Have IH let their E-Cat License lapse by inaction?

  • The tax records show the value quoted covers the investment is 13 individual small residential units, probably as a real estate investment. This is a wise move made to park money that has a chance to make a gain on investment in a time when the effective bank interest is close to or at zero percent.

    It is not unreasonable for Rossi to maintain a modest financial hedge against unexpected personal expenses like potential medical bills derived from his illness scare as a result of his year long residence inside the shipping containers which housed the 1 MW reactor.

    Excellent...so you confirm my original statement then yes Axil? "Rossi evidently was able to make up for that ten fold by buying homes all over Florida with the Millions he received as of late..." Why are you arguing just to strengthen my point? You are quite confusing and illogical sometimes.

  • Excellent...so you confirm my original statement then yes Axil? "Rossi evidently was able to make up for that ten fold by buying homes all over Florida with the Millions he received as of late..." Why are you arguing just to strengthen my point? You are quite confusing and illogical sometimes.

    It is not unreasonable that a person who is at or near retirement age when sickness is a constant threat and has been indicated as caused by his developmental work on his 1 MW reactor to have a financial cushion to fall back on to protect himself from the vagaries of fate and the weakness of the flesh. Has the depth of your visceral hate of Rossi deprived you of the proper application of judgment and compassion of your humanity? Do you want to see this poor man relegated to lay sickened on the hot Florida streets without any prospects of proper medical care? Have you seen how depleted Rossi looks after his year long stint working 18 hours a day without a break throughout and entire year inside those shipping containers? As his reward, do you want him to lay destitute on the mean streets without the ways and means to recover his health and prospects?

  • Wow - try to get a couple of simple questions answered while attempting to turn over a new leaf on this thread and team Rossi ends up throwing a good old fashioned collective temper tantrum hissy fit. What a great bunch of folks! A fine example of haters hating at their best!

    We do have new evidence of what it takes to be a fervent Rossi supporter though so the day is not a total loss. Very disappointed in Peter Gluck who put up a link to this discussion after specifically agreeing to keep the content of our exchange out of his blog.

    On the bright side,

  • Jed, all you have said is that when the data is released, it's gonna be endless nitpicking and obfuscating by all the TCs past, present and future.

    I think most people who have "hope" in Rossi seem like somewhat balanced individuals. I haven't seen the sectarian cult aspect you describe. However, I see a lot of groupthink, veiled threats, character assassination, filibustering on the opposite side.
    Both of those assessments really do make me think "truth" leans more towards Rossi, but I have no trouble imagining him as a solitary paranoid angsty nervous hyperactive inventor who's got no problem with playing dirty tricks on people
    Those people may then be rightfully butthurt, and wish to teach him a lesson by, for example, smearing his product
    They may have thought that it would help their payback plan to have at their side a respected authority on all things CF/LENR, and coaxed you by presenting things in a particular way, and helping you with your research maybe?

    I don't think any Rossi-ite sees his leader is a spotless dove, but do you think Cherokee aren't businessmen?

  • It is not unreasonable that a person who is at or near retirement age when sickness is a constant threat and has been indicated as caused by his developmental work on his 1 MW reactor to have a financial cushion to fall back on to protect himself from the vagaries of fate and the weakness of the flesh. Has the depth of your visceral hate of Rossi deprived you of the proper application of judgment and compassion of your humanity? Do you want to see this poor man relegated to lay sickened on the hot Florida streets without any prospects of proper medical care? Have you seen how depleted Rossi looks after his year long stint working 18 hours a day without a break throughout and entire year inside those shipping containers? As his reward, do you want him to lay destitute on the mean streets without the ways and means to recover his health and prospects?

    Okay now I think someone has hacked Axil' account lol! I am so confused...you are trolling yourself! I give you points for humor!!

    But seriously...my statement was "Rossi evidently was able to make up for that ten fold by buying homes all over Florida with the Millions he received as of late..." and you respond with "Do you have a reliable dollar figure for the cost of Rossi's housing?". I provided you proof...you actually helped me back the proof. When I point this out...you troll yourself making fun of Rossi's health (which I agree has greatly degraded lately) and dodge the fact that you strenthened and acknowledged my orginal point. Are you arguing for the sake of argument...I am really baffled by your lack of focus here.

  • Wow - try to get a couple of simple questions answered while attempting to turn over a new leaf on this thread and team Rossi ends up throwing a good old fashioned collective temper tantrum hissy fit. What a great bunch of folks! A fine example of haters hating at their best!

