Peter Gluck, Blogger-Advocate for Rossi Technology

  • Peter Gluck has had some second thoughts. I did not read the next day's blog before posting this. I may make further comments below, but my apologies for any offense, and if I erred, the error is mine. Meanwhile the basic inspiration for this post was actually exploring Rossi's reactions. http://egooutpeters.blogspot.r…-blog-and-primum-non.html.


    Reading over Rossi's comments on Gluck's blog, I realize how familiar it all is. Rossi has been talking more or less like this since 2011, though it is getting more extreme. He's not sober. His grasp of fact is weak. But he is damn sure that the snakes and clowns are snakes and clowns!

    The question of who started a war is asked by people who have no clue how to stop wars. That question never, ever, stops a war. Wars are stopped when mutual benefit in stopping them is found. And there are people who help facilitate that, and people who don't. The people who point to one side and blame them never help, unless they have enough power to overcome that side. The bloodiest wars are between matched opponents, where each side believes it is right.


    I have received an answer that is really amazing and paradoxical- in context. It comes from Dewey Weaver IH's front line man who explains the case:
    "How do you sit down for a reasonable conversation with someone who sues without warning? Rossi was planning this litigation for a long time and was apparently counting the days for when he could file the litigation."

    Dewey is not "IH's front man." Peter has bought that characterization of him. He is an IH investor, definitely an involved party, who certainly has his position, but he is not a spokesperson for IH. IH has been very explicit about nobody speaking for them without authorization. As an investor, Dewey may have some level of inside information, but that's about it. Jed Rothwell also claims some level of inside information. In neither case can they reveal the source, which is perfectly normal and this has been going in for many years, that people leak confidential information, from time to time. They may or may not be violating a trust; they may believe that nothing critical is being revealed.


    So...Rossi, who according to the same Dewey Weaver has never obtained excess heat, has chosen unsuitable instruments, made flawed measurements- ergo is in
    lost situation- OK, this Rossi is watching with sadism when he starts a perfidious litigation against a perfect company- an example of correctness and openness, possessing all truths, motivated by high ideals?.
    Isn't this seppuku?

    Peter is not accurately reporting what has been said and who said it. Here, Dewey was quoted. Nothing was said about sadism. Nothing was said about IH being a perfect company. Peter is fanning the flames. Words of a certain meaning have been interpreted beyond what they mean, to create an exaggerated story.


    Rethinking the story, remembering the vocal and thorny messages of IH's supporters
    I had a REVELATION. Just take in consideration the reports of the ERV after 3, 6 and 9 months, how the impossible, nonexistent and absolutely unproductive miserable fake plant was used as trap or bait for investors and ot FRossi said it is "stellar"-Ok, then we who take these arguments as serious- we are in the extreme danger to lose
    our sense of humor- terribly bad! Please read just the quotations of MOTTO and-let's

    In a word, Rossii's conspiracy theory, a variation on the evil corporation out to rip its investors off. But wait ... Dewey is one of those investors. It was all a ploy to convert Rossi's reputation to cash for IH, while dumping him? So what does Rossi say?

    There are eight counts in the Complaint. The first Count is for non-payment. When a customer does not pay, going to Court is far from the first thing to do. The first thing is to request payment when it has not appeared on time. The next thing is to negotiate. And, then, going to court with a request to resolve a dispute is one thing. That's done all the time without the rancour. Normally, as well, an attorney will send a demand letter attempting to avoid filing an action. There is no sign that ordinary and customary business practice was followed. Instead, the suit was much more like a war, claiming bad faith, fraud, going after the officers and not just the corporation, going after Cherokee, which did not sign any agreement with Rossi and is apparently not an owner or investor in IH, all this was taking a dispute and turning it into a war. However, yes, it was based on IH not paying. So who started it? It looks like communication between Rossi and IH broke down before the GPT report was issued. However, we only have details reliably from one side, Rossi. IH has not Answered the complaint and has not provided new fact in their Motion to Dismiss, only legal arguments based on the Complaint. They hinted in a footnote at what they might allege later, that's all.


