IH preventing Rossi from publishing ERV, according to Dewey Weaver

  • Hi all

    The mystery as to why Rossi was unable to release the ERV is now clear according to claimed IH insider Dewey Weaver.

    Walker - if you did your homework and actually read what Rossi proposed then signed as his contract then you'd be able to figure out that Rossi brilliantly inflicted a one-way NDA on himself. That is a confidential document for Rossi but not for IH. IH will release the "ERV" when it is most advantageous to IH

    According to this text Rossi cannot release the ERV report without IH's permission, and they are doing all in their power to prevent its release.

    Kind Regards walker

    Edited once, last by Walker ().

  • Walker - Thank you for playing the game and for continuing to dig a deeper hole for your pal. I don't expect you to realize what you're doing until this is all over because you're not capable of doing so. Now lets conveniently move over to the facts. (or inconveniently - depending on which planet you reside). Rossi never asked IH to release the "ERV". Rossi has continually stated that his lawyer will not let him release the "ERV". And in your honor, I'm going to see if I can get Rossi permission to release the "ERV" then the ball will be in your court, so to speak.

  • So you suggest that IH would have released the ERV if Rossi had politely asked them to do so?

    Forgive me but... BWUHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHA! Totally made my day, still wiping the tears from my eyes. Thank you, Dewey! :thumbup:

  • Good one Timar - go read the hundreds of postings made by Rossi's that drolled on and on for months about the "upcoming ERV" report release. Rossi clearly stated time and time again the release is a joint permission event. Why don't you hold Rossi accountable for misleading you on the build up to the original release of the "ERV"? Oh yeah... sorry about that .... that would mean holding yourself accountable and that is not how you're raised on Planet Rossi.

  • OK, Dewey, fair enough. I'm eagerly waiting for you to put your money where your mouth is and instruct IH lawyers to grant Rossi the permission to release the report.

  • Hi all

    I wonder if in the light of the above admission by a claimed insider at IH whether Rossi and his Lawyers will now consider the Restraint of Trade case.

    Kind Regards walke

  • Walker - so quick to change the subject... What's up with that?
    Regarding your idea, that will only work on Planet Rossi where Rossi rules by press release. Here on Planet Earth, we have laws and commerce rules that Rossi has chosen to ignore or obviate.

  • Timar - you didn't answer my question about Rossi failing his followers and misleading them for weeks / months about the "ERV" release. Do you have an opinion on that elephant in the forum?

  • I don't have the exact links, but Rossi HAS in fact said more than once that his lawyer has instructed him to NOT release the ERV report. If Rossi is being honest that his lawyer is holding back the release, then logically it would make sense that IH would also be instructed by their lawyers to hold back until the timing is right...and BEFORE the case is NOT the right time for any case of this sort. If Rossi is being dishonest, and the report is not being held back by his lawyer, then either he is hiding something by holding it back, or there are some unknown circumstances we are not privy to. It makes no sense to ask why IH will not release the ERV without asking the same of Rossi/Leonardo....one of those pesky logic problems...

  • Hi all

    In reply to stephenrenzz on the matter of who is preventing the ERV from being seen.

    In the first post of this thread Dewey Weaver, who you have accepted as having a claimed roll as an IH insider, is quoted as stating IH is preventing the publication by Rossi of the ERV, on the threat of some clause of contract which will cause a penalty to Rossi.

    Though what IHs reason for this course action is, remains a matter contention and the court case.

    Kind Regards walker

    • Official Post

    Rossi is pretty bullheaded. If he wanted to release the ERV report, he would....if it proved his case. I don't think there is a lawyer, NDA, or contract that would stop him if he felt doing so was in in his best interest. Heck, he just fired IH, and I would bet his lawyer told him not to do that.

  • Timar - you didn't answer my question about Rossi failing his followers and misleading them for weeks / months about the "ERV" release. Do you have an opinion on that elephant in the forum?

    Sorry Dewey, but inbetween this herd of mammoths you are driving through this place elephants are easily overlooked. So how about answering some IP related questions first. How does it come, to spot only one of those imposing animals, that IH files amendments to patents they know - by your own words - not only to be totaly worthless but based upon a fraud, when the law would actually require them to withdraw any such application by the threat of criminal prosecution?

