IH preventing Rossi from publishing ERV, according to Dewey Weaver

  • Frankiewtu - Rossi has a certain number of days to answer the IH MTD. Then IH can rebut, then Rossi can rebut then the judge makes a ruling or calls a hearing on the MTD. Rossi gets to sit under many moons before learning more about the fact / truth avalanche that is going to seal his fate.

  • Jed - rogue lapdogs love to dig holes then sit in them and yap all day. Then dig some more. Maybe those are not craters that we see thru the viewmaster when studying Planet Rossi - they're dog holes.

    Today was like a circlelogic echo chamber. All that barking and gnashing of teeth. They must be exhausted.

  • Jed - rogue lapdogs love to dig holes then sit in them and yap all day. Then dig some more. Maybe those are not craters that we see thru the viewmaster when studying Planet Rossi - they could be dog holes.

    Today was like a circlelogic echo chamber. All that barking and gnashing of teeth. They must be exhausted.

  • frankwtu wrote:
    But I have no reason to trust what you say, (just a personal view) I think you cannot back up what you say with facts and evidence, its second hand. To me is JED SAYS and conjures up exactly what some suggest when they speak of ROSSi SAYS, its just the same.Yes I will wait for the court to tell me not you or Dewey, or anyone.

    The court may not tell us anything. There are many unknowns at this point. It is not impossible that the court will toss the whole suit. If so, we learn nothing that we have not already learned, unless Rossi or IH release the ERV. If the court allows the suit, it may proceed on rather narrow grounds. We may not know for years, this could take a very long time, depending on details that are not, at this point, public.

    however, Jed isn't a liar. He's opinionated and can make mistakes, but he has zero history of lying, and he's been very public for many years. How many, Jed? More than 20? I find this from 1996. You were already involved. http://www.infinite-energy.com/iemagazine/issue9/wright.html Jed is not some random pseudoskeptic. He has long worked with the Japanese researchers, as a translator. His archive of cold fusion papers is the best on the internet .... by far. I've disagreed with Jed many times, but ... he's paid his dues. He was very bullish on Rossi, argued extensively with me on the point of whether or not it was possible to fake the demonstrations we saw in 2011.

    At that time, he said he had private sources who had seen the Rossi reactor and that they were saying it was real. What we now know is that many saw it and many thought that. Jed trusted the competence of his sources, but Rossi was able to fool many competent experts. he might not have been able to fool Jed. Jed can tell the story, but Jed was about to fly to Italy, Rossi told him he would not be allowed to use any of his own instruments, and I think Jed bailed. Useless, the trip, to watch a dog and pony show, the usual Rossi demonstration. In spite of how suspicious that was, he still believed that Rossi had a real technology. This whole IH affair pushed him completely over the edge.

    My personal opinion is that it is still possible Rossi has something, but if he does, he has so poisoned the atmosphere that he might fail, miserably, anyway. Mats Lewan is aware of the personality issues. What it boils down to has become "Is Rossi a fraud," or "Is Rossi insane?"

    And Planet Rossi may easily think this is all a conspiracy to ruin Rossi -- as does Rossi himself, perhaps. However, they are dismissing the observations and considered judgments of people who have a lot more experience than almost all of them.... if not all.


    Do you have a reason to mistrust what Jed says? What could Jed possibly have to gain by lying? He has enough data to perform calculations and says it is consistent with values that Rossi has already released. Conversely, there are many reasons to mistrust what Rossi says including [...]

    Follows a list of only the most recently discovered reasons. There are many, many from the history of Rossi since early 2011, setting aside what he'd done before. The man's history does not inspire confidence, let's put it that way!


    throwing people out when he they want to do valid measurements,

    I may have stated this. I'm not certain of it. Rossi prevented Jed from coming, prevented others from coming, bailed from the NASA test when it became obvious they were not going to fall over and might actually touch the demonstration. It's clear that there were missing elements in demonstrations and tests, and it is quite likely that the failure of the Lugano team to calibrate came from a requirement of Rossi's, very arbitrary and with a preposterous explanation given. The sense I have is that if an expert challenged Rossi, failed to be properly deferential, that was the end of the expert's involvement. There is a power in privileged access.


