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  • Abd Ul-Rahman Lomax wrote:

    I understand it is cesspool. Anyone can see that. Who cares about the details? How it got that way, who is shoveling all that crap into it, and why they are shoveling makes no difference to me.

    I doubt there is any "policy." With all those contradictory rules, policy is whatever the reigning nitwit says it is.

    I care about cesspools. I worked at a sewage treatment plant for a time. Great job. What other people ignore, I study. Most people stay away from, say, childbirth. Messy. You can get blood all over you. I delivered about thirty babies, my ex-wife about 200, and we started a midwifery service with many people, and a school of midwifery that made a difference for many, and I worked with the state to develop licensing, and my ex-wife was licensed, with no formal education. We confronted the "establishment" and won. How did we do that? People who don't care won't know.

    It's been acknowledged that Wikipedia, cesspools and all, has power and influence. Yes. It's a boatload of work, shovelling all that shit. In fact, a path to community acceptance is shovelling a lot of shit, doing Recent Changes Patrol. The Wikipedia community is generally suspicious of Single Purpose Accounts with axes to grind. "Not encyclopedic." The good news about RCP is that it's like a video game, to be the first to spot vandalism and spam and clearly inappropriate edits. How do you think I survived as long as I did on Wikipedia? By being smarter than everyone else? That goes down to oblivion fast.

    One of the things Pcarbonn did was to humiliate JzG. I brought this all out. People who are humiliated sometimes strike back. Ah, but he was such a tempting target, a blithering idiot at times. On Quora, one learns, quickly, not to say the obvious. Just let it be obvious, and don't argue with trolls, rather, Report them. (which is anonymous on Quora, the good news and the bad news. I.e., it cuts both ways. If there are a lot of reports, overworked administrators make mistakes. I've run into them. By normal practice, I'd have been blocked again and maybe banned, but I appealed. And some actions were reversed, plus I now have wide reputation and people who would complain if I'm actually blocked or banned. Still, Quora management is deliberately opaque. If criticized them, and they haven't retaliated. But ... what if some faction decides to Report? It's tricky, like dealing with any human community. It requires skill. Take-home lesson, do not humiliate people unless it is absolutely necessary. Myself, I reserve that for those who humiliate others, persistently.


    Abd Ul-Rahman Lomax wrote:

    But the fact is, you can't edit it. Neither can I.

    You can lock yourself in the box of "can't" if you like. I refuse. I could demonstrate it. If I do, I would predict that my edit would either stand or it would be reverted and then restored. The outcome would depend on the page edited and who is watching it. If I identify myself by name, I would self-revert, that is a process I invented back in about 2009 to allow banned editors to cooperate with the community. It worked, actually, quite well, but the faction, once they realized the danger, went after it hammer and tong. The faction actually rejects community power, that is something to understand about it. They operate, dependent upon inattention.

    In making a test edit, I would need to consider whether or not to sign it in some way. As it stands, I have not edited Wikipedia deliberately for a long time. That is a standard basis for requesting unban. If I create a violation of that, it could make it more difficult to obtain an unban. So I might not even make the edit, there is something else that I could do for a demonstration. Within policy.


    All this blather about the rules and details makes no difference. If they allowed me back in, anything I write will be instantly deleted.

    You are directly denying what I've written, about a project where you acknowledge that you are a know-nothing. I can edit Wikipedia. I have, since being banned edited pages. Accidentally. WTF? Yes, it can happen. The wiki habit is if you see a typo, you fix it. So I read Wikipedia a lot. Mostly, now, I'm always logged in, they changed autologin to be global, it didn't used to be that way. So the Wikipedia software knows that I'm logged in if I have logged in, say, to Wikiversity. So it won't allow me to edit. And there is a feature added that connects my IP automatically with the user name, so even if I log out, it won't let me edit from the same IP.

    You would not be subject to this problem, by the way, if you edit from IP. But I do not recommend that at all. At the present moment, I would recommend you not edit Wikipedia at all, because that is what you promised, and I have not been suggesting that you edit. Rather, I have been suggesting that you realize and clearly declare that this is a product of your own choices, and that stand is not disempowering.

