Rossi-Blog Comment Discussion

  • It seems I got the other law suit new document wrong and it is a notice of the virtual deposition. It is scheduled for next week:

    Andrea Rossi March 24, 2021 9:00 p.m. EST Virtual/Zoom/Webex

    I wish that they were public.

  • E-Cat World is abuzz and agog!

    This particular entry on E-Cat World startled me.

    An impressive combination of extreme zealotry and gullibility.

    I haven't put the users name to avoid possible future embarrassment.

  • ECatSKL presentation Nov 30.

    1. Ruby March 20, 2021 at 3:01 PM

      Dear Dr Andrea Rossi:

      1- can you say now where the presentation of the Ecat SKLed will be made and when ?

      2- can you say if the Ecat SKLed will be shown while operating in the concern of a customer that will participate to the presentation ?

      3- can you say if the presentation will be made with the certification of a third independent party made ?

      4- can you say when all the clients that have sent you a request of the order form will receive it ?

      Thank you if you can answer,


    2. Andrea Rossi March 20, 2021 at 3:22 PM


      1- Sweden, November 30 2021. By then we all will have been vaccinated against the Covid.

      2- yes

      3- yes

      4- about 10 days, I am waiting the last design of the body to make an updated photo. All the rest is ready.

      Warm Regards,


      Frank invited.

    3. Frank Acland
      March 20, 2021 at 4:27 PM Dear Andrea, Thank you for sharing the date and place of the presentation. I look forward to it very much! 1. Will the presentation take place on the premises of a customer?
      2. Will you have a live audience there, or will it just be a video stream?
      3. Will others of your team and/or customers be presenting, or just yourself? Many thanks, Frank Acland
    4. Andrea Rossi March 20, 2021 at 5:29 PM Frank Acland:
      1. yes
      2. both
      3. there will be others of my Team and Customers too. Probably, if he will accept, also the director of E-Catworld
      Warm Regards,
  • Hyper Sleep 1:17:25 to 1:18:35

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  • Depending on what is revealed in 10 days and how the word gets out, this thing could go viral and preorders surpass 1 million units. It could surpass demand for a Covid-19 vaccine. :evil:

    I assume your comment was intended to be comedy or sarcasm. After all, what happened to all the previously ordered and delivered and/or pre-ordered older versions of his widgets? Oh, right, they never existed.

  • Quote

    1- Sweden, November 30 2021. By then we all will have been vaccinated against the Covid.


    3. there will be others of my Team and Customers too. Probably, if he will accept, also the director of E-Catworld

    Funny, his best guests as witness are really a guarantee... better to say the two major accomplices along this decade.

  • I assume your comment was intended to be comedy or sarcasm.

    Yes, and more. How could a hyper efficient LED lamp, known to perhaps one millionth of the world, compete with what one third of the western world has been conditioned to believe is the elixir of life - a covid-19 vaccine?

    After all, what happened to all the previously ordered and delivered and/or pre-ordered older versions of his widgets? Oh, right, they never existed.

    I don't know what happened, frankly. Rumour is that anything pre QuarkX did not age well. Meanwhile things post QuarkX are changing so fast that it's is best to wait until a reliable product - apparently like the SKLed - drops out of the whirlwind of invention and collaboration. :evil:

  • So along all these years the Rossi's so praised customer never tested anything. That's the usual approach of the magician's farce.

  • So along all these years the Rossi's so praised customer never tested anything. That's the usual approach of the magician's farce.

    Not sure where you're getting the idea that the Ecat SKLed customer in Sweden has anything to do with previous customers of Rossi. Also, Rossi has said that the customer will test the SKLed both before the presentation and at the presentation, which will be on their premises.

  • A customer who organizes and hosts a presentation (about an energy miracle) even before having ascertained if the magician's stuff works or it's a hoax, he can be only or a naïve or colluded.

  • What happened to the 3rd party testing of the SKL (which if successful would also validate the working of the SKLed)? Has anyone asked for the results to be published as promised?

  • All past Ecats, QX, SK, ...have been tested and certified, and there are also satisfied customers, as we were told....the problem is that no satisfied customer ever became known to the public, nor was any of these certifications ever seen or published. But - everybody needs to order one to get one....Isn't this like "bying the pig in a poke" ? The German translation is here much funnier: we say "die Katze im Sack kaufen - buy the cat in the sack" ^^ ^^

  • What happened to the 3rd party testing of the SKL (which if successful would also validate the working of the SKLed)? Has anyone asked for the results to be published as promised?

    I thought your question was a good one, so I asked Andrea. It looks like the answer will have to wait until November.

    2021-03-22 11:05 Mark U

    Dear Andrea,

    Can you give us some insight into the status of the certification of the Ecat SKL, as it relates to the certification of the Ecat SKLed?

    Namely, did the Ecat SKL certification morph into the Ecat SKLed certification, or are they each going on concurrently?

    If the latter, are the certifications being performed by the same agency?

    Thank you if you can answer!


    Mark in Toronto

    2021-03-22 13:14 Andrea Rossi

    Mark U:

    We will publish the certification at the presentation .

    Warm Regards,


  • Not sure where you're getting the idea that the Ecat SKLed customer in Sweden has anything to do with previous customers of Rossi. Also, Rossi has said that the customer will test the SKLed both before the presentation and at the presentation, which will be on their premises.

    Mark, do you not find it odd that none of these supposedly happy customers have ever surfaced, except on Rossi's blog? Or any of his "team"? Or any "partner"? Or any job postings,? Or any financial dealings?... The only recent records I have been able to find are Miami Dade County Court dockets concerning his getting sued for not paying a contractor since 2017 I believe.

  • Measured by who, the Wizard of Oz?

    “Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain”.

    Measured how, with a 100 scale amprobe?

    Does anyone outside of Ecat World believe a thing this Mordecai Jones wannabe says?

    My god what a bunch of gullible buffoons.

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