    We do have new evidence of what it takes to be a fervent Rossi supporter though so the day is not a total loss. Very disappointed in Peter Gluck who put up a link to this discussion after specifically agreeing to keep the content of our exchange out of his blog.

    On the bright side,

    Peter Gluck is really showing his colors at this point...and it is not a pretty sight. All of a sudden we are all attacking him like the gestapo (in his own words) all the while he is making constant underhanded sucker punches while trying to masquerade as the victim. His bias is blatantly obvious, yet he claims bias among all who oppose him. If you can actually navigate through the odd formatting of different colors, fonts, confusing paragraph formatting broken grammar and odd ramblings of his ironically named "EGO OUT" blog, you can easily see his bias which he has now proven to me to be based in no fact. Very tacky of him to link the content like that especially as he had agreed not to do so....no ego there huh? He seems like a scared sheep who just realized his hearder has been lying about green pastures and in fact will be sending him to a not so very nice place instead inside that shed...ahh the parallels...sheep shed...rossi ecat shed. Just cant make that kinda stuff up!! Only the highest end technology is built in shipping containers!! lol

    • Official Post

    Wow - try to get a couple of simple questions answered while attempting to turn over a new leaf on this thread and team Rossi ends up throwing a good old fashioned collective temper tantrum hissy fit. What a great bunch of folks! A fine example of haters hating at their best!


    I think you guys are pushing Rossi believers too much. Making them take a harder, more personal stance than they normally would have...Siffer probably being an exception to that. :) And there still is plenty enough uncertainty for the remaining Rossi believers to have some hope:

    -The successful validation test (IH's DD) carried out on 1 May 2013 with a 30 Ecat configuration still stands.

    -Apparently Darden's mission to Sweden to convince the testers to switch their Lugano conclusion from positive to negative, failed. I say that because IH, according to you, has a team of experts digging into the report to discredit it, and that would not be necessary had the profs agreed with Darden. That being the case, Rossi has his "proof" that his IP DOES work...unless your engineers can convince a judge that they are right, while the 7 nuclear scientists, and chemists were wrong.

    -When it comes to the GPT, granted, by your and Jed's word...and I do trust Jed (don't know about you yet...nothing personal), I think you probably have Rossi dead to rights. But (always a "but" :) ), with Penon, and Fabiani still supporting Rossi -or at least they appear to be, IH's task at hand may not be the slam dunk being sold to us. Those guys know their stuff too, and if they take the stand (with their hand on a stack of bibles ;) ), and swear the 1MW performed brilliantly, just as the report claims, and that Rossi is being ripped off...well, you have your hands full.

    Then there is the dark horse...West. So I think the believers still have some solid ground to argue for the Ecat being real. They are not being ridiculous, as you and others are making them out to be. Now, when it comes to defending Rossi the man, and painting him the little guy being ripped off by the big bad IH...that I don't understand. Rossi is simply put, a sleaze bag. I have followed him for 5 1/2 years now, defending him...or at least his Ecat, and the guy is just too slick for me. No need to recount why, because everyone here knows the same things I do. Heck, he is up to his no-good ways right now on JONP! He has the routine down to a science.

    On the other side; I think Rossi supporters should also keep in mind that they may be wrong, and IH right, leaving them (IH) as the best, and only LENR game in town to rally around after the scandal breaks. Not wise if you ask me, to burn every bridge to any LENR benefactor now, much less IH which has been a very generous benefactor so far.

  • Shane D - Rossi and his fans started the slander and flame war and can't handle it when friends of IH fight liar fire with truthful fire. There used to be hundreds of them, they posted that they were up against some professional mastermind organization because they were getting crushed. Now they are down to a handful of diehards, some not firing on all cylinders, and don't like getting back what they have no problem dishing out. Hitting back twice as hard with the truth on our side is where this is will continue to go if Team Rossi wants to keep sending out the attack dogs. Rossi continues to bait these poor folks and they continue to fall for his tales time after time. Another test, another massive robotic production, another missed date, another partner / customer - repeat. But this time is different. Rossi has not delivered and has chosen the courts as his field of battle. He has no idea what he has gotten himself or his fans into. He has $11.5M dollars in payments and has not delivered anything that works in return. He will be held accountable. Rossi has chosen the blogs as part of his battle strategy and has only dumped lies onto his fans to fight with. Against the light of the truth, they are looking and sounding like fools.

