This might be off-topic for this thread, but I didn't find any other discussion of Jed's report/posting on Vortex.
Jed, on Vortex, reported a recently declassified report--by a US Government Lab--apparently confirming LENR/cold fusion. Wow. Thanks, Jed.
Here is a link:[email protected]/msg112034.html
Jed reports that the following US Govt. lab report recently has been declassified:
I call your attention to the following conclusion on p.87:
"The Pd/D co-deposition technique, pioneered by SSC-Pacific, is a robust, reliable and reproducible means of generating LENR in the Pd lattice. Heat effects using Pd/D co-deposition have been reproduced by Miles10 as well as Cravens and Letts.10,56 Bockris et al. reproduced the tritium results.69 Besides SRI, the CR-39 results have been replicated by Dr. Winthrop Williams of the University of Berkeley, Dr. Ludwik Kowalski of Montclair University; Mr. Pierre Carbonnelle, l'Université catholique de Louvain and three groups of undergraduates from UCSD as part of their senior projects. On November 2011, the LENR research at SSC-Pacific was terminated. The official reason given by SSC-Pacific’s PAO, Jim Fallin, to Steve Krivit of New Energy Times for the termination the LENR work at SSC-Pacific is: “In response to your recent query,” Fallin wrote, “while I won’t discuss details of our internal decision-making processes, I will confirm SPAWAR plans no further low-energy nuclear reaction (LENR) research. There are other organizations within the federal government that are better aligned to continue research regarding nuclear power. We have taken initial steps to determine how a transition of low-energy nuclear reaction (LENR) research might occur.”
The implications of this statement are that both SPAWAR HQ and SSC-Pacific say that the phenomenon is real and that it is nuclear in nature.
Fractions within the LENR community can speculate about Rossi. Meanwhile, a United States Government Lab has released a report concluding that LENR/cold fusion, although not well understood, appears to be very real. For me, this is a big deal.
Understanding, engineering, and commercializing these experimentally confirmed results will be very fun to observe.