Rossi-Blog Comment Discussion

  • Worth pointing out that the event on the 24th has only ever been described as a demonstration by Rossi. Zero 'official' claims have been made.........

    Nobody knows just what will happen, as is obvious from the various forecasts that it won't take place at all. Or the meaningless disdain of the cliche "dog & paony show."

    I don't know either but think it likely that you will see the E-Cat QX produce 20 Watts, with various periods of self sustain, for the period you are there. I hope he has made a new power pack that doesn't draw much power when it is not powering the reactor, or you will just be shown the power output of the power pack, not the input. That would provide the ascetics with a field day.

    Rossi says he will not release details until he is ready for mass production. I think it will take at least two years to produce a reliable, tested, commercial version. Rossi will probably sound more optimistic.

    The real puzzle is why he is holding the demo at all. I suspect it is partly to offset the bad publicity from the Dorval affair and also to start marketing. There would not be much point in developing an automated plant if there are not ready customers for the output.

    Contrary to many here, I find Rossi is taking an intelligent business route. Presumably we will know more after the 24th.

  • Writing as a reasonably successful business man in (biological) science based areas, and as an assessor of applications for science projects seeking grants of public money towards commercialisation, I disagree.

    The INTELLIGENT business route is to get your technology to a point where it can be CONVINCINGLY demonstrated to interested parties who have enough expertise in the field to ask intelligent questions; by which I mean you must be able to persuade people that you can back up your claims. So if you are claiming to have a device that can produce energy or power at a level significantly significantly greater than the level of any input, you should be able to satisfy queries as to how input and output are measured without fudging matters and you should be prepared to measure these openly and by methods generally agreed to be adequate.

    I speak from experience here - if you get defensive and angry when your methods or set-up are queried, you are waving a huge red flag to potential investors. I have turned down a number of technologies because I had basic technical queries that were unanswered and/or caused "inventor meltdown". The passage of time has shown that none of these - not one - was ever successful in moving to further development, let alone commercialisation.

    OTOH, I have backed a few that have been, indeed are, successful. In every case the inventors were very cooperative - indeed proactive - in answering questions and solving problems. And in every case NDAs and IP rights were respected

    Signor Rossi's regrettable history of not listening to people who suggest ways of making his work more convincing, and of throwing tantrums when he thinks his devices are likely to be too closely examined, are not going to predispose any potential partner in his favour.

    A DPS type demonstration will merely feed Rossi's ego, and leave the important questions unanswered.

  • I speak from experience here - if you get defensive and angry when your methods or set-up are queried, you are waving a huge red flag to potential investors.

    I can imagine. See if you haven't already.

    My view of the situation is different from yours. At this time Rossi is not trying to get money from the demo. That would not be the place for an investor to do due diligence anyway.

    He thinks nothing will protect his IP and he is probably right. He knows much more about it than we do. The patent situation is messed up as I've commented on earlier. What you are suggesting would give it away.

    Only time will tell who is right.

  • What I would like to see included in the demo is the ability of the Quark reactor to produce light. Watching a few meters oscillate will be boring but seeing the naked Quark produce light that the eyes cannot cope would be a revelation and an indication that something unfathomable was going on inside that tiny transparent tube. It will also confuse the naysayers when a few milliwatts of power can drive a light source too bright to look at. Now that demo would be something to see.

    If there was some way to show the quark producing electric power with little or no input when the Quark is in self sustain mode. Now that would be something. If Rossi is any kind of showmen he will put the reactor through its paces and show what the Quark can really do, not just push the hard to understand the readings of some meters.

    Alas and alack the three reactor cluster that will be used in the demo does not hold the prospect of showing these quark wonders. They will be surrounded by insulation and a blanket of water hiding the true wonders that LENR can produce.

  • At some point, an inventor with IP but no money for development has to bite the bullet. Sell the IP? License it? Or just keep it secret for fear someone might steal it? The successful inventors I mentioned bit that bullet - they demonstrated technology without revealing essential IP; then licensed or sold said IP. In each case the inventors made money; in two cases a LOT of money. There was never any dispute over IP once agreements were signed

    One can certainly demonstrate one's technology convincingly without revealing IP. Of course, once a patent is filed, the IP is revealed. Goes with the territory, and in general patents are respected.

    Rossi's apparent position wrt IP is inexplicable to me. Well, not totally inexplicable if he has nothing in the first place. Which is what the balance of evidence points to at present.

  • What I like about Rossi that circumvents and mitigates all his many failings that most find intolerable is his drive to commercialize LENR. Over the last century, there has been dozens of LENR systems developed that have never informed the world to the reality of the LENR reaction. Commercialization of LENR is the only way that the reality of LENR can be communicated to the rank and file of humanity. The reason that LENR is looked down upon and ridiculed as junk science is based on the unwillingness of the various inventors to go through the effort to develop a product that most people can use to their great benefit. IMHO, it does not matter how big a SCAMMER and a liar that Rossi may be, if he can get his invention into the marketplace, then he is redeemed of all his sins and shortcomings and ascend the blessed steps of heaven august as a saint and an archangel of the highest rank.

