Rossi-Blog Comment Discussion

  • OK: let us just agree that Rossi never intended this as a scientific test. I can agree with that. Rossi has always categorically refused scientific tests (Lugano was we now know controlled by Rossi). He has alo categorically refused to let his device be black-box tested by independent groups wanting to discover whether it works or no. Note the strong distinction here from the estimable (in this respect) me356.

    The Lugano test was made by scientists, with the presence of Rossi. Rossi did not control it, otherwise it would have been his test, and the scientists would not write and sign the Lugano report.

    IH did not have unrestricted access to the demo. Rossi had a list of allowed personel to visit, none of whom were technically competent. He was happy to add any number of untechnical people to the list, but refused competent technical guys.

    Who told you that Rossi did not want any technical staff to visit Lugano? It is not his fault if IH at that time was constituted only by VCs incompetent in matter ....

  • There were cameras that have always record every action of the people present in the test, and Rossi did not perform the fuel loading and the ash extraction on its own (or do you believe he did it? If you are convinced he was alone, prove it). The reactor used in Lugano was built by IH and was used in the presence of scientists: your allegations about a possible fraud of Rossi do not make sense.

    Please show me the evidence that 'there were cameras that have always record every action of the people present', as I have not seen that evidence provided anywhere.

    That would be helpful information to add to the debate. However, it wouldn't be definitive because there all sorts of subtle ways to tamper with the fuel sample.

    I've given the only proof needed to support the conclusion that ash tampering is a reasonable alternative explanation for the Lugano fuel analysis results: we all know now that Rossi is extraordinarily deceptive (or do you want to refute that claim?).

    • Official Post

    There were cameras that have always record every action of the people present in the test, and Rossi did not perform the fuel loading and the ash extraction on its own (or do you believe he did it? If you are convinced he was alone, prove it). The reactor used in Lugano was built by IH and was used in the presence of scientists: your allegations about a possible fraud of Rossi do not make sense.

    There were cameras recording all the instrument readings and a general view of the reactor. True. The reactor was built by IH. True. The rest I have never checked out.

  • There were cameras that have always record every action of the people present in the test, and Rossi did not perform the fuel loading and the ash extraction on its own (or do you believe he did it? If you are convinced he was alone, prove it). The reactor used in Lugano was built by IH and was used in the presence of scientists: your allegations about a possible fraud of Rossi do not make sense.

    Yes, but camera evidence, even if they were correctly positioned (unlikely) would not prevent any of the methods I suggested for the fuel/ash swap. So, to those with a clear mind, sigmoidal's points do make sense.

    Try again?

    • Official Post

    Nothing to try for me. Sigmoidal asked for evidence that cameras were present, I provided it based on eye-witness accounts provided to me personally and also on having seen some small part of the footage. As I said in my post above 'The rest I have never checked out.' Don't actually care that much, the Archangel Gabriel wouldn't cut much ice in here. :D

  • Nothing to try for me. Sigmoidal asked for evidence that cameras were present, I provided it based on eye-witness accounts provided to me personally and also on having seen some small part of the footage. As I said in my post above 'The rest I have never checked out.' Don't actually care that much, the Archangel Gabriel wouldn't cut much ice in here. :D

    Not if Rossi was doing the work saving souls, no.

    1. Dan C. June 16, 2017 at 10:49 AM

      Dear Andrea,

      I see where you have devised new materials at where the Quark can operate somewhere around 2700`C.

      Is this a natural steady state where the Rossi effect is stabilized(thrives) where it neither tends to spontaneously stop nor tries to runaway without constant monitoring and intervention of the controls.

      If so, then the final piece of the puzzle is a long lived material(At least exceeding the life of the fuel charge) to a marketable product.

      Wishing you the best.

      Dan C.

    2. Andrea Rossi June 16, 2017 at 11:11 AM

      Dan C.:


      Warm Regards,


  • Nothing to try for me. Sigmoidal asked for evidence that cameras were present, I provided it based on eye-witness accounts provided to me personally and also on having seen some small part of the footage. As I said in my post above 'The rest I have never checked out.' Don't actually care that much, the Archangel Gabriel wouldn't cut much ice in here. :D

    Alan, thanks for your sharing your first hand knowledge regarding cameras in Lugano. It's very cool to have your insight!

