Industrial Heat to Organize ICCF21 in Raleigh, NC

  • What IH lacks is a single example of a working technology that produces respectable amounts of power. Abd thinks they are laughing all the way to the bank? I bet they are not very amused on the way to court and immense legal fees. Jones Day doesn't come cheap.

  • Sorry, but this is not a good idea to put an investment firm in charge, especially since we are not sure of IH motives.

    Who is "we"?

    The decision on the ISCMNS side would likely have been made by the Executive Committee, and the last list of members is from 2015:

    Collis, William
    Celani, Francesco
    Dufour Jacques
    Li Xingzhong
    Edmund Storms
    Jean Paul Biberian

    Industrial Heat is the "host," not necessarily "in charge."

    Edit: the speculation here -- given as such -- was likely technically incorrect. While the ISCMNS executive committee might have a kind of authority over the ICCF International Advisory Committee, the latter is probably the functional body that made the decision. See this ICCF-20 page on the IAC: .. and it gives the members:

    • Official Post

    @Abd Ul-Rahman Lomax

    about need of theory, I agree that rejection cascade was based on theory, and that first there is experiments, BUT
    the error I supported too long is to imagine
    - that you can make experiments and replication without an embryo of theory to test, saying when it should work, and what is a replication or a non-replication (credit to Edmund Storms to have changed my mind)
    - that you can make something usable without a theory, and something powerful that cannot explode or irradiate without a theory, or simply make an industry which improve process without a theory to guide engineers (credit for JF Geneste to have explained this engineering problem)

    my concept of theory however is not the mathematical theory that physicist are fond of, and too much used with. The early theory involving minimum loading and current density was a beginning. It may be phenomenological or even "romantic" with loose concept, but it have to work and predict correctly.

    Of course experiment is the key, but even experiment need some theory to drive and interpret them, and YES since theorist are like a herd of cat, and prefer math to experiments, this is unmanageable.
    This is why LENR don't advance. we need theory to drive experiments, which will drive theories, but theory seems to develop independently from experiment in real life.
    It is broken.

    EDIT: one cause of misunderstanding is that my vision toward a theory is mostly experimental. People are too much focused on armchair theoretical research and experiments are the core of theoretical research. We need more experiments, more investigation, more instruments, more tests, more parameter space exploration... once done, theory will be natural like finding the murderer after good interviews and good forensic.

  • @Abd Ul-Rahman Lomax

    about need of theory, I agree that rejection cascade was based on theory, and that first there is experiments, BUT
    the error I supported too long is to imagine
    - that you can make experiments and replication without an embryo of theory to test, saying when it should work, and what is a replication or a non-replication (credit to Edmund Storms to have changed my mind)
    - that you can make something usable without a theory, and something powerful that cannot explode or irradiate without a theory, or simply make an industry which improve process without a theory to guide engineers (credit for JF Geneste to have explained this engineering problem)

    Great, Alain. There is an issue of what a "theory" is. The term can be used to refer to any hypothesis, but it is being used by Storms, in particular, to refer to a family of hypotheses. In Storms' "explanation," as he calls it, these are strung together, but they are actualls severable. In his mind, they are one piece, and that is part of the difficulty he is having communicating.

    An experiment without a hypothesis to test is not really an experimental test, it is merely an exploration (which can have some use, for sure!). When I am referring to "theory" not being "necessary," I am referring to what might be called a "fundamental theory." I.e., an understanding of the root process occurring, that can then be used to predict results quantitatively (which can be statistical in nature under some conditions). It is possible to have a root theory that is still impossible to calculate (because of the complexity of the solid state), but it is not, then, testable, and the value of this theory in prediction is weak.

    Storms' explanation includes, as an example, the idea that the Nuclear Active Environment is surface cracks. This is a potentially useful hypothesis that may be testable. Such hypotheses can be quite useful in guiding experiment.

    However, how about his hypothesis that the heat is released through "slow fusion," a gradual process which releases heat as low-energy X-rays *before* the nuclei actually fuse, and that this process continues until there is no energy to dissipate if the nuclei fuse, and then they they actually fuse?