    preventing the IH expert entrance into "the customer" side,

    This all comes more into focus when we find it alleged that Rossi refused to do the GPT at a customer site in Raleigh, where it would have been convenient for IH to monitor it, and where the steam would be put to use in existing process. Rossi claimed that this customer would not be believable, because they were associated with IH. Believable by whom? For whom was the 1 MW test performed? It's fairly obvious. This was Rossi grandstanding. So he later created a dummy company to be the "customer"? Perhaps. Much of this is unclear as to what can be fully verified. But, bottom line, it stinks. If Rossi can show that these are all lies, great. If even a small fraction of what is being claimed about Rossi by IH, Dewey, or Rothwell, can be shown to be actual lies, Rossi's stock would go up in my book. But ... Rossi is clearly not reliable, and the probability that these others are lying is very low. Mistaken, perhaps, I always allow that. But at some point there is this thing called the "preponderance of the evidence." At some point there is "beyond a reasonable doubt." I don't know that we have reached the latter point yet, but definitely we have reached the former.


    salting the spent fuel in Lugano

    We don't know that he did that, though it is a reasonable surmise. The Lugano professors seem incredibly naive. What were they thinking, allowing that access?


    and then getting a scientist into writing a theory paper on it,

    Well, that was up to Cook. Cold fusion theoreticians are an odd bunch, given to speculating without adequate evidence. Remember Yeong Kim and Defkalion?


    posting comments to himself under various pseudonyms on his blog,

    I'm not certain of that. I'll say that RB0 here certainly makes me think of Rossi, but that's far from proof. And besides, this is relatively meaningless. If proven, though, it would impeach Rossi's honesty, since RB0 claims to not be Rossi, my dear. This would be trivial compared to the other stuff.


    choosing an Italian with whom he has experience for the ERV and knows will be fine doing an invalid evaluation,

    Well, that it was invalid is not established yet, though it is looking like that. Besides, you got something against Italians? Shouldn't
    la scienza italiana be judged by an ingegnere nucleare italiano? How could anyone else do it justice?


    disallowing Jed and others to do objective tests,

    He did that.


    setting up a proxy company for some supposed unknown company with his lawyer as the CEO, and other things.

    This is what is obvious at best: Rossi never took pains to avoid the appearance of shenanigans. It is as if he was designing it all to appear as total fraud. My operating theory was that if he was not a fraud, he was deliberately creating the appearance to confuse competition. This is, however, very possibly indistinguishable from being a fraud. And a jury might not decide to accept that as an explanation, so even if his work was real, he could end up in prison again.


    Not to mention his past.

    Right, we won't mention his past, because that would not be nice, and we are nice. (Donald Trump pulled this trick in his campaign. "I would never call my opponent a complete bumbling incompetent idiot, because that would not be nice", or the like of that.)


    Perhaps we can imagine that this was the mafia's fault, but I have a hard time believing that his family would have also been convinced and left him. I suppose it's not impossible, but I kind of think his family may have known him best. If none of these assertions cause red flags to raise for you then consider only the fact that he has never allowed an adequate calibration run. This should be all you need to discard the current or any previous reports.

    Yeah, kinda like that.


    In contrast to Jed, Rossi has millions of dollars to gain by lying. Maybe not from IH, but the lawsuit provided a plausible cover while he bamboozled the next investor with that silly magical QuarkX device (let us not forget that it produces excess light, heat, electricity, and propellantless thrust).

    The thrust thing may have been a joke. It was a stupid question to ask him.

    I remember when I found a sign wave pattern to the temperature data like in the Levi et. al. test 1. They spent a significant amount of time and analysis asserting this as proof of an anomaly. It isn't. Not at all. Just plain old normal thermodynamic behavior with a steel tube. It bothered me at the time, but I thought it not enough to invalidate the whole report. There is enough to invalidate that report and all others, which is the failure to perform an adequate calibration.[/quote]Glad you noticed.

  • Why hasn't anyone brought this up - if you seriously believe it plausible that the "customer" was so concerned about IH being able to learn their industrial secrets via a brief trip behind the partition, why would that same "customer" be comfortable with Rossi having his own key to their space and 24-hour unsupervised access to it?

    It's not logical.

    If they were SO paranoid that a simple glance from IH would reveal all of their secrets, don't you think they would have the same fear about Rossi?

