Rossi-Blog Comment Discussion

  • The Rossi skeptics will never go away.If it was proven that Rossi

    has the technology he says he has

    some of the skeptics will not


    His tech is considered proven to work if Rossi proclaims so on JONP, according to the Rossiations. The skeptics will not believe, making this assertion correct in their minds. The ultimate non-falsifiable theory. In fact if some legitimate researcher succeeds with LENR or Hydrinos or H(0), which Rossi doesn't do according to him, the Rossiations will claim vindication because the Italian Fox was so far ahead and they stole his technology. Right Sam?

  • The Rossi skeptics will never go away.If it was proven that Rossi

    has the technology he says he has

    some of the skeptics will not


    Is this perhaps you projecting your own characteristics onto others? I don't think it is true (certainly not true in my case).

  • Its absolutely not true. And as others have pointed out. This theory will *never* be proven. Rossi will never prove that he has working tech. After all this time why would he?

    A) he doesn't have any working tech

    B) his followers don't require proof - they have faith

  • Apparently Gullstrom already left, as he graduated and is now heading towards master, as I read in a post by You. But he is not anymore with Rossi.

    This is of course normal, if You want to be taken serious as a proper scientist.

    Another fellow died ( Focaccia or a similar name ).

    So, are there ANY names, You can provide, which REALLY still work with this scammer ?

  • “So, are there ANY names, You can provide, which REALLY still work with this scammer ?”

    That goes for customers as well. Of course, why would any company want it known that they are making use of a world-changing, environmentally safe energy technology? One thing companies avoid like the plague is positive news. Such news would be devastating to their bottom line.

  • There's nothing to stop AR from simply replicating the Mizuno reactor for example and then modifying it slightly to claim it as his own invention and all his supporters would turn round and say 'told you so, he had the goods all the time'. Probably dropped everything and is beavering away on it now. Wouldn't surprise me in the least and Leonardo Corp saves the world from GW etc ETC. Fair do's if he does I guess, and saves some child cancer victims in the process. Every villain can have a nice side! WAIT A MINUTE, NO THEY CAN'T.

  • That's not the real signal.

    The real signal would show ion acoustic oscillations.

    He revealed that the plasma was within the negative resistance regime when he showed the oscilloscope in Stockholm and he wasn't about to make the same mistake again.

  • That's not the real signal.

    The real signal would show ion acoustic oscillations.

    He revealed that the plasma was within the negative resistance regime when he showed the oscilloscope in Stockholm and he wasn't about to make the same mistake again.


    So, you agree that the scope screen at the SK-Condo demo, the one with the 6 camera angles, showed an untriggered, random noise signal?

  • I would say that I do not know for sure what that scope shows. However, I do NOT think it is accurate. All of these systems that operate in the negative resistance regime and therefore produce complex space charge configurations with double layers emit ion acoustic oscillations. If those were not on that scope trace then it was something else.

  • Look, here, I posted a question, he never set it free, instead deleted it, and maybe even invented the person "Jeff", who then asked THE SAME question again.

    He is such a m.....f.....r...

    And now I asked him, why he did that. Look:

  • Why clarifier?

    Because he passes all his time answering on Jonp (apart bluffing and magician tricks, he does not able to do other), when he receives an uncomfortable question or he deletes it or he creates a sockpuppet and changes the content to appear as much as possible favorable to him.

  • Don't worry...

    Just follow the scheme and look for the typical "Rossiwrites to himself" patterns. It is easy to determine who asks questions "in favor of Rossi". Blanks at the end of sentences before question and exclamation marks, typical Rossi "italo-english" wrong grammar and common words... etc. Of course he will delete and moderate questions from the "rock and troll" crowd :)

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