Rossi-Blog Comment Discussion

  • "He would never have got his 900 million + damages. I'm sure he grieved about the legal fees that he could not spend on R & D Miami condos." TIFIFY

  • So are you saying that Rossi's devices work (I am not of that conclusion), that he signed an agreement with IH to sale the IP and then constructed a law suit to con them out of what he knew was working for his own gain? Doesn't seem trustworthy to me.

    Rossi posted that the tigers were prototypes and not ready for the market. Rossi: "It was a prototype, not a product,"

    Andrea Rossi
    November 3, 2017 at 10:08 PM

    Gabriel Berra:

    No, because to get that result I had to live 352 days inside it 16 hours per day, from 6 P.M. to 10 A.M of the following day, and two other persons, one engineer and one electrician, had to cover from 10 A.M. to 6 P.M., not to mention when I had to stay for 20 hours and the others of the Team had to reach me in the middle of the night for problems . It was a prototype, not a product, but the experience we made with it has generated the QX. We had strong problems and probably, from what we analyzed after the stop from all the components, it was close to die in short time after the end of the test. It was not ready to be a product, but it was a dam good prototype, by means of which an enormous experience has been made.

    Warm Regards,

  • IHFanboy: “You betray your ignorance. Have you not been present on planet Earth for the past 28 years? The plasma physicist community has thought that of LENR researchers for about that long.”

    Nope. But you betray your blind obsession. If you actually read what I said, perhaps you would be perceptive enough to note that I was not discussing the opinions of the plasma physics community, something I care not a whit about. What I was saying is with people like you, Adrian, and Axil producing your endless stream of irrational nonsense, there is no need for any alleged enemies to besmirch the reputation of LENR. Put more colloquially, with friends like you, it don’t need enemies.

  • I for one have no desire to try to protect science from loonies. Science has survived whackjobs forever and will continue to do so regardless of how much gibberish the Axils of the world generate.

    Serious LENR advocates have only fairly recently started to see the destructive influence Rossi has had on the reputation of their field. There is no need for evil plasma physicists and oil barons to portray the LENR community as a pack of nutcases. Rossi’s remaining and oh-so-vocal supporters are doing that in spades.

    Nope, my engaging with the Rossifarians in strictly the somewhat impolite poking of them to expose just how deranged they are. And the results are increasingly spectacular.

    Do you think that scientific argument is more ethical to use in your jihad than character assassination?

  • IHFanboy: “You betray your ignorance. Have you not been present on planet Earth for the past 28 years? The plasma physicist community has thought that of LENR researchers for about that long.”

    Nope. But you betray your blind obsession. If you actually read what I said, perhaps you would be perceptive enough to note that I was not discussing the opinions of the plasma physics community, something I care not a whit about. What I was saying is with people like you, Adrian, and Axil producing your endless stream of irrational nonsense, there is no need for any alleged enemies to besmirch the reputation of LENR. Put more colloquially, with friends like you, it don’t need enemies.

    Why don't you mount a argument based on science to support your position and not bluster, bombast, and bullying, Are you just too lazy or are you just incompetent?

  • I notice how you side stepped the question. Do you believe he had a working device (market ready or not does not matter), he signed an agreement to sell IH the technology and improvements and he then file a law suit so he could con them out of what he originally agreed to? It sure sounds like that is what you are saying: "Keeping the Quark IP out of the hands of IH was the main reason for the lawsuit."

    Either way, he does not seem trustworthy. 1) not having anything that worked, or 2) having and knowing something worked but filed a suit to con IH out of what he agreed to.

  • I notice how you side stepped the question. Do you believe he had a working device (market ready or not does not matter), he signed an agreement to sell IH the technology and improvements and he then file a law suit so he could con them out of what he originally agreed to? It sure sounds like that is what you are saying: "Keeping the Quark IP out of the hands of IH was the main reason for the lawsuit."

    Either way, he does not seem trustworthy. 1) not having anything that worked, or 2) having and knowing something worked but filed a suit to con IH out of what he agreed to.

    His agreement was to meet the spec and he did so but Rossi had to be on site almost constantly. His presence on site was not a factor in the spec.

  • “What damage does LENR do to science?”

    Chapter and verse? To the extent that the question even makes any sense, the answer is: none.

    Let me prime your intellectual pump. How about the lack of neutron and gamma production from a fusion reaction? is that a sacrilege that must be purged to keep science pure?

  • Do you believe he had a working device (market ready or not does not matter), he signed an agreement to sell IH the technology and improvements and he then file a law suit so he could con them out of what he originally agreed to?

    Once it became clear IH were not going to pay him according to the contract, what do you think he should have done? The payment was overdue when he filed.

  • Last try, Axil. I don’t care about keeping science pure. Not my problem. So take this exciting topic to some other audience for your blather.

    And IHF, of course the LENR community does not count me among its members. Why would it? Unfortunately, it does count you and your Rossi-besotted brethren as members, for which it will be paying a stiff reputation price for years to come.

    Do you boys really want to keep exchanging insults? I’m game if you are, but management will rightfully get annoyed.

  • Last try, Axil. I don’t care about keeping science pure. Not my problem. So take this exciting topic to some other audience for your blather.

    And IHF, of course the LENR community does not count me among its members. Why would it? Unfortunately, it does count you and your Rossi-besotted brethren as members, for which it will be paying a stiff reputation price for years to come.

    Do you boys really want to keep exchanging insults? I’m game if you are, but management will rightfully get annoyed.

    I am interested in educating you. Let us start. Do you know what a neutron is?

  • Once it became clear IH were not going to pay him according to the contract, what do you think he should have done? The payment was overdue when he filed.

    Wrong, it was not overdue when filed. They still had several days according to the amended agreement. But that is not the point.

    Axil was claiming "Keeping the Quark IP out of the hands of IH was the main reason for the lawsuit"

    that is he filled to prevent IH from getting the technology he agreed to.

  • Why would it? Unfortunately, it does count you and your Rossi-besotted brethren as members, for which it will be paying a stiff reputation price for years to come.

    Pleeeeaase. To believe you have the LENR community's best intentions at heart is like believing Kim Jong-un cares deeply for Donald's reputation. Your disingenuity is painfully transparent.


    Do you boys really want to keep exchanging insults? I’m game if you are, but management will rightfully get annoyed.

    Why did you start slinging them then? When you start throwing out pejoratives like nut case, don't expect a pass.

  • His agreement was to meet the spec and he did so but Rossi had to be on site almost constantly. His presence on site was not a factor in the spec.

    Remember the "spec" was for the six cylinder device and for technology transfer. Going to Fl was Rossi's brainchild. If he had actually did a technology transfer as agreed to, then others would have been able to use the technology without him "on site almost constantly".

  • You think you know and have said so so many times I've long lost count, , but I also looked at the data and didn't consider it proven that it didn't work.

    You looked at the data? I thought you said you never looked at the Penon report. You & Axil said that.

    If you looked at the Penon report data and you think it worked, you are technically incompetent. To learn why, read the reports from Murray and Smith.

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