    BTW - TD was invited to Sweden. They are mainly working on a replication and cannot get anything to work either. Nothing Rossi related works except his slander and libel machine. We're all ready for both of those things to change.

    • Official Post

    - TD was invited to Sweden. They are mainly working on a replication and cannot get anything to work either. Nothing Rossi related works except his slander and libel machine. We're all ready for both of those things to change.

    If you get the Lugano Swedes on board (doubtful Levi would budge), then your task is much easier. Still some obstacles, but if the GPT deception is as obvious as you and Jed say, and Fabiani and Penon, don't put up much resistance, West sides with you, it could go well. Although that adage about "the first casualty in war, is the plan", keeps popping up in my mind. :)

    If you guys are right, I'm all for you. If you turn out wrong, well then I can jump back on the Rossdi bandwagon real quick. Like those "insiders" that years ago "left themselves outs" just in case Rossi was a scammer, I have left myself a few "in's" just in case also. ;)

    Take care and keep up the Deweyisms.

  • Thanks Shane - I've been directly advised that Uppsala gang was strongly steered (I interpret as bullied) into the IR camera settings. They are now saying that Levi owns that, not them. If Rossi's shows up with working IP that can be verified by credible engineers then all tunes will change. I doubt he is capable of saving his bacon that way but one never really quite knows with Rossi - he is smart and might wise-up to try and find a reasonable way out of his predicament.

  • Anyone interested in a LENR blog with the following conditions, ??

    1. pertains only to the science and technology of LENR and immediate peripheral requirements, nuts and bolts stuff
    2. all research and experimental work by members would be freely and openly disclosed and documented, complete with images of equipment,
    all magic show attempts would result in expulsion
    3. participants would offer and receive valid criticism in an adult manner, those interested in learning would be cultivated within the limits of available patience
    4. the only subject of the blog would be the work of the participants and those following that work
    5. off topic bilge on unrelated issues cause for immediate cancellation of participation

    anyone wishing to participate would put up $1000, to be held in escrow, for as long as the participant remains in good standing with the blog, money returned at departure

  • All the time I don't understand why IH don't want freely public measurment result.
    Power of 1MW represents about 239 kcal/sec.
    With water medium on secondary side of heat interchanger it represents water flow(litr/sec) from 239/50=4.8 (90°/40°C) to 239/30=8 (90°/60°C) litres per second.
    May I missed something, but my questions are:
    1) Was measured energy on the second side of heat exchanger?
    2) Was input(electrical) energy much less then output (thermal) energy?
    This is what I hopped IH definitively will clarify.
    Jed & Dewey, thanks for answer.

  • Quote from "Dodge Dewey"

    Rossi and his fans started the slander and flame war and can't handle it when friends of IH fight liar fire with truthful fire.

    That is of course BS. And you know it. This part of the "war" was started by IH/Apco with issuing the March 10 FUD press release. Reading it again now it reveals everything about the IP pocketing strategy (ie. not mentioning Rossi after a one year 1MW test that had been the prime activity for some time in this community - and which has appearently $50+M satisfied IH up to that point...). Rossi responding with a complaint to this IH act of war was a smart move and caught IH with the guards down (as you and Jed et al has stated), since they were prepared to attack, not defend.

    And about you Dogde Dewey; it satisfies me to know, that since you being a very religious man (nothing wrong about that), in the end are going to be judged by your REAL BOSS ... And I also know that what you are going to write about that and what you are thinking about it right now, are two entirely different things ... ;)

    Not really fruitful keeping this up you know...Hence the new colour scheme. Alan.

  • Jed

    You are the one caught up by a "force of sickness, evil, or bad company:" Rossi. You don't recognize that because you have not seen the data from the 1-MW travesty. I have, and that gives me a firm basis to judge him, and to conclude that he is a fraud.

    But we don't believe you!

    Like 'Rossi says' to some its 'Jed says' on this.

    Best regards

  • Argon - Thank you for your questions - I'll do the best I can in answering. IH has not proposed a negotiation with Rossi and doesn't appear to be in that frame of mind right now based on Rossi's eagerness to go to legal guns, some material flaws in his…

    @Dewey Weaver Thank your again from you answer my hypothetical question yesterday. Even I'm independet thinker outside of all camps and connections, I took my own freedom to post similar question to Mr Rossi yesterday in his site. My question was quite direct on to topic and against all my expectations he did not remove it and even gave reasonable reply.

