Can we talk about Holmlid?



    A true magnetic monopole would be a new elementary particle, and would violate the law ∇⋅B = 0. A monopole of this kind, which would help to explain the law of charge quantization as formulated by Paul Dirac in 1931,[41] has never been observed in experiments.

    The monopoles studied by condensed-matter groups have none of these properties. They are not a new elementary particle, but rather are an emergent phenomenon in systems of everyday particles (protons, neutrons, electrons, photons); in other words, they are quasi-particles. They are not sources for the B-field (i.e., they do not violate ∇⋅B = 0); instead, they are sources for other fields, for example the H-field, or the "B*-field" (related to superfluid vorticity). They are not directly relevant to grand unified theories or other aspects of particle physics, and do not help explain charge quantization—except insofar as studies of analogous situations can help confirm that the mathematical analyses involved are sound.

  • axil: May be you should once read a paper throughly and then e.g. discuss the mechanism Holmlid proposes for relaxing DD bond from spin-state S=1 to S=0. Ok ??

    I am not constrained by what Holmlid is assuming at this current juncture, but putting forth an opinion that seems to more readily connect the dots at this time. Holmlid has discarded his long standing assumptions about hydrogen inversion H(-1) and has adopted the nanowire based model that he now explains.


    The name was changed recently from H(−1) to H(0), since the material is not inverted (this assumption motivated the negative sign). Instead of inverted Rydberg matter, it is spin-based Rydberg matter with orbital angular momentum l = 0 for the electrons.

  • I am under mental attack. System is brain magnetite crystalls, 7.8hz schuman resonance, posible longitudal radio wawes.
    there are hidden things.
    They send psychosis by air.

    They use computer like viruses to insert brains. I see display listings from "dying moment". Some opereator eye leak.

    But use iron wool, heat it black, hydrogen reduce under and give lot of photons. posible magnetic field

    halogen tube oval concentrator like laser

    Save world from mental dictature. I have seen peoples to made violence with mental attack

    It started after two weeks I filed patent paper.

  • I have deleted all your response to Eros. This is not a case where mockery seems suitable. Alan.

  • I am under mental attack. System is brain magnetite crystalls, 7.8hz schuman resonance, posible longitudal radio wawes.
    there are hidden things.
    They send psychosis by air.

    This frequency is striking me!

    I reference here the paper of Krasnoholovets about inducing metastable condition on H2O.

    May be his description can help you to understand what happens and why. But caution, some people call this paper speculative...

    • Official Post


    There is something on UDD at the end of the report, but google translation is incomprehensible

    Did you mean this?

    F. Celani [A8] and colleagues developed a theory from the standpoint of Zitterbewegung (Zbw) movement on the low energy nuclear reaction of ultra-dense deuterium (UDD). They are attempting to describe the interaction between ions in UDD using Maxwell 's equations and Dirac equations simultaneously. Zbw movement is the movement of electrons rotating at the light velocity on the circumference with a radius of about 2.4 pm Compton wavelength, due to the interference between the positive energy state and the negative energy state which is the solution of the Dirac equation. It is believed to be happening (in this case).

    Celani and colleagues think that this movement brings about strong Coulomb repulsion and cancellation power among UDDs with an internuclear distance of about 2.3 pm, which is very interesting. Introduction of Zbw into this field was surprising, but I hope that this will solve the problem of overcoming Coulomb barriers.

  • 200 mbars of D2 pressure - so where the ultradense hydrogen is?

    at low pressures the peaks are broad and shifted toward higher wavelengths - it's common feature of photoionization of adsorbed atoms. These atoms always tends to be densely packed and more strongly interacting than at the gaseous phase. What I'm lacking here is the blind experiment with protium or similar inert gas.

  • comedy. I did not intend to inslut anyone (in this rare case) nor mock.

    Pleased to hear it, a gracious apology. However viewed in some lights your comment was tactless so it got binned. Eros has not posted in the 4 weeks since.

    • Official Post

    Not Holmlid himself...but going down a similar track perhaps?

    Energy penetration into arrays of aligned nanowires irradiated with relativistic intensities: Scaling to terabar pressures

    Ultrahigh-energy density (UHED) matter, characterized by energy densities >1 × 108 J cm−3 and pressures greater than a gigabar, is encountered in the center of stars and inertial confinement fusion capsules driven by the world’s largest lasers. Similar conditions can be obtained with compact, ultrahigh contrast, femtosecond lasers focused to relativistic intensities onto targets composed of aligned nanowire arrays. We report the measurement of the key physical process in determining the energy density deposited in high-aspect-ratio nanowire array plasmas: the energy penetration. By monitoring the x-ray emission from buried Co tracer segments in Ni nanowire arrays irradiated at an intensity of 4 × 1019W cm−2, we demonstrate energy penetration depths of several micrometers, leading to UHED plasmas of that size. Relativistic three-dimensional particle-in-cell simulations, validated by these measurements, predict that irradiation of nanostructures at intensities of >1 × 1022 W cm−2 will lead to a virtually unexplored extreme UHED plasma regime characterized by energy densities in excess of 8 × 1010 J cm−3, equivalent to a pressure of 0.35 Tbar.