    I obviously seriously doubt SSC's assertion that "There were cameras that have always recorded every action of the people present in the test". In order to do so, there would either have to be camera operators tracking every person's moves, or a boatload of cameras pointing in all directions and all angles (along with human resources willing to review all these cameras' recordings). This level of videography would seem absurdly paranoid under normal circumstances. And even with that level of video recording, Rossi obviously prepared the 'fuel' privately, and almost certainly held the ash in private custody at some point between demonstration conclusion and subsequent analysis.

    Also, we can reasonably conclude that the Lugano researchers assumed that Rossi, like the vast majority of researchers, was an 'honest broker'. This was not an unreasonable assumption for the Lugano investigators to make.

    We now know that Rossi is definitely not an honest broker, and so their 'honest broker' assumptions failed.

    Consequently, in retrospect, the demonstration was ill-designed for conclusive performance evaluation of the E-Cat given Rossi's extraordinarily deceptive behavior.

  • Dan C is an odd name for a non-native English speaker. Once again Rossi blog commentators show astonishing insight into Rossi's wishes and thoughts.

  • Dan C is an odd name for a non-native English speaker. Once again Rossi blog commentators show astonishing insight into Rossi's wishes and thoughts.

    Alan Smith and I had a discussion about the Quark and how the LENR reaction had a temperature limit. The key to getting LENR to work is to contain the reaction is refractory based insulator whose melting point is beyond 3000K. If Alan remembers, he corrected my thinking since I initially proposed a refractory conductor which is unworkable when confining a plasma.

    I eventually settled on Boron nitride tube as a workable solution even though there are other materials that might work.

    Dan C must have read my posts on this subject that I promulgated widely on many sites as is my way in order to get Rossi's feedback. I am surprised that Rossi confirmed this conjecture. This matter provides an easy replication path but producing such a high temperature tube is difficult.

    • Official Post

    If Alan remembers, he corrected my thinking since I initially proposed a refractory conductor which is unworkable when confining a plasma.

    I do remember. BTW, eye witness accounts claim that the tube itself is transparent, and the electrodes bright silver colour. nothing is visible in the gap. I have no idea about sealing or anything else - except that the plasma can apparently be made 'any colour you like'. The example shown was glowing yellow when energised for short periods. That's all the info I have.

  • I see this as a common outcome and risk for chronic deceivers. It's somewhat tragic, really. He obviously has talents. Just think, if he had used his imagination and intellect for marketing a successful and useful product, or other worthwhile Public Relations, he might have actually contributed something positive to society.

    Time will give you an answer........

    Yes, I have to concede that Rossi may have found his niche in his newly self-appointed role as Florida Real Estate mogul. Deception, bluster and PR will definitely be helpful assets that he can use to succeed.

    Who knows, maybe this can help him offset his disastrous failure as an inventor, environmental reclaimationist, engineer, researcher, physicist, journal editor and pediatric cancer philanthropist?

    Time will tell, indeed.

  • Now that we know for sure that Rossi is extraordinarily deceptive (based on non-disputed evidence filed in federal court), we also know that a reasonable alternate explanation for positive Lugano results was Rossi's deception.

    Which evidence are you speaking of ?

    You are mixing up things just in your favor. First of all there was not only the Lugano Test, there ware also other test one of which carried by IH experts that ware positive, second as usual you are using the old argument of "Rossi the Great Enchanter" to say that all a group of professional Scientist was driven by Rossi.

    Come on !

    Of course as I have seen you also say that "Rossi was present ..... and blah.... blah ...blah " another old leit motive.

    Rossi was necessary to operate his own device, while the group was making their measures independently from him.

    If you don't understand this fact I will explain it with a simple example:

    You drive a car.

    Police measure your speed independently from you (and eventually make you a nice photo).

  • Quote

    Also, for me, it is interesting because I have a very bright friend who bought into Rossi's crap a couple of years ago and wasted much time and money with the false hope that Rossi actually was on the verge of LENR+. (He bought a kiln, a camera, etc.)

    Interesting! This sort of consequence, probably multiplied hundreds of times, is why many people hate con men in general and despise Rossi in particular. Wasted time, wasted resources, wasted money-- an d all of it to enrich a crook. Over the last six years, I have been criticized for attending to Rossi's case and I've been asked why I bother. That is why I bother.

  • Google translate from the Wikipedia entry cited by SSC:

    End of activities and judicial problems


    In 1989 the tax police seized the disposal facility for waste from Caponago of Petroldragon with six deposits: the investigation had shown that the alleged oil coming by the company had never been placed on the market (the "product" was in fact state or stored in silos or illegally disposed of). From analysis this substance was found to be a mixture of toxic waste untreated containing highly harmful chemical solvents and accentuated with the presence of chlorine and sulfuric acid . [7] [8] .

