Rossi-Blog Comment Discussion

    1. Frank Acland February 26, 2018 at 7:26 AM

      Dear Andrea,

      From what you have commented regarding testing a higher power E-Cat QX, does this mean you will be abandoning the plans for the smaller reactors, thus requiring you to restart your designing of a commercial plants, and losing time?

      Best wishes,

      Frank Acland

    2. Translate Andrea Rossi February 26, 2018 at 7:56 AM

      Frank Acland:


      Warm Regards,


    • Official Post

    It will be hard to beat Mark's BS, but more as in the "Ecat-BS". Unofficially of course. At least we will have at least another year of fun. :)

    Wonder where he is doing his research? His Doral warehouse was listed for lease starting this past November. I called his old number at that address and it is no longer in service, which all indicates he vacated.

  • It will be hard to beat Mark's BS, but more as in the "Ecat-BS". Unofficially of course. At least we will have at least another year of fun. :)

    Wonder where he is doing his research? His Doral warehouse was listed for lease starting this past November. I called his old number at that address and it is no longer in service, which all indicates he vacated.


    I think thetruemonry “debunked” the new version of the Ecat?

    Maybe 42 can produce contradicting article

  • Not that I would be surprised, it is SOP for Rossi, but I cannot find this article,

    Where did you see it?

    You can read it here:


    Or better, you go to and read all comments of Feb. 27th and 28th.

    Lots of suggestions for the name of the new e-cat version like HyperCat, E-Cat HP, E-Cat BX (comes close to the proposal from Shane) or the BJ (could be easily misunderstood - try to google Hot-Cat BJ), and more...

    In the interest of fairness....Rossi has said that the new reactor won't delay the current industrialisation of the existing one.

    You are right, Rossi points out that the new e-cat version doesn’t interfere with the industrialization of the Ecat QX.

    However, the long time ago he also said that the hot-cat doesn’t stop the low temperature e-cat, and the e-cat QX doesn’t neither...

    And in a certain sense he is even right with that, because you can’t delay something which isn’t going to happen anyway.

    • Official Post

    In the interest of fairness....Rossi has said that the new reactor won't delay the current industrialisation of the existing one.


    I think it would be interesting if you were to go on JONP, and start reading from about Oct. 2011 on. Keeping in mind Rossi's recent replies to others, and himself, and compare what he said back then vs now. Then tell us what you think.

    Not trying to embarrass you, or make a fool out of. Most here (including me) have been Rossi fans at one time or another, so it's not like we are on some high horse.

    • Official Post

    Very smart of Rossi to let others name his new high power QX. Makes them feel invested in it, and once that happens they will feel a sense of ownership. They will then go forward and defend it as if it is their own. Rossi is enlisting new foot soldiers, and motivating them for the coming PR battle...his fourth now after the Ecat LT, HT, QX. They will flood ECW, and maybe even a few will come here, to spread the Ecat-Scat, or Ecat-BS (can't decide which is better :) ) gospel. The guy knows what he is doing.

  • Albert Einstein said the definition of insanity is doing something over and over again and expecting a different result. This would be highly applicable to believing Rossi's latest claim other than the fact that Einstein didn't actually say this. But it's a good thought.

  • CW,

    I think it would be interesting if you were to go on JONP, and start reading from about Oct. 2011 on. Keeping in mind Rossi's recent replies to others, and himself, and compare what he said back then vs now. Then tell us what you think.

    Not trying to embarrass you, or make a fool out of. Most here (including me) have been Rossi fans at one time or another, so it's not like we are on some high horse.

    I think I have been following his forum since 2011, although it seems longer :)

    I'm certainly not a Rossi "believer" or "fan", I'm just along for the ride. l did my own calculation of the "rubber hose exit steam velocity" as soon as I saw that demo.

    It's a bit like watching a TV soap, you know they are just actors but you can't top watching because you want to see how it will end.

    • Official Post

    It's a bit like watching a TV soap, you know they are just actors but you can't top watching because you want to see how it will end.

    Well said CW. Sad to say that, were it not for the Rossi soap, LENR would be pretty boring right now. That is not to say there is not solid research being done, and results shown, but that is mostly the tedious lab work that does not excite the public.

    They want to see a product. Something that they can buy, sink their teeth into, and save them lots of money. And in the process, save the planet. Rossi offered all of that, and now, after it is very clear he is not the savior he claimed to be, it is a let down.

    Take care, and loved your post.

    • Official Post

    Way back in 2011, Rossi came up with the idea of rigging his Ecat's to explode, or self destruct in some way, to protect his IP if the end-user tampered with it....did I remember that correctly? Anyway,he has a habit of recycling the BS, and this reminded me of that:

    Andrea Rossi
    March 5, 2018 at 2:23 AM


    Not at all: we have found the way to make reverse engineering impossible. Believe me: impossible.

    Learnt from a top rank specialist of the field.

    Warm Regards,


  • really starting to wonder exactly what type of person, (after 7+ years), could possibly believe this drivel anymore, to me, it simply boggles my mind.

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