    At this point, this provides no experimental guidance, other than something very specific -- and that appears to be missing. This would produce lower-than-ground-state-mass nuclei, a whole series of nuclear isomers. Nothing like that has ever been observed. So this hypothesis then requires additional hypotheses to explain that, besides the fact that this totally overturns our understanding of what fusion energy comes from. It does not exist until the nuclei actually fuse! This is an energy released, as I understand it, from a more efficient packing of the nuclei under the strong force, which I might call the insanely-strong force! As the nucleons collapse into this state, they get hot, the nucleus is then excited, and then stuff happens....

    The "slow fusion" hypothesis does predict low energy X-rays, but so do other theories. Searching for those X-rays is of interest, for sure, but ... does not give us any guidance at all as to how to facilitate this reaction. The crack theory does that.

    Are cracks a necessary component of cold fusion? No, that would be jumping ahead. When I support Storms' crack theory, it is only in the context of the FP Heat Effect with electrolytic PdD experiments. His crack hypothesis is plausible, supported by some extant evidence, but not proven.

    However, if something works there, it may apply to other environments. Ed explicitly makes the assumption of a single effect. While he might be correct, this assumption then creates many difficulties that remain unexplained and unexplored, perhaps.

    Any theory can be used to generate testable predictions, and there is a value in this even if the theories are incorrect.

    However, I look at a different function for theory. Ed seems to believe that cold fusion cannot be accepted without explanatory theory. In my view, deficient explanatory theory was behind much of the rejection cascade, starting with a premature hypothesis from Pons and Fleischmann that their measured heat was the result of fusion (later clarified as "unknown nuclear reaction," though "nuclear" was also premature).

    Now, this needs to be understood about transformation in science, paradigm shifts. The mainstream is not going to reject its own strong ideas without strong evidence. Until Miles showed the heat/helium correlation, there was no *direct* evidence that the FP Heat Effect was nuclear in nature. Because of the premature claims, that whole mess, the mainstream was sensitized to think of cold fusion claims as bogus, experimental error, possibly worse.

    Normally, without that, and once Miles was confirmed, the balance would have shifted and at that point -- with no explanatory theory -- LENR would have been accepted as a mystery to be explored. In fact, the Miles evidence and confirmations were largely overlooked, and when I came into the field in 2009 and began to learn about it, heat/helium was relatively obscure and not much discussed. As I realized this, I began to realize a major direction forward, and worked for it, starting with encouraging Storms to write a paper on it.

    In fits and starts, this moved forward and now there is a steam engine running on that track. This is happening.

    We need, now, what have been called "lab rats." That is LENR experiments that are reliable and reproducible. As yet, all theories are inadequate to reliably create these, this is largely trial and error. Some theories may suggest some approaches that will be tested. However, to imagine that we must have an explanatory theory first is putting the cart before the horse. We need more data to vet theories and to be able to better develop them. Are those X-rays being emitted? What is the spectrum?

    It would go without saying that they should be correlated with heat (which has never been properly done with CF X-rays). "Correlation" does not mean "commensurate with." That was an early error that confused many -- and this also applies to tritium production.


    my concept of theory however is not the mathematical theory that physicist are fond of, and too much used with. The early theory involving minimum loading and current density was a beginning. It may be phenomenological or even "romantic" with loose concept, but it have to work and predict correctly.

    Sure. However, the work is not done until the math is done.

    There is a theory that high loading is necessary for PdD results. That's useful. It may also be incorrect, but nevertheless could lead in the right direction for a time.


    Of course experiment is the key, but even experiment need some theory to drive and interpret them, and YES since theorist are like a herd of cat, and prefer math to experiments, this is unmanageable.

    Interpretation is not the first step with experimental results. Discovering correlations is crucial. (A related term is "controls.")

    Theory without verifiable predictions is almost totally useless. Some think that "plausibility" is important. Maybe. It's also quite possible that the "true cold fusion theory" will appear totally implausible to us, because of unrecognized assumptions we hold.


    This is why LENR don't advance. we need theory to drive experiments, which will drive theories, but theory seems to develop independently from experiment in real life.
    It is broken.

