Can we talk about Holmlid?

  • If ordinary gaseous hydrogen transitions to Rydberg matter or ultra-dense hydrogen, pressure should decrease. The latter two are not gases.

    Rydberg matter (H(1)) has been calculated to have a density of about 0.6 Kg/dm3 (8-9 times the density of liquid hydrogen).
    Ultra-dense hydrogen (H(0)) is supposed to have a calculated density of about 140 Kg/dm3 and to usually form thin films on metal and metal oxide surfaces.

    The conversion to ultra-dense hydrogen alone should be strongly exothermic, releasing a few hundred eV per atom. This however is still well below the realm of nuclear energy.

    Once H(1) is formed the transition to H(0) should be spontaneous.

    Edited 3 times, last by user1815 ().


    Rydberg blockade in strontium via narrow intercombination lines.

    One element can pass on its quantum mechanical bond structure to another through entanglement. From the Piantelli patent, it surprised me that strontium can do the same job as the alkali elements in producing metalized hydrogen. Like graphite and potassium, Strontium can become entangled with hydrogen and pass on its hexagonal structure to hydrogen through rydberg blockade. The crystal bond structure of strontium can replicate itself in the structure of metalized hydrogen.

    An Alchemist's Dream: Superatoms Mimic Elements


    Initially, Dr. Castleman and his team observed chemical behavior in superatom clusters that reflected the behavior of a given element. To provide quantitative evidence, they examined the photoelectron behavior in the superatoms, detaching and analyzing the electrons of a given cluster of atoms to see what orbital the electrons were coming from.

    "We started working with titanium monoxide (TiO) and much to our surprise we saw the TiO was isoelectronic (having very similar electronic configurations) with nickel," Castleman said. "This amazed us because we started seeing behaviors where TiO looked like nickel. We thought this must just be a chance happening."

    But the team looked at other species, including zirconium oxide, which is isoelectronic with palladium, and tungsten carbide which is isoelectronic with palladium. "When we analyzed the behavior for each of these species, we saw a behavior that was amazingly similar. It looked as though TiO was a superatom of nickel."

    isoelectronic(having the same numbers of electrons or the same electronic structure) equivalents as follows:

    palladium, and tungsten carbide
    zirconium oxide, and palladium,
    TiO and nickel

    One addiction factor to keep an eye on is LENR activity derived from a crystal structure with a offset of 60 and 120 degrees.

    Edited 4 times, last by axil ().

  • "Leptons from decay of mesons in the laser-induced particle pulse from ultra-dense protium p(0)"

    Now it seems to be confirmed that Holmlid has a tabletop CERN... It's not yet a big help for the LENR experimenters, but with selective variations of the Holmlid experiments, it could be possible to research some basic LENR parameters.

    I'm very eager to hear what the super kamikade guys think about the possibly occurring Proton decay!

  • What comes first, the meissner effect and superconductivity or proton breakdown? The observation of gamma rays before gainful LENR heat production in MFMP experiments gives the answer. First, electrons are expelled from the hydride thus producing Bremsstrahlung, then superconductivity begins, and finally LENR appears.

    Edited once, last by axil ().

  • Regarding: "Interestingly Holmlid reports that the charged particles generated can give voltage disturbances in the apparatus. Some LENR experimentalists have already observed similar effects, I wonder if they could have been due to the same reason."

    Both DGT, ME356, and eros have all seen intense electrical disruption produced by the LENR reaction. People feel uncomfortable when close to a operating LENR reactor. Now Holmlid is seeing it. This is what will keep LENR from unregulated use in the market.

  • Axil,

    Given that in hot tube (=Lugano-type) LENR experiments excess heat is usually observed at very high temperatures, if excess heat is truly observed in these experiments and if ultra-dense hydrogen is involved then the superconductive phase is probably not a prerequisite for LENR (but is it actually "LENR"?) and excess heat.

    Marrying superconductors, lasers, and Bose-Einstein condensates

    I offer more evidence than Holmlid has yet to offer. A Bose condinsate will generate both infrared and visible light as an output. This explains why Rossi produces both heat and light at extreme temperatures.

    "Hole" superconductivity is self protective because the "Hole" is surrounded in a strong magnetic field that keeps the "hole" cool at any temperatures no matter how high.

    In cavitation generating metalized water, Mark LeClair can produce transuranic elements from water transmutation which implies that the Bose condinsate state of that metalize water can be maintained at temperatures beyond that of a supernova.

  • I had an e-mail conversation with Dr Holmlid today. He said that a could chamber cannot be used to prove or disprove his muon theory because most of the particles generated from the reaction are neutral kaons that wont leave tracks.

    I think Hoklmlid might have discovered a laser fusion process but his theories are detracting from his credibility.

    Some of the mesons he has posited must be charged and they can be detected by cloud chambers.