    Q- There are signs that IH knows that its position in the conflict is weak and
    the facts are not working speaking in their favor

    Is Peter reporting or is he an attorney for Rossi asking him leading questions? I see no such signs, and I've been paying attention. What I see is a lot of fluff on blogs. The Motion to Dismiss has been entered. The legal arguments in it appear sound. Rossi's attorney will presumably respond with counterarguments, but, at this point, based on my own understanding of law and discussions with a lawyer, most of the Complaint is toast. The most likely part to stand, requiring more evidence and a trial, would be the first count, nonpayment. There is an obvious defect in the Complaint, but Rossi's attorney might remedy it. I.e., as matters stand, the Complaint is toast. But it might be rescued. Why it was filed so poorly would be another story, but what I notice is that the Complaint talks like Rossi. Not like a competent attorney for Rossi.


    A- Absolutely this is the reason they tried to assassinate my character by any means.

    Except that Rossi knows that all this "assassination" -- which is not by IH, but by many others, with only one or maybe one more actually having some connection with IH -- is irrelevant. They could make Rossi look, on the blogs, like a complete fraud, and it would have zero effect on the lawsuit. In other words, Rossi is putting together things that are not actually connected, which is a sign of how he thinks.


    (I have to add that they also try to assassinate the characters of the 1MW plant, the ERV, the instruments and the measurements -plus of anybody who wants to keep a sense of humor, reason, reality and are doubting IH's story)

    One footnote in the Motion to Dismiss is all that IH has said, plus they made some comments in a press release about being unable to confirm Rossi's claims. No claim has been made about the ERV, to my knowledge. Rossi lives in a fog full of vermin that are not actually there. Some people, based on private information, have said various things. This is, simply, rumor. Rossi did not answer the question.

  • (continued)


    Q- IH people speaks about terms and says you have started by going to Court before payment was due- Have they justified why not paying?

    Actually, while this may have been said by an "IH person," at one point, i.e., Dewey, I may have noticed this first and I saw another researcher say it privately. This would be a good question for Rossi as to what IH may have explained to him when refusing to pay, if they did. But Rossi doesn't answer that.


    A- This is an other falsity of IH, whose evidence is in our complaint, that we deposited in court after IH rejected our request of payment that we sent to them after the ERV has notified both parties the Report of the 1 year Test; it is enough to read our complaint deposited in Court to find the proof of this.

    Rossi may believe this, but the facts in the Complaint show otherwise. According to the Complaint, 72. On or about March 29, 2016, the ERV published his final report." Rossi also demanded payment. When? March 29. Now, I would normally expect a legal proof of delivery of a report like this to take some time, at least a day. But let's assume that the report was actually delivered to IH on March 29. (Notice that the Complain does not allege this.) So when was the payment due? From the Agreement, within "five business days." That is one week if there is no holiday. So the payment was due on April 5, and not past due until the day after, April 6. The Complaint was filed on April 5. Thus it was filed prematurely, by one day. It took time to put that Complaint together, even as shoddy as it was. So the point that Rossi was planning to sue before knowing he would not be paid as a legal fact is clear. That does not mean that he didn't know he was not going to be paid and I've often said that they likely told him. But that is exactly the question that Rissi does not answer. He just calls the issue of going to court before payment was due (really before it was past due) a "falsity." But it's obvious.

    And so we see that Rossi denies the obvious, because he has a different story to tell.


    Q- I have noticed an increasing trend - more and more LENR-ists consider that IH's position is weak perhaps not only in the coming trial:

    I totally agree : in court you cannot chatter, you must bring evidence. All the clowneries they said about the ERV, about the flawed measurements, about the "Ghost ERV" now will demand evidence.

    Where did they say these things? Rossi has no sense of a distinguishing corporations, officers of corporations, shareholders of corporations, and random people from the public who might say something. HIs failure to understand that IH was not "Cherokee" is striking in the lawsuit.


    Andrea Rossi adds re sense of humor:

    Lacking of honor is the fact that they have taken seriously clowns like Zoepfl, Rothwell, and made Weaver the president of a public fund.

