The possible Role of Axions in LENR

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    This means that the replicator must make his own hydride using a isotopically pure hydrogen source.

    I think this is a little extreme, considering that everybody has been using bottled Hydrogen or commercially produced hydrides. Explain how a litt (for example) deuterium could mess things up. On the topic of cleanliness in general I totally agree with you - but I think you are going a bit too far with the hydrogen purity demand.

  • I think this is a little extreme, considering that everybody has been using bottled Hydrogen or commercially produced hydrides. Explain how a litt (for example) deuterium could mess things up. On the topic of cleanliness in general I totally agree with you - but I think you are going a bit too far with the hydrogen purity demand.

    If the rule is that just one dissimilar atom will destroy a pile of N numbers of identical ones, then the probability of that one or more dissimilar atoms getting into the pile cuts the production of coherent aggregate pile production.

    We don't know how many identical atoms are needed to produce a coherent cluster, but for the sake of discussion we assume 1,000. If one identical atom gets into the cluster, then the customer will not be functional. If there is 1 in 5000 atoms of deuterium in the hydrogen then the probability is that 1,000/5,000 of 20% of the clusters will be bad.

    Each time a bad pile is produced, then the void that holds that pile is made permanently inoperable for the duration of the fuel prep process. That void is gummed up and becomes useless.

    If the hydride that we decide to use is lithium hydride, then either dissimilar hydrogen or lithium could contaminate the coherent pile. If the percentage of lithium 6 to lithium 7 is 20% and the percentage of deuterium to protium is .02 % then the probability of a dissimilar lithium hydride molecule getting into a pile of 1000 atoms is large. Anytime a single dissimilar molecule that gets into the coherent pile kills that pile and makes the associated production void permanently inoperable.

    If you are good at probability theory, you can work out the reduction of effectiveness in your fuel prep that any given level of poisoning will produce.

    Edited 2 times, last by axil ().

  • We don't know how many identical atoms are needed to produce a coherent cluster, but for the sake of discussion we assume 1,000. If one identical atom gets into the cluster, then the customer will not be functional. If there is 1 in 5000 atoms of deuterium in the hydrogen then the probability is that 1,000/5,000 of 20% of the clusters will be bad.

    axil: We can't draw conclusion from cryogenic experiments to be valid for "hot" LENR reactions. In the best case there are some analogies. Look at the Dubinko stuff (Thanks to Gennady!):

    There is no need for homogenous clusters!!

  • axil: We can't draw conclusion from cryogenic experiments to be valid for "hot" LENR reactions. In the best case there are some analogies. Look at the Dubinko stuff (Thanks to Gennady!):

    There is no need for homogenous clusters!!

    The number of ensemble members "N" might not need to be identical, but the waveform of each member of the ensemble must be the same, in other words, the hydrogen atoms must all be identical. If you can site and exception to this statement, that example will be appreciated if stated here.

  • Getting pure hydrogen isotopes


    Depending on the type of hydride particles placed in the conduit, the apparatus may be used to recover hydrogen from a hydrogen-containing gaseous mixture or to separate hydrogen isotopes (protium, deuterium and tritium) from each other. To recover hydrogen from a gaseous mixture, a low pressure hydride such as palladium, uranium or titanium is placed in the conduit. To separate hydrogen isotopes, a hydride with strong isotopic effects, such as palladium, vanadium or a lanthanum-nickel-aluminum alloy, is used...

    To separate hydrogen isotopes from each other, one of two types of hydride is used. The first type, such as palladium, absorbs the lighter hydrogen isotopes better than the heavier isotopes; that is, it absorbs protium better than deuterium and tritium, and deuterium better than tritium. The second type of hydride, such as vanadium, absorbs the heavier isotopes better than the lighter isotopes, that is, it absorbs tritium better than deuterium and protium, and deuterium better than protium.

    I wonder if the success that ME356 has had in firing up the LENR reaction is do to his hydrogen production equipment.

  • If memory serves, Piantelli stated that deuterium was a poison to the Ni/H reaction and he uses deuterium to kill runaway LENR reactors.

    Early on, Rossi did the same runaway reaction killing function with nitrogen.


    • Official Post

    Hi Axil. The theory you espouse is both good and interesting. However, there is absolutely zero evidence that Rossi has ever used ultra-pure Hydrogen/Hydrides as you claim. Numerous photographs from Bondeno/Ferrara show that he used commercial Hydrogen tanks, and at least while in Italy never synthesized his own Hydrides but used those sold by Alfa-Aesar. He was also very casual about aspects of reactor loading and so on, sometimes starting them up with still damp alumina cement seals.It is, I suppose, possible that in order to create something like the Q-X one might need to use isotopically pure materials, but I am pretty sure the common street Tabby version of the E-Cat never did.

