotely technical or scientific. His reality is different.
The only similarity between dowsing and high power LENR is that nobody has conclusively shown that either one works.
I find it fascinating how people will invent protocols to disprove something that is routinely and fruitfully used on a daily basis since the dawn of man
But hey Mary, a cult is a cult, and when it comes to being willfully blind, different strokes for different people, you can't discuss tastes :^)
For the real skeptics out there, there are more and more people interested in, and "feeling" stuff like ley lines. This is probably going to be mainstream in a couple decades (and it has always been, in China...)
Oh, OK. Let's do a test, K. I will winch you down from a helicopter into a dense mine field and you can work your way out, a mile or so, using a dowsing rod for explosives, preferably the Sniffex brand. Deal? If you live, you get to gloat but don't depend on it.
Ley Lines? REALLY? No wonder you believe Rossi. You're all woowoo spirits and mystical. Wow. By the way, Vaughn's web site and Facebook suggests he's the same. People who believe things simply because they sound good and someone is pushing the things, are easy prey for con men and crooks like Rossi.
QuoteIn a book called The View Over Atlantis (1969), the writer John Michell revived the term "ley lines", associating it with spiritual and mystical theories about alignments of land forms, drawing on the Chinese concept of feng shui. He believed that a mystical network of ley lines existed across Britain.[2]
Since the publication of Michell's book, the spiritualised version of the concept has been adopted by other authors and applied to landscapes in many places around the world. Both versions of the theory have been criticised on the grounds that a random distribution of a sufficient number of points on a plane will inevitably create alignments of random points purely by chance.
From Wooooohoooo! (Wikipedia)
Ley lines were mainstream in the 70's. Along with weapons-grade Hashish blended with raw Opium and pretty pure LSD. Was fun though.
It's hilarious that hardened materialists collectively seek to influence reality through modifying the perceptions of others: "no excess heat" "travesty of a test" "flowmeter scandal" 50 times a day, like an incantation
You can't disprove what is there. Bizarre magnetism, spooky effects, dogs knowing when their master comes home, etc old as mankind.
Reminds me of the story of the hospital cat that could predict death in elderly patients, by choosing them to sleep on.
Turned out that the cat just preferred the patients with an electric blanket. -
Turned out that the cat just preferred the patients with an electric blanket.
You should repeat the test with a lion...
@Keieueue Fantasy is as old as mankind and so are misperceptions. That's why controlled studies and instrument calibrations were invented. Cats and dogs do not behave the way Rupert Sheldrake says. His experiments and claims are flawed and he is a woowooite of the highest degree. Also, people can't tell if you're staring at them (another idiotic Sheldrake claim) unless they can see you or some reflection of you. So many claims for the unusual or paranormal (whatever that is) or the psychic are simply misperceptions and a failure to do the right studies. Unless profit or fame are involved. Then, often as not, they're simply fraud.
I can usually tell when Madame is about to phone me -to the point where I often check that my phone is nearby and switched on. But then again she is a creature of habit, and we have been married for over 40 years.
Quote from "Mary Yugo"
I am an ignoramus of the highest order who never thought about the blatant similarities of beliefs and practices throughout millenia among unrelated civilizations, yet puts a blanket denial on everyday phenomena that do not agree with my cultist perspective and my paycheck, symbolic or physical, as an internet nuisance
Hey whatever you say man. You go girl, show the world how stuff that is, really isn't, because!
Very loosely related, but interesting in that you can play bingo with those tactics and some posters here:
Slavery, bloodletting, human sacrifice and eating the internal parts of one's vanquished foes were espoused by various unrelated cultures.
Sometimes traditional knowledge isn't all it's cracked up to be.
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