Rossi-Blog Comment Discussion

  • I am not aware of these examples. Possibly I have missed them.

    Yes, you probably missed them.

    Please give actual examples from JoNP from, say, the last three months, so that it is possible to judge if they are sock puppets..

    Many people already did that here. I am not going to do it again because I have difficulty finding messages here, and I don't feel like reading through the glop, lies and nonsense at JoNP.

    This issue is not important. I do not care whether you believe Rossi uses sock puppets or not. I and others have given you evidence that he does. Take it or leave it.

  • Links to three pages of a blog do not help me understand your point. If you wish to pursue this off topic subject please give actual quotations and what you object to in them.

    I am not aware of these examples. Possibly I have missed them. Please give actual examples from JoNP from, say, the last three months, so that it is possible to judge if they are sock puppets..

    It seems my effort to get the subject back on track failed. No discussion on the news I listed from JoNP.

    Really Adrian?

    I am afraid you really must not understand! I DID give YOUR EXACT quotations! And then I gave the links to PROVE you said them! Do you not even read anything? It appears not.

    You asked Eric for examples of being "boorish" or of posting inflammatory remarks that resulted in your "time outs".

    I posted actual examples as your requested. Your own words, your own posts in your own links. "Not my memory but the actual words"

    Yet you now all of a sudden claim these links do not help you understand.

    Since this is the last post on this for me, let me call it out for you in black and white...... examples such multiple times, out and out insults of "Bob's disease", totally out of spite, is what they are talking about. And then when called out, you ask "for proof". Then proof is given and you either disappear, do not respond, or evidently do not even read the post! I did give you the exact quotes!

    Does that help you understand?

    Either you are being deliberately trollish or you really DO have "Bob's disease"! 8o

  • Links to three pages of a blog do not help me understand your point. If you wish to pursue this off topic subject please give actual quotations and what you object to in them.

    I am not aware of these examples. Possibly I have missed them. Please give actual examples from JoNP from, say, the last three months, so that it is possible to judge if they are sock puppets..

    It seems my effort to get the subject back on track failed. No discussion on the news I listed from JoNP.


    As an educated man, especially an engineer,

    You must consider the possibility that you are wrong.

    The constant “In Your Face” attitude and demanding of proof that Rossi and/or his demo/tests are fraudulent, without ever once considering the alternative is what I simply cannot understand.

    This is not a high school debate class or a religion discussion, it is science, and it demands rigorous testing, replication and peer review & vetting.

    If/when Rossi ever complies, you can argue

    the results then, but NOT now,

    because there are none.

  • Since this is the last post on this for me, let me call it out for you in black and white...... examples such multiple times, out and out insults of "Bob's disease", totally out of spite, is what they are talking about. And then when called out, you ask "for proof". Then proof is given and you either disappear, do not respond, or evidently do not even read the post! I did give you the exact quotes!

    Does that help you understand?

    Yes, Adrian often does this. So do many of the cold fusion opponents, such as Mary Yugo. They ask for proof. I list papers. They don't read the papers. A month later they ask for papers again. This is boorish behavior. It is trolling. However, it makes Adrian look bad. Readers can see that you win the debate.

    So, as I said above, I do not think Adrian should be banned from this site because he is boorish. If he were abusive or libelous, that would be grounds for banning him. The fact that he makes himself look bad should not be. If it annoys you, block his messages.

  • As an educated man, especially an engineer,

    You must consider the possibility that you are wrong

    I will use this as a peg to answer several posts briefly.

    Jed, There are no recent examples of Rossi acting as a sock puppet. I am quote capable of detecting fakes and have not seen any for some while.

    Bob, it is indeed pointless to continue. I asked for actual quotations linked to what you found wrong in individual ones. Generalities don't cut it.

    You do not seem to understand what "boorish" means and I have yet to see an example of mine showing that, despite several requests. Likewise an example where I have written anything truly "inflammatory."

    Bob's disease was used because you put words in another's mouth. I have long since quit using it. Get over it.

    Roseland67, wrong about what? I haven't said that Rossi has anything, although I think he probably does. As I keep repeating there is not sufficient proof one way or the other. Hence I disagree with those that are certain that he doesn't. I'm not demanding proof he doesn't - I don't think proof exists. Nut if someone makes the claim they know they should show proof.