    To some extent, explanatory theory has been demanded by journals. This is part of what kept cold fusion research suppressed. Rejections based on lack of theory has then inspired, my opinion, reaction from some researchers who have bought the idea that explanatory theory is necessary.

    Anomalous heat is a fact that can be reported. Helium production is a fact that can be reported. That these correlate is a fact that can be reported.

    How that actually happens is almost irrelevant, at the first level of response! It confuses everyone. The primary question is, does it happen or doesn't it? This is a far, far easier question to explore than "why does it happen?"

    And then, can we make this happen reliably? If so, we can then explore what has been called the "parameter space." We can create tests of various theories, once we have standard conditions where we can see the effect and then vary one condition at a time. As we do this, knowledge will expand and more and more researchers, including theoreticians, will become involved.


    EDIT: one cause of misunderstanding is that my vision toward a theory is mostly experimental. People are too much focused on armchair theoretical research and experiments are the core of theoretical research. We need more experiments, more investigation, more instruments, more tests, more parameter space exploration... once done, theory will be natural like finding the murderer after good interviews and good forensic

    In my experience, seemingly intractable and puzzling situations resolve with increased experience, and it does not necessarily happen through "logic" and "figuring it out." It happens when some internal critical mass is reached, there is enough data for intuition to operate, and if one avoids jumping to conclusions, this can evolve and become more and more clear.

    • Official Post

    We mostly agree.

    Yes "Control", as the engineering term, is one expression of a real world theory.
    Maybe this could be the real expression of the quality of a theory. As is intelligence to the capacity to adapt to the newness.

    Explanatory theory, upfront physics, mathematical description, coherence with fundamental physics (GR+QM) are only the final results when real-world theories are improved.

    In fact Ed approach is two phases.
    One is "axiomatic" based on ed Occam razor, conservation or miracle, conservation of energy, thermodynamic laws, QM respect... it is the "lowest assumption" heuristic. Not only it may be wrong (nature may be funny), but the axioms may not foloow the least energy trajectory (what is being simple?).

    Mixed with known experimental results this lead to NAE bare concept, to NiH/PdD unification, Wet/Dry unification, limitation of energy quantum, many theory elimination, way to radiate elimination, ... it is a very negative method (removing the improbable, the impossible) even if some generic concepts emerge (NAE).

    The second, is more risky, it is crack, Hydroton, pep fusion, ded+X transmutaions of iwamura, slowfusion. It is a positive proposal, done by imagination filtered by elimination from evidences. Lack of knowledge of solution space (imagination?) may make some solution look unavoidable while they are simply just one in many possibilities.

    More experiments can really help by closing some hypothesis, forcing to abandon some axioms, forcing to have more imagination, to explore more possibilities.

    the initial refusal of LENR seems mostly to be from theoretical lack of imagination, lack of understanding that collective phenomenon could exist (because the mindguards were not of material science), mixed with laziness and prejudice against lower caste scientist (nuclear physicist versus more applied/dirty scientists) allowed by incompetence in the experimental domain (usual discourse against LENR is like "I dont trust those cookers thermometers, I want neutrons").

  • The decision on the ISCMNS side would likely have been made by the Executive Committee

    As I understand the history, at ICCF14 In Washington at the ISCMNS Annual General Meeting an informal proposal was made that ISCMNS should oversee the management of ICCF conferences. At ICCF15 in Rome the matter was discussed by the International Advisory Committee (IAC) but no decision was made. Consequently it is the IAC not ISCMNS which still appoints the ICCF chairman / organizer.

    It appears that Abd is speculating without checking the facts.

    Incidentally, Dewey Weaver made it very clear to all at the ICCF-20 dinner that his bid to host ICCF-21 was tentative. In the unlikely event he should need to withdraw I have no doubt that other US benefactors will step in. ICCF-21 will go ahead in the USA in 2018.