    How to move around this limitation is obvious and I could trivially do it, so it is not that I "can't" edit Wikipedia, I can. I have seen the administrative community try with serious effort to stop particular users from editing, and it essentially fails. I'm not sure if it is still being maintained ...…a:Long-term_abuse/Scibaby

    From that, the edits have slowed down, but ... he's merely losing interest, after ten years. At one point, I and another editor tried to establish contact with Scibaby. He was not responsive. It might be noticed that he is "considered banned." That means that there never was a ban process, and I know the history. This sock farm was the result of abuse by William M. Connolley and Raul654. The faction! (And it was much more concerned with global warming than with cold fusion, they really didn't care about cold fusion that much, it was a minor interest.) So it would have been possible to get Scibaby unblocked, if he'd wanted to cooperate. But, I think, he had discovered that trolling was much more fun.... "You can't make me!" is very appealing!

    But I could also edit as Abd again, if I wanted to. I don't, not at this point, anyway. It's been suggested I go back, and I will continue to consider it. But, banned, I am not tempted to mix it up with what can be a pile of idiots, and I can contact any editor I want. My email is not blocked on en.Wikipedia. At one point, in fact, there was a problem and I emailed JzG. He fixed it, though he did announce what he was doing. After all, he wouldn't want to be accused of being a meat puppet for Abd! I don't hate JzG. It's not his fault he was dropped on his head as a baby.... Actually, the reason JzG was not fully sanctioned is that he worked his butt off for the community, at one point, and most of the people he was grossly uncivil to were, ah, trolls. It was just that there were some exceptions.

    I can support any editor, then, with information and suggested edits. If I choose. Realizing that this is all within choice is important. If I do it, or don't do it, I am responsible. I do not have to personally edit to create what I choose, and I could also personally edit if needed. If I choose.

    I would never do this to frustrate the community purpose, as expressed in policies that have consensus. My opinion is that communities have the right to regulate themselves, always. (Like Socrates....) Even if they disagree with me. If a structure is owned, the owner has the right, and that is why I never messed with the ban on vortex-l. The owner was an idiot, that list will have no owner if he disappears, so the community that did not join newvortex (started before he banned me! when the list was down) will have no recourse and vortex-l would die, unless Beatty changes his position, and he mostly doesn't care, but is unwilling to surrender full control. Very common. And if people accept it, what they get is what they get.

    But would my edits be reverted? Any editor's edits can be reverted. The Wikipedia structure is grossly inefficient, it does not value editor labor. (Quora is vastly better, though it also has problems. Quora attracts some of the best writers on the planet, and quite sensibly so. Wikipedia does not attract writers, generally, because it does not respect writing, as such, but "editing." Famous dogs and cats: editors and writers.)

    None of Jed's edits were actually deleted, except possibly edits to articles or other pages that have been deleted. (And any admin could restore those, and there are admins who will do this on simple request, moving the article into user space, and any of this could then be transwikied to Wikiversity by request to an admin there, and it would be done, almost certainly.) Here: was Jed's removal of the IP editor's edit, based on a claim, explained on the Talk page, that this was you. The edit was not "deleted," but it was removed from the Talk page, which can be done with a legitimately banned user. But you were not banned. You were not even blocked. Was the edit disruptive? Most of all, it was not signed by you, and you always signed your edits. This wasn't you, this was obvious, and I knew that at the time and brought it up in the case against JzG.

    JzG simply thought that anything showing knowledge of cold fusion must be from Pcarbonn, his nemesis, or from you, as a meat puppet for Pcarbonn. Basically, an idiot, can we agree on that?

    The material was certainly not deleted. Here it is:

    What actually happened was that nobody had the balls to restore it. I was not yet involved with the article. I did restore an edit to Cold fusion by a user actually banned. It was ScienceApologist! It was a good edit! I was attacked by his supporter (Hipocrite!) but it went nowhere because there was not only no policy violation there, by me, it was clearly legitimate, not marginal. Hipocrite had deleted, arguing that he was banned, therefore RBI. This was actually a plot to humiliate neutral administrators, Hipocrite was SA's friend, and that was shown by the sequence, and ScienceApologist was then site-banned for three months, because his intentions had become clear.

    Yes, Wikipedia is unreliable. But it is generally predictable, like all human society, if one studies society and how it works.