    Sense of humor? What? Who has taken "Zeopfl" seriously? He has been talking about IH. Rothwell is not connected with IH at all. And who is "they" who "made Weaver the president of a public fund." Okay, what position does Dewey Weaver have, and does this have anything to do with IH?

    As I mentioned, Dewey Weaver acknowledges being an investor in IH. What is the "public fund"? Weaver, from readily available information, is an owner and CEO of InterMountain Management, founded in 1982. InterMountain Management owns and manages hotel properties. This is not a "public fund" and "they" did not make him President. Rossi doesn't know what he so freely talks about. He's not careful and apparently never has been. [struck. Dewey says that is not him. So what is the reference to?]

    [quote]Sense of reality lack is put in evidence by the fact that they take 150 millions from investors for one year thanks to my IP and suddenly, when the time to pay for it, they discover that my IP is not good.[quote]Was this thanks to his IP? Does he know what they told the investors? And isn't that between them and the investors? Because of issues with the Agreement and performance, it's not impossible that this will not go to trial. More likely, though, Rossi's attorney will remedy some defects enough that the contractual issues can be resolved, and then, the issue of actual performance and the underlying purposes of the Agreement mayl become a subject.

    Meanwhile, I'd have thought that Rossi's attorney would have told him to STFU. He cannot help himself with all this hostile fluff, this is not a public relations war, which he'd be likely to lose, anyway.

    He does not understand, apparently, that what the so-called IH fans are saying cannot harm IH, because it is not legally responsible for them. But Rossi is responsible for Rossi.

    • Official Post

    I start to reanalyse the history of Cold Fusion.Read the book of Beaudette…ookreview_excessheat.html

    It is sure that academic community, helped by hot fusion budget, lack of imagination, glory of Manhattan projects, disdain of high energy physics for lower science like chemistry did not help.
    However some huge mistake, that were not corrected later, like refusing to communicate, lack of coordination, spurious claims, local battle between labs, between countries (even inside Toyota between France and japan they reused to admit others findings).

    Abd have numerously explain why 2nd ERAB panel 2004 failed not only because of bad procedure, but mostly because LENR community was a herd of cat, focused on theory, unable to quickly produce a synthetic experimental body of evidences...

    and now, when big money is seriously considering LENR, ready to launch "open business" effort (because closed business cannot work), LENR scientists and some clowns, play a Hollywood comedy inspired by a James Bond sequel.

    I'm furious because it seems those clowneries have already damaged a big project, bigger than IH. I hope I'm wrong.

    • Official Post

    ...when big money is seriously considering LENR, ready to launch "open business" effort (because closed business cannot work), LENR scientists and some clowns, play a Hollywood comedy inspired by a James Bond sequel.

    I'm furious because it seems those clowneries have already damaged a big project, bigger than IH. I hope I'm wrong.

    Hi Alain - I quite agree with you. We see some clowns in here, too. But what to do about those aspects of clownerie in this forum over which as Admin/Mods we have some control? I suspect that -recently at least - I intervene more than any other Mod - but am seldom sure I am doing the right thing. Happily I have been thanked and criticised by both sides of the current dispute, so must be doing something right. This is not a banning kind of a place, Mary Yugo apart, but recent shenanigans seem to be encouraging some useful members to stay away while fostering the rise of 'public bar lawyers'.

    So what to do, Alain? Hand-wringing is not my favoured option. I can only spend less time here and more in the lab in the hope of fishing up some good-looking fresh meat to discuss, now the flu/crappy cold which has been dogging me for the last few weeks is clearing up, that will be the case.

    But right now, what do you think we should be doing? This is a community of sorts, even if a raggle-taggle one, and we have influence -otherwise we would not see this space being used as a PR tool. Answers on a postcard please. ;)

  • Alan & AlainCo

    Maybe this would be a good time for a 'conference call', I suggested this to try and avert differences in the TC issue, but TC's situation appeared to unearth differences between some moderators. That is not good and will lead to greater damage in the long run because you (moderators) will all feel helpless and this will be, and is, being exploited.