  • I don't think that at all. However, I dod suspect that IH was formed to make sure they own as much of the IP as they possibly can

    That would not be a sound business strategy. It would not be the goal that an experienced businessman would aim for. The purpose of a venture is to make as much money as possible while managing risk. You do not accomplish that by monopolizing IP. Instead, you set things up so that other people also contribute to the development and they also get IP. That way, they share in the risk, and they contribute in ways that you did not think of doing, or in ways you are not capable of. That increases the chances of success. The goal should be to own the most lucrative IP you can, while at the same time reducing risk and investment dollars. All major industrial developments since the 1840s have come about as a joint effort by many different inventors and corporations, from the earliest stages. There is never a sui generis contribution, with the possible exception of the record player (phonograph) by Edison, and even that was influenced by the telephone.

    James Patterson and his business manager James Redding told me their goal was to get "100% of the intellectual property" for Patterson's discovery. They achieved this goal, but they did not accomplish anything else. I told them they would have 100% of nothing if they did this. I was right: Patterson took the technology with him to the grave.

  • Lomax: "We" means anyone interested in getting LENR tech into the market place. I am not sure IH has that goal.

    What do you think their goal might be? To waste millions of dollars while accomplishing nothing?

    Some people have suggested their goal is to suppress cold fusion, to keep it from being marketed. They would not need to spend millions to accomplish that. They would not have to spend any money. Cold fusion is headed for oblivion in any case. The researchers are elderly and they have no funding. If IH does nothing and spends no money, the field will surely die, unless someone else such as Bill Gates comes along and funds it. Rumor has it that Gates has done that. If he has, there is nothing IH can do to stop him. They cannot "buy up the patents" or control cold fusion because there are no patents. No one knows how it works. There is no valid IP.

    Even if Rossi's device had worked the way he claimed, there is no way I.H. could have suppressed it or controlled it, because I.H. gave Rossi the right to sell it to half the world.

  • My understanding of the Patterson affair was that he wanted to retain total ownership and control.

    I don't think that Industrial Heat wants total ownership and control of the entire LENR field. I think they just want their fingers in every LENR pie so they can have a stake (minority or majority) in any restaurant that opens. My thinking is that they are determined to have first access to any working LENR technology on the planet.

  • My understanding of the Patterson affair was that he wanted to retain total ownership and control.

    Yes, that is what he told me.

    I don't think that Industrial Heat wants total ownership and control of the entire LENR field. I think they just want their fingers in every LENR pie so they can have a stake (minority or majority)

    Yes, that is what they told me. As I said, I regard that as a sound business strategy. I thought Patterson's strategy was sure to fail, and I was right. Granted, it failed for several reasons, such as the fact he couldn't make the gadgets work after a while. I think that problem went back to his effort to keep all of the IP under his control, and not help others replicate.

    He even torpedoed the Fleischmann and Pons patent as part of his strategy to control cold fusion related IP. That was not only stupid, it was malicious.

    • Official Post

    Incidentally, Dewey Weaver made it very clear to all at the ICCF-20 dinner that his bid to host ICCF-21 was tentative. In the unlikely event he should need to withdraw I have no doubt that other US benefactors will step in. ICCF-21 will go ahead in the USA in 2018.


    Sounds like you know quite a lot. By your comment, it seems our Dewey is more than a peeved off investor, but then again we knew that after it was reported he was running around Europe dropping cash to LENR researchers. :) And I did not know he was at ICCF20...He sure travels a lot!

    Also, I thought this "IH" pledge to fund ICCF1 was hard, official, but it sounds instead that our Dewey was making a boast after having one too many?

    • Official Post

    Shane - I don't appreciate your inappropriate and inaccurate speculation. You missed wide left.

    Oh, well pardon me Dewey! :) So, does this mean that IH *IS* going to host if, and, or buts?

    Good to see you back. With Abd's leaving over having his ego hurt, we need someone like you to take up the slack.

    Take care.

  • I did speculate, and that was explicit. I have now edited the original post to give the ICCF-20 IAC members, see Industrial Heat to Organize ICCF21 in Raleigh, NC

    As to the rest, I do not treat the testimony of anonymous users as probative on anything, unless readily verifiable. I was able to verify the assertion about the IAC, and, I think, the assertion about the history of proposals, though Hermes did not give links. However, as to what "Dewey Weaver made clear," I have seen no acceptable testimony. This is, without an identified and responsible witness, merely a rumor. I'm not saying that Hermes is wrong, and maybe he was even there. I agree with the conclusion.

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