Can we talk about Holmlid?

  • He has indeed written that this transition releases "a few hundred eV per atom", so believe he must be aware that it is strongly exothermic.

    Ok, so there's good reason to think that Holmlid will agree with something in the ballpark of your 640 eV bond energy calculation.

    Holmlid has written that it this H(0) material has a strong bond and that it is stable so I believe that he must be aware of this as well.

    Yet a strong magnetic field can apparently cause it to easily transition to H(1). I do not think I am able to provide a precise explanation of why this occurs. However, since it is supposed to be a room-temperature superfluid and superconductor, it may also be a consequence of these properties.

    How does one undo a 640 eV bond with a magnetic field, even a strong one? There's an energy balance problem that deserves close attention here which I think is being neglected. Energy must be conserved (if we're not to stray too far from the assumptions of physics as it is currently practiced). If the 640 eV bond can be broken with an external magnetic field, either the bond was not really 640 eV, or we have another store of potential energy lying around that was somehow tapped by the magnetic field. If you click on the button on an umbrella, it shoots out, which is analogous to the 640 eV release. Now you have to apply force to push the umbrella back to its initial position. But instead the suggestion seems to be that you can click on another button in the umbrella, and it shoots in back to its initial position.

    The same could be said if any nuclear reaction occurred within the lattice as in countless other LENR claims. The reaction sites would eventually all get destroyed. Craters and local melting may visibly appear too. I think these are common problems in LENR systems that have been reported to be working.

    The point I made earlier about lots of energy being needed pertained to the undoing of the 640 eV bond and was not an objection about what is seen in LENR. If you have that kind of energy being released which, I have assumed, is needed to break the 640 eV bond, you'll no longer have a solid within which the presumed H(0) can be turned into H(1) or H(2). Instead perhaps you'll have a plasma, which is a different situation than the one in which you suggested the H(0) would be re-inflated (i.e., in a metal). My point pertained not to a high energy release, but to the explanation about H(0) being turned into H(1) or H(2) in the context of a metal.

  • Somewhere above you calculated a bond energy of ~ 630 eV for H(0), which means the transition to H(0) is highly exothermic. Let's go with this thought for the sake of argument. I believe you would need a thermal distribution with a high energy tail in the range of 630+ eV to get an appreciable portion of those H(0) out of that state. Also recall that (1) the temperature of the lattice sites in a metal is sub-eV and that (2) the energy needed to dislocate a lattice site is ~ 25 eV. So if there were a thermal distribution with a tail that approached an energy in the range of 600 eV (~ 7,000,000 C), the host metal would no longer be in the solid phase.

    630eV is still moderate compared to close to 24MeV in the He4 creation process...

    But Eric is pointing to the hot spot! 1) We must propose a modell how the energy between H(0)/lattice? is exchanged, 2) how a pile of H(0) can survive in the grid.
    2) Is easy to answer. If H(0) is engaged in H(0)-H(0) bonding, then nothing (except Van de Waals forces) will stop it from flowing through the metal grid, once it has been generated.
    1) Here we only can speculate. If superconduction is in place, then we can easily show that energy can be conserved in a B-field. That's exactly what many older experiment did show (claim) up to 1 or greater one Tesla fields!
    But this is not yet an explanation of the transfer mode! Two things are missing: a) Where is current flowing that causes the strong field? b) Why is there no damping? At least no short term damping?

  • Eric Walker,

    I do not know much about the subject of superconductivity but I am aware that ordinary superconductors have a critical magnetic field strength above which their superconducting state is removed:

    It could be that I misinterpreted the observations of Holmlid et al. and just assumed that something similar was happening. I will need to check again in detail, but I cannot guarantee anything.

    The directly related papers, as far as I know are: (more recent, for p(0))

    You can use the usual sci-hub for access if you really are interested.
    I do not recall if there is more in other papers.

  • Both The Papp cannon and Papp engine are examples of how clusters of metalized noble gas metals behave when exposed to and EMF shock. In these examples, the energy stored in the metalized noble gases or in metalized water are released by a intense magnetic shock wave and XUV radiation. The superconductive state of the metalized crystals are disrupted by the EMF shock and the positive holes in the core repel each other at high speed producing a shock wave of expanding plasma. In the Papp engine, a axial magnetic field constrains the holes and electrons to central axis of the cylinder where that shock wave pushes on the piston.

    The energy content of the metalized crystals are not thermalized to produce heat but instead that energy is formed into a shock wave. How the metalized noble gas crystals reformed back into the initial crystal condition to initialize the next stroke of the piston after explosion is yet to be determined.

    The Papp engine had two cluster mechanisms: water (circa 1960s) and noble gas (circa 1980s). The noble gas mechanism was developed because it was less corrosive on the structure of the engine.

