Is the E-Cat a Copy Cat?

  • Is the E-Cat based on technology devised by Mark LeClair?

    In a recent audio interview, Mark LeClair, the President of NanoSpire, Inc. (, states that “Rossi and crew have taken my technology.” Stated at 1 hour and 35 minutes into the interview. “Cavitation - The Missing Link to Cold Fusion...and more!” May 5, 2014.…nk-to-cold-fusionand-more

    LeClair’s technology creates cavitation bubbles in water, and when those bubbles collapse they generate excess energy and every element and isotope from helium to californium.

    • Official Post

    from all we have already, it seems those technology and the science behind are absolute strangers...

    E-cat is based on hydride Cold Fusion, based on fleischmann&Pons ideas, with evolution toward gas permeation (Fralick), powders like Miley/Piantelli/Arata, Nickel/Hydrogen reaction as observed by Miley/Piantelli/Celani...

    LeClair, beside his crazy announces of massive irradiation (he should be dead and the campus should be closed if his claims are right), is proposing Hot Fusion reactions in inertial confinment triggered by cavitation.

    The few data I remember of Leclair don't give me a strong desire to investigate more...
    I'm busy enough with serious claims.

    “Only puny secrets need keeping. The biggest secrets are kept by public incredulity.” (Marshall McLuhan)
    twitter @alain_co

  • LeClair's process is not even remotely similar to what we've come to understand to be "Cold Fusion". LeClair's ideas interest me, but he says some pretty silly stuff now and again that make be doubt him. IDK what he's expecting to gain by claiming such a thing. CF-LENR does not produce dangerous levels of radiation. LeClair is achieving a novel form of bubble fusion, that while it occurs in a "low temperature" or "cold" environment compared to the sun for example, is very similar to hot fusion in that the nucleons seem to overcome coulomb force through sudden kinetic force, not through the type of slow, "dissipative" fusion that seems to be occurring in LENR cells/reactors. Whatever is going on in Rossi's machine, it certainly isn't producing dangerous levels of radiation.

  • James Patterson cited the Fleischmann and Pons "cold fusion" patent in his own patent application for his "Patterson Power Cell". Patterson's application also asserted that his device could transmute dangerous radioactive atoms into harmless atoms. I suspect that this was occurring because his device was producing oxygen/hydrogen bubbles by electrolysis and those bubbles were igniting/burning/imploding (due to pulsed electrical stimulation) and forming reentrant jets that smashed the radioactive atoms into the nickel-plated plastic spheres in Patterson's device. After a while, the nickel plating became so damaged that it would flake off of the plastic spheres.

    Given the capability of Patterson's device to transmute elements, I believe that LeClair's device can do that too. LeClair's device is probably producing lots of dangerous radiation because the perforated aluminum sheet that he uses in his reactor contains 5 to 10 percent boron and those boron atoms are being split, producing large quantities of very dangerous nuclear particles.

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