Rossi-Blog Comment Discussion

  • The result was that Rossi did not prevail and that IH lost nothing

    Well. Rossi got his license, contractual obligation and IP back, ie freedom. Even Dewey sort of admitted that IH knew this was what he wanted all along.

    Rossi initiated the last minute deal.

    Yes, and IH submitted within 60 seconds to the demands. I'm not saying it was the best possible deal for Rossi, but taken into account the complicated offshore company setup that IH fabricated there was probably some risk involved that Darden would have played some nasty chapter 11 card (which we know he likes to use when shtf) and bailed out the way lawyers often do,

    When I do find something out of line, I rarely fire first but do punch back twice as hard when we're attacked.

    The Rossi submission at opening testimony time is totally embarrassing from a Plaintiff's point of view in

    complex litigation. He couldn't have possibly chosen a more damaging time for his reputation to give up but give up he did right at show time.

    The facts from discovery a recorded into perpetuity - he'll never be able to rewrite or buy his way out of that historical record.

    We're very freed up and grateful to no longer have his drag on our wings.

    It seems IH are way more worried about their reputation than Rossi, regardless of what you say. And I don't really see you punch back at all - only throwing insults that make you look bad. Good for you though that you feel freed up, although it doesn't look as if there's anything coming out of it.

  • We (LF/Vortex et al) haven't seen ALL the facts from discovery. For example, we've only seen parts of some of the depositions.

    How about you (Dewey/IH) release all the key depositions in their entirety?

    This fits well to the general theme on ECW...there almost everybody is in line with Rossi's story-telling, like this one from yesterday:

    "...The validity of the customer was never tested in court as IH agreed to an out of court settlement after the opening arguments on the first day of court. They subsequently relinquished all rights to the ecat, probably because the Expert Responsible for Validation (ERV) agreed to by both parties said the test was a complete success and IH owed Leonardo $89 million. Your comment about a sham customer is pure conjecture as you will never know what Rossi would have argued in court.."

    Ignorance to have a closer look at the available documents (Rossi under oath!) and the documented facts...many of them have been shared here in this forum as well.

  • Rossi has to build a production line and sell working E-Cats with a COP >6

    Rather different from you description.

    I looked at page 109 and didn't see anything from you.

    If you )or anyone else) have a sensible suggestion list it under the bet.

    Adrian: it is not entirely your fault, since you seem not to have followed this story in any detail, but your conditions above are suitable only for Rossi PR. Why?

    • Rossi has already demonstrated devices agreed by scientists to have COP > 6
    • Rossi has already sold at least one of these devices (to somone)
    • Rossi has had a production line for a long time (he claims). He and his team have been working hard. He signed off the robotic line years ago, only then we heard nothing. Now it seems he is signing off on another one, for different devices.
    • Not to mention: Rossi has been saving money heating one of his factories for 10 years (only this one was proven false by his own deposition evidence).

    So the issue is:

    (1) How is COP > 6 validated. With secure validation of that i would not myself need anything else: Rossi has it. But, secure validation must be from a party completely independent of Rossi, not chosen by Rossi, using a calorimetry method not recommended by Rossi, with a reputation for competent calorimetry on the line: thus a serious department or company, not one maverick nuclear physicist working outside his areas of expertise, not one of the members of research staff of a company working on their own pet obsession. Such a validation would be major world news.

    (2) Real sales would be fine, as long as this would allow independent validation from a skeptical buyer. How can we know this? Suppose Rossi sells something, in small quantities, and vets buyers...

    Here you are: enjoy!…en-docket-and-case-files/

    Warning: you need to read the depositions; not the lawyers summaries.

    You would not expect these to be sticking points; but then you have not looked in detail at quite how slippery Rossi is (on the record of sworn depositions and Court-required e-mails).

  • Tony - I see that you have 3C and sunshine for your weather today. Enjoy the day.

    I should also mention that your definition of submission can only be correctly interpreted on Planet Rossi.

    Nonetheless, enjoy your day.

  • Rossi has to build a production line and sell working E-Cats with a COP >6

    Rather different from you description.

    I looked at page 109 and didn't see anything from you.

    If you )or anyone else) have a sensible suggestion list it under the bet.


    I don’t really care if Rossi builds a factory and has “robitized” production lines by any date etc. Under these terms he could be making electric toasters.

    As I suggested before,

    Rossi’s contraption, whatever it is called and wherever it is built MUST be proven to produce Energy Out > Energy In,

    by your agreed to factor of 6.0 for an uninterrupted agreed to time frame, say 100 hours non stop, (I am open to discussion here though).

    This is to be measured, validated and replicated by multiple trusted sources. These sources must include UL & various other US based National laboratories, that get the same results.

    The results must be printed in a peer reviewed journal that is open to criticisms and, if requested due to errors found in any kind of testing/measuring protocols used,

    be run again.

  • So the issue is:


    I'm not talking about the past, but what Rossi may produce in the coming year.

    An automated production line and customer(s). They should know if they are getting the heat they paid for and that is a better test than any demo/experiment that history shows the skeptics would never believe.

    If the skeptics are right, and Rossi has nothing, there should be no problem, as nothing good would be written about it. On the other hand, I don't expect to get paid, because the skeptics would find fault with anything good published. If Rossi does what he says, in time there would be lots of customers and no doubt about it, but that would probably be too late to win the bet.

  • THH,

    I'm not talking about the past, but what Rossi may produce in the coming year.