    Why would the "customer" have so much mistrust towards IH but not towards Rossi? And we're also supposed to believe that Rossi had no prior connection to this "customer" other than randomly sharing the same lawyer/president? How can both of those suppositions coexist logically?

  • I like the general direction you're taking this argument, but one point of clarification.

    And we're also supposed to believe that Rossi had no prior connection to this "customer" other than randomly sharing the same lawyer/president?

    The contention is not that the shell company whose president is Rossi's lawyer is the actual customer. The contention is that the shell company was set up to hide/protect the actual customer. Whether this is possible using a normal US corporation is unclear to me. A counter argument I've heard is that if there was a genuine customer behind this shell company, it would be listed as the owner.

    Of course, in order to get this far, one must entertain the possibility that there might be a genuine customer behind the shell company, in spite of the fact that IH's expert was denied access to the customer area.

  • Ever since the end of the Quark test, Rossi has been exceptionally happy. When Rossi is in this rare condition, Rossi is more free and open with providing information. For the longest time, Rossi was tight lipped when he was working with IH. Those times were bleak for those interested in Rossi's technology. But now Rossi seems to be care and fancy free, confidently looking into the future. Rossi doesn't talk about IH or his legal issues any more with his followers: his remarks are solely confined to how wonderful his new reactor is and what it can do. His partner loves Rossi's reactor too like a newly married couple admiring their new infant who hold great promise. His new partner is solidly on board and they are getting on famously, celebrating and glad handing together at the success of his micro reactor.

    The starve Rossi out strategy that IH is employing to empty Rossi's bank account via legal expenses is now negated by the cordial connections between Rossi and his new partner who will stand shoulder to shoulder through thick and thin with Rossi in any conflict with IH. Its obvious, IH is going to lose money big time via top of the line legal fees to their world's most renowned and expensive law firm in any protracted legal battle with Rossi. Under the shade of his new partner's protective wing, Rossi sees nothing but blue skies ahead just like the blue light coming from his tiny new reactor.

    Edited 5 times, last by axil ().

  • That is your opinion - for me it is nothing else than another new speculation.
    I won't start to consider believe in anything unless AR is disclosing who is his new partner and we may finally see something like "partner says" and not only Rossi says...

  • Quote from "Cole"

    Do you have a reason to mistrust what Jed says? What could Jed possibly have to gain by lying?

    You should listen to the Munger speech. I find that a number or misjudgements that clearly fits Jed like a glove, and those are only simple human misjudgements ... Then there are the malicious ones; he could very well be a professional cryptodenialist advocating a slower than possible LENR roll out for any number of reasons ... And finally; he could be contracted, even threatened, by the IH hitmen, like Fred Zoepfl et al.


  • For the X time, the comments made by Mats Lewan who talked to some people who visited the IH plant:

    "Those people I talked to, who visited the plant, said exactly this. The steam output was led in a tube going through a wall where the customer's production supposedly was being run. The door to that space was closed and they never opened it. One of them, however, claims to have gleaned when the door opened for a moment, and saw what seemed to be production activity."

    "Ok, so this is what I heard from sources having visited the plant and talked to the customer (who could of course be an actor, playing his part in a scam...) – that JMC set up a production unit of the same kind that they already have in UK, although smaller. Given the experience from their units in the UK they knew perfectly well how much energy should be consumed and how much energy was needed to run the unit. At least one engineer was sceptical in the beginning, but soon found out that the consumed electric energy was much less than expected, using the E-Cat plant as energy source for the hot steam. And the customer was happy as a lark with this.
    I don't know which the UK based company is, but I understood it's not Johnson Matthey (which would have been a nice coincidence, since Johnson Matthey apparently once provided the working palladium samples to F&P), and as far as I know it has absolutely nothing to do with Hydrofusion."

    If certain people want to repeat their own lies time and time again, keep doing it :) If you want to accuse Rossi of fraud you have to have facts to backup. You have 6 years of back and forth of a so called serial liar.

    Jed didn't read the official ERV report. Doesn't anyone find that very surprising that they don't want Jed to read the full report? He saw a data set from Dewey.. I mean an anonymous IH employee. Very credible information off course :)

  • I would sooner believe Matts than Jed, Dewey or Abd Ul-Rahman Lomax, Jack I would hesitate to say that about, I always take a great deal of notice of what Eric Walker says, he never ever uses ad homs and always backs up with good logic. We need more of that.