  • I had an e-mail conversation with Dr Holmlid today. He said that a could chamber cannot be used to prove or disprove his muon theory because most of the particles generated from the reaction are neutral kaons that wont leave tracks.

    Surely some of the kaons will decay to muons within range of the cloud chamber? Holmlid has published a paper that describes a muon detector after all (and not a kaon detector). (I hope it is clear that my position is that the claim of muons is unfounded.)

  • That seems an odd answer to me, as from the papers he posted it appeared that the muon flux generated is significant. Could it be due to the energies involved? These are not cosmic muons and can be stopped by a few mm of metal or glass. Perhaps he could try using a cloud chamber the Piantelli way: have one of these catalysts produce large amounts of particles, then quickly remove it from the testing apparatus and place it in a cloud chamber.

    Holmlid states that he sees muons coming of the catalyst for weeks after processing. No need for quick removal of catalyst.

  • It's manifestly obvious that additional cross checks are needed to rule out alternative explanations to muons, and that an oscilloscope is an inadequate basis for such a conclusion.

  • Holmlid states as follows:


    Instead of inverted Rydberg matter, it is spin-based Rydberg matter with orbital angular momentum l = 0 for the electrons. It is shown to be both superfluid, and superconductive (Meissner effect observed) at room temperature.

    The electrons coherently orbit the positively charged holes (proton pairs) producing an axially aligned monopole magnetic field derived from the orbital angular momentum of the electron condinsate pointing toward the head of the metalized hydrogen nanowire.

    The spins of the N numbers of orbital electrons are also aligned with the axial magnetic field and add to its magnitude.

    As with any metal nanowire, Surface Plasmon Polaritons(SPP) will form and their collective spins will all be aligned with the monopole magnetic field adding to its magnitude.

    This monopole magnetic field flux lines will extend outward from the head of the metalized hydrogen nanowire a distance of 100 microns.

    This monopole magnetic field will destabilize the protons and neutrons in the nucleus of atoms that the magnetic beam falls upon and result in the production of strange matter mesons.

  • When laser light is applied to the metalized hydrogen H(0), the photons become entangled with the electrons that orbit around the axial "hole" backbone of the H(0). The polaritons store light energy from the photons and convert that energy into magnetic energy. This is why the laser shot produces sub-atomic particle creation.

    The energy from the laser when converted to monopole magnetic energy makes the total magnetic energy projected by the H(0) sufficiently powerful enough to disrupt the protons and neutrons of atoms close by the H(0) in the near field of that magnetic beam so that mesons are formed.

    The atoms that are illuminated by the monopole flux line beam become entangled with the electron coat of the H(0) and the energy that comes from the decay of the nucleons are stored in the polaritons that surround the H(0). This transfer of energy from the LENR induced nuclear reaction to the H(0) polariton coat is through energy sharing entanglement.

    The Bose condensate nature of the H(0), convert this transferred nuclear energy to heat via Hawking radiation. Mesons are produced through hadronization. Light from a side channel is emitted whose frequency is proportional to the level of energy accumulated in the polaritons. This side channel is where the light emitted by the QuarkX is coming from.,d.amc

    Even when no laser light is present, heat and ambient light from room elimination (florescent lighting) is enough to energize the polariton coat to a level where mesons are generated, all be it at a lower level.

    Even in the dark, photons from the vacuum can produce enough energy to form mesons at a low level.

    The energy storage capacity of the polariton coat is on the order of many GeV.

    The mesons produced by the H(0) remain entangled with the polaritons. The energy of their decay and any subsequent secondary nuclear reactions that they catalyze will be transferred by through entanglement to the H(0). Because of this closed energy loop, a meson based chain reaction will produce huge amounts of sub-atomic particle creations.

    The energy from muon decay leaves newly created electrons and the remainder of this energy is reabsorbed back into the polariton soliton. All the while more muons are generated in a continuing cycle from the SPPs. The Solitons are also slowly decaying through the emission of hawking radiation in the infrared range; this is part of the thermalization of high energy radiation. Also, these SPPs can explode in a "bosenova" if their energy storage capacity is reached; they then release XUV and soft x-rays which will also thermalize through normal atomic processes.



    AND IF SO, THEY WILL, FOR SURE NOT BE CREATED BY A BUNCH OF NON-PHYSICS-GUYS which play around with some powder inside a stick.

    Goddamn, just take this for granted and accept that, and even more, rethink, before You repeat Your monopols shit over and over again.

  • When laser light is applied to the metalized hydrogen H(0), the photons become entangled with the electrons that orbit around the axial "hole" backbone of the H(0). The polaritons store light energy from the photons and convert that energy into magnetic energy. This is why the laser shot produces sub-atomic particle creation.

    axil: May be you should once read a paper throughly and then e.g. discuss the mechanism Holmlid proposes for relaxing DD bond from spin-state S=1 to S=0. Ok ??

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