    An automated production line and customer(s). They should know if they are getting the heat they paid for and that is a better test than any demo/experiment that history shows the skeptics would never believe.

    If the skeptics are right, and Rossi has nothing, there should be no problem, as nothing good would be written about it. On the other hand, I don't expect to get paid, because the skeptics would find fault with anything good published. If Rossi does what he says, in time there would be lots of customers and no doubt about it, but that would probably be too late to win the bet.

    Adrian, I guess you are familiar with SMART performance management. Rossi falls down on most of the criteria here, but your proposal is also deficient until you can deal with the M bit: how do can you measure whether Rossi has an automated customer line and (real - not friend who is bound by NDA and will keep quiet about non-working device) customers?

    If your criteria is something good written about it - well, Rossi has had positive writeups plenty over the last 7 years. No bet. And no validation of Rossi, either.

    You are alas still showing that naivetee which a careful reading of all the deposition evidence would perhaps correct.

  • I don’t really care if Rossi builds a factory

    See me comment to THH above. I'm tired of replying to obviously impossible conditions. You suggest UL approval. You should know that requires production items to be supplied to UL and then takes years to approve. Seeing that production samples will only be available after production, that is ridiculous.

    The bet is what it is. I have tried to be fair. To me it is now obvious that the skeptics are not as certain as they claim that Rossi has nothing

    • Official Post

    The bet is what it is. I have tried to be fair. To me it is now obvious that the skeptics are not as certain as they claim that Rossi has nothing

    Nice little logic circle you have there AA. Start off with the premise that Rossi skeps are not so certain about him as they claim. Offer unacceptable conditions for betting. No takers, and voila, now you have "proof" your premise was right.

    No doubt you will be reminding us of this until June 2019. :)

  • Adrian, I guess you are familiar with SMART performance management.

    SMART has a fair percentage of BS but is useful to "managers" who know little about the process they are managing. I completed many projects on time and within budget without it.

    It is difficult to decide on the outcome without an adjudicator, but we don't have one. I can't think of anything that was written in the main press or reputable journals about Rossi's 1 MW plant, because it was not obvious that it worked. If the QX doesn't work nothing positive will be written. If it is truly successful there will be, but it may take a while to surface.

  • Nice little logic circle you have there AA. Start off with the premise that Rossi skeps are not so certain about him as they claim. Offer unacceptable conditions for betting. No takers, and voila, now you have "proof" your premise was right.

    I didn't start with the premise skeptics were uncertain that Rossi has nothing. But as they repetitively write that he is a total fraud and has nothing, but are not prepared to wager on it without even putting any money down (except Woodworker has to as he didn't trust my check) it is easy to make that deduction.

  • @AA: Ok, I have done you a grave injustice. I said you were only 10% confident that Rossi has something whereas your exact words were:

    "I think there is better than a one in ten chance he has something. That should tell you where I stand."

    So let me rewrite my post to Shane:

    AA claims to be only something greater than 10% confident that Rossi has something. Imagine how he would be if he was nearly certain.


  • AA claims to be only something greater than 10% confident that Rossi has something. Imagine how he would be if he was nearly certain.

    Even that i snot quite right. First, unlike the skeptics, I am NOT confident. What I said and mean is that I think the chances Rossi has something is greater than 10%. That is obvious or a wouldn't make the bet. The question is whether the skeptics are 100% certain. I don't think they are, no matter what they write (again and again and again.)

  • Nobody on earth would spend endless amounts of time and energy vehemently defending something they think has only slight chance of being true. Like many other Rossi fans throughout the years, you pretend to be “open minded” and just “waiting to see what happens” when it is obvious to everyone who reads your posts that you are utterly convinced that Rossi has the goods and has leapfrogged the efforts of hundreds of researchers who have sought a miracle energy device for decades. Why don’t you just man up and admit it? Frankly, it would improve your reputation here.

  • I didn't start with the premise skeptics were uncertain that Rossi has nothing. But as they repetitively write that he is a total fraud and has nothing, but are not prepared to wager on it without even putting any money down (except Woodworker has to as he didn't trust my check) it is easy to make that deduction.

    You falsely assume failure to bet on something as a sign of uncertainty. You make too many assumptions in general.

  • You falsely assume failure to bet on something as a sign of uncertainty. You make too many assumptions in general.

    Correct. I'm close to 100% certain that Rossi has nothing. I'm also close to 100% certain that he will come up with some BS that *looks* like he has something within your (AA) boundaries. Whether it secret robotic factories a secret customer a fudged "test" or whatever.

  • Nobody on earth would spend endless amounts of time and energy vehemently defending something they think has only slight chance of being true. Like many other Rossi fans throughout the years, you pretend to be “open minded” and just “waiting to see what happens” when it is obvious to everyone who reads your posts that you are utterly convinced that Rossi has the goods and has leapfrogged the efforts of hundreds of researchers who have sought a miracle energy device for decades. Why don’t you just man up and admit it? Frankly, it would improve your reputation here.

    Like some others here you pretend to know what I'm thinking. You don't.

    What I said, several times. is that I didn't KNOW. I think there is a better than 10% chance Rossi has something, but that is hardly defending my position "vehemently."

    What you have written indicates you think Rossi a liar, fraud and has nothing. You seem to be upset that I challenged your real position by offering a simple bet, that would be advantageous if you were right. You won't take it because you have doubt that he might have something. So it is your position of certainty, not mine,that is open to question and you don't like that.

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