So you think Hillary and her overlords (the government toppling George Soros) would like anything less than a global socialist government with no borders, economic or geographic?
So you think Hillary and her overlords (the government toppling George Soros) would like anything less than a global socialist government with no borders, economic or geographic?
Personally I would love it.
QuoteOK, at least you admitted that "low power LENR" can still actually run - which is sorta progress...
Where the %$@##$! did I write that? I admit no such thing. It may be possible or not. I simply have no way to know. For the record, the more I look, the more I doubt it but when it comes to low (mW or microW) LENR, I have no idea.
It may be possible or not. I simply have no way to know.
Gee. Have you tried reading the experimental literature?
Reading the literature is the only way to determine whether a scientific claim is true or not.
I will try not to show any opinion but report options... correct me ... I should show example.
Trump energy policy is discussed and some commentator propose it will not change much.
Some like Judth Curry, while wondering about what will be implemented, report coments that agree with her "no regret solution" vision.
On Les Experts BFM (probably this Thursday) one guest explained that , from his consensual carbonist position , assuming Trump will block consequence of COP21 agreement, will be a good thing.
He explained that COP21 like Kyoto agreement were based on a Malthusian vision of a collaborating humanity accepting to reduce their comfort to save a common good. With an uncooperative member of that size this kind of approach will never work. The guest was stating that even without Trump it was hopeless to expect all government cooperate without free-riders.
He explained then that the real solution was technology, and proposed public sector investment in green energy technologies.
the conclusion is that it will be good for LENR, either in US, or in the rest of the planet.
so In fact it is Tom Darden position, like Bill Gates, like Carl Page, like the position of many environmental activist who write here with hope : make a better world not through pain, but through technology improvement.
We can let Trump decide of his strategy, let US citizens and foreign stakeholder react and lobby, for LENR it will be good or neutral.
au boulot! :lenr:
That was well said Alain. Hopefully it eases Jed's worries somewhat.
QuoteWe can let Trump decide of his strategy, let US citizens and foreign stakeholder react and lobby, for LENR it will be good or neutral.
The Trump's establishment may enforce isolationist politics - which would mean, the new technologies will be developed less openly for to protect American IP against Chinese and Russians. Also the orientation to fossil fuels may decrease the price of oil temporarily, thus slowing the investments into alternative energy sources including LENR.
Chinese government has ordered 103 planned coal plants to be canceled
something, something did happen...
Chinese government has ordered 103 planned coal plants to be canceled
something, something did happen...
This has been in the works for years. They have way too much coal generating and mining capacity. Their coal consumption peaked and began to decline a few years ago.
Unfortunately, coal has the support of many high officials and others on the take. The coal industry has effectively blocked the use of wind turbines. China has gigawatts of wind turbines turned off or not connected to the grid, because coal industry supporters are blocking them. In their biggest wind farms, 60% of the turbines are feathered and turned off:…hina-gansu-wind-farm.html
The U.S. has similar problems. Here is an example of the coal industry using state government to strangle wind power, stifle progress and prevent competition:
U.S. energy policy under Trump will probably be guided by the Secretary of State, Tillerson, who was the head of Exxon a few weeks ago. He wants to go to war with China on behalf of Vietnam and Exxon. Exxon signed a deal with Vietnam to put wells in the South China Sea. The Chinese are building armed island fortresses to prevent that. Tillerson said the U.S. should "deny Chinese access" to the islands. The only way to do that would be to shoot down their airplanes. I know enough about those islands and Chinese cruise missiles to know that if the U.S. does that, we will be in a shooting war, and the Chinese navy will instantly sink our ships. They have thousands of missiles.
Most modern wars are about oil.
Biting tongue. This is just not the place for politics. We are all here...conservatives, and liberals alike, because we want to save the planet, and mean well. Political leanings IMO, have little to do with it, as both philosophies have a different approach to solve the problem. I happen to believe free markets are the way to that end, some big government.
Biting tongue. This is just not the place for politics.
This is not about politics. It is about oil and money, and the official energy policy of the U.S. government. Our new Sec. of State said -- in effect -- that we will go to war to secure oil in the South China Sea.
The statements were made by Tillerson during his confirmation hearings in the U.S. Senate on Jan. 12. As far as anyone can tell, this is the officially announced policy of the administration. Tillerson advocates an act of war to prevent the Chinese military for accessing their island fortresses. That is what "bar" means. What else could it mean? Do you think the Chinese will go home if we ask "pretty please"?
The only reason they -- or anyone else -- claims the South China Sea territory is because it has trillions of dollars of oil and gas.
The Chinese are very upset about this, to say the least. They have censored it from their mass media, according to the Japanese NHK.
The Chinese government thinks that Tillerson is threatening war. Here is their response:
QuoteDisplay MoreThe Global Times, a provocative but state-sanctioned tabloid, said that "unless Washington plans to wage a large-scale war in the South China Sea, any other approaches to prevent Chinese access to the islands will be foolish."
"Tillerson had better bone up on nuclear power strategies if he wants to force a big nuclear power to withdraw from its own territories," the unbylined opinion piece said on the paper's English-language site.
It concluded that Tillerson's statements were "far from professional."