    Best regards

  • Dear Colleagues,

    Actually I am grateful to Abd- my traditional discussions partner
    for publishing this here.
    In the spirit of audiatur et altera pars I have created a possibility for Rossi to tell what he thinks.

    IH denies his technollogy, his Test, his results, instrumentation unsuitable, measurements flawed, ERV incompetent, excess heat zero. After 352 days of experimentation, 3 partial reports
    of the ERV- he has nothing and was demonized indeed including by people connected at laeast by symapthy with IH.
    And it seems everything has happened when he asked the money. However now his opponents are trying to build a retro-history in which IH knew from the start that nothing works.

    These things were discussed many times my blog and I were called ugly names and "asked" to shut up.
    Yesterday it was decided to stop suh unsolvable discussions first for 30 days however Abd wrote this long message, he knows why.
    Only the trial will solve the problem- who is right
    Tyhe discussion is like chronicized illness- incurrable, insolvable, useless.
    Going back to my Blog.
    Greeting to you all, Abd included- he hs good intentions


    • Official Post

    About clown, I don't talk of us (a peanut gallery mostly, but not only), but of real and important actors who ruin actively LENR developpement.

    It is those clown who sometime push us to battle instead of supporting serious efforts.

    We discus, we disagree, (I disagree with myself often) as long as no damage is done IRL...
    Maybe we could just try not to convince, but to share our opinions.

    I changed my positions many times, reconsidered past opinions, and this was because of short explanations and rough data, helped with personal work.

  • However now his opponents are trying to build a retro-history in which IH knew from the start that nothing works.

    No one tries to build a retro-history.

    For me it is very clear that Rossi has been underestimated by IH and that they couldn't imagine how skilled he is in all his efforts (inclusive formulating a license agreement with test procedures in his favor).

    It may take some time to figure out what conceals behind the tricks of a real magician.

    Take for example someone like Uri Geller. By claiming that he has extraordinary abilities he was fooling millions of people. If he would have presented his tricks as a magician, then the effects wouldn't have been the same.

    Some of his fans compare Rossi with people like Tesla. I'd prefer comparing Andrea Rossi with Uri Geller. Not immediately seeing through his tricks is not a shame.

  • Dear Tom Paulsen,

    so you are contented with the timing of the Events?
    IH people were in the plant had access to all data- how much time do they need to understand the plant has COP,1 and what is the natural reaction to such a disaster?

    Take a woman working in a bordello, how much time does she need to distinguish a potent client from an impotent one?

    It is incredible how IH's ad-hoc story became...credible.

    Sorry for the indecent metaphor but I am amazed by what
    people are able to consider true.


  • IH denies his technollogy, his Test, his results, instrumentation unsuitable, measurements flawed, ERV incompetent, excess heat zero.

    Yes. I.H. denies this for very good technical reasons. I agree with these reasons, based on my analysis of the data.

    After 352 days of experimentation, 3 partial reports of the ERV- he has nothing and was demonized indeed including by people connected at laeast by symapthy with IH.

    The ERV has not been "demonized." Assuming he reported this data and he configured the instruments, I.H., I and other have looked carefully at his work and we have concluded that he is incompetent and that his conclusions rely on ". . . inoperable reactors, relying on flawed measurements, and using unsuitable measuring devices," as I.H. put it in the motion to dismiss. That is regrettable, but that is a conclusion reached after a careful technical evaluation. Not demonization, and not ad hominem. None of us wanted to see this test end with a null result. I.H. spent millions on this. I have devoted years of effort to cold fusion. None of us wants to see a test fail, but all of us agree this test failed drastically. It was poorly done, just as most of Rossi's earlier tests were.

    I have accused Rossi of one act of blatant dishonesty: refusing to allow the I.H. experts into the customer site. I say the only plausible explanation is that he is trying to cover up what is in the customer site, which -- based on my analysis -- is nothing more than a ~15 kW radiator. The rest of his test is either dishonest or terribly stupid and incompetent. I cannot judge which it is.

  • The lack of comity within the LENR community is disgraceful. The vitriol within the community is horrendous.