  • On the one hand, I believe that LENR is real, OTOH, I am suspicious when someone claims that they are tooling up for mass production and don't even have a prototype running let alone a dozen beta test units at various sites.

    Especially when talk of mass production has gone on for several years.

    Would someone please explain why I should keep my faith in Rossi?


  • Dewey

    Sorry Dewey, but inbetween this herd of mammoths you are driving through this place elephants are easily overlooked. So how about answering some IP related questions first. How does it come, to spot only one of those imposing animals, that IH files amendments to patents they know - by your own words - not only to be totaly worthless but based upon a fraud, when the law would actually require them to withdraw any such application by the threat of criminal prosecution?

    An answer on this would be appreciated, thanks.


    What's the legal position on this? I hope Dewey is not doing a 'white wash' job on this. But then I suspect in the end Dewey will turn out to be a phantom in a 'plausible deniability' picture hung on IH's wall somewhere.

    Best regards

  • My take on the publishing of the ERV report in connection with Rossi's complaint, is this.

    If and only if the question of whether the invention works or does not work becomes relevant to the case will it be entered into the court docket, which is not the same as publishing. If and when it is entered in the court docket it may or may not be available for 'public view'.

    As things stand, the complaint is about 'breach of contract' and 'wrongful use of IP'. For the contract to be 'sound' it has to be about real things, if these things are not 'real' the contract will fail and the case will be dismissed, I think Dewey is implying this will be the scenario, but I don't understand why!

    So my interpretation is that both sides believe the E-Cat is worth 'fighting over'. The 'fight' will as ADB and Dewey say will be 'progressive' and at each stage each side will bring on a new 'weapon'. Neither side have yet brought into question the ERV report as being relevant to their claims so at the moment it is not relevant to the case.

    It's only Dewey saying Rossi's stuff does not work, IH have only said they cannot 'verify' that it works. IH may therefore be subjecting the invention to higher and more vigorous standards than the ERV which is their right from a commercial point of view, but that is not the test required by the contract, it is the ERV report that is contractual.

    Additionally, since IH did not bring the relevance of the ERV report out in the first instance, must suggest they have little confidence it will speak for their defence. If this is the case, they will have a mountain to climb, discrediting the ERV report and explaining why they did not do this before the $89 million became due when they had every opportunity and reason to do so.

    Best regards

  • Calling all Rossi-ites, calling all Rossi-ites...... Penon didn't mark the "ERV" as confidential. Rossi is free and clear to publish. Read all about it. The "ERV" is not a confidential document. Rossi can publish at will. (but he won't because it is yet another millstone around his neck).

    In other news, IH will release the "ERV" when the timing works best for IH.

    In fact, let's count the millstones:
    1. Fake customer
    2. The baked Rossi / heat dissipation matter.
    3. Failure to follow the GPT and Test Validation terms.
    4. A botched (kindest term I could find) "ERV"
    5. Documented measurement deception
    6. Numerous violations of the confidentiality terms from the Rossi drafted and signed contract.
    7. Failure to deliver on a paid-up $10m IP license.
    8. What did I miss?

    If his case makes it thru MTD, Rossi has win most if not all of these to succeed in his case against IH - he doesn't have any chance whatsever of succeeding.

  • Calling planet Dewey, calling planet Dewey, are you receiving???

    In other news, IH will release the "ERV" when the timing works best for IH.

    The timing will never be right for IH, otherwise they would have done it well before now. So what possible circumstances could there be for IH to see publishing to be in their favour. None, I thought so.

    Best regards

  • The timing will never be right for IH, otherwise they would have done it well before now.

    Why do you say that? Have you read the ERV? Have you discussed it with I.H.'s lawyers? If you have not, how can you know when it would best for them to publish?

    Either you have inside information or you just make that stuff up.

  • Jed

    That's novel for this 'new image' forum, having evidence to backup your opinion, wow that might even catch on, come back Thomas Clarke all is forgiven. Does Dewey know about this?

    Best regards

  • Jed, we would all love to read the ERV. Many of us are so keen to get a glimpse of it that we would even accept being spoon-fed some highly selective and biased information from that report. But alas, we don't have the contacts you have and so our wishes remain unheard.

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