Rossi-Blog Comment Discussion

  • Wrong, it was not overdue when filed. They still had several days according to the amended agreement. But that is not the point.

    Axil was claiming "Keeping the Quark IP out of the hands of IH was the main reason for the lawsuit"

    that is he filled to prevent IH from getting the technology he agreed to.

    So what, That is what lawsuits are for. The judge makes an impartial decision about contracts and business. No morality involved. Rossi got what he wanted. He is THE MAN.

  • Axil, I have no desire to be taught to plagiarize random technical articles. The papers I have published contain only my own words and I plan to keep it that way. So, no thanks, even though I am sure you could tell me things about neutrons that would have blown James Chadwick’s mind, or at least would have him spinning in his grave.

  • Remember the "spec" was for the six cylinder device and for technology transfer. Going to Fl was Rossi's brainchild. If he had actually did a technology transfer as agreed to, then others would have been able to use the technology without him "on site almost constantly".

    All your Doral court case arguments are mute, Rossi won.

  • Axil, I have no desire to be taught to plagiarize random technical articles. The papers I have published contain only my own words and I plan to keep it that way. So, no thanks, even though I am sure you could tell me things about neutrons that would have blown James Chadwick’s mind, or at least would have him spinning in his grave.

    How can you protect science if you don't want to engage in science?

  • IH, every single one of your posts makes false assertions. I made no claim of having the LENR community’s best intentions at heart. As they say, I don’t have a dog in that race. So even though you suffer no shortage of credulity, I am not asking you to stretch it further.

  • IH, every single one of your posts makes false assertions. I made no claim of having the LENR community’s best intentions at heart. As they say, I don’t have a dog in that race. So even though you suffer no shortage of credulity, I am not asking you to stretch it further.

    Whose interest do you serve?

  • Once it became clear IH were not going to pay him according to the contract, what do you think he should have done?

    Assuming the gadget work, he should have DEMONSTRATED IT ACCORDING TO THE CONTRACT!!! The Penon report shows that he did not do that. His own data proves that he failed. How can you expect I.H. to pay when Rossi's own data shows he had no heat?

    Rossi agreed that it did not work. He made up the bullshit about the invisible heat exchanger to cover up his failure.

    Really, that is about the dumbest thing you have asked. Even though you believe it worked, surely you understand that I.H., Murray, I and everyone else involved in this is was sincerely convinced it did not work. So the only way Rossi could have been paid was to convince us otherwise. Which he could not do by inventing bullshit about invisible heat exchangers. Do you imagine that everyone who evaluated this claim (including me) was engaged in a conspiracy?

    The payment was overdue when he filed.

    No, it was not overdue, but even if it had been, no one would ever pay when the report from the inventor proves his invention does not work.

    He made no effort at all to convince people it worked. He did not even answer Murray's questions. Okay, I know that you are convinced, because you believe everything Rossi says, but you should realize that with no answers to those questions, and no effort at all to address the problems, there is no way they would pay.

    You probably believe in the invisible heat exchanger. You have to realize, the people from I.H. were actually there, they have photos, and they know darn well there was nothing in the mezzanine. Ever. "Rossi says" may delude you, Axil, and other true believers, but it cannot fool people who were actually in the facility.

  • All these issues where found in discovery, they were adjudicated and the case was settled. Its over. Do yourself a favor; forget about it.

  • Wrong, it was not overdue when filed. They still had several days according to the amended agreement. But that is not the point.

    Prove it. Show me the actual date then. In the deposition IH even argued that the one year test wasn't "the test" yet they never mentioned that while the test was on going. They were quite happy to show Woodford how well it worked and take 50 million from them (Woodford said they had done their own two year due diligence.)

    Rossi had read the signs correctly, IH never had any intention of paying up. They didn't have the money. Do you really think Cherokee would pitch in after they distanced themselves from day one?

  • Prove it. Show me the actual date then. In the deposition IH even argued that the one year test wasn't "the test" yet they never mentioned that while the test was on going. They were quite happy to show Woodford how well it worked and take 50 million from them (Woodford said they had done their own two year due diligence.)

    Rossi had read the signs correctly, IH never had any intention of paying up. They didn't have the money. Do you really think Cherokee would pitch in after they distanced themselves from day one?

    Rossi never claimed it was a test until late into "the year". Before he claimed it was a two year sale of heat to a "customer". But this is old stuff. (IH never told Woodford that they thought the 1MW in FL worked - other research yes, but Doral, no.)

  • Rossi never claimed it was a test until late into "the year". Before he claimed it was a two year sale of heat to a "customer". But this is old stuff. (IH never told Woodford that they thought the 1MW in FL worked - other research yes, but Doral, no.)

    Completely wrong.

    How was Rossi going to get the real money without the agreed test. He waited almost a year for IH to find a customer and they clearly didn't even try. You think Cherokee didn't have suitable contacts? They even owned a brick factory (from memory.) So Rossi was forced to do it himself. He thought he had a deal with J & J but that fell through and he TOLD Darden it had. Darden said he didn't care if the heat was just vented.

    Yes Cherokee did have Woodford visit. There are photos or a video of Darden & Co showing Woodford around the plant and speaking very enthusiastically about it. Do you really think Woodford would invest $50 million if IH had told them it didn't work. LOL

    You are wrong, insulting and clueless. Please address your question to somebody else. I have had enough of you.

  • in Rossi'sПроисхождение вулканов на основе эффекта Росси

    Г.В. Тарасенко, Е.А. Демичева

    КГУТИ им. Ш. Есенова, [email protected]

    Образование вулканов связано с земным электричеством (электропечи), которое

    расплавляет горную породу и образует магму. Доказательством электричества в

    вулканах служат молнии над вулканами, которые закручивают продукты извержения и

    шаровых бомб-конкреций. Магмы под континентами нет и планета Земля холодная с

    температурой до 600 градусов в ядре. Но повышение температуры происходит за счет

    эффекта Росси при достижении определенной температуры расплава и далее она

    работает в автоматическом режиме, как в опытах Росси.

    Origin of Volcanoes on the Basis of Rossi's Effect

    G.V. Tarasenko, E.A. Demicheva
    Sh. Yesenov Caspian State University of Technologies and Engineering
    [email protected]
    Formation of volcanoes is connected with terrestrial electricity (electric furnace)
    which melts rock and forms magma. As the proof of electricity lightnings over volcanoes
    which twist products of eruption and spherical bombs concretions serve in volcanoes.
    Magmas under continents aren't present also mother Earth cold with a temperature up to 600
    degrees in a kernel. But temperature increase happens due to Rossi's effect at achievement of
    a certain temperature of fusion and further it works in the automatic mode, as

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