  • 630eV is still moderate compared to close to 24MeV in the He4 creation process...

    But Eric is pointing to the hot spot! 1) We must propose a modell how the energy between H(0)/lattice? is exchanged, 2) how a pile of H(0) can survive in the grid.

    Nuclear energy is magnetically transferred between the nucleus and the H(0) via entanglement where the energy is stored in the surface plasmon polariton (SPP) based spin wave on the surface of the H(0). Because this spin wave is a Bose condensate, it has three thermalization mechanisms where that energy is gradually released. Hadronization produces mesons.

    Two, Hawking radiation

    and finally, a newly discovered EMF light radiation channel ranging from red to XUV where the frequency of the EMF is proportional to the density of the SPP and associated energy content that make up the spin wave.…einstein-condensates.html


    They observed high-energy side-peak emission that cannot be explained by two mechanisms known to date: Bose-Einstein condensation of exciton-polaritons, nor conventional semiconductor lasing driven by the optical gain from unbound electron hole plasma.

    By combining the experimental data with their latest theory, they found a possibility that the peak originates from a strongly bound e-h pairs, which can persist in the presence of the high-quality optical cavity even for the lasing state. This scenario has been thought to be impossible since an e-h pair experiencing weakened binding force due to other electrons and/or holes breaks up in high-density.

    Edited once, last by axil ().

  • How the metalized noble gas crystals reformed back into the initial crystal condition to initialize the next stroke of the piston after explosion is yet to be determined.

    and finally, a newly discovered EMF light radiation channel ranging from red to XUV where the frequency of the EMF is proportional to the density of the SPP and associated energy content that make up the spin wave.…einstein-condensates.html

    Yes! We are all ready for startreck Axil and the meV driven Sushiwarper-drive.

    Beam me up...

  • Yes! We are all ready for startreck Axil and the meV driven Sushiwarper-drive.

    Beam me up...

    The following is the paper referenced in the magazine presented here for your convenience so that you can understand the the future of LENR

    High-energy side-peak emission of exciton-polariton condensates in high density regime



    In a standard semiconductor laser, electrons and holes recombine via stimulated emission to emit coherent light, in a process that is far from thermal equilibrium. Exciton-polariton condensates–sharing the same basic device structure as a semiconductor laser, consisting of quantum wells coupled to a microcavity–have been investigated primarily at densities far below the Mott density for signatures of Bose-Einstein condensation. At high densities approaching the Mott density, exciton-polariton condensates are generally thought to revert to a standard semiconductor laser, with the loss of strong coupling. Here, we report the observation of a photoluminescence sideband at high densities that cannot be accounted for by conventional semiconductor lasing. This also differs from an upper-polariton peak by the observation of the excitation power dependence in the peak-energy separation. Our interpretation as a persistent coherent electron-hole-photon coupling captures several features of this sideband, although a complete understanding of the experimental data is lacking. A full understanding of the observations should lead to a development in non-equilibrium many-body physics.

    As an aid to your appreciation of LENR as a science, consider LENR as a instance of non-equilibrium many-body physics.

    From the referece above as follows:


    While our measured PL spectra consist of the main peak and the high-energy one, this theory predicts the asymmetric triplet peaks.

    I say that the blue light comes from polaritons. This polariton origin of the blue light can be verified because the light is coherent and will show the Mollow triplet in its spectral lines. Polaritons produce laser light and any atom that is irradiated using laser light will show a Mollow triplet.

    Dressed in the picture means a two level system irradiated with a laser.

    The same test can be applied to the blue light that Rossi is generating in the QuarkX. Rossi is producing coherent laser light generated by polaritons. . The blue light produced in sonoluminescence will also show this polariton coherent spectral signature. This will also be true for the blue light seen in R. Mills experiments that he purports are produced by hydrinos.

    The photons are generated by the polariton BEC condinsate.

    This is a prediction from theory which asserts that polaritons are the causative mechanism in the LENR mechanism including what Mills has been seeing over all these years.

    Holmlid is generating hydrogen Coulombic Crystals where the hydrogen is metalized. This means that the protons are in a lattice configuration and the electrons are delocalized around the core of the proton lattice. Here too, the hydrogen Coulombic Crystal is covered with a polariton spin wave which is coherent and forms a BEC.

    Edited once, last by axil ().

  • Rossi says that there is two light sources generated in the QuarkX reactor, one internally generated and one externally generated, The Blue white light that is internally generated by the QuarkX is generated by the high-energy side-peak emission of exciton-polariton condensates in high density regime.

