Rossi-Blog Comment Discussion

  • Wow! Current Science from 2015! Good thing the full justification was not possible there. Otherwise we might expect an immediate validation of Rossi. Has Storms given a full justfication in the nearly 5 years since? I am not picking on Storms. I am picking on the cherry picking of off hand comments.

    I'll try getting my point clearer: in the quest of disparaging anything that Rossi writes or says, some people are forgetting or just not seeing that he's often repackaging with different wording existing hypotheses and ideas by other, more accomplished researchers. It can be argued that he never [-ever!] had anything working in his condo-laboratory, but from the theory point of view he or his ghostwriters are not completely making stuff up.

    If you've read anything of what Storms has written in the past few years you'd know that he's focused on applying his practical NAE (nuclear-active environment) model on small-scale experiments rather than trying to find a theoretical justification for his observations. As an unrelated a side note, I only recently reviewed his last papers after repeated suggestions to do so, which is how and when I found the excerpt above; maybe you should too.

  • There is one possibility about Rossi, Axil made me thinking about. He is probably looking for a victim/buyer of his IP. It will go easier if it is protected by a patent. There is no way he can patent anything called LENR etc hence a drastic departure. The confirmation of my hypothesis will come when Dottore comes up with brand-new term. Maybe Axil can help him there with something like "A novel approach to extract electricity directly from matter caused by spacetime expansion in the cocktail of Bose condensate and mini massless-gravitationless-time-diluting black holes."


    Your forgot magnetic monopoles and nanoplasmonics.

    (Hey, pssst, just among us: This guy mostly writes on wednesdays... yesterday was an exception. This must be related to Rossi's switch to "NOT-NUCLEAR"....or the asylum changed their schedule of going out days )...

  • Why not for real? :)

    He has delivered enough good content for brilliant memes.

    Hi barty,

    Yes! Let's make some nice memes! And turn Rossi into an even bigger rockstar! The Jesus of LENR (or an area somewhat related to it)! The David that conquered Industrial Heat, the Goliath! The humble Italian Dottore that despite all hate, Israelis and constant harassment wil save the world!



  • we_cat_global

    JB remains a Whisky label to drink with moderation :saint::saint:

  • :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

    Maybe, we should decide, creating memes out of all You "hardcore scammer supporters"...

  • @clarifier

    very pretentious your nickname, despite masked, we already know everything about your character without depth.

    Only craziest threads can be your universe :love:

    What's Your point ?

  • ... now we need to take care of the others as well, like <name>, for instance.

    ... or the asylum changed their schedule of going out days

    ... we already know everything about your character without depth

    ... that despite all hate, Israelis and constant harassment ...

    Guys, don't wind this up too much!

  • Okay, let's try to raise the bar a little bit...

    It's the view of a scope screen as a snapshot:
    Drive of the ECat SK at January 2019 demo

    From the context, this is the "drive signal " for the ECat SK.

    Please klick this original footage from the SK demo, it should start at 9m:43s. If not, cue to that position.

    The clip was provided/uploaded by an entity called "EcatSK", and is known as the official video from the demo.

    Now, what is to see there?

    a) clear signal, not more to say about it

    b) an untriggered signal

    c) random noise

    d) drive signal for the ECat SK is confidential, so this is a red hering

    d) ... <add your opinion>

    BTW: It's not the first time I posted this.

  • Bang, according to Axil on ECW this is a clear RF signal that can be closely estimated as 100000 Hz (RF stands for Rossi Fraud)

    Axil Axil  Domenico Canino21 hours ago edited

    Spark on, spark off - Int approx 8.3 —

    The scope shows an RF pumping signal that Rossi uses to excite the LENR reaction in the QX reactor during the Stockholm demo, There is a 8.3 second cycle that starts with a high voltage arc, followed by a few seconds of RF at about 100,000 CPS, then a few seconds of dead time before the next cycle begins.

  • Bang, according to Axil on ECW this is a clear RF signal that can be closely estimated as 100000 Hz (RF stands for Rossi Fraud)

    Axil Axil  Domenico Canino21 hours ago edited

    Spark on, spark off - Int approx 8.3 —

    The scope shows an RF pumping signal that Rossi uses to excite the LENR reaction in the QX reactor during the Stockholm demo, There is a 8.3 second cycle that starts with a high voltage arc, followed by a few seconds of RF at about 100,000 CPS, then a few seconds of dead time before the next cycle begins.

    Reading Axil's nonsense is like passing by an heavy accident.

    It is so damn ugly to look at it, but somehow You want to show Yourself, that You can stand this kind of uglyness.

    Mesaurement "Rossi Frauds" = RF ?

    This is the first real step towards new physics. We have a new unit of measure.

    Let's celebrate this.

  • I wonder where Gullstrom is right now, what he is doing and, more important, thinking, after the SUDDEN decision, that it is no nuclear reaction.

    I mean, Gullstrom was involved since when ?
    I believe, long enough, that they should have come to that conclusion MUCH earlier.

    Am I right ?

  • I wonder where Gullstrom is right now, what he is doing and, more important, thinking, after the SUDDEN decision, that it is no nuclear reaction.

    I mean, Gullstrom was involved since when ?
    I believe, long enough, that they should have come to that conclusion MUCH earlier.

    Am I right ?

    Hi @clarifier,

    Give him a call. Make your name proud. His details can be found here. But what is the point? Rossi is a fraud, right? Why bother? Or do you doubt your preciously formed ideology?



  • No, I never doubt myself after questioning my ideology so many times, but it always proved to be properly placed.

    Why I ask is obvious, at the end of my latest post. There is the point.

  • Bang, according to Axil on ECW this is a clear RF signal that can be closely estimated as 100000 Hz (RF stands for Rossi Fraud)

    Axil Axil  Domenico Canino21 hours ago edited

    Spark on, spark off - Int approx 8.3 —

    The scope shows an RF pumping signal that Rossi uses to excite the LENR reaction in the QX reactor during the Stockholm demo, There is a 8.3 second cycle that starts with a high voltage arc, followed by a few seconds of RF at about 100,000 CPS, then a few seconds of dead time before the next cycle begins.

    We talk about the SK Condo demo, not the QX Stockolm (sic) demo :)

    The scope screen at the QX demo in Stockholm showed a very different picture.

    QX Stockholm

    QX Stockholm

    SK Condo

    Official Rossi Clip, QX Stockholm, cue to 3:45.

    See the pumping in the signal, as described by Axil and you.

    At SK Condo demo:

    No "pumping", and different wave form. No sine shape/sine interference at all.


    I can see no point in "feedback" comming from the QX reactor disturbing the PSU or whatever, as Rossi says.

    As a RF-technician, I used LC combinations to keep down/eliminate unwanted signals/loopbacks.

    Just a bandfilter/bandpass. It's not rocket science :).

    But the pint is:

    At the SK demo, I see untriggered random noise, typical e.g. for signal probe connected, but ground not connnected.

    There are a lot of ways to produce such a signal on a scope.

    This signal does not make sense to me!

    PhysicsForDummies or the other more practical educated users here:

    What is your interpretation of this signal?

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