    In 1996 will begin the reclamation of land [9] . For cleaning up to 1997 they had been spent 57 billion lire [5] supported by the Lombardy Region and the State (in 2004 it will spend 41 million Euros [10] ).

    Whatever actually happened to Rossi, the above are the undisputed crimes he committed in Italy. In addition, I remember reading that a long pipe was found leading from Rossi's toxic waste tanks directly to an irrigation water channel-- this would contaminate the local food supply with toxic materials and likely cause an increase in cancers and other diseases. So Rossi was unquestionable a criminal and a conscienceless and evil person.


    The Rossi companies fail [3] and is then initiated a compensation method of disposal costs. Andrea Rossi is tried for various crimes. The same Rossi will be re-arrested in Rome in 2000 , after moving to the United States and during a return to Italy, as a fugitive [3] . In the autumn of 2001 is made a transaction which involves the 300 client companies Petroldragon return the sum of the Lombardy region with about 11 billion lire [11] In 2003 in Dresano were still 74,000 tons of toxic waste [12]

    In 2004 Andrea Rossi was acquitted of charges of criminal association aimed at the recycling of toxic waste and harmful for lack of fact. [10] This is the third acquittal after those obtained in the trials held at the Monza courts and Ariano Irpino which were previously transferred some sections of the investigation. [10] Rossi has lost only final for minor events related to non-compliance with authorizations that had obtained for waste disposal. [10]

    For Rossi in November 2011 [13] was still hanging on appeal the trial for fraudulent bankruptcy due to the financial collapse Petroldragon [10] , after a conviction at first instance to 8 years in prison [14] .

    On its web site Andrea Rossi writes [my emphasis--MY] that the 56 processes, those for which he was incarcerated will end with an acquittal; all processes for tax reasons, derived from bankruptcies caused by the closure of Omar and Petroldragon, 5 end with a conviction [...]. All other end with acquittals and requirements [15] .

    So according to your own account, Rossi was sentenced to 8 years in prison in Italy and ACCORDING TO ROSSI, it will all end with acquittal, ROTFWL. Without question, he served time while waiting for trial. Even he admits it. According to krivit's account and local newspapers that Krivit cites, Rossi spent considerable time in prison. How much time exactly is impossible to ascertain because much of the information is from Rossi -- Wikipedia is not an original source for information. And Rossi is a notorious liar.

    All on the internet that suggests Rossi was acquitted, including the above, COMES DIRECTLY FROM ROSSI. See?

    Edited once, last by maryyugo ().

  • I do remember. BTW, eye witness accounts claim that the tube itself is transparent, and the electrodes bright silver colour. nothing is visible in the gap. I have no idea about sealing or anything else - except that the plasma can apparently be made 'any colour you like'. The example shown was glowing yellow when energised for short periods. That's all the info I have.


    Issues With Metal Plasma

    Boron nitride is transparent.


    New research into polariton condensates has revealed a side emission channel that produces light whose frequency is proportional to the density of the polariton aggregation...the dense polariton condinsate produces a higher frequency light (blue) and a less dense condinsate will produce red light. Rossi must have a way to control the density of the polariton population.


    They tackled this problem by highly exciting exciton-polaritons, which are particle-like excitations in a semiconductor systems and formed by strong coupling between electron-hole pairs and photons. They observed high-energy side-peak emission that cannot be explained by two mechanisms known to date: Bose-Einstein condensation of exciton-polaritons, nor conventional semiconductor lasing driven by the optical gain from unbound electron hole plasma.

    The details on this side channel are here

    High-energy side-peak emission of exciton-polariton condensates in high density regime

    Edited 2 times, last by axil ().

  • I'm sorry that you share some of Axil's deficiencies. It's very hard to have a 'conversation' with you for the same reasons: 1) you rarely contribute anything useful and 2) you have a hard time learning from others.

    sigmoidal : Thus how would you rate your contribution??

    100% pure 62Ni bought at XY by AR -- but you have simply forgotten to look at the huge amount of 6Li/7Li inside the same particle.....

    My rating would be underground or simply desperate.

    Or can you show us a source that sells pure 62Ni with 80 molar content of Li in an unnatural composition?

  • On the scale of Rossi was a mercurial paranoid inventor <-----> Rossi is a con artist

    It's a data point more on the con artist side. Keep in mind that it made a ton of sense for him to be paranoid because his IP was stolen at least once.

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