  • @axil

    I'm often perplexed by some of your contributions however this time I think that you are spot on. The similarities between this work and the work by Manykin in the 1980's on Rydberg matter, followed by Holmlid on condensed RM, are striking. Of course the main difference remains in the type of (pseudo-)particles participating in the condensation and in turn in the energy scales involved. Exciton-polariton condensates present energy gaps in the mev range whereas in RM condensates the energy differences lie in the 100s of eV range (without saying anything about the possibility to gain access to the strong nuclear force..). This makes the work by Holmlid much more interesting from a pure energetic perspective. His work deserves much more consideration than he gets today.

    You can get an idea about the energy scales involved by drawing connection between metalized hydrides and the particles found in the ash of LENR experiments.


    These particles have accumulated giga electron volts of energy as shown by ionization of photo emulsion particles. These erstwhile unknown particles that are found in LENR ash are actually stable metalized hydrides that can pack huge accumulation of energy contained in the spin waves of their polariton coats.

    The way that energy is handled in LENR is hard to understand since it is so far from everyday experience. LENR is not low energy, it is very high energy but that energy is handled under the quantum mechanical table.

    • Official Post

    These particles have accumulated giga electron volts of energy as shown by ionization of photo emulsion particles. These erstwhile unknown particles that are found in LENR ash are actually stable metalized hydrides that can pack huge accumulation of energy contained in the spin waves of their polariton coats.

    An interesting thought. Here is another (purely anecdotal) observation, which may be relevant, to go with it. People (sensible people, too) who have handled 'used' Rossi ceramic reactors (pre-IH) have said that reactors which have run for a long period exhibit a strange 'static charge' phenomenon which persists for long periods (weeks) which is quite inexplicable. The surface when touched has that 'vibrating and slightly crackling' feel you get from being around things like Van der Graaf machines.

  • Alan Smith,

    I have read that from you some time back in a different thread and I recall I gave a possible speculation on the nature of the effect, but it was not clear that it showed from 'used' and presumably cold reactors and that the effect lasted for weeks.

    Just a question:
    'used' = "in the process of being used" or "that have been previously used" ?

    Edited once, last by user1815 ().

  • Cold and disconnected reactors ... effect lasting for weeks ... it could be wishful thinking but now this starts sounding a bit more like the muon emission effect reported by Holmlid and Olafsson, which would be in-topic with this thread.

    However, if it could be only felt by touching then it was not due to particles emitted to any significant distance outside the tube.

  • Alan Smith,

    From what you described it seems like that it could be something decaying with electron emission inside the tube over the course of weeks, leaving it negatively charged.

    I have sometimes read (not on JONP, nor on EcatWorld) suggestions that Rossi may have used triboelectricity to achieve 'effects' in his reactors, but this would imply in your example that something keeps vigorously moving inside the tube even at rest, and I guess that it would emit some sort of noticeable noise if it was the case.

    To steer the thread back in-topic, If ultra-dense hydrogen was absorbed by materials and then decayed over time to regular hydrogen (which has a much larger size), immense pressures could be generated within the lattice, which could eventually crack, producing high voltages and I believe also noise. This process would be reminiscent of the one called hydrogen embrittlement.

  • Why should we talk about Holmlid ?

    because if such a D(0) material could actually be created in volume at room temp as a super-liquid and independent of the production catalyst, this points to being able to design an practical engine to 'burn' this such a fuel to do useful work as opposed to being a lab curiosity.

    If it can scale, then it would be a really big deal in human history, that's why.

  • Redacted,

    The production catalyst could be something as simple as a tube or conduit containing a foamy metal oxide surface doped with alkali metals like potassium and heated to high temperature and low pressure. Then as hydrogen is made to flow through this tube the H(0) would be eventually produced and potentially collected in some way. As it has been observed to be a room-temperature superfluid, it will not be easy.

  • Looking at the 2010 paper Efficient source for the production of ultradense deuterium D(-1) for laser-induced fusion (ICF)

    The D(0) material accumulates on the surface of the emitter and the laser focus is 0.1 - 0.4mm below the tip of the emitter. So the D(0) would appear to build up on the surface or diffuse away from it. Given the density of the material, one could speculate that with a larger emitter there would eventually be a drop that forms and falls. That little drop would probably pack quite a punch.

  • ME356:


    I can't tell the details, although I would like to share my excitement.

    In some experiments, with a certain materials and in a certain conditions, one can establish a transfer channel. It can be considered as "a black hole".This mean, that in just few miliseconds even 1L of hydrogen can just "disappear" and is irreversibly transformed to other kind of energy (including neutron radiation).We can completely exclude lithium or similar compounds that can create a hydrides.This behavior can be performed repeatedly, if correct conditions are set.Enormous COP can be achieved (100 and more).

    The protons in the hydrogen is converted to mesons and then to undetected muons. The muons escape from the LENR reactor and account for just about all the energy content that is contained in the 1L of hydrogen. If all that hydrogen was converted into energy, both the LAB of ME356 and the country that the LAB is located in would be vaporized.

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