"If Trump's diplomatic team shapes future Sino-US ties as it is doing now, the two sides had better prepare for a military clash."
The paper is published by the People's Daily -- the ruling Communist Party's mouthpiece.…tillerson-china-reaction/
I don't see what else he could be doing. I say this is our energy policy because the Sec. of Energy knows nothing about energy, whereas Tillerson is a world-class expert. Also, this is in line with Trump's campaign promise to invade other countries and seize their oil. It is impossible to say whether he meant it, but I would not put it past him.
Read history, and you will see that this how wars usually start. It is the small things, not the big issues. Japan went to war with the U.S. because the U.S. embargoed their oil. There were many other reasons, but that was the proximate cause.
QuoteBiting tongue. This is just not the place for politics. We are all here...conservatives, and liberals
Unfortunately the actual progress of cold fusion and many other findings is driven more with politics than by experimental facts during last century. We know about cold fusion for one hundred years - the fact these experiments were never replicated is the result of politics at many levels. So for proponent of cold fusion is important to understand the politics and economics and psychology at least as well, as the physics.
QuoteTillerson advocates an act of war to prevent the Chinese military for accessing their island fortresses during his confirmation hearings in the U.S. Senate on Jan. 12. That is what "bar" means. What else could it mean? Do you think the Chinese will go home if we ask "pretty please"? The only reason they -- or anyone else -- claims the South China Sea territory is because it has trillions of dollars of oil and gas. The Chinese are very upset about this, to say the least. They have censored it from their mass media, according to the Japanese NHK.
This censorship is actually very kind and wise of Chinese governement: nobody wants to escalate the anti-USA hysteria in China (as it already did happen with Japan). If the USA will start the war with China, we are all doomed, USA at the first line indeed. The China is already a superpower and it will be backed with Russia (and many others) more than willingly. This is very dangerous situation, if fact and I just hope Xi Jinping is more intelligent than Trump in this respect.
This is just what I'm talking here all the time: the many years standing ignorance of cold fusion (and another overunity findings) with mainstream physics may get come at very high cost for the rest of us, because the people will start to fight for fossil fuel reserves a way before they will get actually depleted. It's also very bad sign of ignorance of Trump establishment, when it doesn't realize, we are at the verge of new technological revolution: the USA aren't forced to fight for some oil reserves at all in this moment. To be honest, I'd expect way smarter moves from his fresh government, than just void macho proclamations.
Actually the best way of fighting with terrorist and totalitarian regimes is not to buying their products, which theirs economy depends on - this of course implies, you already invested into alternative technologies in time. I mean really working alternative technologies - not these "renewable" ones.
QuoteSec. of Energy knows nothing about energy, whereas Tillerson is a world-class expert
The former secretary of Energy was perfectly informed to say at least. But it didn't help the cold fusion research neither - on the contrary. Dr. Ernest Moniz is a long-term fighter against cold fusion, particularly against its research at MIT. The other heads of DOE weren't any better in this respect. Steven Chu was an Asian agent, who just sold solar panels from China to USA and Mildred Dresselhaus - now known as the "queen of carbon science" - had signed the famous LENR negative DOE report in 1989. The fish stinks from head and USA wasted their opportunity to become a new technological leader multiple times.
I'm not one much for conspiracy theories, but we may have a machine that will destroy the current energy regime and be able to transmute element. The two Holy Grailes of modern society - Oil and Gold would become worthless in a very short time period!
Watched a program today on Al Jazeera on Goldman Sachs and the control they have over nations and the world economy, all behind closed doors! So what do you think they have been doing all this time - getting power and control, that is what is stopping LENR!
Quotebut we may have a machine that will destroy the current energy regime and be able to transmute element
Except that "we" haven't it. "We" even don't know its true name....
So what do you think they have been doing all this time - getting power and control, that is what is stopping LENR!
Well, thank goodness they forgot to stop Hydrino development! Guess Mills fooled them.
This censorship is actually very kind and wise of Chinese governement: nobody wants to escalate the anti-USA hysteria in China
I would not call it "kind" but it is pragmatic. The Chinese government is a dictatorship that controls the media. It wants to downplay the news that the Trump administration is threatening a military confrontation, although as I noted, the party newspaper has reported this.
The former secretary of Energy was perfectly informed to say at least.
Yes, he was. I meant that Rick Perry, the new Sec., knows nothing about energy.
But it didn't help the cold fusion research neither
He is like most mainstream physicists. They think that cold fusion was never replicated and it is pathological science. That is what Nature and other mainstream journals say.
QuoteHe is like most mainstream physicists. They think that cold fusion was never replicated and it is pathological science. That is what Nature and other mainstream journals say.
Mainstream physicists aren't idiots. Many of them are informed about progress in cold fusion in the same way, like we are or even better. But the existence of ECat and cold fusion undermines the investments into projects like ITER, NIF and actually all other methods of energy production/transport/conversion and storage. Which is whole half of existing applied research today and the people involved in it can calculate their job and grant perspectives under such a situation. In particular Moniz has been head of nuclear research at MIT - the LENR research contradicted his own interests directly.
BTW China’s Xi calls for a world without nuclear weapons - did it pass the American press?