  • What I would like to see included in the demo is the ability of the Quark reactor to produce light. Watching a few meters oscillate will be boring but seeing the naked Quark produce light that the eyes cannot cope would be a revelation and an indication that something unfathomable was going on inside that tiny transparent tube. It will also confuse the naysayers when a few milliwatts of power can drive a light source too bright to look at. Now that demo would be something to see.

    If there was some way to show the quark producing electric power with little or no input when the Quark is in self sustain mode. Now that would be something. If Rossi is any kind of showmen he will put the reactor through its paces and show what the Quark can really do, not just push the hard to understand the readings of some meters.

    Alas and alack the three reactor cluster that will be used in the demo does not hold the prospect of showing these quark wonders. They will be surrounded by insulation and a blanket of water hiding the true wonders that LENR can produce.

    Very motivational.

    I personally would like to see, included in the demo, something a bit more exciting than just zero-cost energy. Where is the initialess thrust system? Where is the infinitely tunable disco color ball? And finally, where are all those pesky mesons. We could perform informal tolerance experiments by seeing who gets killed by them. (Alan please note and don't get too close). I'm hoping at least that we get a pretty light show. After all, people are paying good money to see a decent demo and they deserve something better than incorrect measurement methods of input power!

  • What I like about Rossi that circumvents and mitigates all his many failings that most find intolerable is his drive to commercialize LENR.

    Axil: not very driven when he has (according to his own testimony) lied to his last two serious investors willing to put up real money - Hydrofusion and IH. Hardly a recipe for succesful commercialisation.

  • Very motivational.

    I personally would like to see, included in the demo, something a bit more exciting than just zero-cost energy. Where is the initialess thrust system? Where is the infinitely tunable disco color ball? And finally, where are all those pesky mesons. We could perform informal tolerance experiments by seeing who gets killed by them. (Alan please note and don't get too close). I'm hoping at least that we get a pretty light show. After all, people are paying good money to see a decent demo and they deserve something better than incorrect measurement methods of input power!

    Yes, "Very motivational", so much so that it requires a counter. Some of these naysayer posts bring to my mind the desire to see mankind continue to endure the wages of grief that was laid upon the back of Adam and Eve during the fall. Yes, man is prideful and must be punished.

    The Bible teaches that ultimately “the ruler of this world,” Satan the Devil, is responsible for human suffering, for “the whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one.” (John 12:31; 1 John 5:19) It is Satan—not God—who causes people to suffer. It is the sons of perdition that bend to his will.

  • Where is the infinitely tunable disco color ball? And finally, where are all those pesky mesons. We could perform informal tolerance experiments by seeing who gets killed by them.

    That reminds me of this Charles Addams cartoon:


    "Death ray, fiddlesticks! Why, it doesn't even slow them up."

  • Axil: not very driven when he has (according to his own testimony) lied to his last two serious investors willing to put up real money - Hydrofusion and IH. Hardly a recipe for succesful commercialisation.

    Working 20 hours a day for a solid year in a hot warehouse unto exhaustion ridden by cancer to advance the betterment of humankind...such is the purifying torments endured by saints and not the actions of a sinner.

  • Working 20 hours a day for a solid year in a hot warehouse unto exhaustion ridden by cancer to advance the betterment of humankind...such is the purifying torments endured by saints and not the actions of a sinner.

    Of course that was his own choice. He could have just used the 6 cylinder system in NC as was originally agreed to and transferred the technology so others could get it to work.

    I don't believe the 20 hours a day for a year. biologically impossible to do for more than a few days.

  • Of course that was his own choice. He could have just used the 6 cylinder system in NC as was originally agreed to and transferred the technology so others could get it to work.

    I don't believe the 20 hours a day for a year. biologically impossible to do for more than a few days.

    I can see how such a view can be formed from a privileged existence and easy living. But there have been men formed from hardship and testing, the cream of the crop whose life is an exercise in a will of iron where testing is constant, day upon day when the will controls the body; such men are rare these days where the living is so easy. But there are some who take the hard road and revel in the joy of accomplishment where pain is no obstacle to achieving their goals.

  • I see the trolls are back.

    For those that have suggested a light show, if the E-Cat QX shell is transparent boron nitride, it is not stable in air at those temperatures and requires a sheath. Possibly a quartz sheath filled with flowing clear oil might work.

  • 20 hours a day in a hot warehouse? I thought he claimed he was mostly in the air conditioned control room with the computers taking data. You spin a strange story. Do you have anything other than Rossi says?

    How did he find time to buy all those condos and give money to the children with cancer?

  • I see the trolls are back.

    For those that have suggested a light show, if the E-Cat QX shell is transparent boron nitride, it is not stable in air at those temperatures and requires a sheath. Possibly a quartz sheath filled with flowing clear oil might work.

    Alan Smith has reported first hand observation of light produced by the Quark. There could also be UV light produced to account for the report of radiation damaging the unshielded eye. Boron nitride is very transparent to UV if I recall.

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