  • Hi Axil. The theory you espouse is both good and interesting. However, there is absolutely zero evidence that Rossi has ever used ultra-pure Hydrogen/Hydrides as you claim. Numerous photographs from Bondeno/Ferrara show that he used commercial Hydrogen tanks, and at least while in Italy never synthesized his own Hydrides but used those sold by Alfa-Aesar. He was also very casual about aspects of reactor loading and so on, sometimes starting them up with still damp alumina cement seals.It is, I suppose, possible that in order to create something like the Q-X one might need to use isotopically pure materials, but I am pretty sure the common street Tabby version of the E-Cat never did.

    As you well understand, there are trade offs in engineering. A design can afford a goodly percentage of gummed up cavities if there are many billions available.

    It is a matter of probability. Rossi may have gone the abundant cavity route and followed a sloppy fuel preparation procedure. However, in a Pd/D system where the cavities produced by loading are limited, then fuel prep and the purity of the deutrium becomes important.

    In his preparation of the nickel, I beleive that Rossi produces a highly porous nickel substrate that can make up for the imperfections in the isotopic variations of his catalysts. If replicators use commercial nickel powders with limited porosity, then isotopic variations of the catalysts becomes important. This is why I made an attempt to get you to provide high porosity nickel substrate to replicators with abundant nano-cavities.

    A balance must be struck. It seems to me that there is a balance between "too good" when the reactor melts down and "not good at all" were no LENR reaction happens that Rossi has been dealing with for many years and maybe ME356 also.

    In the QuarkX where the nickel melts and only the condinsate particles float freely in the hydrogen gas, the cavity problem goes away and only the number of condensate particles matter.

    Rossi has managed to judge the vigor of his fuel mix between meltdown producing and nonfunctional. That skill is based on judging how many condinsate particles that any given fuel charge contains. It is like putting nito in you race fuel, too much and your engine blows up and not enough, then you lose the race.

  • Quote

    in other words, the hydrogen atoms must all be identical.

    How can You achieve this in heat, as it is only observed in very low temperatures ?

  • How can You achieve this in heat, as it is only observed in very low temperatures ?

    The production of room temperature Bose condensation is the key to LENR and the lattice of transition metal together with quantum cavity physics is what produces the conditions where this Bose condensation state can be produced.

    Edited once, last by axil ().

  • Definitely not 'sloppy'. His fuel prep method is still a closely guarded secret - nobody AFAIK - not even people working alongside him know exactly how it is done. But is does involve vaccum and pressurised hydrogen.

    If memory serves, Piantelli stated that deuterium was a poison to the Ni/H reaction and he uses deuterium to kill runaway LENR reactors.

    Early on, Rossi did the same runaway reaction killing function with nitrogen.


    We might ask ourselves, if too much deuterium can stop a reactor meltdown, then a certain percentage would produce stable reactor operation. The more basic question is what fundamental physics principle produces isotopic reaction poisoning. There are parameters that control fuel performance and a reductionist scientific experimental exploration of this issue might provide answers.

    Such experimental Insight provided by these types of experiments will also help select the proper hydride fuel storage medium and the nature of the metal powder surfacing.

  • A particular coil wiring topology can produce an anapole magnetic field. This topology is shared with the hexagonal crystal structure that has been shown to be active in LENR effects.

    Russ Grise has been replicating the experimental claims made by Rodin which include overunity power production.

    It is my belief that the Rodin coil duplicates the magnetic field properties that metalized hydrides produce in the LENR reaction. One effect that Russ has come across is the production of ionization of air on the surface of the secondary windings of the Rodin coil.

    This video after 3:00 shows the production of plasma on the surface of the coil's windings.

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    The Rodin coil may be a way to reproduce the magnetic signature that is LENR active at the nanoscale. I would like to verify this assumption about the production of vortex based anaopole magnetic field lines by producing a Rodin coil based electromagnet that produces the monopole magnetic signal the seems to be LENR active in rare earth Magnets.

    The production of vortex motion of hydrogen bubbles(as shown above) or smoke particles will show this LENR active nature of the magnetic field. Is there any experimenters up to this task?

    Edited 2 times, last by axil ().