    I am content to wait and see what the court say about Rossi et al and Darden et al, and would certainly not make anything up about them, since the facts are well hidden under a heap of Supposition, Hysteria, Illusion and Tales of every description.

    Best regards

  • salting the spent fuel in Lugano
    We don't know that he did that, though it is a reasonable surmise. The Lugano professors seem incredibly naive. What were they thinking, allowing that access?

    I think unless a valid alternative hypothesis is generated, it is the only one that makes sense. Even if you want to say that there was 20% excess heat, Parkhomov's supposed 100W long-term test did not find isotopic shifts. Therefore, there is no evidence to support the isotopic shifts in Rossi-type experiments.

    and then getting a scientist into writing a theory paper on it,
    Well, that was up to Cook. Cold fusion theoreticians are an odd bunch, given to speculating without adequate evidence. Remember Yeong Kim and Defkalion?

    It was his choice, but consider the implications of Rossi collaborating with Cook on a theory that he knows for certain is based on fraudulent data.

    posting comments to himself under various pseudonyms on his blog,
    I'm not certain of that. I'll say that RB0 here certainly makes me think of Rossi, but that's far from proof. And besides, this is relatively meaningless. If proven, though, it would impeach Rossi's honesty, since RB0 claims to not be Rossi, my dear. This would be trivial compared to the other stuff.

    I don't really want to go into the full analysis here, but there is good evidence for this (IMHO). See comment discussion here. Search for "Jacky." Although I dislike the adolescent attitude at ECN, I don't disagree on the substance of that matter. I noticed the same thing reading the comment by "Jacky." There are numerous examples with Rossi's fingerprints all over them if you are familiar with his punctuation, phrasing, mispellings, and sentence structure.

    I think it is non-trivial if seen as a part of a bigger pattern of doing anything to maintain the support and positive perception of his followers. It is just another line of evidence (although you are right that it is not needed).

    Not to mention his past.
    Right, we won't mention his past, because that would not be nice, and we are nice. (Donald Trump pulled this trick in his campaign. "I would never call my opponent a complete bumbling incompetent idiot, because that would not be nice", or the like of that.)

    Perhaps we can imagine that this was the mafia's fault, but I have a hard time believing that his family would have also been convinced and left him. I suppose it's not impossible, but I kind of think his family may have known him best. If none of these assertions cause red flags to raise for you then consider only the fact that he has never allowed an adequate calibration run. This should be all you need to discard the current or any previous reports.
    Yeah, kinda like that.

    I didn't say I wouldn't mention it. I said "not to mention" as a means of emphasis rather than the backhanded way politians "don't mention" things. :)

    In contrast to Jed, Rossi has millions of dollars to gain by lying. Maybe not from IH, but the lawsuit provided a plausible cover while he bamboozled the next investor with that silly magical QuarkX device (let us not forget that it produces excess light, heat, electricity, and propellantless thrust).
    The thrust thing may have been a joke. It was a stupid question to ask him.

    It didn't seem like a joke to me, but perhaps I am wrong on that point. But it might as well be added to the list don't you think? ^^

    For those who missed the propellantless thrust claim.

  • Axil - Now let me get this straight. You say that IH has a strategy to starve Rossi out over legal expenses for litigation that Rossi filed against IH. Is that what you meant to post? That takes "Circular Argument Fabrication of the Week" right on the spot. It also knocks 10 IQ points off your running estimate. You don't have many points left to lose before you're right in the mean with the rest of Team Rossi.

    But so glad that it is happy happy joy time on Planet Rossi. Oh darn.....is that an asteroid alert going off?

  • SDTM keeps the streak alive. What a pro!!! 11 posts and 11+ lies.

    SDTM is going to have to work harder this week though as the "Liar of the Week" award for Team Rossi is a very close competition at the moment. Perhaps a brand new dark horse will come out of a crater with a first post doozy that takes the "LOTW" on the spot.

  • Eric - you keep running cover for Axil and / or for moi. Are you his interpreter / whisperer? If yes, Is he really that smart?

    I'm trying to help people not reply to his posts on the assumption that he's being serious and look silly in the process. I'm trying to help them, not him.

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