    Obviously I considered the possibility that he doesn't

    "you can argue the results then, but NOT now" Thai's funny with a 100 pages of others arguing the point. It will be truly amusing ti see the reactions here should Rossi actually start production. Evidence continues to mount that he will.

    I am really not interested in the rehashing of ancient history and wish people would get back discussing Rossi's blog, that is supposed to be the subject of this thread.

  • @ JedRothwell,

    "Absolute reliability" is not the sort of expression I would use

    I didn't say you used that exact expression, but I think it describes quite well the expressions you used since 2011, such as:

    "There is no way you could fool the professors involved in this" or "There is no doubt it self sustained for hours, producing kilowatts with no chemical fuel" or "It is impossible to make one that E&K, Focardi or Levi would not instantly see is fake" and so on.


    Again you make this strange comment!

    Yes. The tests are secret. I do not want you to identify them.

    Ok, this is a much clearer answer. So, those tests were secret, but not for you. This should be really considered a strange comment, when compared to what you said just two days ago ("I had no inside knowledge of the e-cat results. Only what was published by Lewan and in Vortex."), but, well, not so strange if it comes from a true fan of Machiavelli!

  • There are no recent examples of Rossi acting as a sock puppet. I am quote capable of detecting fakes and have not seen any for some while.

    Oh come on. - Of course it impossible to have 100% proof that for example “Prof” is one of the Sock-Puppets Rossi uses, but the style “Prof” writes (including spelling errors like “Stockolm” at the same time periode as Rossi spells Stockholm wrong, and changing to right spelling at the same time when Rossi learns how to spell Stockolm) cries for “Prof” beeing Rossi himself.

    A recent post of “Prof”



    March 19, 2018 at 9:16 AM

    Dr Rossi,

    If I have understood, watching the 6 minutes summary of the Ecat demo made at the IVA in Stockholm, since you have a temperature of 1 eV in the Ecat, by the laws of Physics in that field should be raised waves and anti-waves with the same T. Did I understand well?

    An older post of “Prof”:

  • "There is no way you could fool the professors involved in this" or "There is no doubt it self sustained for hours, producing kilowatts with no chemical fuel" or "It is impossible to make one that E&K, Focardi or Levi would not instantly see is fake" and so on.

    If that was in reference to the 2013 experiment, I still think it is true. I see no evidence that was fake. However, it was not replicated so I cannot say it was real.

    Ok, this is a much clearer answer. So, those tests were secret, but not for you. This should be really considered a strange comment, when compared to what you said just two days ago ("I had no inside knowledge of the e-cat results. Only what was published by Lewan and in Vortex."), but, well, not so strange if it comes from a true fan of Machiavelli!

    As I said, the test I saw was for an older model similar to the one in the factory. It was before Rossi began calling his machines "E-Cats." I do not know if it was internally the same or different. I know little about the insides of his machines. Regarding the E-Cat series, I know nothing more than has been made public. By the time he introduced them, I was alienated from him, and not interested in what he had to say. I learned nothing from Levi et al. except what they published. I became interested again when I.H. got involved with him because, as I said, I assumed they had inside knowledge and knew much more about him than I did.

  • Jed, There are no recent examples of Rossi acting as a sock puppet. I am quote capable of detecting fakes and have not seen any for some while.

    "No recent examples" implies there were some in the past. You have not seen them "for some while"? Again, that implies you saw them previously. If you acknowledge he did this before, what makes you think he stopped? It would be out of character. He has been a liar and a dissembler since I first heard of him. If anything, he has grown worse over the years. I used to trust him partly, at least with regard to the 2013 tests. After seeing the Penon report, I would never trust him again about anything.

  • I am in! Would bet 1000€ for the same scenario: This time next year no domestic nor industrial heating units with one of Andrea Rossis ca. dozen E-Cat technologies sold to public (I am excluding secret NASA or other customers who's idendity cannot be disclosed for NDA reasons etc. - public means public, e.g. I can read it in the news and if I would like I could travel and see this thing in action, doesn't matter if it will be in Sweden, Bologna or in Miami).

    I finally want to see this revolution on the market, after all these years, as promised, prepared and promoted by Andrea Rossi and his Leonardo Corporation. I do hope that folks and engineers like E48 (IIRC who claimed that he was trained back in the days in the installation of the 1MW plants already) and Adrian A. will support AR's launch activitiest as best as they can.

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