  • I was fortunate enough to find a video that shows a smoke test were the smoke particles follow the anaopole vortex lines produced by a Rodin coil. The smoke particles are directed by the monopole field lines from the center of the coil.

    The very strange behavior that this coil demonstrates a persistence of the monopole field after the power was cut to the coil. The monopole field flux lines are not as strong as when the power was on but they was still there.

    I call for an experimenter to use standard magnetic measuring equipment to verify the behavior of this magnetic field.

    See after 4:00 in the video for the smoke test.

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    I also request that an experimenter use this type of coil to check how this monopole magnetic field changes the radioactive isotope decay rate of an unstable radioactive isotope.

    Edited once, last by axil ().

  • He doesn't push current THROUGH the coil, he just introduces high voltage into it.
    The corona wind is what is responsible for the effect.

    Typically, ionic winds are generated by gas discharges requiring large input voltages (>5 kV) applied between two electrodes. The input voltage used in this demo was 60 volts.

  • Well, but what he actually demonstrates is the laminar flow above coil. He claims, that coil field makes the smog "more stable".
    I'm not buying it - the coil construction would make the stream more laminar by itself.

  • This is the QCD "Lava Lamp." It is an excellent animation of the 4 dimensional structure of the long-distance aspects of the QCD vacuum. The blobs are instantons and anti instantons forming and annihilating each other in the vacuum inside the hadron. instantons are vortex like current of magnetic flux lines that form inside the hadron.


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    Augmenting Reality: Axions, Anyons, and Entangled Histories

    Frank Wilczek’s presentation about Axions starts at 4:00 into the video.

    Axions were invented to solve the proton decay problem. Breaking time reversal symmetry is required to force the proton to decay. But the constraints placed on quarks by relativity, quantum mechanics, and gage symmetry of particles makes time reversal symmetry very unlikely to occur. Because there are three levels of quarks, a parameter of time reversal symmetry breaking exists as a single scalar parameter called theta. However, the color gluons introduce a connection between electric and magnetic interactions that allow the theta parameter of time reversal to become dynamic and therefore accessible to manipulation.

    The time reversal behavior of these color gluons can be affected under EMF influences. Specially, magnetic fields change the behavior of time reversal behavior of the color gluons. A magnetic field can induce a non zero theta value that will produce an electric dipole moment in the color quarks. Induced electric dipoles in particles produce time reversal symmetry breaking in color gluon mediated quarks.

    No electric dipole charge distribution has ever been detected in particles which imply that time reversal symmetry breaking does not occur in particles. To explain this observation a new symmetry has be discovered called the Peccei-Quinn (PQ) Symmetry which covers the theta parameter as a coupling constant. Because of PQ symmetry breaking which always happens, this forces the theta parameter to near zero. In other words, a dynamic theta means that its zero value is favored. The theta parameter is a field that has a quanta value and an associated force carrying particle called the Axion which couples very strongly to theta and therefore is has very small mass.

    Axions can interact with magnetic fields to produce photons. This means to me that photons can interact with the PQ symmetry to produce axions.

    In condensed matter systems, axions can be created as emergent particles.

    It seems to me that a condensed matter system can produce axions that are capable of inducing a non-zero value of the theta parameter so that the gluon color force will generate a decay of the hadron.

    Experimental evidence of this disruptive nuclear effect is available. Here is another SEM micrograph that shows a LENR active agent produced in a LENR reactor fuel preparation process, most probably an ultra-dense hydride micro particle that generates transmutation of graphite into a metal. The LENR agent has penetrated the graphite and settled on its bottom and is generating metal nanowire there.


    Stimulated Emission of Dark Matter Axion from Condensed Matter Excitations

    “In this paper, we discuss a possible consequence of the Bose-Einstein condensation of the dark matter axions: stimulated emissions of the axions. Based on the coupling between the axion field and the electromagnetic field, we discuss the stimulated emissions of the axions from collective excitations in various condensed matter systems. In particular, as a concrete example, we investigate the stimulated emission from the magnetic vortex strings in type II superconductors, where a mobile vortex ensemble, such as vortex flow or vortex liquid, is realized near the critical temperature. The emission rate of the dark matter axions are estimated, and a possible experimental signature of the emission is discussed.”

    Recently, Axions have be detected emanating from condensed matter systems.

    Holmlid has shown that ultra dense hydrogen is superconductive and forms a Bose condinsate at room temperature. The UDH is covered with a spin wave that may host a vortex based condensation of polaritons that could emit a flow of axions,

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