    Abd Ul-Rahman Lomax wrote:

    Damn right we would! And it is other people's fault. People such as Frank Close, Robert Park and the editors of the Sci. Am. are to blame. It is entirely their fault and not 1% my fault or the fault of any researcher. I do not buy Beaudette's allocation of the blame he puts on Fleischmann and Pons. I do not buy your feel-good kumbaya version of history either. Park and the rest of those people are filthy, corrupt bastards. They are evil. To preserves their status in what they saw as an academic bun fight, they accidentally killed millions of people. History should treat them as pariahs. But if I know anything about history books, they will end up taking credit for cold fusion.

    Ah, doesn't reality suck? God made such a mistake! And he just keeps making them! I could do such a better job! If only everyone would listen to me, then we would have free energy and full prosperity and everyone would be deleriously happy. But they won't, the idiots!

    Yes, millions of people can die from errors in a rejection cascade. Many women died needlessly because few paid attention to Semmelweiss. Now, who is to "blame" for that? The very concept of blame is disempowering. If we can find someone to blame -- other than ourselves -- we then are free of any responsibility. It is not our problem, it is theirs. If only they would be good, everything would be okay. So, hey, if we keep blaming them, maybe they will change! Where does this idea come from? It almost never works in the real world, except in one context.

    That context explains how we learned to do this.

    I have been trained to recognize all this -- in myself! -- as quickly as possible, and to move into considering, not who is to blame and what is wrong, but "what is missing, the presence of which would make a difference," and I was trained to run that process as a demonstration of the technology. The shift can be astonishing. The leader in that process will guide participants to identify a state of being that is missing from the person himself or herself, not some condition. Lots of people will start out with "Money! That's what is missing!" However, if the person declares the possibility of getting a million dollars -- I've seen this -- the leader will point out the obvious. "We are not inspired." What is missing, not as a condition, but as a stand or state of being? In the case of the woman and the million dollars, she came up with "I am the possibility of being happy with what I have, and creating what I need." Or something like that. And she was actually inspired, it could be seen in her face. It completely changed her focus from what was wrong ("Poor!" -- she thought) that she could not directly control ("having a million dollars,") to what she could control (her own attitude). I've seen it again and again, she would then do well in the real world. (This "I am the possibility" is language from the Advanced Course, she was in a program for establishing community projects and that requires the Advanced Course as a prerequisite, so she already had some significant training.)

    You will see this again and again in the stands I take around cold fusion. We have what we need to move forward and what we do not have, we can create. They are not stopping us. They aren't even trying, my observation. We are keeping ourselves stopped, by believing that there is a huge obstacle to overcome. It is almost entirely fantasy by now. Yes, there are people not ready to change, but there are others changing, major progress is being made. I have presented heavy skeptics with my heat/helium article, and those who have read it almost always come up with something like, "This is interesting. Great idea to actually confirm this!" Even as they are claiming I'm a stuck, crazy, fanatic "believer."

    Jed, where is the killer article on cold fusion? Where is the article that clearly cuts through the noise, effectively and with high skill?

    You created a video that was quite good. But where does it leave the viewer? Is there a call to action within what the viewer could do immediately? Once one starts the study of transformation, and how communities actually transform, what is still missing there becomes obvious. As a coach I was trained to identify this and support participants in moving beyond the limitations. What if someone objects to something in the video? Where would they go, specifically and clearly, to look into it? One can easily find pages that excoriate skeptics for being stupid and wrong. How many pages patiently guide?

    Notice that there is a symmetry here. A genuine skeptic might notice how much skepticism is pseudoskepticism that would only alienate "believers," not guide them to discover their own errors. (Which is pretty much the only way that works, and you even know this, because you expect that the major skeptics will turn around and say something like, "At last they showed something real!" They will not collapse in a greasy pile of shame. People mostly don't do that. How, indeed does one truly communicate with people in difficult subjects? Do we just say whatever pops into our heads and then justify it?

    All your edits are still there on Wikipedia. Because they are scattered among IP addresses, mostly, they are not easy to find unless one has direct database access, which is complicated, though it can be done. Whatever you edited as JedRothwell is trivial to see, an easy command and there they all are, except for edits to deleted pages, which will not show there. There is another public display that will reveal how many edits have been deleted (because the page was deleted, generally).

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