    Locking an expert out of a customer site when the expert insists on seeing the site is worse than disgraceful. It is probably an act of criminal fraud. I cannot imagine what else it would be. Nothing that Rossi's opponents have said or done is 1% as bad as what he did. He took $11 million and wasted it on a ridiculous test. He trashed the reputation of cold fusion. He would have destroyed the field forever, and dried up all funding, but fortunately I.H. has continued to invest despite this fiasco. He has caused more harm to cold fusion than the DoE, Nature magazine, and the other mainstream opponents combined. So naturally vitriol directed against him is fierce. What would you expect?

    Per a suggestion from Peter Gluck, I should reword this a little:

    Since 2011, Rossi has caused more harm to cold fusion than the DoE, Nature magazine, and the other mainstream opponents combined. (These opponents have been quiet lately. I assume they think the battle is won.)

  • Pardon me Jed as you're earnestly devoted to LENR/CF: but as an archivist of all things LENR/CF in its pre-breakthrough form, exciting and new, Rossi having the goods would mean the end of your gig.
    It is only rational that you would be biased against such a possibility and find good angles to try and disprove it. It would also rationally make you receptive to anti-Rossi PR, be it concepts or persons.
    (rational observation: human beings are driven by emotions)

  • Abd - the Rossi PR/Slander war foggerfiers have incorrectly linked me to the DW that you reference
    as owner and CEO of InterMountain Management. That is another DW.

    I have corrected my post. Are you an officer in a "public fund" If so, then Rossi's statement may have been libel, but not wrong on a fact. IH, by the way, is not a "public fund" either, as I understand those words. But Rossi is not a master of legal stubtlety. If his supporters also pointed to the same DW, then he was probably relying on that and so his error would really have been the same (thinking an LLC is a public fund). Just wrong person.

    This looks much more like our friend Dewey:

    Also was a President, but of a Limited Partnership.

  • Dear Jed,

    You are ne er responding to the questionn of timing and you never show your data but you insiult aanybody who does not believe you.

    As regarding your hydrophobic Jeremiad against Rossi naswer to Axil I do not dare to comment it here beacaue I am polite
    but it is the most horrible injustice in LENR I will say you who does harm to LENR.


  • Quote

    refusing to allow the I.H. experts into the customer site

    There is something odd about this. The one that can allow or refuse someone into the customer's site is the customer, not Rossi.

    Also, if I made an agreement with someone and he later starts searching of over the place looking for faults just to avoid paying me, I would restrict the number of places he was allowed to look. The reaons I would do that is that my counter party was not pursuing an interest in good faith and it then makes perferect sense for me to minimize his bad faith fishing expedition. I'm not saying that this is was happened. What I am saying is that it is not true that "the only plausible explanation is that [Rossi] is trying to cover up what is in the customer site".

  • Pardon me Jed as you're earnestly devoted to LENR/CF: but as an archivist of all things LENR/CF in its pre-breakthrough form, exciting and new, Rossi having the goods would mean the end of your gig.
    It is only rational that you would be biased against such a possibility and find good angles to try and disprove it. It would also rationally make you receptive to anti-Rossi PR, be it concepts or persons.
    (rational observation: human beings are driven by emotions)

    This is utterly preposterous. Jed is a "librarian" and has been interested in NiH before Rossi, as have many CF researchers. Rossi success would not be the "end of his gig." His work stands regardless.

    I watched Jed from 2011 on this. Jed was quite positive on Rossi. He offered to support with his expertise in calorimetry. As with other experts, Rossi blew him off. That could have made him reactive, but, actually, Jed continued to write positively about Rossi.

    This is tan example complete fantasy nonsense that people post without knowledge. If you are going to go for psychology, at least have some fact underneath it. Jed is not trying to disprove anything here, he's commenting as someone with some knowledge. Jed also makes mistakes from time to time, as do we all. I know Jed long term. He doesn't stick with his mistakes. Except for one, which I won't mention because we have seen enough fireworks recently. I do expect him to eventually figure it out, though it really doesn't matter, it's about someone who died and who no longer has any significant influence. It was, however, reading his book that supported my initial interest in LENR. Good skeptics, real skepticism, can do that.

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