Sam12 - are you trolling? Do you see how ridiculous this all is?
Spew - a warning for what?
So how is Rossi shipping them to the worldwide customers without shipping containers? Did UPS agree to pick them up as is, pipes hanging out, neutron detectors sitting on top etc? Oh, I forgot, the idea is totally ridiculous and Rossi is full of crap. I guess I got all caught up in the saving the world idea.
A guy named Ivan Samec from Ostrava, Czech Republic is attacking Rossis business model via Indiegogo…-lenr-plasma-technology#/
If Rossi will like it ? -
If silence is wise then maybe you should take your own advice.
Whooha. A rapper....
Silence ? If I recall most of Your blown up posts, which are basically saying nothing, ok.... keep going....
Sam12 - are you trolling? Do you see how ridiculous this all is?
No I don’t
If it is Dewey you are talking about
I believe he got a warning from
the moderators about that type
of comment.
Notice that you did not answer the question. Between the time that Dewey lays down his threats and the mod responds [it's not like Dewey heeded the warning] , the post is there as a personal attack.
Between the time that Dewey lays down his threats and the mod responds [it's not like Dewey heeded the warning] , the post is there as a personal attack.
In this case the response was almost immediate.
Sorry fellas - not feeding the Planet Rossi trolls today - too busy.
I'll bring the baseball bat back out when its needed.
A guy named Ivan Samec from Ostrava, Czech Republic is attacking Rossis business model via Indiegogo…-lenr-plasma-technology#/
If Rossi will like it ?Not very reassuring when he references a Rossi/IH court document (Penon Report) as proof of concept. Some familiar wording in there also. If I did not know better, I would say he was one of our LF members.
The FAQ's are 100% pure bullpuckey -- the highly fragrant classical type. How anyone can believe any of it is mystifying. Well, they got $10 out of a $300,000 goal. Good going! Great start!
The FAQ's are 100% pure bullpuckey -- the highly fragrant classical type. How anyone can believe any of it is mystifying. Well, they got $10 out of a $300,000 goal. Good going! Great start!
$13 Canadian I thought what the heck I would donate.Ivan has made
comments on Peter Glucks EGO OUT
Sorry fellas - not feeding the Planet Rossi trolls today - too busy.
I'll bring the baseball bat back out when its needed.
Do you remember this home run?
I was cheering for Pittsburg.
External Content youtu.beContent embedded from external sources will not be displayed without your consent.Through the activation of external content, you agree that personal data may be transferred to third party platforms. We have provided more information on this in our privacy policy. -
Lots of interesting comments from
Rossi blog.
I wonder how he gets the safety certificate for all those different countries. Their laws could be so different.
Andrea Rossi
March 29, 2019 at 8:05 AM
Giovanni Galimberti:
“renormalisation” means that when one does not obtain the results he wants, he cooks the math to get what he wants.
Warm Regards,
There we go. The e-cat secret exposed!
They are normal Joule heaters, but renormalized into effectiveness!
Andrea Rossi
March 29, 2019 at 8:05 AM
Why only 300k target? Set it to 10m and have Doral 2.0 saga.
The con carries on - show a glow tube to a bunch of idiots and they're guaranteed to throw cash at you. Its all extremely impressive and maybe, just maybe, AR will end up with sufficient funding to produce working LENR reactors. Is anybody on LF prepared to tell him how to do it, maybe, given the level of understanding from accumulated scientific papers man-years of study, etc devoted to it? We can all be sure of what doesn't work (QX and SK) and earlier e-cats tested to death by IH and the Swedes. Anybody on here know how to produce working reactors in competition with AR or is the whole membership obsessed with invention/IP rights? My own research suggests a major principle in nuclear power generation has been overlooked when it has been applied to cold fusion - the concept of critical mass - most studies including more recent nanotech work have all used miniscule quantities of transition metal powder (Pd is understandably expensive) and to cut a long story short the 100 g range of Ni powder experiments with H have always been more reliable but no-one has systematically tested Ni H reactors equivalent to weighing the tens of Kg of U235 required for reliable fission to occur. Look at these critical mass values from wiki:
Nuclide Half life
(y)Critical mass
(cm)Ref uranium-233 159,200 15 11 uranium-235 703,800,000 52 17 neptunium-236 154,000 7 8.7 neptunium-237 2,144,000 60 18 plutonium-238 87.7 9.04–10.07 9.5–9.9 plutonium-239 24,110 10 9.9 plutonium-240 6561 40 15 plutonium-241 14.3 12 10.5 plutonium-242 375,000 75–100 19–21 americium-241 432.2 55–77 20–23 americium-242m 141 9–14 11–13 americium-243 7370 180–280 30–35 curium-243 29.1 7.34–10 10–11 curium-244 18.1 13.5–30 12.4–16 curium-245 8500 9.41–12.3 11–12 curium-246 4760 39–70.1 18–21 curium-247 15,600,000 6.94–7.06 9.9 berkelium-247 1380 75.7 11.8-12.2 berkelium-249 330 days 192 16.1-16.6 californium-249 351 6 9 californium-251 900 5.46 8.5 californium-252 2.6 2.73 6.9 einsteinium-254 275.7 days 9.89 7.1 So isn't it time to go back and test all the known transition metal combinations in much larger Kg reactors? If this produces the occasional 'runaway' reaction all well and good, these green non-radioactive cores (if we assume any neutron/gamma radiation never escapes the core, but is thermalized) we generate steam by water cooling, to electricity etc
and regulate the energy production.
The con carries on - show a glow tube to a bunch of idiots and they're guaranteed to throw cash at you
There is a small difference between fission & fusion - almost 2 letters...
It's like in medicine: Some rule do apply for woman and not for man. Here again 2 letters difference...
The similarities might warrant further work, surely if I were correct it would be too big an issue to simply disregard? Its easy enough to construct a fusion chain reaction model utilizing neutrons released from proton electron capture proton fusion to deuterium, deuterium fusion to tritium releasing three free neutrons per cycle to He. (and associated gammas) These reactions have extremely low rates but may be raised by using catalysts like FeK to modify H to UDH for example. There's nothing to lose by studying this - a few hundred quid for metal powders, H gas etc. Can any data be found that tests this idea? (apart from various runaway reactions)
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