  • I think, that many people here are way too much focused on the formation of some exotic phases of hydrogen (Rydberg matter, metallic, boson condensate, superconductor, whatever else). These phases would have no time to form during Holmlid pulses and during cold fusion their formation even has no good meaning: we have to fuse two protons together under momentum of heavier atoms (nickel) colliding from outside, every larger island of hydrogen phase would actually dilute this effect instead. And we know, that the fusion of deuterium corona at molten lithium doesn't require any exotic form of hydrogen. I can't indeed promise, that the formation of some exotic phase has absolutely no meaning for cold fusion - but I can see no usage for it from both theoretical, both experimental perspective in a given moment.

  • They used a more powerful laser than holmlid and the nickel nanowire arrays were totally vaporized. They didnt put deuterium or protium into their arrays of nanowires. There is no chance of fusion happening in their experiments. They were interested in producing x rays, not LENR.

  • The reason, why the IMAX cinema xenon lamps are dangerous, they do operate at high pressures. The operate at high pressures, because they have to produce white light with continuous spectrum with high efficiency. The reason for it is, the diluted gases generate narrow spectral lines, but at high pressures their electrons get entangled and it leads into broadening of spectral lines and their shift into visibility range, because the interacting electrons behave like more massive objects. The electrons of atoms adsorbed into a substrate also gain mass due to their entanglement not only with another deuterium electrons (which gets packed more closely, because of higher concentration of atoms at surface than at bulk phase) - but also with atoms of substrate. So if we observe the similar effect for spectra of hydrogen or deuterium adsorbed at the surface of various metals, it still doesn't imply the presence of new separate condensed phase of hydrogen - it's normal effect, which is utilized with surface enhanced spectroscopy.

  • Quote


    The definition of magnetic monopole is actually fuzzy. In strict sense it's a particle interacting only magnetically, which wasn't really observed yet, despite the searches around LHC and elsewhere. But the magnetic monopole character can be expressed only weakly and in this respect even the dark matter particles, various solid phase quasiparticles or objects violating CP symmetry would belong into "weak" monopoles - so called the anapoles. Such an anapoles can interact both magnetically, both electrostatically. For example it's speculated, that neutrino transforms into an anapole state and back again during its oscillations. The scalar waves observed during Tesla experiments and elsewhere could be also anapoles. The formation of such objects during cold fusion is quite noncontroversial instead with respect to transitional character of nuclear collisions there - it just indicates the establishing of temporal condensate state of atom nuclei.

    It's quite easy to understand it, if we imagine, that the propagation of EM wave along line of fast colliding atom nuclei gets slower, than the life-time of their entangled state. The EM wave propagates more slowly along such a line of atoms than the EM wave in vacuum due to coupling with charge of atom nuclei and their entanglement. Under such a circumstances the entangled state can change faster than the EM wave around them, which would lead into breaking of SO(2) symmetry between propagation of magnetic and electric fields. The similar process occurs inside the boson condensates, where the speed of light gets also greatly lowered due to entanglement of atom orbitals and where the anapoles were already observed.

    Of course the detection and confirmation of the monopole/anapole state in products of cold fusion could be quite different task, experimentally demanding. But some experimenters (Savvatimova and B. Rodionov) already observed the formation of anomalous spiral-like tracks, which could have the connection to anapoles, so that the research in this matter is definitely recommendable.


    Edited 2 times, last by Zephir_AWT: Picture of the spiral tracks added ().

  • One of the 'Lookingforheat' support crew has obtained and donated a high-power pulse-able blue laser, not the Nd-YAG type but a 445nM 3 watt job. It is en-route to the UK apparently. Do you have any ideas what that might be best used for?

    This doesn't sound like it's a Q-switched laser, does it?

  • I think, that many people here are way too much focused on the formation of some exotic phases of hydrogen (Rydberg matter, metallic, boson condensate, superconductor, whatever else). These phases would have no time to form during Holmlid pulses and during cold fusion their formation even has no good meaning: we have to fuse two protons together under momentum of heavier atoms (nickel) colliding from outside, every larger island of hydrogen phase would actually dilute this effect instead. And we know, that the fusion of deuterium corona at molten lithium doesn't require any exotic form of hydrogen. I can't indeed promise, that the formation of some exotic phase has absolutely no meaning for cold fusion - but I can see no usage for it from both theoretical, both experimental perspective in a given moment.

    This is opinion, please back it up with something.

  • At first, note the usage of phrase "I think" at the beginning. At second, I already explained it above: the fusion runs, when two atoms collide. You don't need to have separate phase of them for it.
    In particular, the cold fusion is assisted with additional atoms from metal lattice (which act like pistons / anvils in my model, but you can invent many others). Such an involvement requires to have fusing pair isolated - inside the larger island of dense hydrogen phase the nickel atoms would have nowhere to help with.

    Holmlid experiments are specific with high energy density, supplied with laser beam from outside. During hot fusion in tokamak different products also get formed - but nobody implies some extrapolation for cold fusion from it, because everyone knows, that these experiments run under different conditions. The Holmlid experience is not transferable to cold fusion systems, because its energy density couldn't form spontaneously there. In similar way like with kaons and muons, the (formation of) metallic hydrogen has been detected nowhere else - so you can draw conclusion for yourself.

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