Rossi-Blog Comment Discussion

  • Mark, do you not find it odd that none of these supposedly happy customers have ever surfaced, except on Rossi's blog? Or any of his "team"? Or any "partner"? Or any job postings,? Or any financial dealings?... The only recent records I have been able to find are Miami Dade County Court dockets concerning his getting sued for not paying a contractor since 2017 I believe.

    Coming up quick to the one year anniversary of the granted Motion To Compel the Leonardo representative (preferably A. Rossi, but Johnson will probably be funnier), by Zoom as soon as possible.

  • Coming up quick to the one year anniversary of the granted Motion To Compel the Leonardo representative (preferably A. Rossi, but Johnson will probably be funnier), by Zoom as soon as possible.

    The deposition for Leonardo was due to take place by Zoom yesterday. Interestingly there is now a motion to dismiss due to lack of activity.....I don't know much about US law so I don't know if its significant.

  • The deposition for Leonardo was due to take place by Zoom yesterday. Interestingly there is now a motion to dismiss due to lack of activity.....I don't know much about US law so I don't know if its significant.

    I haven’t looked recently. A motion to dismiss due to lack of activity by the defendant will probably fail, since the defendant is the main cause of the delays. Just a guess though.

  • Next up: the e-cat paperweight.

    A paperweight requiring power from the mains would be unique.

    My big question is will the next presentation have a new jingle?

    Probably just new lyrics along the lines of:

    "I REALLY believe in the e-cat SKLed

    but there may be something wrong in my head.

    I wake up at nights with a feeling of dread,

    that I might be truly brain dead."

  • Does the new world changing invention not have a switch to instantly turn it on, when you need light? You need to plug it into a socket to have light after a couple of seconds? This sounds like a few steps back in evolution, coming from a remotely controlled operation of selling heat from a ECat device 😅

    On JONP:

    "2021-03-24 15:57 Raymond

    Mr. Rossi,

    Sorry if this is answered before (could not find..):

    A) How long is the startup time of the SKLed, from pluging in to full powered light?

    B) Any problems with frequent starts/stops?

    Thanks and Regards, Ray.

    2021-03-25 04:07 Andrea Rossi


    A) several seconds

    B) no

    Warm Regards, A.R."

  • Would you buy a new LED simply by believing a data sheet, or would you buy one because many others do so and talk about, e.g. based on a huge number of satisfied customers and their comments? None of that ever made it to the public, nor is available nor known, for any of Rossi's products. If he thinks he could simply change how the world is doing business, he is and was badly wrong.

    11 days now gone and still wating for the announced data sheet. Folks on ECW getting angry... :)

  • Quote

    Andrea Rossi
    March 26, 2021 at 8:16 AM

    Calle H:

    The Customer is just a Customer.

    Warm Regards,


    Ultrahigh useful reply... only a superlative mind like the magician's one can give a so high significant answer.

    My simply math equations:

    Customer = just a fake


    Rossi = just a fake

    therefore as usual: Customer = Rossi according to the farce

    Edited once, last by truth ().

  • 11 days now gone and still wating for the announced data sheet. Folks on ECW getting angry... :)

    More like hungry. But Rossi has been been giving appetizers to help them along. The SKLed is 200 g and has a volume of 1.5 L (dimensions 10 x 10 x 15 cm).

    My prediction of March 23 for the picture and data sheet reveal was wrong. Rossi eludes prediction!

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