    Dewey, I sincerely hope and appeal you and your fellow people read this carefully:

    - I so very well know that my hypotethical question and Your and Mr Rossis reply is not anything concrete, but I still see tiny tiny window of opportunity here. No matter how small it is, all that matters is how wisely it will be used. (Yes 'wisely' not 'smartly')
    - We all now realize how exponentially all went after Mr Rossi become suspicious on foreign factory visitors, and after he declared war in court and all. Understandable both parties felt hurt, offended and all possible emotions kicked in.
    - That is what first happens when such big surprising events occur. First people reacts emotionally, no matter how hard boiled businesman one considered himself, and now in internet era many people that are not real parties in this dispute (including me) started 'their own fight' with the same reasons, reacting emotionally. You call them camps, I think most are independent as I am.
    - Now that our testosterones have settled, we need to start thinking rationally as businessmen whose main agenda in this particular case must be 'save the planet' and do it optimal path. Money and personal benefit must give way to that goal. If IH agrees on this main goal instead of any other agendas, they should take rational next step, since Mr Rossi must feel threatened and quite alone at least. There is no way you can tame cornered wild cat by threats, since it is in their dna to fight back with all costs.
    - In Internet era we cannot know for sure what goes behind anonymous posts so to get any progress, IH must dismiss 'camp' thinking totally on this. It is just Mr Rossi and IH and nothing else that matters.
    - If I read you right IH is expecting Rossi to take next step. Wrong, very very wrong. That is this testosterone thinking more related to hormones than rational business thinking and real successful negotiations. No matter who thinks is right, feel offended or feel upper hand or anything else, it is the the wisest party that takes the neutral first step to give other chance to come bit closer and real dialog has chance to start.
    - I see above both parties at least indirectly considered theoretical chance to direct and 'ego out' discussions. Even I'm not in any position or party on this, I strongly appeal IH to be the wise man and pass neutral palpation via attorneys to Mr Rossi where you propose open and peaceful discussion directly between Mr Darden and Mr Rossi, and make absolute sure attorneys does not mess this sensitive process nor discussion if you get that far. Law- and business books are absolutely last things to be mixed in this very very delicate process. Many Fruitful discussion starts with 'We apologize' (... on everything what went wrong along the path.)

    Dewey and IH I know that this is just my indivdual effort to make things right and I know there are many things and interests that are not public to us, but I still think what I wrote applies. Giving to this tiny hope a chance should not do any harm to any party if we understand what it really means to leave 'ego out'. If initial palpation fails, nobody has lost anything compared to current outlook, but if it leads to shorter path to 'save the planet' it is well worthed for all, not to mention of costs saved from court case to actual LENR development efforts.

    All the best to all parties no matter way things wind up.

  • Sifferkoll - I do feel badly for the obvious torment that you seem to have to live and deal with. I live in confidence of my eternal destiny and have the accompanying peace that surpasses all understanding. None of us will stand blameless before our maker and all of us will be judged. Since you brought this up, I'm forgiven and pardoned - do you know how you will fare on judgement day?

    More Green Ink. This is not the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster. Alan.

  • Argon - fascinating and intriguing in many ways. It is my personal opinion that Rossi is not operating from a position of strength. He has started a war where he must win almost every skirmish and legal battle in order to have any semblance of a winning position on jury instruction day. Rossi faces long odds and high legal expenses in that regard. That does not include the IH counterstrike which promises to be devastating and will more than double the length of this war along with the associated legal cost on the way to a summary judgement ruling or a jury verdict.

    I do appreciate your efforts and thoughtful inquiry. Please allow some time for analysis, thought and a response.


  • Argon - fascinating and intriguing in many ways. It is my personal opinion that Rossi is not operating from a position of strength. He has started a war where he must win almost every skirmish and legal battle in order to have any semblance of a winning position on jury instruction day. Rossi faces long odds and high legal expenses in that regard. That does not include the IH counterstrike which promises to be devastating and will more than double the length of this war along with the associated legal cost on the way to a summary judgement ruling or a jury verdict.

    I do appreciate your efforts and thoughtful inquiry. Please allow some time for analysis, thought and a response.


    Surely a "devastating counterstrike" is a tactic designed to SHORTEN a conflict, with quick victory to the counterstriker.

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